Consider the source of this report on Brooks......

We have our own stadium on campus. What do you have?

He lost. Cal doesn't like to risk losing unless there is a big paycheck involved. He brought up that UK could get more money if they split the crowd and sold tickets to a LOS game. Screw the fans that would pay for overpriced tickets and watch the game on the video screen from the upper deck. I guess a program that plays miles away from campus in a rented gym doesn't really care about the college environment.

You must have been born and educated on the Kentucky side of the river. I know this because of "have never saw behavior". You certainly didn't attend college. If you don't know what is wrong with the quoted phrase, ask someone from the north side of the river to help you.
Kentucky and Cal assessed the risks/rewards of playing Indiana and when it came down to it, there wasn’t much reward playing a team who consistently misses the NCAA Tournament. Hell, Indiana missed the NIT a couple of years. Just not good for business. Sorry to hurt your feelings but that’s the truth. Try winning a few games against quality teams consistently and you may have a better opportunity for a seat at the table with the King. Until then, stay in your lane.
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Kentucky and Cal assessed the risks/rewards of playing Indiana and when it came down to it, there wasn’t much reward playing a team who consistently misses the NCAA Tournament. Hell, Indiana missed the NIT a couple of years. Just not good for business. Sorry to hurt your feelings but that’s the truth. Try winning a few games against quality teams consistently and you may have a better opportunity for a seat at the table with the King. Until then, stay in your lane.

Cluck cluck bitches.
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Kentucky and Cal assessed the risks/rewards of playing Indiana and when it came down to it, there wasn’t much reward playing a team who consistently misses the NCAA Tournament. Hell, Indiana missed the NIT a couple of years. Just not good for business. Sorry to hurt your feelings but that’s the truth. Try winning a few games against quality teams consistently and you may have a better opportunity for a seat at the table with the King. Until then, stay in your lane.

That's funny, it was winning a single game that made Cal decide he shouldn't play at Bloomington anymore. And remember (I know that taxes those few functioning brain cells) that he didn't rule out playing IU.... just playing AT IU. Wanna try another excuse?
Kentucky and Cal assessed the risks/rewards of playing Indiana and when it came down to it, there wasn’t much reward playing a team who consistently misses the NCAA Tournament. Hell, Indiana missed the NIT a couple of years. Just not good for business. Sorry to hurt your feelings but that’s the truth. Try winning a few games against quality teams consistently and you may have a better opportunity for a seat at the table with the King. Until then, stay in your lane.
The three hours you spent looking up three sylable words, commas and periods to write this weak, dumb, inaccurate post could have been spent courtin your cousin, fetchin bark for Nana, fixin roadkill or fiddlin your half brother. You should spend your time more wisely at the Internet cafe. Try Hillbillies Only and meet someone outside your family, but still stupid.
Try Hillbillies Only and meet someone outside your family, but still stupid.

This fella tried that, and . . .

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Kentucky and Cal assessed the risks/rewards of playing Indiana and when it came down to it, there wasn’t much reward playing a team who consistently misses the NCAA Tournament. Hell, Indiana missed the NIT a couple of years. Just not good for business. Sorry to hurt your feelings but that’s the truth. Try winning a few games against quality teams consistently and you may have a better opportunity for a seat at the table with the King. Until then, stay in your lane.
That is BS, but it is funny to see you lying and making excuses for your coach.

Cal said it was about the money,. Playing at LOS was also a way to invite recruits from the basketball rich state of Indiana to attend the game every year. He also made a comment that it was hard for his young teams to play in an environment on the road so early in the season. He prefers neutral courts where the playing field is leveled. Our proposal made it possible for our students to have at least one home game in the series during their 4 years.

Since IU has beat UK 2 out of the last 3 times we have played, I suggest you make up another lie.
Which parking lot?

We were parked in the back of the lot between the arena and the football stadium.

I'm sure this kind of thing goes on often but it's not something I have personally witnessed other than this time. Maybe it's just the changing of times and what was considered off limits in years past is now accepted as the norm. That sure seems to be the way where the world is headed.
That's funny, it was winning a single game that made Cal decide he shouldn't play at Bloomington anymore. And remember (I know that taxes those few functioning brain cells) that he didn't rule out playing IU.... just playing AT IU. Wanna try another excuse?
It was about keeping that home winning streak intact. IU was going to be #1 going into rupp the next year. Crean for all his faults has been a thorn in Cals side.
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We were parked in the back of the lot between the arena and the football stadium.

I'm sure this kind of thing goes on often but it's not something I have personally witnessed other than this time. Maybe it's just the changing of times and what was considered off limits in years past is now accepted as the norm. That sure seems to be the way where the world is headed.
And - as mentioned before by @T.M.P. - there was NO ONE who video-recorded said incident with their cell phone. Just how unlikely is that?

Were there any nasty chants within SSAH? Possibly - but I distinctly remember seeing a UK fan on the broadcast gesturing back at IU fans. See the 17 second mark on the game film.

We were parked in the back of the lot between the arena and the football stadium.

I'm sure this kind of thing goes on often but it's not something I have personally witnessed other than this time. Maybe it's just the changing of times and what was considered off limits in years past is now accepted as the norm. That sure seems to be the way where the world is headed. you know why they built that new bridge on I65 between Indiana and Louisville?

So the Kentuckians could swim across in the shade.
And - as mentioned before by @T.M.P. - there was NO ONE who video-recorded said incident with their cell phone. Just how unlikely is that?

Were there any nasty chants within SSAH? Possibly - but I distinctly remember seeing a UK fan on the broadcast gesturing back at IU fans. See the 17 second mark on the game film.

It's just so laughable to have UK fans crying about this like school girls, YEARS, afterwards and recounting it like it happens universally at TAH, when in reality there is no more loud-mouthed, vulgar, rude and obnoxious fans anywhere than BBN. I've been to games at many of the most storied and toughest venues around and Rupp stands alone in terms of quantity of obnoxious comments as do their fans at most any game they are playing at any sports bars. It's like Charles Manson complaining about how rude his manicurist was.
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Kentucky and Cal assessed the risks/rewards of playing Indiana and when it came down to it, there wasn’t much reward playing a team who consistently misses the NCAA Tournament. Hell, Indiana missed the NIT a couple of years. Just not good for business. Sorry to hurt your feelings but that’s the truth. Try winning a few games against quality teams consistently and you may have a better opportunity for a seat at the table with the King. Until then, stay in your lane.

You're yellow.

Kentucky and Cal assessed the risks/rewards of playing Indiana and when it came down to it, there wasn’t much reward playing a team who consistently misses the NCAA Tournament. Hell, Indiana missed the NIT a couple of years. Just not good for business. Sorry to hurt your feelings but that’s the truth. Try winning a few games against quality teams consistently and you may have a better opportunity for a seat at the table with the King. Until then, stay in your lane.

Kentucky and Cal assessed the risks/rewards of playing Indiana and when it came down to it, there wasn’t much reward playing a team who consistently misses the NCAA Tournament. Hell, Indiana missed the NIT a couple of years. Just not good for business. Sorry to hurt your feelings but that’s the truth. Try winning a few games against quality teams consistently and you may have a better opportunity for a seat at the table with the King. Until then, stay in your lane.

Jesus, you guys aren't even trying now.
Mike Royko the old time writer out of Chicago found a great line to insult both states (IN+KY) I always remember.

"The only good thing about Indiana is that it keeps Lake Michigan out of Kentucky"

Clever line.
We were parked in the back of the lot between the arena and the football stadium.

I'm sure this kind of thing goes on often but it's not something I have personally witnessed other than this time. Maybe it's just the changing of times and what was considered off limits in years past is now accepted as the norm. That sure seems to be the way where the world is headed.


That isn't where many students if any enter, I knew this was BS. The very very few UK fans that were there might have entered that way from the purple lot.

I have attended most home games for 20 years and "This kind of thing" has never happened there in part because extremely few visiting fans are ever there. Not that some students don't act like aholes, they do...but you posting history here gives you away.
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That isn't where many students if any enter, I knew this was BS. The very very few UK fans that were there might have entered that way from the purple lot.

I have attended most home games for 20 years and "This kind of thing" has never happened there in part because extremely few visiting fans are ever there. Not that some students don't act like aholes, they do...but you posting history here gives you away.

Believe what you wish. I'm not going to debate or defend what I saw on a message board where I am allowed 2 or 3 posts a day.

Will you be in Chicago next week? Would be happy to further this discussion over a beer.
Kentucky and Cal assessed the risks/rewards of playing Indiana and when it came down to it, there wasn’t much reward playing a team who consistently misses the NCAA Tournament. Hell, Indiana missed the NIT a couple of years. Just not good for business. Sorry to hurt your feelings but that’s the truth. Try winning a few games against quality teams consistently and you may have a better opportunity for a seat at the table with the King. Until then, stay in your lane.
Cal and UK are the King of cheating and corruption perhaps, former UK coach Rick Pitino may be included.
We were parked in the back of the lot between the arena and the football stadium.

I'm sure this kind of thing goes on often but it's not something I have personally witnessed other than this time. Maybe it's just the changing of times and what was considered off limits in years past is now accepted as the norm. That sure seems to be the way where the world is headed.
Don’t be an idiot! It was a huge game that everyone was pumped for all week. I’m sure a small percentage of drunk college students mouthed off and acted stupid which will happen during big rivalry games. I didn’t hear of any arrests because groups of IU fans were curb stomping every UK fan that they saw. They had to know if they went to this game some immature drunk kid was going to mouth off to them. It’s really not that big of a deal until it gets physical. That’s when it truly crosses the line and I didn’t hear about anything if the sort. Except the rumor someone poured a beer over the head of a UK fan at a bar. My guess is that never happened or the UK fan did something to deserve it. If it did happen and for no reason then that’s awful and I send apologies to that fan.
Don’t be an idiot! It was a huge game that everyone was pumped for all week. I’m sure a small percentage of drunk college students mouthed off and acted stupid which will happen during big rivalry games. I didn’t hear of any arrests because groups of IU fans were curb stomping every UK fan that they saw. They had to know if they went to this game some immature drunk kid was going to mouth off to them. It’s really not that big of a deal until it gets physical. That’s when it truly crosses the line and I didn’t hear about anything if the sort. Except the rumor someone poured a beer over the head of a UK fan at a bar. My guess is that never happened or the UK fan did something to deserve it. If it did happen and for no reason then that’s awful and I send apologies to that fan.

The "beer over the head" thing is true.

New Albany Hoosier here went to Kilroy's after the game. After a few PRRs he gathered the courage to approach a smoking hot MBA student leaning on a high top near the bar. After asking nicely, then insisting that New Albany here leave her alone and stop creeping her she poured a beer over his head.

Apparently this happened to New Albiny here, five times that night.
It's just so laughable to have UK fans crying about this like school girls, YEARS, afterwards and recounting it like it happens universally at TAH, when in reality there is no more loud-mouthed, vulgar, rude and obnoxious fans anywhere than BBN. I've been to games at many of the most storied and toughest venues around and Rupp stands alone in terms of quantity of obnoxious comments as do their fans at most any game they are playing at any sports bars. It's like Charles Manson complaining about how rude his manicurist was.
I lived in Kensucky for 4 years right out of college and lived 20 miles south of Lexington. The last game I saw at Rupp was an IU win. I believe the score was 78 - 53.

We saw John Laskowski standing by a booth selling UK sweatshirts for 50% off and told him he needed to buy one as a souvenir of the event. We talked for a little bit and enjoyed seeing a friendly face among a crowd of sad people.
Cal and UK are the King of cheating and corruption perhaps, former UK coach Rick Pitino may be included.
I wonder if boosters still give players helicopter rides and buy underage players drinks and food in the local nightclubs? Those were just the things I saw.

Neighbors and coworkers were not shy about telling us things they had seen including a college friend of Jim Masters describing the roll of $20 bills left in the locker room after every game. They didn't want to talk about those stories after they got caught cheating.
He gone. Way underperforming this season certainly didn’t help IU’s chances with Brooks. Could have really used him next season. The team will struggle again without an additional infusion of talent. I don’t see where IU goes to fill out its class. Quinones and Beverley are uphill climbs.
You must not want Keion since you don’t like 5 stars?

It’s funny how so many people supposedly don’t want to recruit like UK but they want to beat out UK for a recruit. Sounds convenient.

Just how do you take a discussion between Boogie and myself about hottie coeds and twist it into I don't want 5 Star players?

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