Eating Cats/Dogs

Everybody was fairly certain that the threats weren't real. Unfortunately, they still need to be checked out.

Again though, even if many of the threats were coming from overseas (and "many" does not equal "all"), does it matter? The point is that this small town that was already trying to deal with their current hardships is suddenly being inundated with threats, all because Trump spewed a baseless attack on national television. There is no sane argument that you can make that these threats would be happening if Trump hadn't done this.
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Everybody was fairly certain that the threats weren't real. Unfortunately, they still need to be checked out.

Again though, even if many of the threats were coming from overseas (and "many" does not equal "all"), does it matter? The point is that this small town that was already trying to deal with their current hardships is suddenly being inundated with threats, all because Trump spewed a baseless attack on national television. There is no sane argument that you can make that these threats would be happening if Trump hadn't done this.

Yeah. The Laura Loomers are trying to change it to “see, it was all fake” as if the claims had been there were real bombs involved and the threats caused by Trump and Vance therefore don’t matter.
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He means the one allowing hiring thousands more agents on the ground to find, round up, and deport illegals while better defining asylum request requirements

How can you better secure a border without people to enforce it? And don't claim you just need a fence that people can scale with a makeshift ladder in a minute.
While at the same time making it more expedient to process more illegals and turn them loose in the US. While at the same time sending more money overseas. As far as securing the border even better , how about building a wall?
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While at the same time making it more expedient to process more illegals and turn them loose in the US. While at the same time sending more money overseas. As far as securing the border even better , how about building a wall?
What was the cost of the 100 miles of fence that Trump built, and what good does it do without enough agents on the ground to catch them going over it with makeshift ladders in ~30 seconds?
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Yeah. The Laura Loomers are trying to change it to “see, it was all fake” as if the claims had been there was real bombs involved and the threats caused by Trump and Vance therefore don’t matter.
Her followers are idiots and will buy it.
Everybody was fairly certain that the threats weren't real. Unfortunately, they still need to be checked out.

Again though, even if many of the threats were coming from overseas (and "many" does not equal "all"), does it matter? The point is that this small town that was already trying to deal with their current hardships is suddenly being inundated with threats, all because Trump spewed a baseless attack on national television. There is no sane argument that you can make that these threats would be happening if Trump hadn't done this.
The reason it happened is because Biden/Harris administration allowed 10 million+ immigrants into the country the past 4 years and DeWine decided to overrun a small city with them.
I agree DeWine is dumb as dumb can be.
Uh huh. Those that think that bomb threats turning out to be "hoaxes" (no bomb, but the threat was real) is a gotcha of some kind are dumb as dumb can be. "Libs of Tik Tok" is dumb as dumb can be.

DeWine is doing a great job as the Gov.
Uh huh. Those that think that bomb threats turning out to be "hoaxes" (no bomb, but the threat was real) is a gotcha of some kind are dumb as dumb can be. "Libs of Tik Tok" is dumb as dumb can be.

DeWine is doing a great job as the Gov.

They are on this board talking about the “hoax”. Yeah, I think someone would have noticed a bomb going off.
Uh huh. Those that think that bomb threats turning out to be "hoaxes" (no bomb, but the threat was real) is a gotcha of some kind are dumb as dumb can be. "Libs of Tik Tok" is dumb as dumb can be.

DeWine is doing a great job as the Gov.


The mayor has said that he, his family, and other city personnel have received death threats.

Not according to the local paper.
I provided a link because several people asked and you said ulrey was incorrect. He wasn't incorrect and the local newspaper was wrong.
I provided a link because several people asked and you said ulrey was incorrect. He wasn't incorrect and the local newspaper was wrong.
Wrong about what? My local paper reported the bomb threats. The bomb threats were real, and they were news. None reported that any bombs were found. I'm confused as to what the confusion is about.
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What’s their problem? This can’t help the campaign when Springfield hospitals and schools are receiving bomb threats. The FBI is investigating death threats towards Haitians. Dumbest campaign strategy ever and I hope it leads to their poll numbers plummeting. That’s third world crap right there.

Vance was on all the Sunday morning shows still perpetuating these same falsehoods. None of the authorities, including the police, mayor, and governor, say there’s any evidence to support the claims.
The deaths threats have been debunked. Try again.
Not according to the local paper.
Here are the sequence of posts. Harry said the FBI was investing death threats, it's in bold. Ulrey says they had been debunked. You said they hadn't been debunked by the local paper. I post a video of the DeWine saying they are debunked and were a hoax. What are you confused about @Aloha Hoosier ?
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Here are the sequence of posts. Harry said the FBI was investing death threats, it's in bold. Ulrey says they had been debunked. You said they hadn't been debunked by the local paper. I post a video of the DeWine says saying they are debunked and were a hoax. What are you confused about @Aloha Hoosier ?
The bomb threats were real and not debunked. The Governor didn't say they were debunked. Like most bomb threats there was no bomb - i.e. a hoax. Saying that bomb threats were debunked because there was no bomb is not debunking. That should clear it up for you. You seemed very confused.
A bomb threat to a school or public building is indeed a DEATH THREAT, since... duh.... BOMBS THAT GO OFF WILL KILL PEOPLE

is this difficult to follow, somehow?
The bomb threats were real and not debunked. The Governor didn't say they were debunked. Like most bomb threats there was no bomb - i.e. a hoax. Saying that bomb threats were debunked because there was no bomb is not debunking. That should clear it up for you. You seemed very confused.
I wasn't confused at all. If you think @ulrey was saying the bomb threats never happened, instead of telling Hondo they'd been investigated and were found to be hoaxes, that's a you problem.
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Here are the sequence of posts. Harry said the FBI was investing death threats, it's in bold. Ulrey says they had been debunked. You said they hadn't been debunked by the local paper. I post a video of the DeWine says saying they are debunked and were a hoax. What are you confused about @Aloha Hoosier ?
Of note, my post was from the Mayor who had received death threats, not Haitians. To my knowledge, that has not been debunked.
I wasn't confused at all. If you think @ulrey was saying the bomb threats never happened, instead of telling Hondo they'd been investigated and were found to be hoaxes, that's a you problem.
I pretty much stick with literal interpretations of what a person posts. When he said the threats were hoaxes it only makes sense to believe he meant that the threats themselves didn't happen since in nearly every called in bomb threat it turns out there is no bomb. That's not news, and it certainly isn't debunking the bomb threats.
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I wasn't confused at all. If you think @ulrey was saying the bomb threats never happened, instead of telling Hondo they'd been investigated and were found to be hoaxes, that's a you problem.
The statement was made that the death threats were debunked

They weren't. The death threats were real and numerous.

Declaring that none of the threats (that we know about anyway) were actually plans set in motion and ready to be carried out, and instead being false bluffs, is a different stance entirely.

Don't confuse the two, just to weasel out of lies.
He means the one allowing hiring thousands more agents on the ground to find, round up, and deport illegals while better defining asylum request requirements

How can you better secure a border without people to enforce it? And don't claim you just need a fence that people can scale with a makeshift ladder in a minute.
More agents weren't needed under Trump.

You're such a dupe.
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Everybody was fairly certain that the threats weren't real. Unfortunately, they still need to be checked out.

Again though, even if many of the threats were coming from overseas (and "many" does not equal "all"), does it matter? The point is that this small town that was already trying to deal with their current hardships is suddenly being inundated with threats, all because Trump spewed a baseless attack on national television. There is no sane argument that you can make that these threats would be happening if Trump hadn't done this.
It's OK - the consensus out there is that the threats were real. And that was the purpose of the media - to make false claims and then leave it up to individuals to debunk.

It will be a Democrat talking about the rest of the election and people here will still claim it's real.
I pretty much stick with literal interpretations of what a person posts. When he said the threats were hoaxes it only makes sense to believe he meant that the threats themselves didn't happen since in nearly every called in bomb threat it turns out there is no bomb. That's not news, and it certainly isn't debunking the bomb threats.
DeWine used hoaxes. If you want to play semantics with words, have at it, but sometimes people on here use incorrect words. It makes zero sense for ulrey to claim they never happened.
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Everybody was fairly certain that the threats weren't real. Unfortunately, they still need to be checked out.

Again though, even if many of the threats were coming from overseas (and "many" does not equal "all"), does it matter? The point is that this small town that was already trying to deal with their current hardships is suddenly being inundated with threats, all because Trump spewed a baseless attack on national television. There is no sane argument that you can make that these threats would be happening if Trump hadn't done this.
So, Trump claimed something that he'd heard, the media makes up some fake consequence, and then it's still Trump's fault the media was forced to make shit up.

Yep, sounds about right.
So, Trump claimed something that he'd heard, the media makes up some fake consequence, and then it's still Trump's fault the media was forced to make shit up.

Yep, sounds about right.
What? The media didn't make up anything. They reported that there were bomb threats and there were bomb threats. Are you in the beginning stages of dementia?
Here are the sequence of posts. Harry said the FBI was investing death threats, it's in bold. Ulrey says they had been debunked. You said they hadn't been debunked by the local paper. I post a video of the DeWine says saying they are debunked and were a hoax. What are you confused about @Aloha Hoosier ?
He's always confused
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So, Trump claimed something that he'd heard, the media makes up some fake consequence, and then it's still Trump's fault the media was forced to make shit up.

Yep, sounds about right.
1) As Aloha noted, the media didn't make anything up.
2) There have been consequences. Kids have been remote learning for several days (which means some parents have had to stay home from work unexpectedly). Police resources have been reallocated to investigate claims, even if they turn out to be false. The cultural festival has been cancelled, meaning vendors who had planned on making money at a crowded event are out of luck. This small town is now nationally (or even internationally) famous / infamous.
3) ...and all because Trump repeated "something he had heard". The debate was an interview to 50 million American people on national TV. You are trying to convince the nation that you are the best person for the job. One would think it would be a wise idea to confirm said "something" before spewing it out to the world, especially when the premise is something as stupid as people stealing other people's dogs and eating them.
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The mayor has said that he, his family, and other city personnel have received death threats.

How low can people go in order to defend trump?

Trumpers be like
limbo belt GIF
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1) As Aloha noted, the media didn't make anything up.
2) There have been consequences. Kids have been remote learning for several days (which means some parents have had to stay home from work unexpectedly). Police resources have been reallocated to investigate claims, even if they turn out to be false. The cultural festival has been cancelled, meaning vendors who had planned on making money at a crowded event are out of luck. This small town is now nationally (or even internationally) famous / infamous.
3) ...and all because Trump repeated "something he had heard". The debate was an interview to 50 million American people on national TV. You are trying to convince the nation that you are the best person for the job. One would think it would be a wise idea to confirm said "something" before spewing it out to the world, especially when the premise is something as stupid as people stealing other people's dogs and eating them.
lol You guys focus on this and then ignore the fact that Biden and Harris both repeated debunked claims about Charlottesville? Except the media doesn't report on effects from that lie.

But I'll give the Dems credit - if anyone can make a mountain out of a mole hill, they can.
Except the media doesn't report on effects from that lie.
I'll bite. What were the effects from that lie?

The Charlottesville "lie" was, at best, taking something Trump said and then replaying it out of context.
For example, you remember that story about Biden talking to the Pope, and they only included the sound bite where Joe says "Are you that famous American baseball player" and every Trump fan jumped up and screamed "Oh my God, this guy doesn't even know who the Pope is".

Both sides equally take things out of context.

Still trying to figure out how saying Haitians eat other people's dogs can be taken out of context.
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I don't know the exact numbers but the Haitians are really a different discussion. I think there are something like 300k total under TPS status. You can't really classify them as illegals, as they are not.

This all gets muddled together with other larger immigration issue, but it's bizarre that the Haitians are getting focused on now. Haiti is a sad story kind of unto it's own and we've had our fingers in there for a long time going back 100+years. But it's a seriously fkd place.

I mean now they are now sending in Jamaicans. How bad do things have to look to be relying on Jamaica for security assistance?
The island of Hispanolia is made up of the DR and Haiti. And the two countries could not be more different in terms of economic resources. Haiti achieved independence from France in 1804 as a result of the slave rebellion of 1791. But generations of Haitians paid a dreadful economic cost for achieving that Freedom, as for at least 2 centuries Haiti has been forced to pay not only the French Govt, but descendants of the very people that had enslaved them as well.

Add in the decades of Papa Doc not only raping the people but the economy as well and it's not hard to see why the average Haitian is so destitute compared with the tourist mecca that is the DR. And at least two major natural disasters haven't helped at all, just further exacerbated the extreme poverty.

This is an excellent piece from the NYT examining why so many Haitians thru no fault of their own find themselves drowing in an economic and political quagmire...

1) As Aloha noted, the media didn't make anything up.
2) There have been consequences. Kids have been remote learning for several days (which means some parents have had to stay home from work unexpectedly). Police resources have been reallocated to investigate claims, even if they turn out to be false. The cultural festival has been cancelled, meaning vendors who had planned on making money at a crowded event are out of luck. This small town is now nationally (or even internationally) famous / infamous.
3) ...and all because Trump repeated "something he had heard". The debate was an interview to 50 million American people on national TV. You are trying to convince the nation that you are the best person for the job. One would think it would be a wise idea to confirm said "something" before spewing it out to the world, especially when the premise is something as stupid as people stealing other people's dogs and eating them.
It's not because Trump repeated anything. The consequences stem from Democrats and DeWine's terrible immigration polices.
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I'll bite. What were the effects from that lie?

The Charlottesville "lie" was, at best, taking something Trump said and then replaying it out of context.
For example, you remember that story about Biden talking to the Pope, and they only included the sound bite where Joe says "Are you that famous American baseball player" and every Trump fan jumped up and screamed "Oh my God, this guy doesn't even know who the Pope is".

Both sides equally take things out of context.

Still trying to figure out how saying Haitians eat other people's dogs can be taken out of context.
Oh, I don't know...... 82 million votes for a brain-adled dumbass that got laughed out of his Presidential run in the 80s for plagiarism and exaggeration of his academic record?
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lol You guys focus on this and then ignore the fact that Biden and Harris both repeated debunked claims about Charlottesville? Except the media doesn't report on effects from that lie.

But I'll give the Dems credit - if anyone can make a mountain out of a mole hill, they can.
"lol You guys focus on this and then ignore the fact that Biden and Harris both repeated debunked claims about Charlottesville? Except the media doesn't report on effects from that lie."

What debunked claims about Charlottesville would that be? How well do you know your 20th century history?

The staues in Charlottesville were erected by the KK with KKK funds. In 2016 a petition was circulated which gained enough signatures to bring the issue of removing the statues before the town council. The council ended up voting unanimously in Feb 2017 to remove the Lee statue.

Of course there was 1 person in town who that didn't sit well with local white supremacist Jason Kessler. Kessler along with his buddy and fellow neo-nazi Richard Spencer organized what they termed the Unite the Right rally. From the outset it was a group of Fascist/Neo Nazi organizations with further support coming from the KKK...

Unfortunately some very ignorant, uneducated people on the Right decided a Neo Nazi rally protesting the law in VA was where they needed to be in Aug 2017. Hence Trump's characterization of "fine people" who may have been well intentioned but still willingly partcipated in a racist organized weekend. Characterizing these people as "ignorant" is kind, because obviously none of them bothered to examine the history of the statue they just assumed was part of American "heritage".

The dedication of the statue was the culmination of a week of KKK festivities in Cville in 1924. The purpose of commissioning the statue was not to serve as some benign remnant of past glory. The purpose was to demonstrate power and to frighten the Black population of C'ville not to vote and to know their place.There weren't any Black citizens that were asked their opinion in 1915 or so when the all-white town council voted to commission the building of the statue...

It wasn't that long ago.So some of the witnesses who in 1924 were little kids cowering behind their doors with their parents/grandparents as the KKK marauded thru the town were still alive to tell their stories in 2017. The local newspapers of that period didn't even hide the objective to intimidate the towns Black citizens. This piece on UVA's history with the Klan includes several examples of the role the press played in what was not a glowing era for Charlottesville...

Now you're going to say Trump was misquoted,that he was only referring to the "good right Wingers" who weren't part of the Nazis and Klan. The problem is if you participate in a demonstration organized by evil people you're either very gullible and ignorant, or else you forfeit your ability to be labelled a "good person".

So whether Trump was misquoted or not, his statement was still full of ignorance. One side consisted of outside agitators who killed a local and the other side was largely locals and UVA students who took exception to Neo-Nazis invading their town.And those outside agitators were protesting against a lawful order passed unanimously by the town council...

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