Forwards from Grandpa...


All-Big Ten
Nov 19, 2015
Actually, this is an email/op-ed written by a Colorado Congressman. A real glimpse into a future without Orange Don. You might want to sit down for this one.

Congressman Lamborn Sounds the Alarm Over the Far-Left’s Radical Policies

Washington, D.C.- This week, Congressman Doug Lamborn penned an op-ed featured in the Washington Examiner, warning about the dangerous policies of the Democratic Party.

What Joe Biden’s America would look like in 2021
By Rep. Doug Lamborn

It is now November 2021, one year after Joe Biden was elected president after a razor-thin election. We have been given a glimpse into the future to see Biden’s America.

Summer 2021 was another scorcher. The rolling brownouts California suffered in 2020 spread throughout the West. Record demand for air conditioning combined with the ongoing closures of coal, nuclear, and even gas-powered electric plants have left millions powerless in these heat waves.

Energy Secretary Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, with the support of President Biden, has permanently extended the airlines’ drastic curtailments of flights, first seen during the late pandemic, in keeping with the Green New Deal they both support. Taxes on gasoline and diesel fuel have shot up to European levels “to discourage internal combustion engine use and to promote jobs in the alternative transportation industry, especially the manufacture of bicycles."

The Ferguson effect, where law enforcement pulls back in the wake of hostility, lawsuits, and violent crime increases, and seen in 2020 in certain cities such as Seattle, Portland, Chicago, and Minneapolis, has extended to hundreds of major cities. Attorney General Lori Lightfoot, former mayor of Chicago, has called for a blue-ribbon commission on how to best spend the mandatory 30% diversion of police funds to social service agencies that the Democratic U.S. House and Senate mandated.

Although Biden said during the 2020 campaign that he did not support defunding the police, he never denounced violence and rioting in the aftermath of the George Floyd protests. This was seen as a green light by progressives in Congress to divert money from law enforcement nationally, or else state and local governments would lose federal funding.

Because Biden has been making fewer and fewer public appearances, his ability to impose his will on Congress has diminished. Rumors have circulated, but his advisers remain tight-lipped about his medical and mental condition.

The economy has never recovered from what was hoped to be a temporary pullback during the pandemic. Even liberal experts agree with conservatives that the reversal of President Trump’s tax cuts by the new Congress did serious damage to economic investment and job growth. The difference between the two camps, though, is that liberal economists see a benefit to the lower standards of living. According to Treasury Secretary Elizabeth Warren, “When everyone’s income goes down, as long as the income of those who are wealthier go down more, the result is more equality."

Identity politics has expanded. Vice President Kamala Harris, who was chosen by Biden because she checked three boxes as a progressive woman of color, was designated by him as the czar in charge of “remedying historical grievances.” The 1619 Project, claiming that America was founded to promote slavery and first pushed by the New York Times, has been adopted as mandatory reading by the majority of public school districts in the country. This was after a guidance letter went out from her office to school districts nationwide, telling them to incorporate the 1619 Project or face liability exposure on civil rights grounds. The fact that the 1619 Project is opposed by liberal and conservative historians alike, and also ignores the abolition movement, are not considered significant by the Biden administration.

In foreign affairs, Biden has attempted to resurrect the Obama-era agreement with Iran to keep it from developing nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles. Reversing all the Trump sanctions as a unilateral peace gesture to the regime did not work — Iran has ramped up its 20,000 uranium enrichment centrifuges, which mostly had been in storage prior to the election.

National security adviser Adam Schiff has stated publicly that “Iran must curtail its nuclear efforts or face the consequences.” But when pressed, he could not say what those consequences would be. He said he hoped that discussions with the European Union, Russia, and China about how to deal with the Iranian crisis would find common ground for the first time.

The new Democratic Congress has cut funding to the Department of Defense under pressure from the newly empowered progressive wing of the Democratic Party. The Joint Chiefs of Staff have been reacting to the painful cuts by triaging their defense priorities. Adversaries have shown signs of challenging U.S. interests abroad to exploit new weaknesses in American forces.

The one bright spot in Biden’s America over the last 12 months has been in healthcare. When the Trump administration’s Operation Warp Speed led to a vaccine in record time, Americans, for the most part, decided they were tired of seclusion and took the vaccine. Even Democratic governors lifted coronavirus restrictions, employees went back to work, schools and universities reopened for the spring semester, sports teams played in front of fans, and the atmosphere of fear went away. Defeating the pandemic is now acknowledged by pundits on both ends of the spectrum as Trump’s finest hour. The vaccine came out two weeks after the November election.

Rep. Doug Lamborn, a Republican, represents Colorado’s 5th Congressional District.
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Actually, this is an email/op-ed written by a Colorado Congressman. A real glimpse into a future without Orange Don. You might want to sit down for this one.

Congressman Lamborn Sounds the Alarm Over the Far-Left’s Radical Policies

Washington, D.C.- This week, Congressman Doug Lamborn penned an op-ed featured in the Washington Examiner, warning about the dangerous policies of the Democratic Party.

What Joe Biden’s America would look like in 2021
By Rep. Doug Lamborn

It is now November 2021, one year after Joe Biden was elected president after a razor-thin election. We have been given a glimpse into the future to see Biden’s America.

Summer 2021 was another scorcher. The rolling brownouts California suffered in 2020 spread throughout the West. Record demand for air conditioning combined with the ongoing closures of coal, nuclear, and even gas-powered electric plants have left millions powerless in these heat waves.

Energy Secretary Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, with the support of President Biden, has permanently extended the airlines’ drastic curtailments of flights, first seen during the late pandemic, in keeping with the Green New Deal they both support. Taxes on gasoline and diesel fuel have shot up to European levels “to discourage internal combustion engine use and to promote jobs in the alternative transportation industry, especially the manufacture of bicycles."

The Ferguson effect, where law enforcement pulls back in the wake of hostility, lawsuits, and violent crime increases, and seen in 2020 in certain cities such as Seattle, Portland, Chicago, and Minneapolis, has extended to hundreds of major cities. Attorney General Lori Lightfoot, former mayor of Chicago, has called for a blue-ribbon commission on how to best spend the mandatory 30% diversion of police funds to social service agencies that the Democratic U.S. House and Senate mandated.

Although Biden said during the 2020 campaign that he did not support defunding the police, he never denounced violence and rioting in the aftermath of the George Floyd protests. This was seen as a green light by progressives in Congress to divert money from law enforcement nationally, or else state and local governments would lose federal funding.

Because Biden has been making fewer and fewer public appearances, his ability to impose his will on Congress has diminished. Rumors have circulated, but his advisers remain tight-lipped about his medical and mental condition.

The economy has never recovered from what was hoped to be a temporary pullback during the pandemic. Even liberal experts agree with conservatives that the reversal of President Trump’s tax cuts by the new Congress did serious damage to economic investment and job growth. The difference between the two camps, though, is that liberal economists see a benefit to the lower standards of living. According to Treasury Secretary Elizabeth Warren, “When everyone’s income goes down, as long as the income of those who are wealthier go down more, the result is more equality."

Identity politics has expanded. Vice President Kamala Harris, who was chosen by Biden because she checked three boxes as a progressive woman of color, was designated by him as the czar in charge of “remedying historical grievances.” The 1619 Project, claiming that America was founded to promote slavery and first pushed by the New York Times, has been adopted as mandatory reading by the majority of public school districts in the country. This was after a guidance letter went out from her office to school districts nationwide, telling them to incorporate the 1619 Project or face liability exposure on civil rights grounds. The fact that the 1619 Project is opposed by liberal and conservative historians alike, and also ignores the abolition movement, are not considered significant by the Biden administration.

In foreign affairs, Biden has attempted to resurrect the Obama-era agreement with Iran to keep it from developing nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles. Reversing all the Trump sanctions as a unilateral peace gesture to the regime did not work — Iran has ramped up its 20,000 uranium enrichment centrifuges, which mostly had been in storage prior to the election.

National security adviser Adam Schiff has stated publicly that “Iran must curtail its nuclear efforts or face the consequences.” But when pressed, he could not say what those consequences would be. He said he hoped that discussions with the European Union, Russia, and China about how to deal with the Iranian crisis would find common ground for the first time.

The new Democratic Congress has cut funding to the Department of Defense under pressure from the newly empowered progressive wing of the Democratic Party. The Joint Chiefs of Staff have been reacting to the painful cuts by triaging their defense priorities. Adversaries have shown signs of challenging U.S. interests abroad to exploit new weaknesses in American forces.

The one bright spot in Biden’s America over the last 12 months has been in healthcare. When the Trump administration’s Operation Warp Speed led to a vaccine in record time, Americans, for the most part, decided they were tired of seclusion and took the vaccine. Even Democratic governors lifted coronavirus restrictions, employees went back to work, schools and universities reopened for the spring semester, sports teams played in front of fans, and the atmosphere of fear went away. Defeating the pandemic is now acknowledged by pundits on both ends of the spectrum as Trump’s finest hour. The vaccine came out two weeks after the November election.

Rep. Doug Lamborn, a Republican, represents Colorado’s 5th Congressional District.

No need for him to have written all that.

All he needed to do was tell us to look at Venezuela as it is today and add nightly anarchist rioting to the mix... That along with the Communist Chinese eating our lunch on every front imaginable and you have the easily predictable outcome of a Biden presidency...

//That's not even addressing the minor concern another war in the Mideast when the Israelis are forced to deal with an imminent Iranian nuclear threat...//
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No need for him to have written all that.

All he needed to do was tell us to look at Venezuela as it is today and add nightly anarchist rioting to the mix... That along with the Communist Chinese eating our lunch on every front imaginable and you have the easily predictable outcome of a Biden presidency...

//That's not even addressing the minor concern another war in the Mideast when the Israelis are forced to deal with an imminent Iranian nuclear threat...//
I guess Biden Derangement Syndrome has finally become a thing.
No need for him to have written all that.

All he needed to do was tell us to look at Venezuela as it is today and add nightly anarchist rioting to the mix... That along with the Communist Chinese eating our lunch on every front imaginable and you have the easily predictable outcome of a Biden presidency...

//That's not even addressing the minor concern another war in the Mideast when the Israelis are forced to deal with an imminent Iranian nuclear threat...//

So everything that’s going on, right this second, in Trump’s America? That sounds horrible. Hopefully everything that’s going on right now doesn’t start if Biden gets elected.
There is no hope. No aspiration. No ideas. Nothing about how Republicans will help Americans. It’s fear porn and grievance. All. The. Time. Here’s the problem, things can’t get any worse than than they are right now during the Trump presidency. This is the nadir. It’s a party of the stupid for the stupid. No one else buys this shit.
No need for him to have written all that.

All he needed to do was tell us to look at Venezuela as it is today and add nightly anarchist rioting to the mix... That along with the Communist Chinese eating our lunch on every front imaginable and you have the easily predictable outcome of a Biden presidency...

//That's not even addressing the minor concern another war in the Mideast when the Israelis are forced to deal with an imminent Iranian nuclear threat...//
I sure wish President Biden would finally get around to dealing with all this mess. How long has he been in office now?
That along with the Communist Chinese eating our lunch on every front imaginable and you have the easily predictable outcome of a Biden presidency...

we have that now.

Biden didn't bring that, free market capitalism did. (ok, Biden did help all he could, as did most of DC).

free market capitalism at work. (kind of ironic on it's face, unless you know what free market capitalism actually is, which few do).

that said, if you give someone your lunch you paid for, hard to blame them for eating it.

that said, the RNC and the DNC both love free market capitalism, as do both Don and Joe, so looks like China's gonna eat well for lunch in the foreseeable future either way.

all that talk last spring about bringing our supply chains back on shore so we won't be at China's mercy lasted what, maybe two days.
Biden Derangement Syndrome Mania

better acronym
I told you guys for virtually all of 2019 and the first half of 2020. Nominating Biden because he's not a socialist would only result in him being tagged as a socialist.

Think about all the people on this forum or that you know outside this forum who claimed they would consider voting for the Dem as long as they didn't nominate one of the crazies. Now look at how many of those people are desperately searching for reasons to believe Biden is a crazy.

Tribalism run amok.
There is no hope. No aspiration. No ideas. Nothing about how Republicans will help Americans. It’s fear porn and grievance. All. The. Time. Here’s the problem, things can’t get any worse than than they are right now during the Trump presidency. This is the nadir. It’s a party of the stupid for the stupid. No one else buys this shit.

Trumpicans can't even be bothered to put a platform together and we're supposed to have trust that they can dig us out of the mess during their majority.


It's fun to make up obnoxious hypotheticals.

How about a year from now after Trump's reelection there is no democratic party because they've all been arrested and placed into concentration camps.

The pledge of allegiance has been changed to one nation under Trump and God that is said every morning before school.

Almost 1 million have died now of covid, 40,000 from the rushed through vaccine that gave Trump the election but caused cancerous tumors to develop in children that was missed as they weren't part of the testing group.

Lastly, as the democratic party was dissolved there is just one party now, Trumpicans. Americans now finish every conversation with 'Long live Trump' and every home is expected to hang a picture of Trump.
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I trust this was written tongue in cheek but let us not be delusional. Getting rid of Trump does not mean we are ushering in logic and reason. We are eliminating "bad" for what we assume will be less "bad".
I told you guys for virtually all of 2019 and the first half of 2020. Nominating Biden because he's not a socialist would only result in him being tagged as a socialist.

Think about all the people on this forum or that you know outside this forum who claimed they would consider voting for the Dem as long as they didn't nominate one of the crazies. Now look at how many of those people are desperately searching for reasons to believe Biden is a crazy.

Tribalism run amok.

It’s almost like some of us knew this would happen no matter who the nominee was.
Lamborn is missing his calling. He should be writing satire for The Onion.

My favorite is Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot being appointed Attorney General by Biden if elected.
Think about all the people on this forum or that you know outside this forum who claimed they would consider voting for the Dem as long as they didn't nominate one of the crazies. Now look at how many of those people are desperately searching for reasons to believe Biden is a crazy.
Operative word being "claimed". There's a difference between Aloha & Ranger and COH.
Operative word being "claimed". There's a difference between Aloha & Ranger and COH.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that Aloha wasn't voting for Bernie or Liz. That said, we all knew this was coming. Now it's time to respond. And the simple response is that Donald Trump was responsible for the single greatest lapse of Presidential leadership in American history and will likewise shrink from the next life or death challenge the Presidency faces in the next term - then pivot to your positive plan for the future.
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I trust this was written tongue in cheek but let us not be delusional. Getting rid of Trump does not mean we are ushering in logic and reason. We are eliminating "bad" for what we assume will be less "bad".

Not tongue in cheek. He’s a Trump sycophant who’s playing to his base and in line with the Repub weekly memos.
Actually, this is an email/op-ed written by a Colorado Congressman. A real glimpse into a future without Orange Don. You might want to sit down for this one.

Congressman Lamborn Sounds the Alarm Over the Far-Left’s Radical Policies

Washington, D.C.- This week, Congressman Doug Lamborn penned an op-ed featured in the Washington Examiner, warning about the dangerous policies of the Democratic Party.

What Joe Biden’s America would look like in 2021
By Rep. Doug Lamborn

It is now November 2021, one year after Joe Biden was elected president after a razor-thin election. We have been given a glimpse into the future to see Biden’s America.

Summer 2021 was another scorcher. The rolling brownouts California suffered in 2020 spread throughout the West. Record demand for air conditioning combined with the ongoing closures of coal, nuclear, and even gas-powered electric plants have left millions powerless in these heat waves.

Energy Secretary Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, with the support of President Biden, has permanently extended the airlines’ drastic curtailments of flights, first seen during the late pandemic, in keeping with the Green New Deal they both support. Taxes on gasoline and diesel fuel have shot up to European levels “to discourage internal combustion engine use and to promote jobs in the alternative transportation industry, especially the manufacture of bicycles."

The Ferguson effect, where law enforcement pulls back in the wake of hostility, lawsuits, and violent crime increases, and seen in 2020 in certain cities such as Seattle, Portland, Chicago, and Minneapolis, has extended to hundreds of major cities. Attorney General Lori Lightfoot, former mayor of Chicago, has called for a blue-ribbon commission on how to best spend the mandatory 30% diversion of police funds to social service agencies that the Democratic U.S. House and Senate mandated.

Although Biden said during the 2020 campaign that he did not support defunding the police, he never denounced violence and rioting in the aftermath of the George Floyd protests. This was seen as a green light by progressives in Congress to divert money from law enforcement nationally, or else state and local governments would lose federal funding.

Because Biden has been making fewer and fewer public appearances, his ability to impose his will on Congress has diminished. Rumors have circulated, but his advisers remain tight-lipped about his medical and mental condition.

The economy has never recovered from what was hoped to be a temporary pullback during the pandemic. Even liberal experts agree with conservatives that the reversal of President Trump’s tax cuts by the new Congress did serious damage to economic investment and job growth. The difference between the two camps, though, is that liberal economists see a benefit to the lower standards of living. According to Treasury Secretary Elizabeth Warren, “When everyone’s income goes down, as long as the income of those who are wealthier go down more, the result is more equality."

Identity politics has expanded. Vice President Kamala Harris, who was chosen by Biden because she checked three boxes as a progressive woman of color, was designated by him as the czar in charge of “remedying historical grievances.” The 1619 Project, claiming that America was founded to promote slavery and first pushed by the New York Times, has been adopted as mandatory reading by the majority of public school districts in the country. This was after a guidance letter went out from her office to school districts nationwide, telling them to incorporate the 1619 Project or face liability exposure on civil rights grounds. The fact that the 1619 Project is opposed by liberal and conservative historians alike, and also ignores the abolition movement, are not considered significant by the Biden administration.

In foreign affairs, Biden has attempted to resurrect the Obama-era agreement with Iran to keep it from developing nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles. Reversing all the Trump sanctions as a unilateral peace gesture to the regime did not work — Iran has ramped up its 20,000 uranium enrichment centrifuges, which mostly had been in storage prior to the election.

National security adviser Adam Schiff has stated publicly that “Iran must curtail its nuclear efforts or face the consequences.” But when pressed, he could not say what those consequences would be. He said he hoped that discussions with the European Union, Russia, and China about how to deal with the Iranian crisis would find common ground for the first time.

The new Democratic Congress has cut funding to the Department of Defense under pressure from the newly empowered progressive wing of the Democratic Party. The Joint Chiefs of Staff have been reacting to the painful cuts by triaging their defense priorities. Adversaries have shown signs of challenging U.S. interests abroad to exploit new weaknesses in American forces.

The one bright spot in Biden’s America over the last 12 months has been in healthcare. When the Trump administration’s Operation Warp Speed led to a vaccine in record time, Americans, for the most part, decided they were tired of seclusion and took the vaccine. Even Democratic governors lifted coronavirus restrictions, employees went back to work, schools and universities reopened for the spring semester, sports teams played in front of fans, and the atmosphere of fear went away. Defeating the pandemic is now acknowledged by pundits on both ends of the spectrum as Trump’s finest hour. The vaccine came out two weeks after the November election.

Rep. Doug Lamborn, a Republican, represents Colorado’s 5th Congressional District.
I stopped reading once I saw his prediction of AOC as Energy Secretary. Bad fiction without an ounce of reality or believability.
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TRUMP 2020!!!!!!! One of the finest presidents ever!!!
so what is it he's done that you like, and think has been in the best interests of the majority of the citizenry?
He has made America Great Again!;)
He has also made the whole world healthy by making them laughing at us. As they say, laughing is the medicine.

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