
I like Dakitch , and I understand playing devils advocate ....but everything Crean is doing now shoulda been done little too late no trust
The funniest part of the whole thing was how they were talking up Crean because pregame he was on the court with the team instead of in the locker room preparing. Then they showed video of Crean on the court pregame and he was watching the players stretch. WTF!?!? How in the hell is that considered good coaching? I'll watch JBJ skip with high knees instead of preparing to go over my game plan one more time before the players come back into the locker room. I'm so over this bullshit. Crean is a joke, a horrible coach, and a terrible recruiter.

When they said he was out working with the boys I thought he was running them through offense or OSU's set plays one last time, but no, he was watching them skip and stretch. It amazes me how my opinion of this clown goes below rock bottom.
Dakich is so confusing: Crean is a great coach that wins championships and develops great players; Indiana does the worst job playing out of the double team on Bryant (something that has bothered me for the entire season). You'd think a great coach like Crean would have solved this horrible problem long ago!
Dakich is so confusing: Crean is a great coach that wins championships and develops great players; Indiana does the worst job playing out of the double team on Bryant (something that has bothered me for the entire season). You'd think a great coach like Crean would have solved this horrible problem long ago!
Its contradicting because he claims its all on the players 'not buying into ' the coaching...NOT the coach
The funniest part of the whole thing was how they were talking up Crean because pregame he was on the court with the team instead of in the locker room preparing. Then they showed video of Crean on the court pregame and he was watching the players stretch. WTF!?!? How in the hell is that considered good coaching? I'll watch JBJ skip with high knees instead of preparing to go over my game plan one more time before the players come back into the locker room. I'm so over this bullshit. Crean is a joke, a horrible coach, and a terrible recruiter.

When they said he was out working with the boys I thought he was running them through offense or OSU's set plays one last time, but no, he was watching them skip and stretch. It amazes me how my opinion of this clown goes below rock bottom.
Careful or you may lose your credibility.
Dakich is so confusing: Crean is a great coach that wins championships and develops great players; Indiana does the worst job playing out of the double team on Bryant (something that has bothered me for the entire season). You'd think a great coach like Crean would have solved this horrible problem long ago!
DD also believes iu would be crazy to fire crean
Dakich knows 90% of the IU fan base wants Crean gone so he takes the other side to rile folks up and create controversy. If the fan base supported Crean he would take the anti Crean stance. He loves the attention he gets with his act.
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The media, currrnt and former coaches will endorse Crean. Jay Bills is the smartest guy and his opinion carries a lot of weight. He has a platform at espn and will bash IU if Crean is let go. That's the media men.
The media, currrnt and former coaches will endorse Crean. Jay Bills is the smartest guy and his opinion carries a lot of weight. He has a platform at espn and will bash IU if Crean is let go. That's the media men.
They all have to do that if they want to stay connected among the coaches. They'll give Crean credit for bringing IU back, then say it was a "bad fit" and talk about injuries and that IU is a tough gig or some scat like that, and declare him a top flight coach who will succeed wherever he lands.

Then they'll forget about him.
please stop endorsing Crean!
Dakich is another Dukie Vitale..He thinks he is Gods gift to basketball, and I would love to buy him for what he's worth and sell him for what he thinks he is worth....Guess that is why couldn't hack it is a coach. When he is doing IU games I thank the good Lord for the mute button and the ability to fast forward on my remote when he babbles....Also, don't you just love it when he gets out on the floor and shows us how the game is played.
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Anyone who even thinks that Crean is an average coach or better has lost all credibility.
Dick Vitale said Hoosier fans should be thankful Crean is our coach...Like Dacich, Vitale thinke he knows it all when in fact jack-squat....
Dakich knows 90% of the IU fan base wants Crean gone so he takes the other side to rile folks up and create controversy. If the fan base supported Crean he would take the anti Crean stance. He loves the attention he gets with his act.
I am Hoosier living in TN. so I don't know if 'BABBLING Dan' still has his radio show or not. If he does and I was in IN. where I could listen I sure boycott it.....
Yes, DD is an instigator and little more. I'm sure that he's thrilled that there is a thread about him here.

If all responsibility for their play was solely on the players, coaches wouldn't be necessary and would surely never be fired.
Oh good lord people - talking heads defend almost every coach on the hot seat unless there's legal lines that have been crossed. They almost never call for coaches to be fired over wins and losses. If Fred Glass makes his decision based upon what Jay Bilas, Dan Dakich or Dukie Vitale say on air then Glass should be fired - immediately - as an incompetent boob. Within 2 hours of Crean being fired they will all be consumed with speculating who the next coach will be or should be and no one will be talking about Crean until rumors start up regarding where he will land. Nobody is going to go on a lengthy public crusade against Fred Glass for firing a coach at Indiana University who has missed the NCAA tourney more times than he has made it.
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The funniest part of the whole thing was how they were talking up Crean because pregame he was on the court with the team instead of in the locker room preparing. Then they showed video of Crean on the court pregame and he was watching the players stretch. WTF!?!? How in the hell is that considered good coaching? I'll watch JBJ skip with high knees instead of preparing to go over my game plan one more time before the players come back into the locker room. I'm so over this bullshit. Crean is a joke, a horrible coach, and a terrible recruiter.

When they said he was out working with the boys I thought he was running them through offense or OSU's set plays one last time, but no, he was watching them skip and stretch. It amazes me how my opinion of this clown goes below rock bottom.
Didn't Crean/IU beat OSU today?
Jay Bilias endorsed him today as well. I honestly believe he will be back next year.
It amazing many people think he is 100 gone based on internet rumors. Today's win helped him and never count on Fred glass to do the right thing. This is far from settled I believe.
Dick Vitale said Hoosier fans should be thankful Crean is our coach...Like Dacich, Vitale thinke he knows it all when in fact jack-squat....
And kravitz to that list. He says no way crean gets fired.
It amazing many people think he is 100 gone based on internet rumors. Today's win helped him and never count on Fred glass to do the right thing. This is far from settled I believe.
Unfortunately, you may be correct. Next year will be as ugly as this one, especially if Thomas leaves which he likely will. Crean's inability to get great talent will really show next season.
Let's all get excited. We beat a shitty OSU team.
You were criticizing his pregame technique. We had fewer turnovers and hit our foul shots under pressure and won. Was your criticism dependent on having an opponent you think was bad?
You were criticizing his pregame technique. We had fewer turnovers and hit our foul shots under pressure and won. Was your criticism dependent on having an opponent you think was bad?

Do you think we had fewer turnovers, hit our foul shots, and won because our shitty coach watched the players stretch before the game (which is still ridiculous that Dakich used this as an example of good coaching), or that we played a shitty team?
It amazing many people think he is 100 gone based on internet rumors. Today's win helped him and never count on Fred glass to do the right thing. This is far from settled I believe.
Yes, Glass decided a meaningless game against OSU was the best measure to judge if Crean will retain his job. Because that's reasonable and makes sense.

My God ... LOL
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Yes, Glass decided a meaningless game against OSU was the best measure to judge if Crean will retain his job. Because that's reasonable and makes sense.
It makes sense to bailey. He's that irrational.
How can people still not know how to spell Dakich? He's referenced daily on this board.

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