Trump is a polarizing figure, for sure. Everyone is entitled to support whoever they want...but Trump's personality, and his past words and actions, sure do trigger a lot of people. This is not a normal party line affiliation thing...he's said and done quite a lot of uniquely horrible things in his life and career. I think the reactions he generates do more to galvanize his followers beliefs than anything he's done himself...certainly more so than anything POSITIVE he's done himself.
Maybe your wife had already had these convos with this ex friend of hers...but I wonder if they were genuinely friends, why either of them would let a fat ass, ego maniac, dumb, dick head like Trump get in the way of their friendship? Its very strange to me...and to take if further...why anyone would let an old, senile, dementia laden, career politician, dick head like Biden get in the way of their friendship...also strange to me.