Eating Cats/Dogs

Oh, I don't know...... 82 million votes for a brain-adled dumbass that got laughed out of his Presidential run in the 80s for plagiarism and exaggeration of his academic record?
Any link to actually support that claim?

Of the 82 million that voted for Biden, if you polled them today as to the reason they voted for him, you MIGHT get 1000 that would claim that the "Charlottesville Lie" was the final, compelling reason that they voted that way.

Covid Response
Resulting Economic depression from Covid
Lack of new health care plan
Mexico not paying for the wall and instead pulling from military funds
A government shutdown on his watch
Revolutionary War airports
Cabinet members testimonials that the man never reads a single briefing
Sharpies on a hurricane map
The Summer of Love (happening under his watch)
Tariffs on China that forced the need for subsidies to American farmers
Constant lying about everything from crowd sizes to claiming fake news on items that were EASILY provable
Public shaming of other Republicans who dared question either him or his agenda (McCain, Kelly, Tillerson, etc.)
Dismissing Comey for not being loyal enough
Saluting a North Korean general
Remnants of the birther scandal
Stormy Daniels / Jean Carroll / several other women
Michal Flynn
Paul Manafort
Immigrant kids in cages
...Unique....appointments to fairly underqualified individuals
Pulling out of Syria allowing Turkey to invade
Believing Putin over our own intelligence services
Letting slip classified information in meetings with foreigners
Grabbing them by the pussy
Walking into Miss Teen USA changing room
Unprecedented turnover in his cabinet
Just being a jerk
and probably 100 other things I could list if I took the time to look into.

Trust me, the results of the 2020 election were not the results of Trump's comments on Charlottesville.
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If Democrats really wanted to get this passed why don't they drop the additional spending which is what most Republicans oppose.
The additional spending for Ukraine that passed separately anyway. That additional spending? We could have made some progress on controlling illegal immigration, but instead we got nothing. That's all due to Trump and MAGA.
I thought the MAGA posters here realized that Trump's assertion that Haitians were eating pets in Springfield was false. Well, I'm sure dbm thinks it's true because he believes every word Trump utters is God's truth the same as Muslims think Mohammed's word was God's truth. Anyhow, turns out that polls show that most MAGA Republicans believe what Trump said was true. They believe a lot of other things that Trump has said (lies) are truth too. I suppose we all knew that, but it's still very disappointing:

From the article about what Trump supporters believe:

"For example, 77 percent say they believe the United States has given more aid to Ukraine than all of Europe combined (false), 70 percent say they believe millions of undocumented immigrants are arriving every month (false), and 70 percent say they believe inflation is at its highest rate ever (not true today or at any point in recent years)."

What MAGAs believe is fascinating and disturbing. Trump and MAGA culture must be purged from the GOP or the party is doomed.
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Any link to actually support that claim?

Of the 82 million that voted for Biden, if you polled them today as to the reason they voted for him, you MIGHT get 1000 that would claim that the "Charlottesville Lie" was the final, compelling reason that they voted that way.

Covid Response
Resulting Economic depression from Covid
Lack of new health care plan
Mexico not paying for the wall and instead pulling from military funds
A government shutdown on his watch
Revolutionary War airports
Cabinet members testimonials that the man never reads a single briefing
Sharpies on a hurricane map
The Summer of Love (happening under his watch)
Tariffs on China that forced the need for subsidies to American farmers
Constant lying about everything from crowd sizes to claiming fake news on items that were EASILY provable
Public shaming of other Republicans who dared question either him or his agenda (McCain, Kelly, Tillerson, etc.)
Dismissing Comey for not being loyal enough
Saluting a North Korean general
Remnants of the birther scandal
Stormy Daniels / Jean Carroll / several other women
Michal Flynn
Paul Manafort
Immigrant kids in cages
...Unique....appointments to fairly underqualified individuals
Pulling out of Syria allowing Turkey to invade
Believing Putin over our own intelligence services
Letting slip classified information in meetings with foreigners
Grabbing them by the pussy
Walking into Miss Teen USA changing room
Unprecedented turnover in his cabinet
Just being a jerk
and probably 100 other things I could list if I took the time to look into.

Trust me, the results of the 2020 election were not the results of Trump's comments on Charlottesville.
You are beyond fixing! You can’t fix stupid.
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I thought the MAGA posters here realized that Trump's assertion that Haitians were eating pets in Springfield was false. Well, I'm sure dbm thinks it's true because he believes every word Trump utters is God's truth the same as Muslims think Mohammed's word was God's truth. Anyhow, turns out that polls show that most MAGA Republicans believe what Trump said was true. They believe a lot of other things that Trump has said (lies) are truth too. I suppose we all knew that, but it's still very disappointing:

From the article about what Trump supporters believe:

"For example, 77 percent say they believe the United States has given more aid to Ukraine than all of Europe combined (false), 70 percent say they believe millions of undocumented immigrants are arriving every month (false), and 70 percent say they believe inflation is at its highest rate ever (not true today or at any point in recent years)."

What MAGAs believe is fascinating and disturbing. Trump and MAGA culture must be purged from the GOP or the party is doomed.
Why is it that you make fun of MAGA for believing evereything and yet you dont say anything about Democrats that believe evrything they are told?
"lol You guys focus on this and then ignore the fact that Biden and Harris both repeated debunked claims about Charlottesville? Except the media doesn't report on effects from that lie."

What debunked claims about Charlottesville would that be? How well do you know your 20th century history?

The staues in Charlottesville were erected by the KK with KKK funds. In 2016 a petition was circulated which gained enough signatures to bring the issue of removing the statues before the town council. The council ended up voting unanimously in Feb 2017 to remove the Lee statue.

Of course there was 1 person in town who that didn't sit well with local white supremacist Jason Kessler. Kessler along with his buddy and fellow neo-nazi Richard Spencer organized what they termed the Unite the Right rally. From the outset it was a group of Fascist/Neo Nazi organizations with further support coming from the KKK...

Unfortunately some very ignorant, uneducated people on the Right decided a Neo Nazi rally protesting the law in VA was where they needed to be in Aug 2017. Hence Trump's characterization of "fine people" who may have been well intentioned but still willingly partcipated in a racist organized weekend. Characterizing these people as "ignorant" is kind, because obviously none of them bothered to examine the history of the statue they just assumed was part of American "heritage".

The dedication of the statue was the culmination of a week of KKK festivities in Cville in 1924. The purpose of commissioning the statue was not to serve as some benign remnant of past glory. The purpose was to demonstrate power and to frighten the Black population of C'ville not to vote and to know their place.There weren't any Black citizens that were asked their opinion in 1915 or so when the all-white town council voted to commission the building of the statue...

It wasn't that long ago.So some of the witnesses who in 1924 were little kids cowering behind their doors with their parents/grandparents as the KKK marauded thru the town were still alive to tell their stories in 2017. The local newspapers of that period didn't even hide the objective to intimidate the towns Black citizens. This piece on UVA's history with the Klan includes several examples of the role the press played in what was not a glowing era for Charlottesville...

Now you're going to say Trump was misquoted,that he was only referring to the "good right Wingers" who weren't part of the Nazis and Klan. The problem is if you participate in a demonstration organized by evil people you're either very gullible and ignorant, or else you forfeit your ability to be labelled a "good person".

So whether Trump was misquoted or not, his statement was still full of ignorance. One side consisted of outside agitators who killed a local and the other side was largely locals and UVA students who took exception to Neo-Nazis invading their town.And those outside agitators were protesting against a lawful order passed unanimously by the town council...

lmao Argue with Snopes

Any link to actually support that claim?

Of the 82 million that voted for Biden, if you polled them today as to the reason they voted for him, you MIGHT get 1000 that would claim that the "Charlottesville Lie" was the final, compelling reason that they voted that way.

Covid Response
Resulting Economic depression from Covid
Lack of new health care plan
Mexico not paying for the wall and instead pulling from military funds
A government shutdown on his watch
Revolutionary War airports
Cabinet members testimonials that the man never reads a single briefing
Sharpies on a hurricane map
The Summer of Love (happening under his watch)
Tariffs on China that forced the need for subsidies to American farmers
Constant lying about everything from crowd sizes to claiming fake news on items that were EASILY provable
Public shaming of other Republicans who dared question either him or his agenda (McCain, Kelly, Tillerson, etc.)
Dismissing Comey for not being loyal enough
Saluting a North Korean general
Remnants of the birther scandal
Stormy Daniels / Jean Carroll / several other women
Michal Flynn
Paul Manafort
Immigrant kids in cages
...Unique....appointments to fairly underqualified individuals
Pulling out of Syria allowing Turkey to invade
Believing Putin over our own intelligence services
Letting slip classified information in meetings with foreigners
Grabbing them by the pussy
Walking into Miss Teen USA changing room
Unprecedented turnover in his cabinet
Just being a jerk
and probably 100 other things I could list if I took the time to look into.

Trust me, the results of the 2020 election were not the results of Trump's comments on Charlottesville.
You don't know that, either.

The Charlottesville lie was a central part of Biden's campaign.
Inexplicably, they still don’t understand the difference between bomb threats and bomb explosions.
inexplicably, you don't seem to understand that
-Bomb threats are a form of death threat
-They must be taken seriously and investigated, often at great expense
-They can lead to business, school, and government closures, and other shutdowns, multiplying expense to a community enormously
-When they arise from blatantly false made-up conspiracy crap, those underlying lies need to be exposed
I thought the MAGA posters here realized that Trump's assertion that Haitians were eating pets in Springfield was false.
They apparently don't listen much to JD Vance.

When pressed, he FINALLY came out and said that the false story was created to shine much more light on the immigration issue. The liars, though, didn't quite anticipate the unintended consequences (bomb threats, other death threats, school/busines/government closures, beefed up security expenses, etc.).

You'd think they could make coherent arguments without the boost of sensationalistic lies
Why is it that you make fun of MAGA for believing evereything and yet you dont say anything about Democrats that believe evrything they are told?
It's human nature to make fun of totally bat-shit crazy lies that no rational human would ever believe, things totally made up. An awful lot of such lies come from the MAGA movement. Like secret DC pizza parlor human smuggling operations, Haitians stealing and eating cats, Trump being an innocent yet picked-on victim.

Lies from the Democrats tend to be a lot more subtle and not moonbat takes. For example, the "good people on both sides" criticism of Trump's comments regarding Charlottesville. Indeed he said those words, we can play the tape, but we can also play a few more seconds of the tape, where he makes it clear that he's not counting the Nazis amongst the good people. So it's an unfortunate lie created by taking real statements out of context. Not totally made up, but still very wrong.
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They apparently don't listen much to JD Vance.

When pressed, he FINALLY came out and said that the false story was created to shine much more light on the immigration issue. The liars, though, didn't quite anticipate the unintended consequences (bomb threats, other death threats, school/busines/government closures, beefed up security expenses, etc.).

You'd think they could make coherent arguments without the boost of sensationalistic lies
lol...literally the first post starting this thread is JD Vance explaining his position. He didn't know if it was a false story or not when Trump made the comments.
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lol...literally the first post starting this thread is JD Vance explaining his position. He didn't know if it was a false story or not when Trump made the comments.
Not true. Read the WSJ article I linked. The campaign knew it was false before the debate.
Vance still won't come clean though, now that his story is clearly false. When asked to plainly state that the story is false, he just says (paraphrasing)

It doesn't really matter, the border is bad, Kamala is a witch, blah blah blah
No, they didn’t. A city official said it wasn’t true. Other people they spoke to said it was true. Vance explains that in the video.
Vance is lying. Even the original source of the rumor admitted it wasn’t true. She’s a Trump supporter with a bit of integrity because she apologized to her Haitian neighbors. It’s all in the WSJ article.
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Vance is lying. Even the original source of the rumor admitted it wasn’t true. She’s a Trump supporter with a bit of integrity because she apologized to her Haitian neighbors. It’s all in the WSJ article.
That’s a lie. You don’t know if he is lying. I’ll take Vance at his word that he was unsure.
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That a lie. You don’t know if he is lying. I’ll take Vance at his word that he was unsure.
I don’t know for sure he’s lying, but he’s either lying or refusing to believe the truth. It’s one or the other. He and the campaign were told by numerous sources there was no evidence at all to support the rumor. He was also aware the original Facebook source recanted. It was all false.
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That’s a lie. You don’t know if he is lying. I’ll take Vance at his word that he was unsure.
He's lying through his teeth. Worse yet, he is STILL A SENATOR FOR THE STATE OF OHIO. He is supposed to represent Ohio - not drag it through a cesspool of lies than piss on it and proclaim he's putting out invisible fires.

Then he went and dragged Dayton through the cesspool with more fabrications.

Want to make a quick buck? Sign-up for paid Twitter then create a fabricated video showing someone with dark skin cooking something on a grill, and label it "What are Hispanics cooking in Toledo?" Bonus points if you add some Calypso music in the background. You'll make millions off of Twitter impressions once JD Vance latches onto to it with his shit-stained molars.

What a guy. What a great Senator for Ohio.

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He's lying through his teeth. Worse yet, he is STILL A SENATOR FOR THE STATE OF OHIO. He is supposed to represent Ohio - not drag it through a cesspool of lies than piss on it and proclaim he's putting out invisible fires.

Then he went and dragged Dayton through the cesspool with more fabrications.

Want to make a quick buck? Sign-up for paid Twitter then create a fabricated video showing someone with dark skin cooking something on a grill, and label it "What are Hispanics cooking in Toledo?" Bonus points if you add some Calypso music in the background. You'll make millions off of Twitter impressions once JD Vance latches onto to it with his shit-stained molars.

What a guy. What a great Senator for Ohio.

I don’t give a shit if they were eating cats or if it was just geese. Haiti is a shit hole country and some of them are going to be a little rough around the edges in comparison to Americans. It isn’t a big deal. I do believe Vance though. Drive by his house and tell him you hate him.
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Vance is only an hour away. He should go up there

I really think Trump is missing a moneymaking opportunity by not having his MAGA store offer these books by one of his biggest supporters.

It fits right in with Trump's claims about cat-grilling.
Ulrey, why would you laugh at a factual post? Are the facts funny now.
He's lying through his teeth. Worse yet, he is STILL A SENATOR FOR THE STATE OF OHIO. He is supposed to represent Ohio - not drag it through a cesspool of lies than piss on it and proclaim he's putting out invisible fires.

Then he went and dragged Dayton through the cesspool with more fabrications.

Want to make a quick buck? Sign-up for paid Twitter then create a fabricated video showing someone with dark skin cooking something on a grill, and label it "What are Hispanics cooking in Toledo?" Bonus points if you add some Calypso music in the background. You'll make millions off of Twitter impressions once JD Vance latches onto to it with his shit-stained molars.

What a guy. What a great Senator for Ohio.

He sold his soul to the Antichrist . . . I mean Trump . . .
lol You guys focus on this and then ignore the fact that Biden and Harris both repeated debunked claims about Charlottesville? Except the media doesn't report on effects from that lie.

But I'll give the Dems credit - if anyone can make a mountain out of a mole hill, they can.
Translation: DANC figured out that Trump supporters lost the discussion about Trump's false claims that someone was eating cats, so now he's trying to deflect the conversation to what he calls "Charlottesville."
Harris is the sitting Vice President and Border Czar or Root Causes Czar or whatever you want to call her. Shouldn't she have fixed inflation, gas prices or food prices?
Only a fool would believe Harris has any real interest in fixing things that she’s had 4 years to help fix but hasn’t.🤣
The additional spending for Ukraine that passed separately anyway. That additional spending? We could have made some progress on controlling illegal immigration, but instead we got nothing. That's all due to Trump and MAGA.
no, that’s due to your President & the his VP you are helping put in office. You’re dumb enough to fall for their narrative though, or are you going to claim the Biden admin couldn’t do anything to stem the tide?
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Why is it that you make fun of MAGA for believing evereything and yet you dont say anything about Democrats that believe evrything they are told?
There's no rule that says people can't comment about Trump or MAGAs without first commenting about every other thing in the world that Trump supporters want to deflect to.