Eating Cats/Dogs


Is the pic nevessary?
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I don't know. I think it more likely demonstrates that the "miracle" we think is life is really nothing more than the mechanical responses of complex nets of electrically charged collections of molecules.
Regardless that thing is going to find its way into my nightmares. The divorce court judge will be a headless chicken:

Turkey Farms existed just fine in Daviess, Martin, Knox and Dubois Counties before the Haitians came. I bet there isn’t one Haitian working on a Turkey Farm. They may be working in Perdue Farms and Farbest plants.

Many are walking the streets during normal work hours in new sneakers and cloths. I guess they’re working sometime.
A lot of people I knew worked at Perdue. I remember a friend of mine back in day had a father who worked there and he brought home turkey nuts for the dog to eat.
Republican County Commisdioner says 12,000 and the only problem is lack of infrastructure and they are working hard on that. The only one bothered is the self-anointed racist “pastor”.
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Remember when the clergy had a Christ-like attitude towards the less fortunate...and the truth?
Yes. The church where I did my bible school as a little tyke many years ago had a very Christ-like pastor for the last ten years, until his retirement this year. I will remember him for the gracious words he spoke at my grandmother's funeral, but also for the great sermons he posted online (he single-handedly took St. John from a newsletter on the copy machine church to a social media church, even though it never had more than a couple hundred members).

Republican County Commisdioner says 12,000 and the only problem is lack of infrastructure and they are working hard on that. The only one bothered is the self-anointed racist “pastor”.
Fact is the attempt to attract jobs to the town worked too well, and services couldn't keep up with the increasing population. It happens. It's a problem. But in the long run, it's a good problem to have, because it means a growing, economically ascendent community.
Fact is the attempt to attract jobs to the town worked too well, and services couldn't keep up with the increasing population. It happens. It's a problem. But in the long run, it's a good problem to have, because it means a growing, economically ascendent community.
Wait, wait, wait...these Haitians are here legally? But, I seem to remember the "good" pastor saying many, many times that his only problem with immigrants is when they break the law to enter our country without going through the proper channels.
It seems as if something else is afoot here. Hmmm...
They started moving there five years ago. Do the math.
The woman who "ate" the cat was not an immigrant, but rather an American with mental problems. As someone else pointed out she was from Canton, was first arrested by Canton police back in 2011, and is pleading not guilty by reason of insanity...

The guy carrying the dead goose was actually photographed in Columbus. That's according to the Columbus Dispatch.
Fact is the attempt to attract jobs to the town worked too well, and services couldn't keep up with the increasing population. It happens. It's a problem. But in the long run, it's a good problem to have, because it means a growing, economically ascendent community.
No, it doesn’t and you’re clueless on all things related to economies. If it was a growing ascendant economy (whatever that means) they would have had taxes dollars to pay for those services.
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No, it doesn’t and your clueless on all things related for economies. If it was a growing ascendant economy they would have had taxes dollars to pay for those services.
Do the people that live there not want people moving to their town? I didn’t understand the problem. Hundreds of people move to my town every day. Nobody seems to mind.
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Well answer the question. What’s wrong with growth?
I assume you’re only thinking of total GDP growth. It can be a good thing and usually is, however it can also be bad. If you have an influx of 20,000 people, the GDP is going to grow (it’s just a measurement of what us humans produce). However, if those 20,000 people require more services (tax dollars) than they provide (tax revenues), it’s not a benefit to the overall economy.

Also, it’s almost always shitty for working class people because they’re now competing against a lot more people and it will put downward pressures on their wages. If you’re a 44 year roofer with a GED you’re basically f#cked. Not to mention a brain drain can and does sometimes happen in those communities.

There are also other negative impacts related to Healthcare, housing, and education. Using doctors as an example. A quick google search said there are 2.6 doctors for every 1,000 people in the U.S. Where are those 52 new doctors coming from to service the 20,000 new Haitians?
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The only problem with growth here is our redneck legislature not understanding the need for improved mass transit since pick up trucks work just fine in their town.
Yet, I’m for educated Asians, Latin Americans, Europeans, and Africans migrating to the U.S.
"Educated" is a very subjective definition.
I think McM said it correctly up-thread. There are some positives and negatives here. The Springfield area had been in decline for a while. Wages were already dropping. You have a massive influx of cheap labor that further depresses wages in other areas of the city, but you are also generating growth to the area, something that is desperately needed. Yes, there is a period of time of strain on the cities systems (education, services, etc.), but eventually (and this could admittedly be a decade long process), there is increased spending as they become more established. The kids become Americanized pretty quickly.

My community is actually had a large influx of Nepali lately. About 20% of my neighborhood has changed. Nice people. Polite. The entire family take walks around the neighborhood daily. Guy came over in January and helped me shovel the snow off my driveway, didn't speak a word of English. Didn't matter. We got the job done. I was able to return the favor and help dig out a fell tree's roots this summer.
Any time I've really needed to communicate, they get the 10 year old kids to come over and translate. From what my son has told me, most of the Nepali kids at his school struggle for the first year, but are fine after that.

It only takes one generation before they are fairly indistinguishable from any other person you encounter on the street.
I played in a golf outing in Springfield this past Saturday. I can honestly say I didn't see anyone grilling a cat or a dog. We had chicken and pork loin for dinner after the outing. At least I think it was chicken and pork loin. It was tasty.
Did you play with the city manager? Aloha with the boots on the ground.. thank you for your service.
Did you play with the city manager? Aloha with the boots on the ground.. thank you for your service.
Nah. I hadn’t even heard of this situation until after the outing. No one mentioned it. I drove through the town on the way back and don’t recall seeing Haitians, but I wasn’t looking for any. Seemed like a typical small Ohio town to me.
Nah. I hadn’t even heard of this situation until after the outing. No one mentioned it. I drove through the town on the way back and don’t recall seeing Haitians, but I wasn’t looking for any. Seemed like a typical small Ohio town to me.
You do know that their culture is to suck the blood and hang the bones of the cat for good luck?
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"Educated" is a very subjective definition.
I think McM said it correctly up-thread. There are some positives and negatives here. The Springfield area had been in decline for a while. Wages were already dropping. You have a massive influx of cheap labor that further depresses wages in other areas of the city, but you are also generating growth to the area, something that is desperately needed. Yes, there is a period of time of strain on the cities systems (education, services, etc.), but eventually (and this could admittedly be a decade long process), there is increased spending as they become more established. The kids become Americanized pretty quickly.

My community is actually had a large influx of Nepali lately. About 20% of my neighborhood has changed. Nice people. Polite. The entire family take walks around the neighborhood daily. Guy came over in January and helped me shovel the snow off my driveway, didn't speak a word of English. Didn't matter. We got the job done. I was able to return the favor and help dig out a fell tree's roots this summer.
Any time I've really needed to communicate, they get the 10 year old kids to come over and translate. From what my son has told me, most of the Nepali kids at his school struggle for the first year, but are fine after that.

It only takes one generation before they are fairly indistinguishable from any other person you encounter on the street.
I grew up in a town of 15-20k people. It was 95+% white in the early 90s and was plateauing or declining economically. 30 years later the town is now half hispanic and has a similar population. There hasn't been any growth in the area and the town is probably slightly worse off economically than what it was in the 90s (that may have happened either way). When it comes to crime, there hasn't been an increase and everyone gets along fine. I have several hispanic friends and my oldest nephews are partially hispanic. I just disagree with the claim that moving uneducated immigrants into the country is going to generate growth (actual growth, not bigger GDP number).
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So now they need a college degree to enter?

Or will they have to take an iq test like trump and be able to identify an elephant?
Those would be great ideas. However, the border isn't ever getting closed and there will be millions more coming across. The fiat system dictates it. They need bodies or they can't continue growing their debt. One positive is you don't seem that intelligent and your fairly young. You might get to experience some of the pain working class Americans are currently feeling ;)