Cuban loves Crean

Jan 6, 2017
He just Tweeted out that Crean is a "great coach" and that IU is "lucky" to have him.

So, it's obvious that all the people on here claiming to know "huge boosters that are sick of Crean" aren't ones that know Cuban.

Hey, Mark......if you think Tommy is so awesome, will you put him on your staff to help Yogi?
He just Tweeted out that Crean is a "great coach" and that IU is "lucky" to have him.

So, it's obvious that all the people on here claiming to know "huge boosters that are sick of Crean" aren't ones that know Cuban.

Hey, Mark......if you think Tommy is so awesome, will you put him on your staff to help Yogi?
Mark has his own drum that he marches to.
He just Tweeted out that Crean is a "great coach" and that IU is "lucky" to have him.

So, it's obvious that all the people on here claiming to know "huge boosters that are sick of Crean" aren't ones that know Cuban.

Hey, Mark......if you think Tommy is so awesome, will you put him on your staff to help Yogi?

The only negative I've ever heard come out of his mouth related to IU was he'd never give money to the University as long as it's a part of the NCAA. That was years ago. I believe he fully supported Davis and Sampson as well.
The only negative I've ever heard come out of his mouth related to IU was he'd never give money to the University as long as it's a part of the NCAA. That was years ago. I believe he fully supported Davis and Sampson as well.
So he's not a donor? Either way his opinion means crap. Hows his team doing this year anyways?
So he's not a donor? Either way his opinion means crap. Hows his team doing this year anyways?

I can't speak to whether or not he donates money to the athletic department. I just know at one point that was his response when asked about donating to the new coaching fund after Davis.
He just Tweeted out that Crean is a "great coach" and that IU is "lucky" to have him.

So, it's obvious that all the people on here claiming to know "huge boosters that are sick of Crean" aren't ones that know Cuban.

Hey, Mark......if you think Tommy is so awesome, will you put him on your staff to help Yogi?
He has been saying that for years. Who cares.
You people are hilarious.....Who do you think donated all that money for the Virtual Reality stuff at SSAH??? Mark Cuban! He pulls weight with the university and the athletic department
He just Tweeted out that Crean is a "great coach" and that IU is "lucky" to have him.

So, it's obvious that all the people on here claiming to know "huge boosters that are sick of Crean" aren't ones that know Cuban.

Hey, Mark......if you think Tommy is so awesome, will you put him on your staff to help Yogi?

Hmmm . . . and here I've always understood that a public backing from the franchise owner means the coach is about to get fired . . .

. . . maybe it doesn't work that way when the public backing is from a famous alum . . . .
Here are some Mark Cuban comments about the college game:

“It’s horrible. It’s ridiculous. It’s worse than high school. You’ve got 20 to 25 seconds of passing on the perimeter and then somebody goes and tries to make a play and do something stupid, and scoring’s gone down.”

“If they want to keep kids in school and keep them from being pro players, they’re doing it the exact right way by having the 35-second shot clock and having the game look and officiated the way it is. Just because kids don’t know how to play a full game of basketball.

“You’ve got three kids passing on the perimeter. With 10 seconds on the shot clock, they try to make something happen and two other kids stand around. They don’t look for anything and then run back on defense, so there’s no transition game because two out of five or three out of five or in some cases four out of five kids aren’t involved in the play.

“It’s uglier than ugly, and it’s evidenced by the scoring going down. When the NBA went through that, we changed things.”
Here are some Mark Cuban comments about the college game:

“It’s horrible. It’s ridiculous. It’s worse than high school. You’ve got 20 to 25 seconds of passing on the perimeter and then somebody goes and tries to make a play and do something stupid, and scoring’s gone down.”

“If they want to keep kids in school and keep them from being pro players, they’re doing it the exact right way by having the 35-second shot clock and having the game look and officiated the way it is. Just because kids don’t know how to play a full game of basketball.

“You’ve got three kids passing on the perimeter. With 10 seconds on the shot clock, they try to make something happen and two other kids stand around. They don’t look for anything and then run back on defense, so there’s no transition game because two out of five or three out of five or in some cases four out of five kids aren’t involved in the play.

“It’s uglier than ugly, and it’s evidenced by the scoring going down. When the NBA went through that, we changed things.”
Hey Mark...the NBA sucks and nobody watches that crap
I can't believe this basketball board.
Why is it that someone can state an opinion w/o being insulted. What Mark Cuban said was his opinion, or even perhaps his common courtesy of acknowledging Crean. Or, he may be his friend.

So, he makes a supporting statement. You guys can counter his opinion and say why Cuban is wrong, w/o resorting to juvenile insults! I can't believe that IU has become such a, well, never mind. I am outta here! Don't even bother to reply to this post since I am not coming back to read them.
I can't believe this basketball board.
Why is it that someone can state an opinion w/o being insulted. What Mark Cuban said was his opinion, or even perhaps his common courtesy of acknowledging Crean. Or, he may be his friend.

So, he makes a supporting statement. You guys can counter his opinion and say why Cuban is wrong, w/o resorting to juvenile insults! I can't believe that IU has become such a, well, never mind. I am outta here! Don't even bother to reply to this post since I am not coming back to read them.

Um . . . we cut our posting teeth on the WC? :D
Hey Mark...the NBA sucks and nobody watches that crap

Everything he said is true. I don't watch the NBA much, mostly because the Bulls are infuriating, but it's no doubt a better product.

Why do you think the freedom of movement rules are put in place? To address what Cuban is talking about here.
Everything he said is true. I don't watch the NBA much, mostly because the Bulls are infuriating, but it's no doubt a better product.

Why do you think the freedom of movement rules are put in place? To address what Cuban is talking about here.

Crean must be coaching defense in accordance with those freedom of movement rules . . . .:(

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