This is a major reason why I don't identify as a Republican anymore. Forget how stupid this is as I would be dollars to donuts that this kid doesn't know shit about **** when it comes to whatever he is asking these people about; let's just distill the energy behind this down to what it is intended to be:
We have removed the violence part (so far) but everything else is the same energy.
This movement has gone off the rails. This is just performative cruelty and class warfare dressed up to look like governance. **** MAGA. Took less than a month for this shit show to turn to the worst nature of any populist movement. I used to feel I was pretty conservative but I don't want any part of this assholery. The blow back on this when the other side regains power will reverberate for generations while MAGA seems intent on ensuring whatever good points they have had are going to be a fart in the wind because they are being duped into settling one guy's scores and feeding another guy's ego.
Pity. The movement actually had some good points but instead of intelligently addressing those they've turned the movement into monkeys flinging shit at the zoo.