Covid restrictions are on the way back

My mother-in-law died of COVID. Not officially, though.

A true story of hidden COVID deaths.

She was 87, weak, heart problems. Had daily home health care.

She got COVID, likely from a visiting home health care nurse. She "recovered" in that after a week or 10 days later she was testing negative and O2 levels were OK.

But she rarely regained consciousness again and she died 3 weeks later. She was COVID-free at death, so she didn't die of COVID, according to our health care system. Not on the list!

But we all know that COVID did her in. She would have lived otherwise. Now... would it have been a month, a year, 2 years? No idea. But it wouldn't have been 3 weeks.
I’m sorry for your loss, but weak 87 years old mother-in-laws with heart conditions requiring daily home health care can be taken over the edge at the slightest hint of provocation, including something as insidious as a difficult bowel movement, what physicians might refer to as a “vasovagal response” of great strain.
It might have been 4 weeks but not 3 weeks?
She had heart problems. Lots of people do. She had lived with it for years, though, and the issue prompting home health care was some dementia, adding to her issues. She couldn't take her medicines correctly, was forgetful, and it was a mess. She needed the daily home health care.

In the 1-2 years with home health care she was getting a little better. But then... COVID.
..weak 87 years old mother-in-laws with heart conditions requiring daily home health care can be taken over the edge at the slightest hint of provocation, including something as insidious as a difficult bowel movement
She had the heart condition and regular home health care for about 2 years, IIRC. There were many medical provocations. Many bad reactions to new or wrongly-taken meds. Poor bowel function. Weight loss. Dehydration. Nausea. Slips and falls.

None of that pushed her over the edge, ever.

Then there was COVID.
She had heart problems. Lots of people do. She had lived with it for years, though, and the issue prompting home health care was some dementia, adding to her issues. She couldn't take her medicines correctly, was forgetful, and it was a mess. She needed the daily home health care.

In the 1-2 years with home health care she was getting a little better. But then... COVID.
FWIW, I agree with you regarding your scenario. You saw it personally and are able to make a very good conclusion.

Same thing I’ve seen with 35-45 year old females developing severe tinnitus 1 to 2 weeks post 2nd pfizer vaccine. Some even have symptoms comparable to trigeminal neuralgia.
The tinnitis effect has been studied in clinical trials.

There was post-vaccination tinnitis for about one in every 20,000 vaccinated Americans, >90% of them mild. Less with Pfizer than with J&J or Moderna.

Probably a little bit higher than the normal incidence of tinnitus in the population emerging in the same time period, regardless of vaccination. So yes, in the couse of saving 20 million lives, some had temporary ringing in the ears.

The tinnitis effect has been studied in clinical trials.

There was post-vaccination tinnitis for about one in every 20,000 vaccinated Americans, >90% of them mild. Less with Pfizer than with J&J or Moderna.

Probably a little bit higher than the normal incidence of tinnitus in the population emerging in the same time period, regardless of vaccination. So yes, in the couse of saving 20 million lives, some had temporary ringing in the ears.

Try permanent ringing in the ears. And I wouldn’t downplay it too much. If any of your friends, relatives, or acquaintances have developed don’t send them to ENT. They need an audiologist. I’ve sent several to one an hour away. They have received temporary relief using a device that looks like a hearing aid . I received a call 3 weeks ago from a lady in Pittsburgh. Same symptoms, also developed 2 weeks post 2nd pfizer vaccine. Treat the patient not the numbers.

What was the death rate for the 35-45 year old healthy adult demographic?
I wouldn’t downplay it too much.
Not downplaying it at all. My brother has it. Debilitating. He had no vaccine. Yes, I have an anti-vaxx brother and an anti-vaxx sister.

Some people get tinnitus and it's awful. Some had a vaccination. Some hadn't. Some played a board game just before. Some maybe ate an ice cream cone or had Taco Bell just days before.

Post hoc ergo propter hoc
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You die from COVID, never went to a doctor or hospital because you are ashamed of getting the "China virus" that is "Democrat hoax", and then it's not recorded as a COVID death. Complete bs stats, indeed.

And my scenario is far more common than yours, based on excess death figures.
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Not downplaying it at all. My brother has it. Debilitating. He had no vaccine. Yes, I have an anti-vaxx brother and an anti-vaxx sister.

Some people get tinnitus and it's awful. Some had a vaccination. Some hadn't. Some played a board game just before. Some maybe ate an ice cream cone or had Taco Bell just days before.

Post hoc ergo propter hoc
Your brother is probably in his 60s. Has probably spent a good portion of his time on a tractor. Dairy farming family…correct? If so….he would be a good candidate to develop tinnitus. The demographic I’m discussing is not a good candidate.

Once again….what was the death rate in healthy 35-45 year olds?
She had the heart condition and regular home health care for about 2 years, IIRC. There were many medical provocations. Many bad reactions to new or wrongly-taken meds. Poor bowel function. Weight loss. Dehydration. Nausea. Slips and falls.

None of that pushed her over the edge, ever.

Then there was COVID.
Over the edge is sometimes a blessing, regardless of who or what did the pushing…a place of better days ahead for all eternity, as we choose to believe of it.
We’ll never know how many of these already riddled-with-disease old people actually died “of Covid”or “with Covid”. This is where the numbers can become skewed to one’s liking.
No we don't know how good the records are but we do know that there was a lot more deaths those years so unless someone can come up with a better reason I have to assume it was covid deaths.The CDC has kept records for years on the number of deaths and if you look at the chart below you'll see there was a lot more deaths during the pandemic. Notice 2018 .... it was a bad year for the flu. This chart was extracted from this web site.
I’m sorry for your loss, but weak 87 years old mother-in-laws with heart conditions requiring daily home health care can be taken over the edge at the slightest hint of provocation, including something as insidious as a difficult bowel movement, what physicians might refer to as a “vasovagal response” of great strain.
But if COVID causes the complication that leads her to die, it's a COVID death. If she hadn't have had a respiratory disease, she would've at least lived another day and died from something else.

No one ever argued when pneumonia took someone. "Compliciations due to pneumonia." No one ever nitpicks that cause of death, but for some reason, it matters with COVID.

I mean, we know why it matters. Because we had a pResident who didn't want it to happen, so he delayed doing much about it for seven or eight weeks.
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Most people don't die from wars either, but they're still tragic and something we should work hard to avoid.

More than a million Americans died from COVID. Three of my basketball friends died from it. While I can say each of them died early in the process, it only underscores how inept the previous pResident was at handling it from the start.

COVID has been the third leading cause of death each of the last three years. (I read that somewhere recently. Hard to look it up where I am right this moment.) More could've been done in the early stages, which would've saved lives. It probably wouldn't have led to shutdowns, just social distancing, restrictions on occupancy, etc.

(Insert someone (not you) with a moronic rant about government control.)

90% efficacy rate at the time I got my shots, depending on which one you get. I haven't contracted COVID. I took the first round of Pfizer shots. I have not been boosted and don't really plan to unless my doctor suggests it.

I'm very social. I wouldn't say I was careful as things started to open back up, only doing what I was required do in regards to masks and social distancing.

My point is the efficacy rate is the efficacy rate.

As for Jill Biden getting it, she has been on a tour of high schools, including Westfield HS in Indiana. She's around far more people outside of the government than Joe is.

You realize that's in China, right?
From the Lawrence sectional? ( your bb friends?) That was the first thing that really scared me. I had been to both IU men and Women’s game that day.
Google: Sabrina Hossenfelder “Physicists Find New Way

Regarding your last paragraph, Google “Sabrina Hossenfelder Physicists find new way to make matter from light YouTube”. At the 7:20 mark, she has a segment on contrails, including a pie diagram showing things attributing to green house gases, all scientific until proven otherwise, of course!
So you’re arguing from some rando you saw on YouTube?
I fail to see how a deadly virus of such novelty equates with a raging lunatic’s quest for power through the elimination of indigenous natives in favor of slave labor, in hopes of emulating America’s rise to world power as it occurred via our agricultural/industrial complex.

Oh, I got his point in the first guestimation without it needing to be simplified in using Holocaust analogy. Saying Covid lives saved have been over 6,000+ X the number of “nine eleven” deaths would have been more relatable here and just as unnecessary, don’t you think?
Biden is hard to understand, you say?
Very dumb by those who massaged the numbers like this.
People were dying with alpha and delta that were not sick. The vaccines originally saved lives and limited severe symptoms. Those are facts. There are people that have had complications from the vaccine….that is a fact. Once we got thru Delta….the vaccines were not very effective….that is a fact.

People have a hard time getting off whichever hill they are on.
I’m sorry for your loss, but weak 87 years old mother-in-laws with heart conditions requiring daily home health care can be taken over the edge at the slightest hint of provocation, including something as insidious as a difficult bowel movement, what physicians might refer to as a “vasovagal response” of great strain.
You’re so weird
Cancer with Covid, Covid. We can do this all night. Get the point?
Just can't take it, can you?

Respiratory complications caused by COVID. You want to dance on their grave until they admit it wasn't COVID.

I'm going to pay the doctor to put COVID on your death certificate. Hopefully, a long, long time from now, but the longer you last the more ironic it will be, and I like irony.
People were dying with alpha and delta that were not sick. The vaccines originally saved lives and limited severe symptoms. Those are facts. There are people that have had complications from the vaccine….that is a fact. Once we got thru Delta….the vaccines were not very effective….that is a fact.

People have a hard time getting off whichever hill they are on.
Sparty, since you gave no links, and I am not an expert on Covid I Googled your statement "People were dying with alpha and delta that were not sick".

Came up with this link which seems in my feeble mind to differ with your "People were dying with alpha and delta that were not sick". Sparty, can you help me along with commenting on my Yale link.
Sparty, since you gave no links, and I am not an expert on Covid I Googled your statement "People were dying with alpha and delta that were not sick".

Came up with this link which seems in my feeble mind to differ with your "People were dying with alpha and delta that were not sick". Sparty, can you help me along with commenting on my Yale link.
Longtime patients without any issues developed covid and died. Off the top of my head…one guy only took Mobic for arthritis. No BP issues, no Diabetes, no COPD. He was 72 but was still working every day. He was not sick.
This “rando” you speak of, Sabine Hossenfeld, has her doctorate in theoretical physics with close to a million followers.
Theoretical physics knowledge makes you an expert on respiratory viruses and medicine?

I played basketball in high school, so I can coach cricket, right?