Given what I suspect is an ugly avg age maybe the board could use a wellness check thread

Start a business. Put in time. In ten years you might have time too. Others can do the work. What’s the issue? Brad told you how he’s able to post. He owns a business Many here do. Do you have a cell? It takes 2 seconds. Quick hits. If you have adult kids you should have 25 years of work behind you. I’d hope you’d have free time by now
Sold one in 1998. Started another one in 2004 and another in 2007, and another in 2012.

Now what?
You have the mighty Mississip…no comparison
Well that really is a massive failure in urban planning. That entire cobble stoned area could be so neat. Sad. When my law school buds come into town their firms ALWAYS booked the four seasons. Within minutes I’d get texts with pictures looking out the window north and wtf captions.
I know it looks boring but wait til 2 am when the street racing starts
Ugly average age? WTF? Should I stop posting just so the average age gets back to attractiveness?
The aging Cooler crowd represents what is happening throughout the entire nation.

Read in the paper this morning that the fastest growing employment sector is home health care. Health care workers visiting the home of our aging population.

We once pictured the typical American worker as being part of a manufacturing team producing products for the entire world. Instead the top three jobs are in retail, fast food service, and home health care.

The most disparaging part of all this is these jobs don't pay particularly well.

A practical slogan for a U.S. president might be..Make America Younger Again.
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I haven't even looked. 8 home games? Who organized that? That does not sound like IU admin does it? I think Cig will kick ass. He's a winner and came up under Saban. He's gonna find out though with these players he brought in from a lower league...You better have depth in the BIG or else. As long as our offense is cooking I'll be happy. I swear the years under KW, and DeBoer I wasn't stressing a comeback if we were down.

My God the Covid year with Deboer. I cleaned up at the Sportsbook. We are in a sweet position and I think we come out firing against lesser opponents, and even bigger opponents that don't have much film on us. Looking forward to it for sure.
We could surprise some people, for sure. I have a lot of faith in Cig - but I've been an IU fan a long time and I don't want to get my hopes up.

At least I'll get to see us in the Roase Bowl this year. lol
Yes. Changed name from Reynolds Plantation to Reynolds Lake Oconee a few years ago.
'Plantation' is not a real popular name down south anymore, for some reason.....

There was a real plantation just outside Charlotte that was very educational and very respectful of the former slaves - I had done the tour. Then a few years later, the politically correct took over and closed the place. Now no one will be able actually see how they lived (and it wasn't whitewashed).
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'Plantation' is not a real popular name down south anymore, for some reason.....

There was a real plantation just outside Charlotte that was very educational and very respectful of the former slaves - I had done the tough. Then a few years later, the politically correct took over and closed the place. Now no one will be able actually see how they lived (and it wasn't whitewashed).

DANC, here is a link showing the Plantation may be reopening and mentioning why it closed.

Start a business. Put in time. In ten years you might have time too. Others can do the work. What’s the issue? Brad told you how he’s able to post. He owns a business Many here do. Do you have a cell? It takes 2 seconds. Quick hits. If you have adult kids you should have 25 years of work behind you. I’d hope you’d have free time by now
Don't forget how easy it is to swipe right

tinder swipe right GIF
I haven't even looked. 8 home games? Who organized that? That does not sound like IU admin does it? I think Cig will kick ass. He's a winner and came up under Saban. He's gonna find out though with these players he brought in from a lower league...You better have depth in the BIG or else. As long as our offense is cooking I'll be happy. I swear the years under KW, and DeBoer I wasn't stressing a comeback if we were down.

My God the Covid year with Deboer. I cleaned up at the Sportsbook. We are in a sweet position and I think we come out firing against lesser opponents, and even bigger opponents that don't have much film on us. Looking forward to it for sure.
People undersell the non-power 5 players --there are a ton of really good football players. JMU was a really good football program. You can grab 10-12 players from a team like that and they can be real productive players. But you couldn't plug the whole team into a power 5 conference. He's going to get us to 7-8 wins this year IMO. We have strength coach who OVERLY (in a good way), involved in the training. Wellman was not. Huge by in by the players, a very good experienced QB and some depth on offense. Looking forward to a great season.
DANC, here is a link showing the Plantation may be reopening and mentioning why it closed.

Oh yeah, I know all about that. Check the date on that article. Guess what - it's still not re-opened.

The group that got it shut down was woke group that didn't like the facts whites weren't portrayed as demons. Now they're fighting among themselves about it.

I won't hold my breath until it reopens.
Well that really is a massive failure in urban planning. That entire cobble stoned area could be so neat. Sad. When my law school buds come into town their firms ALWAYS booked the four seasons. Within minutes I’d get texts with pictures looking out the window north and wtf captions.
I know it looks boring but wait til 2 am when the street racing starts
LOL You have street racing downtown too? Whenever I'm in the office late (past 7 or 8), I can look out my window and watch motorcycles doing wheelies through intersections, guys on 4-wheelers, etc. Occasionally they'll shut down an intersection and drift, etc. One of these nights I'm going to try to pee on them from our balcony.
LOL You have street racing downtown too? Whenever I'm in the office late (past 7 or 8), I can look out my window and watch motorcycles doing wheelies through intersections, guys on 4-wheelers, etc. Occasionally they'll shut down an intersection and drift, etc. One of these nights I'm going to try to pee on them from our balcony.
Damn yours start early! Ours at least wait a little later

  • Wow
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The drifting, donuts, etc. usually do come later at night. In one instance, they actually blocked off the I-71 tunnel that goes beneath the road next to the Reds stadium. Of course, last week the state of Ohio allowed a film production crew to also shutdown that same tunnel for 15 minutes twice in the middle of the 6-7 PM rush hour. Rumor has it they were filming the new Superman movie. They're also using the old Union Terminal, now the Cincinnati Museum Center, as the Hall of Justice (of the Justice League) in the movie.

  • Wow
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i'm very jealous of you both. i'm totally fckd. my no good pecker got me again. i'll have all teh time in the world but will be stuck here for another 14 years until my minion goes away to college. altho my ex stoker has been texting daily. something seems like it's goin on with that. been texting my daughter too a bunch. not sure what hte deal is. i don't wnat her now of course but maybe they won't stay together. i'm just resigned to being stuck here tho
Move that minion to Nigeria. More pick up soccer games. Work remotely.
  • Haha
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Oh yeah, I know all about that. Check the date on that article. Guess what - it's still not re-opened.

The group that got it shut down was woke group that didn't like the facts whites weren't portrayed as demons. Now they're fighting among themselves about it.

I won't hold my breath until it reopens.

DANC, thanks for the update.

Easy to see how taking the history of one plantation as being symbolic of all the ways slaves were treated as not being able to avoid controversy. I say this without knowing whether this was the case with the plantation in question.

Seems logical to me slaves faced a variety of treatment from the slave owners.

Therefore each plantation has its own history.
Seems logical to me slaves faced a variety of treatment from the slave owners.

Therefore each plantation has its own history.

Different people treat their livestock differently. Some are relatively kind while some are relatively cruel. But they all treat their livestock like livestock.
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Different people treat their livestock differently. Some are relatively kind while some are relatively cruel. But they all treat their livestock like livestock.

Cannot help but believe some slave owners saw the slaves as fellow humans and not just property to be used to make a living.
DANC, thanks for the update.

Easy to see how taking the history of one plantation as being symbolic of all the ways slaves were treated as not being able to avoid controversy. I say this without knowing whether this was the case with the plantation in question.

Seems logical to me slaves faced a variety of treatment from the slave owners.

Therefore each plantation has its own history.
Exactly. I thought it was interesting to see where they actually lived - just log cabins, close by the 'Big House'.

What I found moving was, from the back porch of the main house, where certain slaves could enter, there was an indentation on the floor where they waited for their morning instructions, just outside the kitchen and dining areas. That really got me.

The main house itself was big for the time, but the rooms were small and the children shared bedrooms. Was about the same size as a 2 story 4 BR house today.
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Different people treat their livestock differently. Some are relatively kind while some are relatively cruel. But they all treat their livestock like livestock.
Some, particularly the women, made an effort to teach the children to read. Not all, of course, but it happened and some slaves even kept the books for the plantation.

Despite their status as slaves, many had responsible roles on the plantations - still property, as you point out.
The drifting, donuts, etc. usually do come later at night. In one instance, they actually blocked off the I-71 tunnel that goes beneath the road next to the Reds stadium. Of course, last week the state of Ohio allowed a film production crew to also shutdown that same tunnel for 15 minutes twice in the middle of the 6-7 PM rush hour. Rumor has it they were filming the new Superman movie. They're also using the old Union Terminal, now the Cincinnati Museum Center, as the Hall of Justice (of the Justice League) in the movie.

I saw the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit at the Union Station several years ago. Very cool building.
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The drifting, donuts, etc. usually do come later at night. In one instance, they actually blocked off the I-71 tunnel that goes beneath the road next to the Reds stadium. Of course, last week the state of Ohio allowed a film production crew to also shutdown that same tunnel for 15 minutes twice in the middle of the 6-7 PM rush hour. Rumor has it they were filming the new Superman movie. They're also using the old Union Terminal, now the Cincinnati Museum Center, as the Hall of Justice (of the Justice League) in the movie.

Wow that looks just like the hall of Justice!!!
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@larsIU my buddy just called me. Said he was driving back from Carmel Indiana. I said what!! Was there for softball. He said he was driving through one part that looked like a campus but was apartments and shit.

I told him one day I’ll get there. You can bank on that
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