Godless Parents Are Doing a Better Job.......

Just trying to make the world better....

I bet you didn't even read that article. There were some big words in it.

I've got Liverpool in 40 minutes, so I have some time to kill.
You're damn right I didn't read it.

Big words are scary, yo.

I don't know why you wouldn't be watching b-ball.
There are a couple of games I wouldn't mind watching, but not over....


I will keep track of them though. I will watch a game later.

Tom Crean has killed basketball for me.

Jeez....that author has some issues. She needs to get laid. Here is a sampling of the titles from her other "work";

"What to do when you wake up with your partner masturbating beside you"
"All the men you meet on your way to that Feminist boyfriend"
"How will you keep your vagina young in 2015"
What is wrong with

Trying to keep the vajay jay young?
Maybe, but the research came from the Pew Research Center.....

Impeaching the person delivering the message doesn't change the numbers and what those numbers convey about general morality.

You sure are on a kick.

Makes sense. Many people leave the church because of experiences with intolerant hypocrites. Only stands to reason the math would end up in their favor.
IT's not intentional, I stumble across this on my .....

Facebook timeline posted by a very religious (but open minded) person. He found the research very interesting.
Me thinks thou dost protest too much

When it comes to your non belief. It comes off that way. Apologies to Shakespere for taking liberties with his Hamlet prose.
Maybe, I don't know what that means.....

if you have issue with the research or conclusions, then fine. I have no problem with that.

However, using Shakespeare quotes does little to address the article.

I like discussion, if I'm wrong then so be it, but Shakespeare quotes don't prove anything.

Read the first paragraph, saw how long it was, and stopped right there. The premise seemed to have validity, but the reason I'm religious is because I hope that there's a reason for all of the suffering that I've personally experienced, and that others have experienced.

EDIT: this seems like a discussion better fit for the WC, and i've never been there, nor am I much into politics.
This post was edited on 2/7 1:15 PM by MtPeter04
Seriously? That's dumb ..

almost as dumb as believing in a vindictive petty giant spaghetti monster that watches people masturbate and checks off "burn in hell" on his list. It takes a complete leap of dumb to believe such nonsense.
I am in Research

as a profession. Social Science research like the studies cited here are subjective. it is the researcher that defines the variables.

However, The fact that the country has become less religious is a known quantifiable fact. Numerous Polls from Harris, Gallup, etc. have confirmed. Also, the fact that you can be a good person or good parent, irrespective of your religious beliefs, is just common sense.

But to make the case that one may be a better parent because one is religious or not religious - is a fools errand. There are so many social factors that affect parenting. They may or may not be - but I don't take the research behind it seriously. And neither should you.
I don't really disagree with anything you said.....

but I have read many times on this board and a lot of other places that raising a kid without god is a mistake.

It's stupidity at its best, but a very strong belief for many.

I agree with you, it doesn't matter, but many disagree.
How absurdly slow is the internet in your 3rd world neck of the woods?

I swear everything like this you post is something I've seen on gawker or posted by someone on facebook a week earlier.

Are you working off dial-up or something?
Trancendentalism appeals to me

Emerson, and others, believed in what he called the Oversoul (Walt Whitman called it the "float"). The divine "spark" within, and connecting, all facets of nature, including humankind, makes up the Oversoul. One's own "spark," and connection, can be discovered not through logical reasoning but only through intuition: the creative insight and interpretation of one's own inner voice. The 19th century Transcendentalists called for an independence from organized religion; they saw no need for any intercession in the relationship between God and the individual man. Divinity is self-contained, internalized in all beings. Transcendentalism gives credence to the unlimited potential of human ability to connect with both the natural and spiritual world. The chief aim is to become fully aware not only of what our senses record, but also to allow our inner voice our intuition to wisely and correctly interpret the sensory input.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
It's an IQ test.

the more intelligent and educated a person is the less likely they believe in a spaghetti monster. The less educated and intelligent they are the more likely. For examples I give you Mooslims, Republicans and the hills of Kentucky.
Did the article actually imply a causal relationship?

You'd be right that the study wouldn't justify such a conclusions. I have an easy explanation for why, on average, religious people are better parents (assuming we define better parents as "non assholes").

Take any two groups which inherently have the same ratio of assholes to decent folks. Group A is much larger than Group B. Now, if decent people leave one group for the other at roughly the same rate in order to avoid the assholes they've known their own lives, more people will leave the larger group than the smaller group, which has two results:

1. Group B gets larger.
2. The ratio of decent folk to assholes gets smaller in Group A and larger in Group B.

In other words, there doesn't need to be anything inherent about the larger group that leads to assholes. It only has to be that the group started as the larger one. If this phenomenon is playing out between religious and secular people, it only makes sense that a higher concentration of assholes would stay in the religious group as the secular group grows (because the decent folks are more mobile). In other words, the cause isn't "religiosity" as much as it is "group size."


This post was edited on 2/7 11:49 AM by TheOriginalHappyGoat
Ever read Robert Sawyer?

He's a Hugo-winning novelist from Canada. He wrote a novel called The Terminal Experiment, which is essentially a mystery novel, but it explores issues of consciousness, the existence and nature of the soul, and the nature of afterlife and our ability to understand it. I won't give away the ending, but I think you'd enjoy it.

I like a lot of that...

people will label me an atheist, but that isn't really accurate. I can't prove or disprove a higher power.

What I am comfortable with is that none of these organized religions are remotely believable.

I don't believe any religion has found the rules or will of god and if you go by their rules you will receive or not go through anything.

You can see the man made aspect of all these 'organized' religions. If he US was settled by a bunch of Muslims, then the same people that are currently spouting the Christian version, would be talking about the Muslim version.

The same holds true for those born in the Middle East (in reverse).

If there is a higher power, then he probably wants people to follow the golden rule, without putting some sort of ritual behind it.
Intelligence and a more powerful role for women

if you get what I mean. Non religious people give more respect and a bigger more important role to women and tend to be smarter and better educated. It only makes sense that they would perform better as parents. It has nothing to do with religion itself, it's just that dumb people are more likely to be religious.

This post was edited on 2/7 2:00 PM by Guy_Fawkes
What a worthless piece of drivel. Tough to take you seriously

If you think that article deserved to be shared. It contained every form of stupidity. Straw man arguments, ad hominem attacks, pick the worst as representative of the masses, speaking in a black/white way about an issue that is clearly not black/white...etc.

Religion baiting for clicks sure is fun isn't it...and easy when sheep like you are available to spread the word.
Posted from Rivals Mobile

This post was edited on 2/7 2:06 PM by tt68
That's good stuff.....

we now have a discussion started. What parts to you find most inaccurate?
That fits.

Dumb people are more likely to be religious because smart people are more likely to question their assumptions and change their minds. And since there are so many more religious people in this country, the number of smart religious people becoming secular is going to far outpace the number of smart secular people who become religious.

Or it could be that the ritual doesn't matter.

Humans are naturally ritualistic, even secular humans (we often call them "superstitions" in a non-religious setting). It's quite possible that our rituals are good, but our tendency to assume that other rituals are "wrong" is the problem.

It's also possible that rituals have nothing to do with the divine, and everything to do with evolution: our ability to ritualize things helps us "remember" to perform certain actions that at one time helped our survival. Religious dietary codes could be descended from such a survival system, for example.

While I agree with much of that.....

However, I think both sides are able to raise children well.
Historically the rituals started with fear of death ..

as did most religions. Just sayin'. the first religions and religious rituals surrounded death.

btw - gonna go a different direction here but semi related. The story of Eve. She ate from the tree of knowledge and caused our suffering and ills.

A similar story from history.

It's believed that the first planting of crops was done by women. The planting of crops changed the dynamic in which we existed. Hunter gatherers lived in small groups who could only own that which they could carry. They could not fight, or risk injury which could be devastating to survival.

With crops they then had permanent settlements and lived in larger groups and could own more than they could carry. They could also sustain injury better. Permanent settlements caused ownership. Ownership caused greed. Greed caused war, strife and suffering. Hence the story of Eve may not be that far off.

Just a thought ..

This post was edited on 2/7 2:31 PM by Guy_Fawkes

my problems comes when people try to tell me that not following these rituals are wrong and/or trying to legislate these rituals.

I assume they are all BS, but have no problems if one wants to follow them. Whether is be going to a place of worship on Friday/Saturday/Sunday or praying 5 times a day.

Where it bothers me is when others think I need to do the same.

Why can't people go to their place of worship and pray to their god and leave it at that?

I assume because for these religions to survive, they need members to find more members. Which in itself is screwed up.
Well of course, but there's an average to consider.

and on average, smarter people would do better than dumber.
Not going to spend real time on this...

but it starts from the title (which you copied for your post) and then the first sentence of the piece. Parents "Are" doing a better job...oh wait, I mean in the fuzzy sociology studies I am going to quote, the "may" be doing a better job.

The stupid "in your face" comment.

And most importantly, making up this argument that Christians claim a parenting superiority because of faith. No where in her article does she cite a reputable Christian teacher or theologian that is making this argument. That is the straw man.

She wrote the article in a way that would encourage atheists to throw it in the face of Christians in hopes that it would drive traffic. You happily did her bidding. I am annoyed I followed your link and gave her a click. I won't make that mistake in the future.

For the record, I know many atheists and non-Christians who I think are good people people and excellent parents. And I know plenty of Christians who I think the opposite about.

Enjoy your soccer match (that was intended to end the discussion from my end - feel free to rebut, just know that I won't be spending more time on this discussion).