Forget ISIS. There is a Fifth Column in this country.


Hall of Famer
Oct 25, 2006
Slow and insidious they are spreading. Soon Sharia rises on American shores. Their numbers are small and growing. Now, that's not to say that all Sunni Muslims in this country are bad people or support Sharia, but I would guess at least 10% and likely many more do support them in thought if not material. These folks also happen to be the most "activist". Still 10% is a huge number. This is the same phenomena we face with global Islamic terrorism. Small %, huge population and growing. 10% of 3 billion is 300 million.

Let's stop and pause and think about the microscopic lens on Israel. There is no Africa or Saudi regime or North Korea. Only Israel. Divest from Israel while gladly taking $ from the sons of dictators to attend your unis. Anti-Israel views or Pro-Palestinian views are mostly trumpeted by Anti-Semites unfortunately. I happen to agree with some of their substance, but they lack credibility. The only way to fix Israel is internally.

*Edit with additional info
This Jew hating Pro-Sharia proponent is actually a sitting student Senator! Scary!
She claimed it was "satire". The star of their campaign.

I found a refutation here.

This post was edited on 2/5 12:32 PM by toastedbread

Cal Davis
Another point re: Headscarf...

This is actually a tool of subjugation. It is not even specific to Islam. The headscarf predates Islam. Other religious fanatics also wear scarfs.

For anyone that has been around Persians... they do not wear scarfs outside of Persia. It is simply a tool used by perverse, power seeking men. Worn by the brainwashed.

I already know you have some next-level racism going on when it comes to non-Jewish brown people generally, and Arabs especially, but I don't think I can accurately criticize your post unless you translate it into English, first. Thanks.
Ummmm.....not exactly, but you're half right......

The Hijab (or headscarf) is not required or mandated by Islam. It is recommended that women dress modestly.

In some parts of the world are women forced to wear it....yes, and required to wear burquas as well. However, you go too far to say it is only worn by those forced or brainwashed. I know too many strong, intelligent, independent women who have chosen to wear the hijab on their own. Some whose mothers or other female relatives don't wear it. They have their own reasons for wearing, and those reasons vary.
Read the links...

It's self explanatory. What are "brown people"? There is no issue with "brown people" except in your head. I have an issue with people who move here and do not make an attempt to learn the English language. My issue with sunni arabs is restricted to a small percentage of them who are radicals. I don't have an issue with Sunni Arabs at large.

Another point... Jewish fanatics, Anti-governement christians... yes there are many... they generally keep to themselves in places like upstate New York and Idaho and let others live. I don't like fanatics of any form. Especially the type who infringe upon others rights.

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