
CO. Hoosier

Hall of Famer
Aug 29, 2001
Happy Father’s Day to all who are Fathers, grandfathers, uncles, teachers, youth leaders, or in other ways provide a strong male influence in the lives of kids.

In a world where males and fathers are diminished in new ways every day, our presence is more needed than ever. Statistics show that lack of father-figures is the common denominator in every social pathology from poor education, to drugs, to crime, and to killers, including mass shooters.

Our public response is doing more harm than good. Masculinity is seen as toxic. Gender confusion is reinforced and the gender confused now have official protection from the Oval Office down to pre- school. I think gender confusion is the result of lack of male influence. It’s almost exclusively a female effort. This dysfunction will be passed down from generation to generation.

I don’t know how we can fix this. We need to have a national government and social initiative to promote fatherhood instead of diminishing it. It’s no secret how I feel about pride month and all the rainbow paraphernalia that dominates government and the private sector. Imagine if you will if we had a similar month extolling fatherhood. Flags, parades, tee shirts, and other events celebrating fatherhood would be hugely more beneficial to kids than pride week and drag queen shows aimed at kids.

Mostly personal. Yesterday my daughter asked if I would pick up my grandson when he got off work from his first job. He is 16. He found the job on his own without prompting. As he walked to the vehicle my mind flashed to the time he came to tears on his first time down the kiddie slide at the playground. He is a young man and may own that store some day. The joys of father/grandfatherhood.

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Happy Father’s Day to all who are Fathers, grandfathers, uncles, teachers, youth leaders, or in other ways provide a strong male influence in the lives of kids.

In a world where males and fathers are diminished in new ways every day, our presence is more needed than ever. Statistics show that lack of father-figures is the common denominator in every social pathology from poor education, to drugs, to crime, and to killers, including mass shooters.

Our public response is doing more harm than good. Masculinity is seen as toxic. Gender confusion is reinforced and the gender confused now have official protection from the Oval Office down to pre- school. I think gender confusion is the result of lack of male influence. It’s almost exclusively a female effort. This dysfunction will be passed down from generation to generation.

I don’t know how we can fix this. We need to have a national government and social initiative to promote fatherhood instead of diminishing it. It’s no secret how I feel about pride month and all the rainbow paraphernalia that dominates government and the private sector. Imagine if you will if we had a similar month extolling fatherhood. Flags, parades, tee shirts, and other events celebrating fatherhood would be hugely more beneficial to kids than pride week and drag queen shows aimed at kids.

Mostly personal. Yesterday my daughter asked if I would pick up my grandson when he got off work from his first job. He is 16. He found the job on his own without prompting. As he walked to the vehicle my mind flashed to the time he came to tears on his first time down the kiddie slide at the playground. He is a young man and may own that store some day. The joys of father/grandfatherhood.

CoH, male roles are being diminished because women are slowly taking over the world.

To the ten reasons given in the article above I'll add another....

Males used to be the hunters and provided the food. I can see the day when those woke women will take our guns away.
CoH, male roles are being diminished because women are slowly taking over the world.

To the ten reasons given in the article above I'll add another....

Males used to be the hunters and provided the food. I can see the day when those woke women will take our guns away.
Men will be screwed when TV remotes become obsolete and TV is controlled by telepathy.

They have already made the most uniquely male skill obsolete; the ability to read a road map.
Happy Father’s Day to all who are Fathers, grandfathers, uncles, teachers, youth leaders, or in other ways provide a strong male influence in the lives of kids.

In a world where males and fathers are diminished in new ways every day, our presence is more needed than ever. Statistics show that lack of father-figures is the common denominator in every social pathology from poor education, to drugs, to crime, and to killers, including mass shooters.

Our public response is doing more harm than good. Masculinity is seen as toxic. Gender confusion is reinforced and the gender confused now have official protection from the Oval Office down to pre- school. I think gender confusion is the result of lack of male influence. It’s almost exclusively a female effort. This dysfunction will be passed down from generation to generation.

I don’t know how we can fix this. We need to have a national government and social initiative to promote fatherhood instead of diminishing it. It’s no secret how I feel about pride month and all the rainbow paraphernalia that dominates government and the private sector. Imagine if you will if we had a similar month extolling fatherhood. Flags, parades, tee shirts, and other events celebrating fatherhood would be hugely more beneficial to kids than pride week and drag queen shows aimed at kids.

Mostly personal. Yesterday my daughter asked if I would pick up my grandson when he got off work from his first job. He is 16. He found the job on his own without prompting. As he walked to the vehicle my mind flashed to the time he came to tears on his first time down the kiddie slide at the playground. He is a young man and may own that store some day. The joys of father/grandfatherhood.

Where have you witnessed fatherhood being diminished, or more specifically, where have you seen it stated that families that include both parents has a negative impact on children, since all of the data you posted extolled the virtues of fathers as a part of a nuclear family, which will obviously yield better outcomes for that entire family (not just the children)? You're shouting about something that doesn't exist.

Between your "scared OWG" rant yesterday and this one, your "victim card" allotment is just about spent.
Where have you witnessed fatherhood being diminished, or more specifically, where have you seen it stated that families that include both parents has a negative impact on children, since all of the data you posted extolled the virtues of fathers as a part of a nuclear family, which will obviously yield better outcomes for that entire family (not just the children)? You're shouting about something that doesn't exist.

Between your "scared OWG" rant yesterday and this one, your "victim card" allotment is just about spent.
This is pretty much a bullshit post not worthy of my response, except for this: I’m not the victim here. The victims are the youngsters who don’t have good educations, who are on drugs, who are in jail, or are dead. And you know who else are victims? The parents and other loved ones of the innocents killed or maimed by emotionally sick youngsters who have no father or family.
Happy Father’s Day to all who are Fathers, grandfathers, uncles, teachers, youth leaders, or in other ways provide a strong male influence in the lives of kids.

In a world where males and fathers are diminished in new ways every day, our presence is more needed than ever. Statistics show that lack of father-figures is the common denominator in every social pathology from poor education, to drugs, to crime, and to killers, including mass shooters.

Our public response is doing more harm than good. Masculinity is seen as toxic. Gender confusion is reinforced and the gender confused now have official protection from the Oval Office down to pre- school. I think gender confusion is the result of lack of male influence. It’s almost exclusively a female effort. This dysfunction will be passed down from generation to generation.

I don’t know how we can fix this. We need to have a national government and social initiative to promote fatherhood instead of diminishing it. It’s no secret how I feel about pride month and all the rainbow paraphernalia that dominates government and the private sector. Imagine if you will if we had a similar month extolling fatherhood. Flags, parades, tee shirts, and other events celebrating fatherhood would be hugely more beneficial to kids than pride week and drag queen shows aimed at kids.

Mostly personal. Yesterday my daughter asked if I would pick up my grandson when he got off work from his first job. He is 16. He found the job on his own without prompting. As he walked to the vehicle my mind flashed to the time he came to tears on his first time down the kiddie slide at the playground. He is a young man and may own that store some day. The joys of father/grandfatherhood.

This was/is a fine post. This question is for anyone who would put a frown icon response to this post: Why? What is your objection/concern?

And don’t give us some lame, “Oh, it’s just COH being a curmudgeon.” That shit just doesn’t fly. It’s weak. Try to do better and make a real case/argument.

I think a great and convincing case can and has been made about the value of fatherhood and how the declining number of nuclear families without a father has contributed to a significant decline in numerous social values.
This is pretty much a bullshit post not worthy of my response, except for this: I’m not the victim here. The victims are the youngsters who don’t have good educations, who are on drugs, who are in jail, or are dead. And you know who else are victims? The parents and other loved ones of the innocents killed or maimed by emotionally sick youngsters who have no father or family.
No, it’s not, your original post starts with a non sequitur and then devolves from that point. That’s the BS thus far in this thread.

Very simple question (again): Where have you seen anyone state that fathers aren’t an important part of their children’s development?
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No, it’s not, your original post starts with a non sequitur and then devolves from that point. That’s the BS this far in this thread.

Very simple question (again): Where have you seen anyone state that fathers aren’t an important part of their children’s development?
Add in his unilateral decision that all masculinity is toxic masculinity.
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Do receiver remotes and Blu-Ray disc player remotes count? If so, then these four remotes by my chair in the family room are still protecting me.
Need to label them so the other half doesn't know what they control. Like a guy I knew that had a small farm and had some big tanks of diesel and gasoline and had a few people steal some so he just labeled the gasoline as diesel and the diesel as gasoline and said let them steal it now. :)
No, it’s not, your original post starts with a non sequitur and then devolves from that point. That’s the BS this far in this thread.

Very simple question (again): Where have you seen anyone state that fathers aren’t an important part of their children’s development?
Huh? I said fathers are being diminished and fathers are necessary. What’s the problem?
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I said the concept of toxic masculinity diminishes and belittles males, all males.

In reality, I think toxic femininity has done more harm to kids. But nobody will ever mention that as a problem.

We have a long history of father's beating kids, husbands beating wives. Women being unable to vote, or get a credit card on their name, or get jobs, or get equal pay. Far too many men think of women as possessions. But yes, let's blame women. None of the above was ever the fault of men. I suspect bringing all that up belittles you.

Your ego is a million miles wide and a quarter inch deep believing you can debate a Hawking after reading Astrophysics for Dummies yet the idea that the way some men treat women is toxic belittles you.
Huh? I said fathers are being diminished and fathers are necessary. What’s the problem?
Alright, I’ll play along: How are fathers “diminished in new ways every day,” specifically when it comes to their children?

Who is saying fathers aren’t important in their children’s development?

Who is not allowing fathers to impact their children’s development, especially in a nuclear family environment?
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Happy Father’s Day to all who are Fathers, grandfathers, uncles, teachers, youth leaders, or in other ways provide a strong male influence in the lives of kids.

In a world where males and fathers are diminished in new ways every day, our presence is more needed than ever. Statistics show that lack of father-figures is the common denominator in every social pathology from poor education, to drugs, to crime, and to killers, including mass shooters.

Our public response is doing more harm than good. Masculinity is seen as toxic. Gender confusion is reinforced and the gender confused now have official protection from the Oval Office down to pre- school. I think gender confusion is the result of lack of male influence. It’s almost exclusively a female effort. This dysfunction will be passed down from generation to generation.

I don’t know how we can fix this. We need to have a national government and social initiative to promote fatherhood instead of diminishing it. It’s no secret how I feel about pride month and all the rainbow paraphernalia that dominates government and the private sector. Imagine if you will if we had a similar month extolling fatherhood. Flags, parades, tee shirts, and other events celebrating fatherhood would be hugely more beneficial to kids than pride week and drag queen shows aimed at kids.

Mostly personal. Yesterday my daughter asked if I would pick up my grandson when he got off work from his first job. He is 16. He found the job on his own without prompting. As he walked to the vehicle my mind flashed to the time he came to tears on his first time down the kiddie slide at the playground. He is a young man and may own that store some day. The joys of father/grandfatherhood.

CoH, curious as to the traits a masculine father should have or not have.

My Father cried at funerals and weddings. He sent me off to football games by pleading with me not to get hurt.

By contrast my Mother was emotionally strong. Never saw her cry except when my Father died.
We have a long history of father's beating kids, husbands beating wives. Women being unable to vote, or get a credit card on their name, or get jobs, or get equal pay. Far too many men think of women as possessions. But yes, let's blame women. None of the above was ever the fault of men. I suspect bringing all that up belittles you.

Your ego is a million miles wide and a quarter inch deep believing you can debate a Hawking after reading Astrophysics for Dummies yet the idea that the way some men treat women is toxic belittles you.
You forgot Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Fidel. They are all men and killed millions of women and children.

If you are looking for me to defend my toxic femininity remark, you aren't doing a very good job of focusing on the issue.
Alright, I’ll play along: How are fathers “diminished in new ways every day,” specifically when it comes to their children?

Who is saying fathers aren’t important in their children’s development?

Who is not allowing fathers to impact their children’s development, especially in a nuclear family environment?
Volumes have been written about this. There are many causes, most of which are self-perpetating because fatherless kids produce fatherless kids. Poverty, drugs, all education, are factors. I think the largest factor is our collective ignorance about doing anything. Particularly striking to me is the trendy focus on LBGTQ++++ when kids without fathers are far more troubling and destructive.
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CoH, curious as to the traits a masculine father should have or not have.

My Father cried at funerals and weddings. He sent me off to football games by pleading with me not to get hurt.

By contrast my Mother was emotionally strong. Never saw her cry except when my Father died.
Excellent question. I guess its one of those that you know it when you see it. I'm pretty sure that crynig at funerals, or even at movies, is not part of the mix.

A lot has to do with dedication, affection, one's time, and just presense. It all adds up and leads to great rewards. I've often said the most important gift parents can give to kids is for the parents to love each other and show that to the kids. So that too.
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No, it’s not, your original post starts with a non sequitur and then devolves from that point. That’s the BS thus far in this thread.

Very simple question (again): Where have you seen anyone state that fathers aren’t an important part of their children’s development?
BLM is one place along with many woke women. We see many articles saying women are better without men due to toxic masculinity that includes things other than what Marvin the martian said "beating kids, husbands beating wives". Marvin you also forget that men get beaten by wives and women that beat and kill their children more that is reported. Many men are not doing what you brought up and often being drunk is what causes it for a few men.

We are seeing boys do much worse with the way education is being done now. I taught my son to never hit a woman but I had to teach my wife not to hit our kids - she always thought she had good reasons to slap or hit them while I never did, I used other ways to teach lessons.
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BLM is one place along with many woke women. We see many articles saying women are better without men due to toxic masculinity that includes things other than what Marvin the martian said "beating kids, husbands beating wives". Marvin you also forget that men get beaten by wives and women that beat and kill their children more that is reported. Many men are not doing what you brought up and often being drunk is what causes it for a few men.

We are seeing boys do much worse with the way education is being done now. I taught my son to never hit a woman but I had to teach my wife not to hit our kids - she always thought she had good reasons to slap or hit them while I never did, I used other ways to teach lessons.
Yes, it happens the other way but not as often.

There are still people who believe the man makes all decisions. There are still people who refuse to accept women as leaders. Teaching it is the man's job to lead and the woman's job to follow is toxic. But I guess I cannot say that without offending people.

One can be tough and accept women as full partners, not subordinates.
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We have a long history of father's beating kids, husbands beating wives. Women being unable to vote, or get a credit card on their name, or get jobs, or get equal pay. Far too many men think of women as possessions. But yes, let's blame women. None of the above was ever the fault of men. I suspect bringing all that up belittles you.

Your ego is a million miles wide and a quarter inch deep believing you can debate a Hawking after reading Astrophysics for Dummies yet the idea that the way some men treat women is toxic belittles you.
Well if they would have just answered the damn question to start with..... Example .... ummm, I want to eat at Pizza hut tonight dear, thank you for asking.

Everything would have been great! DUH
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BLM is one place along with many woke women. We see many articles saying women are better without men due to toxic masculinity that includes things other than what Marvin the martian said "beating kids, husbands beating wives". Marvin you also forget that men get beaten by wives and women that beat and kill their children more that is reported. Many men are not doing what you brought up and often being drunk is what causes it for a few men.

We are seeing boys do much worse with the way education is being done now. I taught my son to never hit a woman but I had to teach my wife not to hit our kids - she always thought she had good reasons to slap or hit them while I never did, I used other ways to teach lessons.
Toxic femininity is not violent. But it’s harmful. I blame the needless and destructive shutdown of elementary schools on toxic femininity. I also believe the micro aggression obsession, safe spaces, and speech intolerance flow from excessive feminism and a general fear of calling it out. And gender dysphoria for elementary school kids? That is almost all driven by women and I believe it to be toxic. In the adult world, cities are falling apart and the worst of them are, with a couple of exceptions, led by women. ,
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Toxic femininity is not violent. But it’s harmful. I blame the needless and destructive shutdown of elementary schools on toxic femininity. I also believe the micro aggression obsession, safe spaces, and speech intolerance flow from excessive feminism and a general fear of calling it out. And gender dysphoria for elementary school kids? That is almost all driven by women and I believe it to be toxic. In the adult world, cities are falling apart and the worst of them are, with a couple of exceptions, led by women. ,
Now you're just channeling Rush Limbaugh. All that's missing is the FemiNazi reference.
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Volumes have been written about this. There are many causes, most of which are self-perpetating because fatherless kids produce fatherless kids. Poverty, drugs, all education, are factors. I think the largest factor is our collective ignorance about doing anything. Particularly striking to me is the trendy focus on LBGTQ++++ when kids without fathers are far more troubling and destructive.
Volumes have been written …. and you cite none. Cool.

The only fathers being diminished are the fathers that allow themselves to be diminished. I don’t have time for that.

You write lots of words that don’t say much. That’s literally against the rules of this board (RIP buzz).
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This was/is a fine post. This question is for anyone who would put a frown icon response to this post: Why? What is your objection/concern?

And don’t give us some lame, “Oh, it’s just COH being a curmudgeon.” That shit just doesn’t fly. It’s weak. Try to do better and make a real case/argument.

I think a great and convincing case can and has been made about the value of fatherhood and how the declining number of nuclear families without a father has contributed to a significant decline in numerous social values.
Sure. Proud frown face here.

1) at least part of his thesis is that trans kids are effed up in the head. I fundamentally disagree.
2) I think there is a conflating of “fathers” and “stable two parent households.” Or really, just stable households for that matter. Speaking as a father, I don’t think we have any magic skills. I think, should I die, my wife could teach my kids all of the important skills I could, except for changing the furnace filter.
3) His post is very much a victim cry out for how aggrieved he feels as a man just weeping for society’s destruction because of all the evil women out there. I think it’s lame.
Toxic femininity is not violent. But it’s harmful. I blame the needless and destructive shutdown of elementary schools on toxic femininity. I also believe the micro aggression obsession, safe spaces, and speech intolerance flow from excessive feminism and a general fear of calling it out. And gender dysphoria for elementary school kids? That is almost all driven by women and I believe it to be toxic. In the adult world, cities are falling apart and the worst of them are, with a couple of exceptions, led by women. ,
CoH, like to think you, or Ms CoH, would accept this description of toxic femininity in this link which in part states,

Toxic femininity refers to the adherence to the gender binary in order to receive conditional value in patriarchal societies. It is a concept that restricts women to being cooperative, passive, sexually submissive, gentle, and deriving their value from physical beauty while being pleasing to men.
You forgot Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Fidel. They are all men and killed millions of women and children.

If you are looking for me to defend my toxic femininity remark, you aren't doing a very good job of focusing on the issue.
Nope, I don't give a damn about that remark. You suggest that toxic masculinity belittles men. That is the comment you have been totally unable to defend. History is chalked full of toxic masculinity. Masculinity does not require that men see women as inferior.
Yes, it happens the other way but not as often.

There are still people who believe the man makes all decisions. There are still people who refuse to accept women as leaders. Teaching it is the man's job to lead and the woman's job to follow is toxic. But I guess I cannot say that without offending people.

One can be tough and accept women as full partners, not subordinates.

Every organization needs a CEO. The only ship that doesn't sail is a partnership.
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CoH, like to think you, or Ms CoH, would accept this description of toxic femininity in this link which in part states,

Toxic femininity refers to the adherence to the gender binary in order to receive conditional value in patriarchal societies. It is a concept that restricts women to being cooperative, passive, sexually submissive, gentle, and deriving their value from physical beauty while being pleasing to men.
That’s sooooooo 1970’s.

That description is unknown to the women who are in todays world. Toxic femininity is sorta passive aggressive. In addition to the examples I mentioned, I think the destruction of male due process in higher ed is a result.
What was I thinking? I saw the title of the thread and clicked on it, thinking it would be along the line of “Happy Father’s Day to all the Dad’s out there.
I should have known better, and am sort of kicking myself for being so naive.
So, that being said…
Happy Father’s Day to all the board dads. Hope you had a great day! My daughters treated(?) me to a game at Great American Ballpark. What a beautiful day it was, regardless of the Reds best efforts to ruin it.
Now, that’s a Father’s Day post. Back to your regularly scheduled doom and gloom bullshit.
Happy Father’s Day to all who are Fathers, grandfathers, uncles, teachers, youth leaders, or in other ways provide a strong male influence in the lives of kids.

In a world where males and fathers are diminished in new ways every day, our presence is more needed than ever. Statistics show that lack of father-figures is the common denominator in every social pathology from poor education, to drugs, to crime, and to killers, including mass shooters.

Our public response is doing more harm than good. Masculinity is seen as toxic. Gender confusion is reinforced and the gender confused now have official protection from the Oval Office down to pre- school. I think gender confusion is the result of lack of male influence. It’s almost exclusively a female effort. This dysfunction will be passed down from generation to generation.

I don’t know how we can fix this. We need to have a national government and social initiative to promote fatherhood instead of diminishing it. It’s no secret how I feel about pride month and all the rainbow paraphernalia that dominates government and the private sector. Imagine if you will if we had a similar month extolling fatherhood. Flags, parades, tee shirts, and other events celebrating fatherhood would be hugely more beneficial to kids than pride week and drag queen shows aimed at kids.

Mostly personal. Yesterday my daughter asked if I would pick up my grandson when he got off work from his first job. He is 16. He found the job on his own without prompting. As he walked to the vehicle my mind flashed to the time he came to tears on his first time down the kiddie slide at the playground. He is a young man and may own that store some day. The joys of father/grandfatherhood.

It was a.nice day for me. I got an IU t shirt and.a couple of pairs of shorts. I also got Giordanos pizza in the FORT for lunch.
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Nope, I don't give a damn about that remark. You suggest that toxic masculinity belittles men. That is the comment you have been totally unable to defend. History is chalked full of toxic masculinity. Masculinity does not require that men see women as inferior.
About 74 males receive college degrees for every 100 women. That’s average. . It’s worse for Blacks. Men are a higher suicide risk. Men are more likely to be killed or injured on the job. Men are twice as likely to abuse drugs.

Except for the ivory tower elites, men get the short end of most every social stick. This affects fatherhood. Why is this? There are many reasons, but among the many is the overplaying of toxic masculinity.
What was I thinking? I saw the title of the thread and clicked on it, thinking it would be along the line of “Happy Father’s Day to all the Dad’s out there.
I should have known better, and am sort of kicking myself for being so naive.
So, that being said…
Happy Father’s Day to all the board dads. Hope you had a great day! My daughters treated(?) me to a game at Great American Ballpark. What a beautiful day it was, regardless of the Reds best efforts to ruin it.
Now, that’s a Father’s Day post. Back to your regularly scheduled doom and gloom bullshit.
Glad you had a great day Bulk. . I did too. But fatherhood failure is a problem for millions of kids. Fatherhood is a necessity. Kids are shot on the streets of every big city every summer night including Father’s Day. . Those kids probably laugh at Father’s Day. I think this is a perfect time to discuss it. Oh, wait. Pride Month. How could I forget. Fatherhood? nah.
1) at least part of his thesis is that trans kids are effed up in the head. I fundamentally disagree.

Perhaps you should articulate why you disagree? Regardless if the disorder is genetic or environmental, it seems like its universally considered a behavioral health disorder (i.e. gender dysphoria).

2) I think there is a conflating of “fathers” and “stable two parent households.” Or really, just stable households for that matter. Speaking as a father, I don’t think we have any magic skills. I think, should I die, my wife could teach my kids all of the important skills I could, except for changing the furnace filter.

I disagree with this part a bit. There are emotional and social elements that fathers provide that mothers do not and vice versa. My kids walk all over my wife. I keep their little butts in line. I am definitely harder on them (hopefully not too hard) because that's how I grew up. And I turned out alright.
About 74 males receive college degrees for every 100 women. That’s average. . It’s worse for Blacks. Men are a higher suicide risk. Men are more likely to be killed or injured on the job. Men are twice as likely to abuse drugs.

Except for the ivory tower elites, men get the short end of most every social stick. This affects fatherhood. Why is this? There are many reasons, but among the many is the overplaying of toxic masculinity.

None of that is really a valid rebuttal. But you knew that already.
What was I thinking? I saw the title of the thread and clicked on it, thinking it would be along the line of “Happy Father’s Day to all the Dad’s out there.
I should have known better, and am sort of kicking myself for being so naive.
So, that being said…
Happy Father’s Day to all the board dads. Hope you had a great day! My daughters treated(?) me to a game at Great American Ballpark. What a beautiful day it was, regardless of the Reds best efforts to ruin it.
Now, that’s a Father’s Day post. Back to your regularly scheduled doom and gloom bullshit.

Happy Father's Day!

I enjoyed the day with my kids, despite my one month old incessantly crying and fussing, my oldest getting a tick and my middle kid testing positive for the Wuhan Willies.

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