Gabbard a Terrorist

Go Tulsi Go. Expose these frauds. The one Democrat that I thought might of been different was Obama but apparently he is the worst one of them all. He is probably at the top of the list of reasons there is such a big divide in this country.

Oh the irony. He has had it with unregistered voters. F off dude. Your current presidential candidate didn't even receive a primary vote. Maybe if your party could run a fair primary, people would come out and vote. Tell us what you really mean that your fed up with the people not listening to your propaganda BS about Democracy is at risk. BTW Mr Ex-President Dumbass. Go Tulsi Go!!!!!! I respect the hell out of Tulsi Gabbard in the world where you think women get no respect.

Yea, his "trigger" has always went off much quicker than mine. :)

Shooting Old West GIF by Robert E Blackmon
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I believe you're a fraud, so I doubt that what I'm going to share with you change your opinion, but do advise.

The report that TG was placed on the TSA's "Open Skies" program came from UncoverDC. Their source is Sonya Hightower LaBosco, who has publicly gone on record confirming the truth of the allegations. Ms. LaBosco is the Executive Director of AMNC, which is a national advocacy group for Federal Air Marshals (FAMs).. She states that according to several of her members FAMs were first assigned to the Gabbard 'detail' on July 23rd, with their first flight being July 25th. Both Gabbard and her husband are on the list. As per TSA practice, neither were told that they had made the list. The original story by UndercoverDC included a photo of TG that came from the "Target Package" used by the FAMs to surveil Gabbard.

Quiet Skies focuses on suspected domestic terrorists. UndercoverDC had previously broken stories about other Quiet Skies targets. including an infant son of an individual who had attended the J6 protests, and 2 other individuals who had attended the protests or had been in DC on that date. None were ever charged with any crime. LaBosco and AMNC President David Londo have testified concerning their concerns that TSA has been violating the rights of conservatives in a "big domestic surveillance grab".

TG has stated that she and her husband found that their boarding passes were marked with "SSSS" which stands for "Quad S", the mark of the beast for TSA. She did not know why until the story came to public light, but she knew she had just lately been experiencing extensive and intrusive searches, including searched by dogs. She did not know that there were FAMs on her flight assigned to her and her husband. She said that on another flight she was unable to get through security with military ID, as she had done in the past. She inquired, and a TSA agent commented on the SSSS marker. She said the agent asked "Why are you Quad S? You're in the military" to which she replied "That's exactly what I'm wondering". It is important to note that LaBosco did not speak to Gabbard prior to the UncoverDC story being published.

On August 11th, 3 Hawaiian house representatives sent a letter accusing the TSA of including TG on the Quiet Skies watchlist, and accusing TSA of harassment of TG and her husband on multiple flights. They asked that she be withdrawn from the list immediately and that full public transparency be provided. As far as I can tell, there has been no reply.

On August 8th Congressman Tim Burchett wrote the TSA administrator requesting a meeting to discuss the report. There has been no meeting.

Congressman James Comer, Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, also sent a letter to the TSA. Comer asked that certain specific materials be delivered to the Committee, a briefing with the Committee no later than August 30th, and receipt of the documents and communications requested by September 6th. As far as I'm aware, none of that has occurred. Congressman Jim Jordan, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, has made similar demands and requests. On 8/22, Rand Paul, ranking member of the Senate Homeland Security and Govt Affairs Committee inquired about the Gabbard case and other reports of TSA abuse of the Open Skies program. He requested that relevant listed documents be delivered to the Committee by Sept. 4th. There is no indication of compliance with the request.

There has been NO denial of the allegations by the TSA. I have not seen one media report denying the allegations, although there may have been 100+ reporting them.

Admiral, are you ok with this state of affairs? How do you square it with your highly developed sense of honor?
rear Admiral Gilligan's alleged sense of honor has principles...

Like all reach-around republicrats, he has those principles...if you don't like them, he has other principles.
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rear Admiral Gilligan's alleged sense of honor has principles...

Like all reach-around republicrats, he has those principles...if you don't like them, he has other principles.
You've become quite the little ankle biter. You must be proud. I'm still waiting for the link to the site he copied all that from. I'm wondering if it's a Russian propaganda site like the ones you visit. You didn't answer the question about whether you got paid for sharing Russian propaganda or if they just consider you a useful idiot who will do it without pay. Which is it?