Do we still need the whistleblower?

The text messages are pretty damning about there being a quid pro quo
What does patriotism have to do with supporting Trump?

That’s per Trump and his supporters only. He only is patriotic to himself from what I have seen from him.

Really it's nationalism and jingoism masquerading as patriotism. I'm sick of ceding the patriot label to people who worship power and symbols, true patriots are the ones who fight for the ideals upon which this nation was founded. Bing's response is a really fair one, he's a member of the political group that has been derided for decades as unpatriotic (and frankly has not done enough to make it clear that patriotism isn't blind faith to our nation's politicians), but it should be obvious to anyone who has followed his posts here that few posters can claim to support the US and its ideals more than he does.

Let's keep drawing the line between real patriotism and the disgusting perversion of that word used by today's republican party.
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Really it's nationalism and jingoism masquerading as patriotism. I'm sick of ceding the patriot label to people who worship power and symbols, true patriots are the ones who fight for the ideals upon which this nation was founded. Bing's response is a really fair one, he's a member of the political group that has been derided for decades as unpatriotic (and frankly has not done enough to make it clear that patriotism isn't blind faith to our nation's politicians), but it should be obvious to anyone who has followed his posts here that few posters can claim to support the US and its ideals more than he does.

Let's keep drawing the line between real patriotism and the disgusting perversion of that word used by today's republican party.

Back in the good ole' days of the 1950s and 60s americans were patriotic. Nothing wrong with a little nostalgia.

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