Eating Cats/Dogs

Hey numbnuts...or possibly no nuts...

Springfield Mayor Rob Rue said at a press conference Tuesday that rumors of pets or wildlife being eaten by Haitian immigrants were absolutely false, with zero verified reports of specific claims.

Republican County Commissioner Melanie Flax Wilt: "As a leader in the community, I want to remind my fellow citizens that it is not OK to harass our neighbors, it is not OK to harass anyone for how they drive, for how they look, for how they lead,” Flax Wilt said. “We tell our kids — I’m the mother of three school-aged kids — we tell our kids not to bully one another, and I hear adults in our community saying the most hateful things, the very things we caution our children against. That’s not the community we are. We are Clark County, Ohio. We are Springfield, Ohio, and that is not the community we want to be.”

Flax Wilt said it’s important to take a look at the bigger picture and work toward solutions like the driver’s education programs, stabilizing infrastructure and helping newcomers assimilate. She said stabilizing funding locally entails stabilizing the tax base through sales tax or income tax and assimilating the Haitian population to the community.
No nuts is correct.
You forgot to mention that your gun toting, shoal chewing neighbor might be a meth head as well. Do you crap all over him like you do here with folks that don’t share your ideology? Be careful how you label the vegans. We know a few cultists here that are vegan. Never could get the whole vegan thing.
I do however have occasional guilty feelings about eating beef after having the Achilles tendon from a cow grafted onto my rotator cuff. Feel like we are kin under the skin.
Is Meth vegan?
Yeah the Republican gov is in on it too. You guys will stop at nothing to justify the stupidity of your cult leader. If Joe Biden had said this you loud have screamed his was mentally unstable and should be removed from office. This blind idolatry is blatantly a repudiation of Gods first commandment. Thou shall have no other god before me.
I am out of this post. Just plain dumb asses.

Yeah bud you probably need to take a beat...step outside & take a deep breath...touch grass etcetera.

I posted the video (without commentary) and it's the only post I've made in this thread. I just posted it as the singular perspective of a man who lives there and his opinion, nothing more. I am in no cult. I worship no idols, follow no master whether of an earthly or supernatural or divine nature (except for my wife, who is always right).

But hey if jumping to conclusions is your thing then by all means, you do you...
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Yeah the Republican gov is in on it too. You guys will stop at nothing to justify the stupidity of your cult leader. If Joe Biden had said this you loud have screamed his was mentally unstable and should be removed from office. This blind idolatry is blatantly a repudiation of Gods first commandment. Thou shall have no other god before me.
I am out of this post. Just plain dumb asses.
That Republican governor knows about Haitians quite well. His family has done wonderful work in Haiti for a long time. Among other things they run a Catholic orphanage in Haiti. I had the pleasure of having lunch with him about 15 years ago where he gave me and a few other people a very personal video and photo tour of their work. He’s a good man.
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Well let’s see PJ Brown who played for the Bulls in 2006 called me whitebread cornbread and I never thought it was a racist comment. I also told him he was the only player in the NBA whose wife scored more points in college. we would go back and forth with each other. I know him through my wife who did some work for the coaching staff back then. Great guy. He and Ben Gordon were particularly great to my wife. But the whole team treated her very well.
So I don’t take offense at being called whitehead. I was called a carpet bagger and cracker when I was in West Georgia right out of college. Again no offense was taken and none intended. I guess it all depends on your life experiences and how you treat others regardless of culture or color. Especially proud that my father taught us to treat everyone equally and stand up for those who are less fortunate or who are being mistreated by others. Saw plenty of examples of that from my father when I was growing up.
Epic virtue signal...
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Per usual, I’m just a little ahead of the game. Good to see others catching on.

But no one is talking about Trump's actual policies, such as his plan to improve healthcare (because he admits he doesn't have one) or his actual detailed plan to stop illegal border crossings (because he hasn't said anything more detailed than that he would really really really like there to be fewer illegal crossings).

Instead, no matter how Republicans try to disguise it, once again people are talking only about Trump's crazy-ass ridiculous lies.

And since all Republicans are on board with Trump's lies, Vote Republican Down Ballot -- 2024 !!
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That Republican governor knows about Haitians quite well. His family has done wonderful work in Haiti for a long time. Among other things they run a Catholic orphanage in Haiti. I had the pleasure of having lunch with him about 15 years ago where he gave me and a few other people a very personal video and photo tour of their work. He’s a good man.
The Mennonites have had many missionaries in Haiti for years.
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But no one is talking about Trump's actual policies, such as his plan to improve healthcare (because he admits he doesn't have one) or his actual detailed plan to stop illegal border crossings (because he hasn't said anything more detailed than that he would really really really like there to be fewer illegal crossings).

Instead, no matter how Republicans try to disguise it, once again people are talking only about Trump's crazy-ass ridiculous lies.

And since all Republicans are on board with Trump's lies, Vote Republican Down Ballot -- 2024 !!
Do you understand what Biden and Harris did on the border? Title 42, remain in Mexico, asylum agreements. How can you be so lost? Trump’s numbers were a fraction of Biden. Biden Harris lifted all what was in place and the numbers exploded. Do you deny this factual information?

What will Harris do. THAT is the concern. Compare records. We have data from both admins
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Do you understand what Biden and Harris did on the border? Title 42, remain in Mexico, asylum agreements. How can you be so lost? Trump’s numbers were a fraction of Biden. Biden Harris lifted all what was in place and the numbers exploded. Do you deny this factual information?

What will Harris do. THAT is the concern. Compare records. We have data from both admins
Harris was not President. She had no power, other than to attract your automatic, nebulous criticism.
But no one is talking about Trump's actual policies, such as his plan to improve healthcare (because he admits he doesn't have one) or his actual detailed plan to stop illegal border crossings (because he hasn't said anything more detailed than that he would really really really like there to be fewer illegal crossings).

Instead, no matter how Republicans try to disguise it, once again people are talking only about Trump's crazy-ass ridiculous lies.

And since all Republicans are on board with Trump's lies, Vote Republican Down Ballot -- 2024 !!
lol…does Harris have polices yet or are we going to have to wait another month? If people cared about and understood policies, 95% of the country would vote for the GOP.

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lol…does Harris have polices yet or are we going to have to wait another month? If people cared about and understood policies, 95% of the country would vote for the GOP.

I'm surprised you're still asking.

Here you go. Rip into this, since you're keen on appearing a knowledgable critic:

You weren't President either. Why didn't you do something about it?
you can't be this dense. it was liberal policy. mean old trump. he's cruel. it's social worker policy from the second most liberal senator this century. and she chose a progressive vp who is also a weirdo. two people who have lived off the gov. you may like that most of us don't. it's a social worker mentality and has deleterious consequences from defunding, to open borders, to inflation. now they're trying to pull a bait and switch bc they understand the consequences of their policies but don't be fooled. one person's socialism is another's neighborliness. ahhhhh who are we kidding. you'll be fooled.

trump sucks ass. but no one has worse policies than progressives
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you can't be this dense. it was liberal policy. mean old trump. he's cruel. it's social worker policy from the second most liberal senator this century. and she chose a progressive vp who is also a weirdo. two people who have lived off the gov. you may like that most of us don't. it's a social worker mentality and has deleterious consequences from defunding, to open borders, to inflation. now they're trying to pull a bait and switch bc they understand the consequences of their policies but don't be fooled. one person's socialism is another's neighborliness. ahhhhh who are we kidding. you'll be fooled.

trump sucks ass. but no one has worse policies than progressives
I just saw the clock. You're stuck once again in a hospital waiting room tonight, aren't you?
I'm surprised you're still asking.

Here you go. Rip into this, since you're keen on appearing a knowledgable critic:

The first one I clicked on was her plan to bring down health care costs by strengthening and expanding Obamacare.

“As Attorney General of California, Kamala Harris took on insurance companies and Big Pharma and got them to lower prices. As a Senator, she fought Donald Trump’s attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

Vice President Harris will make affordable health care a right, not a privilege by expanding and strengthening the Affordable Care Act and making permanent the Biden-Harris tax credit enhancements that are lowering health care premiums by an average of about $800 a year for millions of Americans.”

The problem is Obamacare didn’t bring down healthcare costs 👇

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The first one I clicked on was her plan to bring down health care costs by strengthening and expanding Obamacare.

“As Attorney General of California, Kamala Harris took on insurance companies and Big Pharma and got them to lower prices. As a Senator, she fought Donald Trump’s attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

Vice President Harris will make affordable health care a right, not a privilege by expanding and strengthening the Affordable Care Act and making permanent the Biden-Harris tax credit enhancements that are lowering health care premiums by an average of about $800 a year for millions of Americans.”

The problem is Obamacare didn’t bring down healthcare costs 👇

The list in your post shows that healthcare premiums rose from $19k to $21k (10.5%) under Trump. Why did Trump let that happen since he claims to be the only solution to healthcare?

Republicans held both houses of Congress under Trump and gutted the existing version of Obamacare under his watch.

Trump wholly failed to fulfill his 2016 campaign promises to fix healthcare.

If you respond, please don't use the word "Biden." Nothing Biden allegedly did or didn't do can excuse Trump's failures.
The list in your post shows that healthcare premiums rose from $19k to $21k (10.5%) under Trump. Why did Trump let that happen since he claims to be the only solution to healthcare?

Republicans held both houses of Congress under Trump and gutted the existing version of Obamacare under his watch.

Trump wholly failed to fulfill his 2016 campaign promises to fix healthcare.

If you respond, please don't use the word "Biden." Nothing Biden allegedly did or didn't do can excuse Trump's failures.
it's pathetic how hyper partisan you are. disgusting really. all hte garbage that came from biden/harris policies that you just overlook. ridiculous. you and a handful of others on this board on both sides give us little hope. your type should have earmarked threads and that's the only place you're allowed to post
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Trump bringing up eating dogs (it was cats by the way) was brilliant. The problem is he can't expand on it like Vance below. Either way it still becomes a national topic that Harris let 20,000 Haitians invade an Ohio city. Congrats on winning a one-year membership to jelly of the month club. It's still going to be a great November.

As the debate gets further in the rear view, I’m starting to believe this take is correct.

The only thing that has stuck in the zeitgeist from the debate is “They’re eating the cats, they’re eating the dogs”

This works in Trumps favor if we make two assumptions.

A. No publicity is bad publicity

B. Most people who heard the comment and thought “WTF?” will dig an inch deeper and uncover the disaster in Springfield created by Biden/ Harris

Classic Trump. He has dominated the news cycle coming out of the debate. Cat memes abound.
If you think this is good story for Democrats, think again.
This is a laughable statement. Every single thing I've seen and heard all week was focused on "they're eating the dogs". Mostly in meme form and a whole lotta laughter. It's a complete mockery of a once proud and dignified endeavor (running for President). He's a WWE politician and that is the fire that the debate comments fanned.
This is a laughable statement. Every single thing I've seen and heard all week was focused on "they're eating the dogs". Mostly in meme form and a whole lotta laughter. It's a complete mockery of a once proud and dignified endeavor (running for President). He's a WWE politician and that is the fire that the debate comments fanned.
Dignified left long ago. For either party. When both parties do nothing but lie it’s hardly proud and dignified

Trump’s just too stupid to distinguish the absurd from the believable
But no one is talking about Trump's actual policies, such as his plan to improve healthcare (because he admits he doesn't have one) or his actual detailed plan to stop illegal border crossings (because he hasn't said anything more detailed than that he would really really really like there to be fewer illegal crossings).

Instead, no matter how Republicans try to disguise it, once again people are talking only about Trump's crazy-ass ridiculous lies.

And since all Republicans are on board with Trump's lies, Vote Republican Down Ballot -- 2024 !!
Pretty ballsy to criticize Trump policies when the candidate you’re blindly supporting has none. This is not an endorsement of Trump - but merely an observation of hypocrisy.
Pretty ballsy to criticize Trump policies when the candidate you’re blindly supporting has none. This is not an endorsement of Trump - but merely an observation of hypocrisy.
Title 42, remain in Mexico, funding cut, asylum agreements lifted. No the border problem is bc republicans didn’t codify a 9th inning shitty bill.

Polls say trump won the debate.
I watched it. With my own eyes
Yeah but polls

Most of this board is dumber than shit
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Most people who heard the comment and thought “WTF?” will dig an inch deeper and uncover the disaster in Springfield created by Biden/ Harris
The Haitian migration started in 2017-2020. Granted, it accelerated with the more recent political unrest in Haiti and influx of asylum seekers, but the ball got rolling under your hero.
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