But there is a reason SBF engaged in the wokewashing he did. Because it’s effective and it sways legislators. He was essentially trying to write the rules to his own oversight by wooing Democratic politicians.
Two things:

1. Do you need a fainting couch since you've heard the news that folks engaged in the procurement of funds might glad hand, back slap, cajole, and nod along as whoever with the money or power was speaking?

2. I'm pretty sure it wasn't just liberals who gave this guy money and influence.
Two things:

1. Do you need a fainting couch since you've heard the news that folks engaged in the procurement of funds might glad hand, back slap, cajole, and nod along as whoever with the money or power was speaking?

2. I'm pretty sure it wasn't just liberals who gave this guy money and influence.
It’s been reported that 8 members of Congress tried to stop the SEC’s inquiry into FTX. The report says five of the eight received campaign donations from FTX employees.

Every one of those Congress members should get exposed.
It’s been reported that 8 members of Congress tried to stop the SEC’s inquiry into FTX. The report says five of the eight received campaign donations from FTX employees.

Every one of those Congress members should get exposed.
Buschon (In-8) and Pence (In-6) received campaign funding from FTX.

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“So far, Sam Bankman-Fried has been getting gentler treatment from the press than Musk…at a recent New York Times conference, SBF got a warm round of applause. It probably doesn’t hurt that he dropped $40 million supporting Democrats…”
What a joke.

I'll make it simple IQ..

Biden/Obama ship $Billions of taxpayer funds to Zsky.

Zsky peels off a fat slice and buys FTX Tokens, 'FTT',

FTX, through it's sister company loots the customer accounts including the US Taxpayer funds.

FTX, in the person of Samuel Bankman-Freid,
Is the second largest contributor, following Soros to Democrats..

Easy Peasy..

Your pocket to Democrat pols;

Democrat pols pay Zsky;(UKR)

Zsky 'invests' in FTX.

FTX (sbf) pays Democrats..


SBF is a dead man walking right now.
Why don't you take all this bs to a grand jury and indict these criminals instead of just talking about it. You and Rudy have a great deal in common "lots of theories, we just don't have any evidence".
Why don't you take all this bs to a grand jury and indict these criminals instead of just talking about it. You and Rudy have a great deal in common "lots of theories, we just don't have any evidence".
Uh oh...

SBF, apparently your butt boy, fighting extradition
from the Bahamas on multiple fraud, theft and other charges..
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My god. He's toast. These people are amazing.

I mean really. Come on.

FTX fraud is old news.... next house of cards to collapse may well be Binance.

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FTX fraud is old news.... next house of cards to collapse may well be Binance.

F*cking nerds man
And some wonder why we still need regulators. My god.
I’m torn on this.

The regulators did nothing and knew nothing about it. The SEC has never uncovered a fraud prior to it crashing, that I know of, and I litigate these issues in the private context (‘33 and ‘34 Act claims). Meanwhile, lots of people (retail) assume if it’s being done on a grand scale, it MUST be legal/above-board.

I’d love to have a powerful/wise/proactive SEC. I’m not sure it can ever happen. We might be better off with more caveat emptor/paranoid default assumptions among our populace.
I’d love to have a powerful/wise/proactive SEC. I’m not sure it can ever happen

Why not? Funding concerns (like, would Congress fund it appropriately), mission concerns (like, would Congress allow it to do its job), endless litigation concerns?
Why not? Funding concerns (like, would Congress fund it appropriately), mission concerns (like, would Congress allow it to do its job), endless litigation concerns?
I don't think the govt can compete with the financial sector in hiring super bright people to feret this stuff out, with the necessarily level of zeal. The money motivating factor for SBF, Madoff, etc. can never be matched unless you provide % bounties on the discovery (like private attys) for the govt attys. I don't see our govt ever doing that.
It’s been reported that 8 members of Congress tried to stop the SEC’s inquiry into FTX. The report says five of the eight received campaign donations from FTX employees.

Every one of those Congress members should get exposed.
Go for it. If you don't know the names, there are only 435 in the House and 100 in the Senate.

They all file campaign finance reports, so you should be able to find it.
I don't think the govt can compete with the financial sector in hiring super bright people to feret this stuff out, with the necessarily level of zeal. The money motivating factor for SBF, Madoff, etc. can never be matched unless you provide % bounties on the discovery (like private attys) for the govt attys. I don't see our govt ever doing that.
It seems almost impossible to keep up with it. A major part of the issue this time was the insane amounts of liquidity that was pumped into the system. I mean everything became a Ponzi scheme (I kid).

Moving forward it needs more regulation and America should want to be a leader, in my opinion. I’m obviously an advocate of Bitcoin, but it is a pain in the a#% to learn about, buy it, and store it. It’s one of the of the few times, I’m begging for regulation and government help.

Hopefully, enough important people lost enough money to make it happened.
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I don't think the govt can compete with the financial sector in hiring super bright people to feret this stuff out, with the necessarily level of zeal. The money motivating factor for SBF, Madoff, etc. can never be matched unless you provide % bounties on the discovery (like private attys) for the govt attys. I don't see our govt ever doing that.
The return of privateers. Now, as lawyers.

Do it.

And fair enough. Maybe the FBI/SEC/Whoever should get to keep any found or reimbursed funds. I like it. Gov should outsource the litigation. Leave investigation/enforcement under fed control.

The gov hires asphalt companies, why can't they hire attorneys.
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I’d love to have a powerful/wise/proactive SEC. I’m not sure it can ever happen. We might be better off with more caveat emptor/paranoid default assumptions among our populace.

Perhaps people shouldn't get involved with get rich quick schemes.

It's hard not to feel badly for the widows and orphans who get taken, but the widows and orphans themselves are the ones who got greedy.
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The return of privateers. Now, as lawyers.

Do it.

And fair enough. Maybe the FBI/SEC/Whoever should get to keep any found or reimbursed funds. I like it. Gov should outsource the litigation. Leave investigation/enforcement under fed control.

The gov hires asphalt companies, why can't they hire attorneys.
That's actually what the '33 and '34 Act effectively do. The successful class-action securities bar is extremely wealthy (and they then funnel a lot of that money back to Dem and some Repub politicians).
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Maybe the FBI/SEC/Whoever should get to keep any found or reimbursed funds.


That works differently, though. Here, the proposal would include a guilty verdict or plea. And, the govt would get the same cut that private attys now get.

I get your underlying, more fundamental point, though: the govt has so much power, incentivizing its workers with financial gain would push them to abuse that power.