Evidently Tim Walz is every Democrat loons Daddy

I think you are trying to make a distinction without a difference.

The point is both claim election results are unreliable. With the democrats opposing every single measure to ensure reliable elections at every single level of government, (often successfully) we will probably never again see a solid, safe, and secure election in the minds of many. I don’t buy for one second that the Democrats are primarily interested in securing the right to vote. The measures they oppose are not that onerous.

Now we see Hillary advocating criminalizing speech she would believe to be misleading or inflammatory. She isn’t the only Democrat who believes this. Yikes. This takes election manipulation to a whole new level.
There's a huge difference, and you know it.
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There's a huge difference, and you know it.
While we’re talking about Hillary the beacon of honesty and integrity I have a question.

So Hillary’s campaign paid “Legal Fees” for the false dossier that was a lie and interfered with the election. Should she be prosecuted for fraudulently coding those expenses as Legal Fees?
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While we’re talking about Hillary the beacon of honesty and integrity I have a question.

So Hillary’s campaign paid “Legal Fees” for the false dossier that was a lie and interfered with the election. Should she be prosecuted for fraudulently coding those expenses as Legal Fees?
I don't think anyone has ever been prosecuted for incorrect expense coding on an FEC filing. She and the DNC were fined, which I understand is the correct outcome for such an offense. Feel free to prove me wrong.
I don't think anyone has ever been prosecuted for incorrect expense coding on an FEC filing. She and the DNC were fined, which I understand is the correct outcome for such an offense. Feel free to prove me wrong.
What was Trump prosecuted for in NY on miscoding legal expense?
I don't know, but I doubt the state of New York includes FEC filings within the category of "business records." There's certainly no reason for them to do so.
If New York’s prosecution of Trump related to misclassifying legal expense is their position, every business in NY is breaking the law.
Then we all will lose. This is a very important election. Look what’s happening around the world. Have you seen what’s going on in Aurora Colorado? This country won’t be the same for a very long time if Kamala wins this thing. You TDSers are going to f@ck us all.
You wrote,This a very important election. Look what's happening around the world."

That's typical rightwing fear mongering, leading right up to "Donald Trump is the only one that can save us !!"

All Presidential elections are important.
Country is being ran by greedy, power hungry people----BOTH SIDES. THing is, I don't think that truly matters to Trump.

Funny how all these peole who hate him now----loved the dude----until they were told not to.

Hard to believe I took an oath to defend this....Woof.

Trump is not the best option----but he's a much better option than KH.
"Being ran". Seriously, you wrote "being ran."
Serious lies----Like "having Mexico duild a wall...?----Ohhhhh, the shame.

How do you know voter fraud is/was 100% false? I mean , lot of people dont seem to thinks so. Lot of questions.... Are we dupes for believing it---or are you the dupe for believing it didnt happen?

Since we are on the "voter fraud" kick---What about Hilary's and the dems claims on voter collusion when she lost to Trump?---A claim she and many others STILL stick to??

That lie is no wrose than Obama lying to people about keeping their healthcare....ANd its certainly not worse than Biden saying Trump would be a distator , if elected...That sort of lie cause panic, chaos....ANd well ya know, could lead to a shooting..

Oh, wait...
William Barr says:

"Being ran". Seriously, you wrote "being ran."
Oh the horror...

I take peeps who do grammar and puncuation checks about as serious as a squirrel..

What is it with you folks? Are you reading the content, or grading a paper?
Come on, Stoll. I was clear in the post you responded to.

She’s consistently bitched about Russian influence, Russian hack of DNC emails and leaking them, and the Comey investigation into her private email server and mishandling of classified information. That’s what she means. She has never claimed voter fraud. There was none. She conceded and attended the inauguration. Her bitching can be legitimately criticized, but she is not claiming voter fraud like Trump has since he legitimately lost in 2020. He still hasn’t conceded, and he skipped town like the immature scoundrel he is, without attending Biden’s inauguration. There is no comparison here.
1. What did she mean by---"election was not on the level..."?

2. Why are you ALWAYS comparing?
Its not....But what is, is the absence of you ignoring Harris/Waltz shortcomings, lies, etc----even defending them. Yet completely and constantly, shredding DJT.

Weird. I dont think I have seen you post one negative thing about Harris, or Waltz.

SO lets just get this out of the way-----What is your thoughts on Harris? Waltz?
1. What did she mean by---"election was not on the level..."?

2. Why are you ALWAYS comparing?
I’m not going to discuss this with you. I made it super clear. You can read it again if you’d like, but you exhaust me with your illogical thinking.