Follow the $cience...

Do they have similar incentives for MMR and other vaccines?
Look at the stock history of Pfizer and Moderna from ‘20 to ‘22. Pfizer made a record 100 billion in ‘22, over 50% of that from the vaccine and antiviral pill Paxlovid.

Everything was “brought to you by Pfizer”, including the doctors and hospitals.

Doctors have been under big pharma’s thumb for decades, just wondering why this subject would be such a surprise to the lefties? Follow the money boys and girls, it’s not that difficult.

And, they’re still ‘source killing’, which I find quite funny. Still trying to stop the NY Post from getting that Hunter Biden laptop story out 😂
Look at the stock history of Pfizer and Moderna from ‘20 to ‘22. Pfizer made a record 100 billion in ‘22, over 50% of that from the vaccine and antiviral pill Paxlovid.

Everything was “brought to you by Pfizer”, including the doctors and hospitals.

Doctors have been under big pharma’s thumb for decades, just wondering why this subject would be such a surprise to the lefties? Follow the money boys and girls, it’s not that difficult.

And, they’re still ‘source killing’, which I find quite funny. Still trying to stop the NY Post from getting that Hunter Biden laptop story out 😂
But the article linked said it was insurance companies paying doctors, not Big Pharma. The insurance companies pay for the vaccine, right?
This is when you’re removed from reality and in a bubble. They should have known that a man sporting that jersey doesn’t suffer fools and just kept on going to the next door. That jersey evidences a head full of strong opinions
Well I'm not a soccer guy, but to watch dude school the hell out of those two makes me smile. They ran into a Tornado. Then as they walk away "your inciting fear its all about fear". They run!
Which is why they went whole hog on dismissing Ivermectin. Some studies showed Ivermectin helped. Some showed it didn't. That's immaterial.

What is indisputable is that Ivermectin is extremely safe and that some doctors were prescribing it during the pandemic. So when then FDA pumps out "You are not a horse" bullshit, that is parroted by every major news outlet.

Yes, that likely because Ivermectin is a generic and there is no money in it.
After avoiding COVID for two years, I got it taking care of my wife who had the vaccine and booster through work. By taking care of her I finally had COVID [not as bad as flu I have had] and saw my doctor who gave me Ivermectin to fight it and I was over COVID in two days. There was too much fear propaganda out unwilling to let people discuss different approaches.
After avoiding COVID for two years, I got it taking care of my wife who had the vaccine and booster through work. By taking care of her I finally had COVID [not as bad as flu I have had] and saw my doctor who gave me Ivermectin to fight it and I was over COVID in two days. There was too much fear propaganda out unwilling to let people discuss different approaches.
Awesome to hear!!! They have reached many here on this platform though and it's clearly a bunch of BS. They are without a doubt easy to spot.
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My office gave the vaccine until 2023. I need to know who to call for my quarter million
Never forget. We Trumpers were called the crazy ones and conspiracy theorists.

This data has been around for quite a while. The incentives to PCP and the big corps have been well documented.
Are you saying Gateway Pundit was incorrect?
Are you saying the payments didn't happen?
It is a bullshit story on top of more bullshit. Doctors were incentivized by insurance companies to the tune of $30 bucks to $200 based upon percentage of patients being given the vaccine and were reimbursed to less than half that amount. There was 100% bean counting going on--do we pay for hospitalization in X amount of people or do we provide a small incentive to improve vaccination rates. Guess what is cheaper? No different than incentives for people with insurance who use the Calm App; demonstrate lower weight, etc.

Of course none of this would have had to happen if half the country didn't pretend (and still pretend), they are physicians because they read 15 twitter articles and became paranoid. Vaccines have been mandatory for decades. What changed other than dipshits like Bobby Kennedy continuing to lie about vaccines and amateur doctors (or deranged grifters like Burroughs --more below) reading social media.

Peter Burroughs is a joke. He's been a joke. This is not the first virus he has been shot to hell about--HIV was another. His "research" has been demonstrably wrong at every level. I don't have the time to link all the evidence to the contrary at the moment, but I would suggest that your continued reliance on the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies does you no favors.
It's a failure of CDC and the Biden Administration that people still question the fact the that the vaccines worked as advertised. They didn't achieve their potential to limit the spread due to resistance, but the data showing that vaccinated people had better outcomes are documented by every state health department.
It is a bullshit story on top of more bullshit. Doctors were incentivized by insurance companies to the tune of $30 bucks to $200 based upon percentage of patients being given the vaccine and were reimbursed to less than half that amount. There was 100% bean counting going on--do we pay for hospitalization in X amount of people or do we provide a small incentive to improve vaccination rates. Guess what is cheaper? No different than incentives for people with insurance who use the Calm App; demonstrate lower weight, etc.

Of course none of this would have had to happen if half the country didn't pretend (and still pretend), they are physicians because they read 15 twitter articles and became paranoid. Vaccines have been mandatory for decades. What changed other than dipshits like Bobby Kennedy continuing to lie about vaccines and amateur doctors (or deranged grifters like Burroughs --more below) reading social media.

Peter Burroughs is a joke. He's been a joke. This is not the first virus he has been shot to hell about--HIV was another. His "research" has been demonstrably wrong at every level. I don't have the time to link all the evidence to the contrary at the moment, but I would suggest that your continued reliance on the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies does you no favors.

It is so bad that people are refusing rabies vaccines for their pets. Paranoia 1, science 0.
Joe Rogan would like to speak with you.

You are way off on this one, way off. Like, way off.

There are 10 more like this that demonstrate the complete opposite of the Joe Rogan school of medicine. Good luck with that. Next pandemic, I encourage you follow the Rogan school and rely on mystic medicine and Kabbalah. Darwin never loses
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So Joe Rogan is your go-to for medical advice?
Mark, Mark, Mark...Many, including Trump QUESTIONED wtf was going on. There is nothing wrong with that. I cannot count the times Trump gave Fauci the side eye.

So if you went to the doc today and doc says you need surgery on this, would you get a 2nd or 3rd opinion. Or would you just say ok let's do it. The entire Covid dilemma was IMO to see who would just shut up and get in line and who would question the madness.

The most eerie damn thing of all was standing in line at a major retailer hearing those social distancing government announcements. It was down right freaky.

I can't say anything as to my thoughts as a righty. The left thinks it's looney to question things of this nature. Just shut up and do what you're told. Trust the science while eerie announcements are made and everyone is fine. Plenty on this board said F that. Plenty on this board said you're all stupid do as your told.

I do have my own opinions about this WEF, Bilderberg crap. I don't dismiss it like some and think it's nothing. They don't spend all this time meeting for the hell of it. The UN had drawn up agenda's from years before regarding Covid and how they would handle it. Then all of the sudden we have Fauci. Right out of the WHO one of the UN, WEF, Bilderberg camps standing in front of President Trump leading us and telling us what to do. Birx and Fauci, and these groups were all probably like LOOK its working. You want to call me crazy for those thoughts go ahead. The picture for me can't be any more clear. Eisenhower warned us, Kennedy warned us.

There's nothing wrong with guys in the spotlight like Rogan and other influencers questioning what was happening. They have already said it's going to happen again. Question is what will everyone do next time.
Mark, Mark, Mark...Many, including Trump QUESTIONED wtf was going on. There is nothing wrong with that. I cannot count the times Trump gave Fauci the side eye.

So if you went to the doc today and doc says you need surgery on this, would you get a 2nd or 3rd opinion. Or would you just say ok let's do it. The entire Covid dilemma was IMO to see who would just shut up and get in line and who would question the madness.

The most eerie damn thing of all was standing in line at a major retailer hearing those social distancing government announcements. It was down right freaky.

I can't say anything as to my thoughts as a righty. The left thinks it's looney to question things of this nature. Just shut up and do what you're told. Trust the science while eerie announcements are made and everyone is fine. Plenty on this board said F that. Plenty on this board said you're all stupid do as your told.

I do have my own opinions about this WEF, Bilderberg crap. I don't dismiss it like some and think it's nothing. They don't spend all this time meeting for the hell of it. The UN had drawn up agenda's from years before regarding Covid and how they would handle it. Then all of the sudden we have Fauci. Right out of the WHO one of the UN, WEF, Bilderberg camps standing in front of President Trump leading us and telling us what to do. Birx and Fauci, and these groups were all probably like LOOK its working. You want to call me crazy for those thoughts go ahead. The picture for me can't be any more clear. Eisenhower warned us, Kennedy warned us.

There's nothing wrong with guys in the spotlight like Rogan and other influencers questioning what was happening. They have already said it's going to happen again. Question is what will everyone do next time.

So you realize that this whole process of dealing with pandemics is centuries old right?

Here's the newspaper from 1918--should look awfully familiar:

Should we just do away with vaccines?

How much time do you spend watching Ancient Aliens?
So you realize that this whole process of dealing with pandemics is centuries old right?

Here's the newspaper from 1919--should look awfully familiar:

Should we just do away with vaccines?

How much time do you spend watching Ancient Aliens?
None, and knock off your nonsense have a conversation. There is nothing wrong with questioning things? Are you really that naive? The only people that I know that actually died of Covid were PUT on vents. PUT on vents. Do I think Covid killed them? IDK, but I do know once you go on a vent chances are high you are not coming back. Doctors said VENTS WERE NOT WORKING. Yet, here we were sticking people on vents.

Yes I question this government and the WHO and the all of it now.

As for you and your history lessens. Ever read de-pop, eugenics since Plato? I could lather you up with tons of articles about de-pop, eugenics and what big money, Planned Parenthood, Ford, President Johnson, Rockefeller's, Milbank, forced sterilizations yada freakin yada. It's been in place and happening for years.

SO AGAIN, if you think these organizations that past presidents warned us about are not real and could not have possibly cooked up Covid and other goodies coming up who's being irrational? Gain of function was proven, we know it's real so they are working on something.

Bottom line when I see Gates types experimenting on humans in 3rd world countries with vaccines and the horror story deaths, and side effects from it, all the money in it, all the control, and the possibility of a de-pop agenda that has been in affect for years. Yes, I'm going to question everything! JMHO
And MMA handicapping. You got a problem wid' dat?
Yeah bitch!!! @UncleMark does he look sick to you???!!!! SWOLLLLL AF!!!!!!!!!!


say cray's name! SAY HIS NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Joe Rogan would like to speak with you.

You are way off on this one, way off. Like, way off.
Would you like to come to my co-workers virology lab and see it not work? Would you like to see an experimental compound designed in my lab that does work? You are probably withing driving distance of the University of Louisville BSL4 lab.

There are 10 more like this that demonstrate the complete opposite of the Joe Rogan school of medicine. Good luck with that. Next pandemic, I encourage you follow the Rogan school and really on mystic medicine and Kabbalah. Darwin never loses
Rigged studies funded by BigPharmaInc. , performed by a Cadre of hucksters well versed in the methods of Psychological Bioterrorism...not that confidence inspiring....
Could you find a study regarding the numbers of those who refused to be experimental subjects who regret their decision?
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Rigged studies funded by BigPharmaInc. , performed by a Cadre of hucksters well versed in the methods of Psychological Bioterrorism...not that confidence inspiring....
Could you find a study regarding the numbers of those who refused to be experimental subjects who regret their decision?

Life is SO easy when anything that disagrees with you is some grand conspiracy theory designed to screw you over. Is the moon made of green cheese? Is the earth flat? Did we go to the moon? Chemtrails? How deep is your paranoia that the whole world is out to get you?
Life is SO easy when anything that disagrees with you is some grand conspiracy theory designed to screw you over. Is the moon made of green cheese? Is the earth flat? Did we go to the moon? Chemtrails? How deep is your paranoia that the whole world is out to get you?
When you throw that 'Conspiracy Theory' crap against the wall, it doesn't stick.
The funding paths are clear.
The scam has been outed.

How many who resisted the intense psyop for experimental 'vaccinations ' now say they regret their decision?
Rigged studies funded by BigPharmaInc. , performed by a Cadre of hucksters well versed in the methods of Psychological Bioterrorism...not that confidence inspiring....
Could you find a study regarding the numbers of those who refused to be experimental subjects who regret their decision?
So basically the same mantra for any subject matter:

1. Rigged studies;
2. Hucksters;
3. faux counter factual.

So if I was to ask you the question of "tell me what is empirically or substantively wrong with say this study, your answer would be "I don't know, but I just know it is rigged and I know they are hucksters".

It is one thing to suffer from myopia. It is another thing to suffer from willful ignorance.
So basically the same mantra for any subject matter:

1. Rigged studies;
2. Hucksters;
3. faux counter factual.

So if I was to ask you the question of "tell me what is empirically or substantively wrong with say this study, your answer would be "I don't know, but I just know it is rigged and I know they are hucksters".

It is one thing to suffer from myopia. It is another thing to suffer from willful ignorance.
Told you.
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