Debate fallout


Sep 7, 2023
A lot of discussion about the Dem party's options going forward. Two other issues:

(1) We've had a lot of people in government and media saying all the talk about Biden's mental fitness was uncalled for, that Biden was as sharp as a 40 year old, that it was all a right-wing fake media and result of selective editing. A lot of people, until last night, believed this.

The people who knew Biden, had met with him, talked with him or others in the admin, knew this was all a lie. Not a misunderstanding, not a misinterpretation, a blatant lie. Will there be consequences? Will media personalities who pushed this "misinformation" and "disinformation" lose credibility? (Yes, the same thing happened 4 years ago with the pushing of the election fraud cases, etc. It happens on both sides).

(2) Biden's most egregious lie was this line, that I can only think was scripted:

Fact check: Biden suggests no troops died under his watch

“The truth is I’m the only president this century that doesn’t have any this decade and any troops dying anywhere in the world like he did,” Biden said.

This is false.

The Defense Department confirmed that 13 U.S. service members were killed in a suicide bombing attack at Abbey Gate at the Kabul airport by a member of ISIS-K as the U.S. was leaving Afghanistan.

[The article omits the 3 who died in Jordan as a result of a drone attack in February of this year]

Biden received the bodies of the soldiers in both of these events. It's not something a person forgets. The last one was a mere 4 months ago:

He either chose to lie about this very grave subject or he forgot about it. I'm not sure which is more disqualifying for a president. His administration should apologize immediately to the families of those dead soldiers. I'm very surprised this isn't the main talking point today about just how far he is gone.
A lot of discussion about the Dem party's options going forward. Two other issues:

(1) We've had a lot of people in government and media saying all the talk about Biden's mental fitness was uncalled for, that Biden was as sharp as a 40 year old, that it was all a right-wing fake media and result of selective editing. A lot of people, until last night, believed this.

The people who knew Biden, had met with him, talked with him or others in the admin, knew this was all a lie. Not a misunderstanding, not a misinterpretation, a blatant lie. Will there be consequences? Will media personalities who pushed this "misinformation" and "disinformation" lose credibility? (Yes, the same thing happened 4 years ago with the pushing of the election fraud cases, etc. It happens on both sides).

(2) Biden's most egregious lie was this line, that I can only think was scripted:

Fact check: Biden suggests no troops died under his watch

“The truth is I’m the only president this century that doesn’t have any this decade and any troops dying anywhere in the world like he did,” Biden said.

This is false.

The Defense Department confirmed that 13 U.S. service members were killed in a suicide bombing attack at Abbey Gate at the Kabul airport by a member of ISIS-K as the U.S. was leaving Afghanistan.

[The article omits the 3 who died in Jordan as a result of a drone attack in February of this year]

Biden received the bodies of the soldiers in both of these events. It's not something a person forgets. The last one was a mere 4 months ago:

He either chose to lie about this very grave subject or he forgot about it. I'm not sure which is more disqualifying for a president. His administration should apologize immediately to the families of those dead soldiers. I'm very surprised this isn't the main talking point today about just how far he is gone.
If Biden doesn’t step down I hope he loses in an embarrassing landslide
A lot of discussion about the Dem party's options going forward. Two other issues:

(1) We've had a lot of people in government and media saying all the talk about Biden's mental fitness was uncalled for, that Biden was as sharp as a 40 year old, that it was all a right-wing fake media and result of selective editing. A lot of people, until last night, believed this.

The people who knew Biden, had met with him, talked with him or others in the admin, knew this was all a lie. Not a misunderstanding, not a misinterpretation, a blatant lie. Will there be consequences? Will media personalities who pushed this "misinformation" and "disinformation" lose credibility? (Yes, the same thing happened 4 years ago with the pushing of the election fraud cases, etc. It happens on both sides).

(2) Biden's most egregious lie was this line, that I can only think was scripted:

Fact check: Biden suggests no troops died under his watch

“The truth is I’m the only president this century that doesn’t have any this decade and any troops dying anywhere in the world like he did,” Biden said.

This is false.

The Defense Department confirmed that 13 U.S. service members were killed in a suicide bombing attack at Abbey Gate at the Kabul airport by a member of ISIS-K as the U.S. was leaving Afghanistan.

[The article omits the 3 who died in Jordan as a result of a drone attack in February of this year]

Biden received the bodies of the soldiers in both of these events. It's not something a person forgets. The last one was a mere 4 months ago:

He either chose to lie about this very grave subject or he forgot about it. I'm not sure which is more disqualifying for a president. His administration should apologize immediately to the families of those dead soldiers. I'm very surprised this isn't the main talking point today about just how far he is gone.
Amazing ... if lying is the hot issue of last night's debate, I'm thinking you're pointing at the wrong candidate.
If Biden doesn’t step down I hope he loses in an embarrassing landslide

I still contend that the party that "wins" this election will be the loser in the end. The "winner" will have their wildly unpopular candidate as the face of the party for the next four years. I'm not sure either side should want that.

Loser wins.
I still contend that the party that "wins" this election will be the loser in the end. The "winner" will have their wildly unpopular candidate as the face of the party for the next four years. I'm not sure either side should want that.

Loser wins.
The Dems have an opportunity to reset. A unique built in opportunity. A fresh face not stuck with Biden’s horrible presidency and an alternative to all the garbage that comes with trump. People want another option. Now there’s a vehicle
The Dems have an opportunity to reset. A unique built in opportunity. A fresh face not stuck with Biden’s horrible presidency and an alternative to all the garbage that comes with trump. People want another option. Now there’s a vehicle
A unique opportunity indeed.
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The Dems have an opportunity to reset. A unique built in opportunity. A fresh face not stuck with Biden’s horrible presidency and an alternative to all the garbage that comes with trump. People want another option. Now there’s a vehicle

HE could beat Trump.
The Dems have an opportunity to reset. A unique built in opportunity. A fresh face not stuck with Biden’s horrible presidency and an alternative to all the garbage that comes with trump. People want another option. Now there’s a vehicle
They cannot, there is no mechanism to replace him unless he steps down (or dies). Both parties have feared delegate revolts and have locked things down.
I agree, but I don't believe he believes there is a problem. If he did, he would have announced he wasn't running a year ago.
He wasn't in this shape a year ago. He's declining much more rapidly now. That's how it happened with my father-in-law. He was obviously declining a bit when my ship visited Hawaii, as was his wife, but I only noticed it because I hadn't seen them in a year or two. I visited them at their house for dinner, but I'm fairly sure they didn't really remember that they had invited me. Their daughter lived down the street and hadn't noticed so after I told her she started watching them closely and it became obvious to her too. I don't think my FIL thought he was in the beginning stages of dementia at first. About a year and a half later he was essentially bed ridden and died soon after. The MIL had Alzheimer's and lasted four or so years longer. This is a sad thing to happen to anyone and I think it's happening to Biden. He may be in the first year of dementia.
A lot of discussion about the Dem party's options going forward. Two other issues:

(1) We've had a lot of people in government and media saying all the talk about Biden's mental fitness was uncalled for, that Biden was as sharp as a 40 year old, that it was all a right-wing fake media and result of selective editing. A lot of people, until last night, believed this.

The people who knew Biden, had met with him, talked with him or others in the admin, knew this was all a lie. Not a misunderstanding, not a misinterpretation, a blatant lie. Will there be consequences? Will media personalities who pushed this "misinformation" and "disinformation" lose credibility? (Yes, the same thing happened 4 years ago with the pushing of the election fraud cases, etc. It happens on both sides).

(2) Biden's most egregious lie was this line, that I can only think was scripted:

Fact check: Biden suggests no troops died under his watch

“The truth is I’m the only president this century that doesn’t have any this decade and any troops dying anywhere in the world like he did,” Biden said.

This is false.

The Defense Department confirmed that 13 U.S. service members were killed in a suicide bombing attack at Abbey Gate at the Kabul airport by a member of ISIS-K as the U.S. was leaving Afghanistan.

[The article omits the 3 who died in Jordan as a result of a drone attack in February of this year]

Biden received the bodies of the soldiers in both of these events. It's not something a person forgets. The last one was a mere 4 months ago:

He either chose to lie about this very grave subject or he forgot about it. I'm not sure which is more disqualifying for a president. His administration should apologize immediately to the families of those dead soldiers. I'm very surprised this isn't the main talking point today about just how far he is gone.
Please! Demorats believe everything the leftist assholes say. The Russian collusion, the Hunter laptop not being real, Trump saying white supremacists are good people and Trump is racist. Maybe now you’ll get your head out of Biden’s ass and how the left lies and will do anything to win including destroying this great country.
Please! Demorats believe everything the leftist assholes say. The Russian collusion, the Hunter laptop not being real, Trump saying white supremacists are good people and Trump is racist. Maybe now you’ll get your head out of Biden’s ass and how the left lies and will do anything to win including destroying this great country.
Please! Trumpsters believe everything that Trump asshole and Trumpsters say. The 2020 election was stolen, the greatest economy in history, the largest tax cut in history, building a wall and the Mexicans will pay for it, balancing the budget, getting rid of Obama care - and more. Maybe now you’ll get your head out of Trump's ass and how he and Trumpsters lie and will do anything to win including destroying this great country.
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He wasn't in this shape a year ago. He's declining much more rapidly now. That's how it happened with my father-in-law. He was obviously declining a bit when my ship visited Hawaii, as was his wife, but I only noticed it because I hadn't seen them in a year or two. I visited them at their house for dinner, but I'm fairly sure they didn't really remember that they had invited me. Their daughter lived down the street and hadn't noticed so after I told her she started watching them closely and it became obvious to her too. I don't think my FIL thought he was in the beginning stages of dementia at first. About a year and a half later he was essentially bed ridden and died soon after. The MIL had Alzheimer's and lasted four or so years longer. This is a sad thing to happen to anyone and I think it's happening to Biden. He may be in the first year of dementia.
First Year ?!? (that you noticed)

Why do you think they hid him in the basement for most of the prior election?

Everyone else noticed about 5 years ago... (including the mainstream media who have been shielding him [at least they've been outed as the communications arm of the DNC]...).
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Amazing ... if lying is the hot issue of last night's debate, I'm thinking you're pointing at the wrong candidate.
Such as?
He wasn't in this shape a year ago. He's declining much more rapidly now. That's how it happened with my father-in-law. He was obviously declining a bit when my ship visited Hawaii, as was his wife, but I only noticed it because I hadn't seen them in a year or two. I visited them at their house for dinner, but I'm fairly sure they didn't really remember that they had invited me. Their daughter lived down the street and hadn't noticed so after I told her she started watching them closely and it became obvious to her too. I don't think my FIL thought he was in the beginning stages of dementia at first. About a year and a half later he was essentially bed ridden and died soon after. The MIL had Alzheimer's and lasted four or so years longer. This is a sad thing to happen to anyone and I think it's happening to Biden. He may be in the first year of dementia.
there have been many, many posters on this board that have been right about this for months, but those with TDS have remained in denial.😉
First Year ?!? (that you noticed)

Why do you think they hid him in the basement for most of the prior election?

Everyone else noticed about 5 years ago... (including the mainstream media who have been shielding him [at least they've been outed as the communications arm of the DNC]...).
Even the New York Times blasted Biden for refusing to take questions. They said it was unprecedented behavior from a president.

This has been in plain view for awhile now for anyone who cared to look.

Please! Trumpsters believe everything that Trump asshole and Trumpsters say. The 2020 election was stolen, the greatest economy in history, the largest tax cut in history, building a wall and the Mexicans will pay for it, balancing the budget, getting rid of Obama care - and more.
Obama care is for lazy ass people that don’t want to work. I pay for my own insurance and since the leftist asshole started Obama care my insurance went up. The 2020 election had multiple discrepancies and that’s why the left pushes for mail in ballets. If you want to vote then get off your lazy ass and go vote with a picture ID. The economy was so much better under Trump and I’m sorry you’re too stupid to see it. I think maybe you should work a blue collar job and then talk about the economy under Trump compared to the clown in office now. Yo are just like that clown in office. The economy is so bad because Trump had it in a free fall. Ha!
First Year ?!? (that you noticed)

Why do you think they hid him in the basement for most of the prior election?

Everyone else noticed about 5 years ago... (including the mainstream media who have been shielding him [at least they've been outed as the communications arm of the DNC]...).
He debated in 2016 and he was not at all like last night. He was fine. Just normal aging same as we see with Trump, but Biden has a three year head start on him. Partisans in both side have done their best to exaggerate both of their conditions. Partisans on both sides eat that up with a spoon.
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Such as?

there have been many, many posters on this board that have been right about this for months, but those with TDS have remained in denial.😉
Those with TDS (deranged Trump supporters) have been wildly exaggerating his condition. Last night doesn’t change that fact.
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Obama care is for lazy ass people that don’t want to work. I pay for my own insurance and since the leftist asshole started Obama care my insurance went up. The 2020 election had multiple discrepancies and that’s why the left pushes for mail in ballets. If you want to vote then get off your lazy ass and go vote with a picture ID. The economy was so much better under Trump and I’m sorry you’re too stupid to see it. I think maybe you should work a blue collar job and then talk about the economy under Trump compared to the clown in office now. Yo are just like that clown in office. The economy is so bad because Trump had it in a free fall. Ha!
Did you not understand my post? I was criticizing Trump for not doing the things he promised and lies he’s told.

Incidentally, I doubt anyone on this board was a bigger critic of Obamacare than me, so get out of here with that weak sauce.
Those with TDS (deranged Trump supporters) have been wildly exaggerating his condition. Last night doesn’t change that fact.
No one has exaggerated, quite the contrary, it’s been dismissed, & last night proved wrongfully so. The fallout confirms who has been right for months, & it ain’t those of you claiming one is as bad as the other. Folks that have been on the right side of this should get to point & laugh at you for how wrong you’ve been, but it’s too much of a damn shame.

Edit: put your money where your mouth is - let’s see some of these wild exaggerations…
Something I read elsewhere:

1. Democrats previously had made it official they will nominate for President and Vice President virtually prior to the Democratic National Convention being held in Chicago. A virtual nomination in the event of an open convention is one more highly under their control. Why media are not picking up on this (and what it glaringly says) tells me they have little knowledge on the particulars of how the process works.

2. In an open convention, all Biden’s delegates bound to him are free to do as they please. However, if there’s only one person nominated and then nominations are closed by majority vote, all those delegates only have one person to vote for. And anyone wanting to protest this can just not be recognized by the Convention Chair, which plays into the back half of #1 and how it makes the process operate under tighter control with little public outrage displayed.

3. Do we even know if this virtual nomination event will be recorded? (Seriously, why is there no real coverage of this decision the DNC made?)

4. There’s some verbiage out there of Biden defenders saying “give this 3 days, it’ll pass over”. That is highly optimistic to say the least. The Team Biden and Democrats’ path to victory really since the last election has been to have all the attention focused on Trump and his wrongdoings. That’s not what has happened after last night’s debate.

5. Serious question: does anyone publicly backing Biden think in the event of victory he would with a high probability be able to remain President until January 20th, 2029?

6. As far as the practicalities, Democrats have to convince Biden to drop out. Otherwise all the delegates are bound to him barring a Convention delegates vote to suspend the rules (what the anti-Trump crowd at the 2016 RNC tried to do, again plays into how #1 significantly increases the amount of control of the group of people that run the DNC, which is actually a good question to try and define who the people that really run the Democratic Party are because it should be Team Biden and they’re obviously against all this, so if this actually came to pass it’d be an invisible coup).

7. If Biden does drop out, Kamala Harris is going to be publicly very pissed if she’s not the one selected. She’s not going to accept being Vice President under another President because that person can then run for 2 terms. That alone may force Democrats to stick with Biden. If they thought they had a good Vice President that could win a general election, I think this kind of decision would be easier for Biden to resign.
No one has exaggerated, quite the contrary, it’s been dismissed, & last night proved wrongfully so. The fallout confirms who has been right for months, & it ain’t those of you claiming one is as bad as the other. Folks that have been on the right side of this should get to point & laugh at you for how wrong you’ve been, but it’s too much of a damn shame.
Of course they have. On both sides and it was obvious. All anyone had to do was watch the unedited videos rather than the edited ones political operatives put out there. They could make you look like you had Alzheimer’s if they had the amount video they have on Trump and Biden. Last night the unedited video shows that Biden’s condition really has worsened over the past year to an alarming level.
The fallout is that the corporate press has be clowned themselves once again. All these nonsense stories about how behind closed doors Biden is as sharp as ever, an elephants brain, sharp questioner.

The man we saw last night has not been running the country for 3.5 years. Which begs the question, who is?
Of course they have. On both sides and it was obvious. All anyone had to do is watch the unedited videos rather than the edited ones political operatives put out there. They could make you look like you had Alzheimer’s if they had the amount video they have on Trump and Biden. Last night the unedited video shows that Biden’s condition really has worsened over the past year to an alarming level.
So where are examples of this exaggeration? Edited video’s aren’t exaggerations, they’re false evidence, but that doesn’t mean they’re wrong about what they’re trying to prove…
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The fallout is that the corporate press has be clowned themselves once again. All these nonsense stories about how behind closed doors Biden is as sharp as ever, an elephants brain, sharp questioner.

The man we saw last night has not been running the country for 3.5 years. Which begs the question, who is?
That’s an interesting question. Joe clearly isn’t in charge. He’s not setting the agenda. He probably doesn’t know where he is most of the time.

So who is actually in charge?
So where are examples of this exaggeration? Edited video’s aren’t exaggerations, they’re false evidence, but that doesn’t mean they’re wrong about what they’re trying to prove…
It’s not my fault you haven’t been paying attention. Go back a bit and look at a short clip of either of them that seems to make them look befuddled and then search for the full video and watch it in context. I’m on my cell and watching the Reds, so I’m not going to do it, but I have.
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A lot of discussion about the Dem party's options going forward. Two other issues:

(1) We've had a lot of people in government and media saying all the talk about Biden's mental fitness was uncalled for, that Biden was as sharp as a 40 year old, that it was all a right-wing fake media and result of selective editing. A lot of people, until last night, believed this.

The people who knew Biden, had met with him, talked with him or others in the admin, knew this was all a lie. Not a misunderstanding, not a misinterpretation, a blatant lie. Will there be consequences? Will media personalities who pushed this "misinformation" and "disinformation" lose credibility? (Yes, the same thing happened 4 years ago with the pushing of the election fraud cases, etc. It happens on both sides).

(2) Biden's most egregious lie was this line, that I can only think was scripted:

Fact check: Biden suggests no troops died under his watch

“The truth is I’m the only president this century that doesn’t have any this decade and any troops dying anywhere in the world like he did,” Biden said.

This is false.

The Defense Department confirmed that 13 U.S. service members were killed in a suicide bombing attack at Abbey Gate at the Kabul airport by a member of ISIS-K as the U.S. was leaving Afghanistan.

[The article omits the 3 who died in Jordan as a result of a drone attack in February of this year]

Biden received the bodies of the soldiers in both of these events. It's not something a person forgets. The last one was a mere 4 months ago:

He either chose to lie about this very grave subject or he forgot about it. I'm not sure which is more disqualifying for a president. His administration should apologize immediately to the families of those dead soldiers. I'm very surprised this isn't the main talking point today about just how far he is gone.
They would seem to have three options (or one, if Biden simply can’t be pushed out)-the first, obviously, is to stick with Biden-Harris

The second is a Biden resignation and a Harris-somebody ticket that bets on Harris exceeding very low expectations for her as president and getting a honeymoon period that reaches its zenith in November.

The third is doing what a smart and organized party would have done 9 months ago and pushed them out for Whitmer-Shapiro or vice versa. That may be politically and procedurally impossible to pull off at this point, and it would still be a gamble, but it would be their sincerest effort to respond to what the public is telling them and try to win
And the reality is (in response to "Suicide Watch"):

Nobody (as in white straight males) gives you a second thought in the overall scheme of things aside from how they might be able to help you if your disability keeps you from doing something important...
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I get all this. I do. But the GOP had a very easy mechanism not to select Trump. We had a damn primary. We had several legitimate candidates. All would have beaten Biden. But the GOP chose Trump. All this hand wringing about the Dems rings hollow to me when we had a much easier path and the Republican voters made their choice.
I get all this. I do. But the GOP had a very easy mechanism not to select Trump. We had a damn primary. We had several legitimate candidates. All would have beaten Biden. But the GOP chose Trump. All this hand wringing about the Dems rings hollow to me when we had a much easier path and the Republican voters made their choice.

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