Chiefs fans

I knew you were wrong when I saw you a sentence with the words "JDB is right". ;)

Cities go through phases, but there's a ton of amazing about St. Louis.

It has been 15 or so years but we spent a week in St Louis over the 4th and loved it. We did the zoo, children's museum, theme park, riverboat, Cards vs Reds, Arch, Grant's Farm. And for the 4th, an air show and Smokie and the Miracles.
It has been 15 or so years but we spent a week in St Louis over the 4th and loved it. We did the zoo, children's museum, theme park, riverboat, Cards vs Reds, Arch, Grant's Farm. And for the 4th, an air show and Smokie and the Miracles.
i've lived in many cities. the problem with saint louis is that it spread out. the city is one of only two "major" cities in america that isn't a county. so municipalities popped up like crazy spreading farther and farther west. every single thing you cited is an isolated place that you drive to. there's very, very few areas that are safe and substantial for mixed used walking around. kansas city has power and light district and the plaza. indy has the circle. florida has endless places in just above every city. here there's only a few streets that you can walk and go from shop to shop restaurant to restaurant. it's a city with no usable downtown; no mountains; no beach; very few mixed use walkable areas; and insanely expensive in the desirable places to live. a very old 3 bedroom 3 bathroom 3,000 sq foot house in clayton is a million plus.
It's a tough time for everyone, so I'd cut the person who booed slack if I came across them for some reason. I'd just ask a time like this, why do you want to boo during a moment of unity?

Having a separate black national anthem is not a moment of unity. It is a moment to support segregation & separatist movements...
It has been 15 or so years but we spent a week in St Louis over the 4th and loved it. We did the zoo, children's museum, theme park, riverboat, Cards vs Reds, Arch, Grant's Farm. And for the 4th, an air show and Smokie and the Miracles.

clayton is very nice, but STL itself has the least amount of things to do of any MW city. I’d rather visit Cleveland, Columbus, Detroit, Milwaukee, KC, etc.

Also it gets miserably hot and humid in the summer (so does KC).
It's a tough time for everyone, so I'd cut the person who booed slack if I came across them for some reason. I'd just ask a time like this, why do you want to boo during a moment of unity?

Having a separate black national anthem is not a moment of unity. It is a moment to support segregation & separatist movements...

You're being disingenuous. If that were the case, it would make sense for the booing to be during "Lift Every Voice & Sing". The booing was during a moment after that song and after "The Star Spangled Banner" that specifically asked for and was called a "Moment of Unity".

That said, my conversation would be with them, not you, right?
clayton is very nice, but STL itself has the least amount of things to do of any MW city. I’d rather visit Cleveland, Columbus, Detroit, Milwaukee, KC, etc.

Also it gets miserably hot and humid in the summer (so does KC).

You take Detroit and I'll take St. Louis. ;)
clayton is very nice, but STL itself has the least amount of things to do of any MW city. I’d rather visit Cleveland, Columbus, Detroit, Milwaukee, KC, etc.

Also it gets miserably hot and humid in the summer (so does KC).
i live in the heart of clayton and while it's nice there's actually very little to do here too. i've been to every other city you noted except for milwaukee and i agree with you.
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clayton is very nice, but STL itself has the least amount of things to do of any MW city. I’d rather visit Cleveland, Columbus, Detroit, Milwaukee, KC, etc.

Also it gets miserably hot and humid in the summer (so does KC).

Yes, St Louis is hot. Miserably so.

What does Columbus have? It has no NFL or MLB though the football team it has is paid better.
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Yes, St Louis is hot. Miserably so.

What does Columbus have? It has no NFL or MLB though the football team it has is paid better.

If having an NFL team was part of your criteria, I'd think that would automatically push STL down several notches. Columbus has a lot of the same things you listed as attributes of STL, but is more up and coming. There's also some great public golf at ridiculously reasonable prices.
Yes, St Louis is hot. Miserably so.

What does Columbus have? It has no NFL or MLB though the football team it has is paid better.
i like the college town of columbus vibe a lot more than saint louis. german village is cool too. too cold though. biggest city in ohio.
There are about 17,000 fans at the game. Alicia Keys sang Lift Every Voice, then they played national anthem. Texans stayed in locker room for both. Chiefs were out and only one player was kneeling. Then the announcer asked for a moment of silence for unity, can’t recall exact words. Players of both teams linked arms and stood together in one line. I was stunned to hear booing.
Stunned! how about a moment of silence for 9-11 victims instead of criminals being shot??
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Only tangentially. Anything Kap did would have met resistance. To me, booing a moment of silence proves that. Only part if that resistance is race. Some is just "this is new and I do not like it" and some is political. There is no protest method Kap could have done that would not have been controversial for some reason or another.
Why? What are you saying? Be clear.
So the Chiefs had a moment of silence and unity where they stood arms locked in a line with the Texans players. Many fans booed during the moment of silence.

I think this proves it was never about the Anthem.

I didn't watch. What did they (NFL, players, teams) do to honor 9/11 and first responders?
Why? What are you saying? Be clear.

Why what? Why people would not like Kap? Well yes, some people are racist. I hate to break it to people here, but some people are racist.

Others just don't give a damn. They don't like racism, but they also do not like being reminded of it.

Others do not like the break from tradition. Athletes are to be seen and not heard.

Others just love to complain.

Here is a real-life Lap example, Muhammad Ali became totally reviled for refusing to serve in Vietnam. He was hated. But as time went by, Americans came to accept Ali again. Sure, the racists never did, but the "do not bother me with your painful truth" people came back to Ali.

The "do not bother me with your painful truth" people would have hated anything Kap did. Like the made up quote attributed to Churchill, you can count on Americans to do the right thing after they have exhausted every other possibility. We were not ready to admit racism, we did not want to admit racism still exists. Kap confronted us with that, it was not going to be popular.

And to offer up a newer study on race
Why what? Why people would not like Kap? Well yes, some people are racist. I hate to break it to people here, but some people are racist.

Others just don't give a damn. They don't like racism, but they also do not like being reminded of it.

Others do not like the break from tradition. Athletes are to be seen and not heard.

Others just love to complain.

Here is a real-life Lap example, Muhammad Ali became totally reviled for refusing to serve in Vietnam. He was hated. But as time went by, Americans came to accept Ali again. Sure, the racists never did, but the "do not bother me with your painful truth" people came back to Ali.

The "do not bother me with your painful truth" people would have hated anything Kap did. Like the made up quote attributed to Churchill, you can count on Americans to do the right thing after they have exhausted every other possibility. We were not ready to admit racism, we did not want to admit racism still exists. Kap confronted us with that, it was not going to be popular.

And to offer up a newer study on race
This is a good post marv. But I also get what ranger is saying. It all really is nuanced. My suburb is super liberal. The joke is it’s all the lawyers who work for the people who live in our neighboring burb and own all the companies. So we have George Floyd posters on our trees. The other day my neighbor goes I’m sick of these posters. I couldn’t care less if George Floyd died. Just like I couldn’t care less if a white meth head armed robbing criminal dies. They’re just shitty people. George Floyd was a shitty person - black or white. And some people don’t care when cops shoot shitty people - and it doesn’t make them racist.
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I'm not even sure how many sides there are at this point.

I think we need to find a path forward for people capable of good faith to have productive conversation. The people capable of good faith can use constant reminding of some ground rules if that were to happen: we should all care about some basic shared values, we shouldn't be too quick to demonize, we should look to learn as much as we look to educate, we should let some things roll off our backs and come back another day, we should engage a lot more on topics that aren't pure politics, we should be way more skeptical of our information sources, we should care as much (okay, way more) about actual results as we do about seeking a certain appearance or projecting a particular image or sticking to a key talking point, etc. etc.

But I also think we should clearly call out that not everyone is actually capable of good faith and it's worse than counterproductive to engage with people who aren't. Some are actively undermining any shared values, are purposefully poisoning (mostly unsophisticated) minds with endless garbage and for nefarious ends, are exploiting the worst human impulses for personal gain and to undermine various groupings of people who far from deserve it, etc. It probably depends on the day how I rank things, but I'm not sure there's a graver threat to all of us than that. I think it's fair to demonize that malign influence and I think people who knowingly enable those influences and parrot those dark impulses aren't worthy of inclusion in any real dialogue (unless you like spiraling into a pit of anger, frustration and nihilism). I wish I knew the answer, but the dialogue among people capable of good faith will be moot if we don't mitigate that enormous problem.

(I'm hanging this on Ranger's post for no particular reason).
Your point about being clear that there are some people that are incapable of good faith discussion is exactly my point. Those are the sides to which I’m referring. There are three large sides in this:
  1. The side that jumps to conclusions of racism immediately despite any evidence. This side protests every case before the situation is understood at best and has people that destroy cities at worst
  2. The side that negates racism immediately despite any evidence. This side consists of counter protestors at best and racists at worst
  3. The side that is trying to live their lives, is not happy with sides 1 or 2 while understanding that each has a point somewhat to be made. They evaluate the macro situation with evidence and reason and evaluate each of these cases on their merits. They do not protest until a situation is clear and if protest & change is required nor do they burn down cities
Sides 1 and 2 are not capable of good faith discussion. The best that side 3 can do is try to evangelize those in sides 1 and 2 to come to side 3. It’s mostly futile given sides 1 and 2 bias and media influence and narratives.
Why what? Why people would not like Kap? Well yes, some people are racist. I hate to break it to people here, but some people are racist.

Others just don't give a damn. They don't like racism, but they also do not like being reminded of it.

Others do not like the break from tradition. Athletes are to be seen and not heard.

Others just love to complain.

Here is a real-life Lap example, Muhammad Ali became totally reviled for refusing to serve in Vietnam. He was hated. But as time went by, Americans came to accept Ali again. Sure, the racists never did, but the "do not bother me with your painful truth" people came back to Ali.

The "do not bother me with your painful truth" people would have hated anything Kap did. Like the made up quote attributed to Churchill, you can count on Americans to do the right thing after they have exhausted every other possibility. We were not ready to admit racism, we did not want to admit racism still exists. Kap confronted us with that, it was not going to be popular.

And to offer up a newer study on race
People aren’t automatically monsters because they want athletes to shut up and play. People pay top dollar to attend events and if they want to just see sport and are irritated when they don’t get that, it doesn’t make them assholes or racists.

Sure some sports fans, like any demographic, have racists amongst their ranks, both black and white racists. But to get all worked up over a video where it’s demonstrably not clear what was being booed by a bunch of drunk Missourians is futile and not helping any conversation.
This is a good post marv. But I also get what ranger is saying. It all really is nuanced. My suburb is super liberal. The joke is it’s all the lawyers who work for the people who live in our neighboring burb and own all the companies. So we have George Floyd posters on our trees. The other day my neighbor goes I’m sick of these posters. I couldn’t care less if George Floyd died. Just like I couldn’t care less if a white meth head armed robbing criminal dies. They’re just shitty people. George Floyd was a shitty person - black or white. And some people don’t care when cops shoot shitty people - and it doesn’t make them racist.
Sandra Bland died in jail because she refused to put out her cigarette. That was it. Taylor was asleep in bed. Castillo was pulled over for a traffic stop and shot after telling the police he had a gun he lawfully had. How do we know which of them is a bad person that deserves to die?

Also I would reject the notion that someone who takes drugs is a bad person. My God loves the sinner and the saint. And I am pretty sure the prodigal son captures that. In addition, alcohol is a drug. Are people that drink "shitty"?

People have a "I would not do that so it is a weakness and that is their problem" attitude. We do it about drugs, alcoholism, gamblingvaddiction, sex addiction, obesity. The truth is we are wired differently. It is not just a lack of self control.

So people rationalize these problems in order to not deal with them. Honestly, racism might be a condition that deserves treatment for all I know.

But I get your point, I am just pointing out why someone like Kap would say enough is enough. Your point explains why him saying enough was enough was guaranteed to have a backlash. Which is what I was going for at the beginning. Heck, I would rather watch football than deal with racism. But I am White and have that privilege. Some people that are not White are forced to deal with it when they do not want to. That is why we need a Kap or an Ali.
Sandra Bland died in jail because she refused to put out her cigarette. That was it. Taylor was asleep in bed. Castillo was pulled over for a traffic stop and shot after telling the police he had a gun he lawfully had. How do we know which of them is a bad person that deserves to die?

Also I would reject the notion that someone who takes drugs is a bad person. My God loves the sinner and the saint. And I am pretty sure the prodigal son captures that. In addition, alcohol is a drug. Are people that drink "shitty"?

People have a "I would not do that so it is a weakness and that is their problem" attitude. We do it about drugs, alcoholism, gamblingvaddiction, sex addiction, obesity. The truth is we are wired differently. It is not just a lack of self control.

So people rationalize these problems in order to not deal with them. Honestly, racism might be a condition that deserves treatment for all I know.

But I get your point, I am just pointing out why someone like Kap would say enough is enough. Your point explains why him saying enough was enough was guaranteed to have a backlash. Which is what I was going for at the beginning. Heck, I would rather watch football than deal with racism. But I am White and have that privilege. Some people that are not White are forced to deal with it when they do not want to. That is why we need a Kap or an Ali.
But marv there's no evidence race is the causal effect in your first paragraph. because something bad happens to a black person, whether it be intentional or pure dereliction, race doesn't have to be the cause. as i've posted before the shootings involving blacks by cops are no more prevalent than that of whites when you factor in the amount of violent crimes committed. there's a tendency on the part of some, many who knows, certainly many on this board, that because something bad happens to a black person there's an immediate causal relationship.

i think blacks feel aggrieved and oppressed, and rightfully so, and these shootings are just such a sexy, sensational thing to get behind (like a business with promotions/marketing/branding) but they really miss the point of what the real problems are and where the real, systemic, truly oppressive issues lie
Sandra Bland died in jail because she refused to put out her cigarette. That was it. Taylor was asleep in bed. Castillo was pulled over for a traffic stop and shot after telling the police he had a gun he lawfully had. How do we know which of them is a bad person that deserves to die?

Also I would reject the notion that someone who takes drugs is a bad person. My God loves the sinner and the saint. And I am pretty sure the prodigal son captures that. In addition, alcohol is a drug. Are people that drink "shitty"?

People have a "I would not do that so it is a weakness and that is their problem" attitude. We do it about drugs, alcoholism, gamblingvaddiction, sex addiction, obesity. The truth is we are wired differently. It is not just a lack of self control.

So people rationalize these problems in order to not deal with them. Honestly, racism might be a condition that deserves treatment for all I know.

But I get your point, I am just pointing out why someone like Kap would say enough is enough. Your point explains why him saying enough was enough was guaranteed to have a backlash. Which is what I was going for at the beginning. Heck, I would rather watch football than deal with racism. But I am White and have that privilege. Some people that are not White are forced to deal with it when they do not want to. That is why we need a Kap or an Ali.
You can’t prove any of those deaths you mentioned were a result of racism. Terrible policing yes. Daniel Shaver was executed as a white man from terrible policing. Police shot a white teenager with Asperger’s the other day. Does your aforementioned privilege forbid you to understand that sometimes bad policing is bad policing?
You can’t prove any of those deaths you mentioned were a result of racism. Terrible policing yes. Daniel Shaver was executed as a white man from terrible policing. Police shot a white teenager with Asperger’s the other day. Does your aforementioned privilege forbid you to understand that sometimes bad policing is bad policing?
Canaries in the coal mine. For a generation we gave Blacks hard time for crack cocaine and slapped Whites on the wrist for cocaine. Is there any explanation for that but racism?

Blacks and Whites use and sell drugs at a similar rate, Blacks are more likely to be arrested and convicted

In my post above, I linked a Harvard study looking at all crime in all aspects of the judicial system. Their answer, racism.

ABC just ran another analysis of traffic stops and came to the conclusion the data I posted a couple weeks ago did, Blacks are more likely to be pulled over for traffic violations.

I will let the Bar Association explain the problem.

Senator Scott spoke about being pulled over several times for driving while Black. If it is just bad policing, where where the White Senators talking about them being pulled over often as well?
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Canaries in the coal mine. For a generation we gave Blacks hard time for crack cocaine and slapped Whites on the wrist for cocaine. Is there any explanation for that but racism?

Blacks and Whites use and sell drugs at a similar rate, Blacks are more likely to be arrested and convicted

In my post above, I linked a Harvard study looking at all crime in all aspects of the judicial system. Their answer, racism.

ABC just ran another analysis of traffic stops and came to the conclusion the data I posted a couple weeks ago did, Blacks are more likely to be pulled over for traffic violations.

I will let the Bar Association explain the problem.

Senator Scott spoke about being pulled over several times for driving while Black. If it is just bad policing, where where the White Senators talking about them being pulled over often as well?
i 100% believe racial profiling exists, particularly for driving while black. as for racism in the justice system i don't believe it's racism. i believe it's economics. here's an example. dwi's, possession charges under 35 mg etc. the prosecutor doesn't care about the race of the person. they literally have a massive file of cases that they would never even look at the race. it's all the same shit. dwi first offense sis 60 hours of community service, victim impact panel, satop, fine. there's no race involved. as they climb the felony ladder sure you may get a worse outcome if you have a public defender. but is that racism or a lack of $ to get a better lawyer. i have never once seen racism in court. not once. and again that's not to say i have a clue of what goes on in other places, but i have spent a lot of time seeing misd dockets and confined dockets in counties with extremely high crime rates and black populations
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i 100% believe racial profiling exists, particularly for driving while black. as for crime in the justice system i don't believe it's racism. i believe it's economics.

It may be economic, I do not discount that. But since Blacks are more likely to be poor, what is the difference to them?
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It may be economic, I do not discount that. But since Blacks are more likely to be poor, what is the difference to them?
so that's disparate impact and a different thing. and i 100% agree with that. but is disparate impact racism? i don't think it necessarily is
so that's disparate impact and a different thing. and i 100% agree with that. but is disparate impact racism? i don't think it necessarily is
Going beyond the justice system, name 10 reasons Blacks are more likely to be poor? Is racism on that list?
Canaries in the coal mine. For a generation we gave Blacks hard time for crack cocaine and slapped Whites on the wrist for cocaine. Is there any explanation for that but racism?

Blacks and Whites use and sell drugs at a similar rate, Blacks are more likely to be arrested and convicted

In my post above, I linked a Harvard study looking at all crime in all aspects of the judicial system. Their answer, racism.

ABC just ran another analysis of traffic stops and came to the conclusion the data I posted a couple weeks ago did, Blacks are more likely to be pulled over for traffic violations.

I will let the Bar Association explain the problem.

Senator Scott spoke about being pulled over several times for driving while Black. If it is just bad policing, where where the White Senators talking about them being pulled over often as well?
I appreciate the links. The HRW entry in particular, reeks of highly biased analysis. The below passage in particular makes a couple of unsupported conclusions after looking at the data. I’ve highlighted them in bold

“The higher rates of black drug arrests do not reflect higher rates of black drug offending. Indeed, as detailed in our May 2008 report, Targeting Blacks: Drug Law Enforcement and Race in the United States, blacks and whites engage in drug offenses-possession and sales-at roughly comparable rates. But because black drug offenders are the principal targets in the "war on drugs," the burden of drug arrests and incarceration falls disproportionately on black men and women, their families and neighborhoods. The human as well as social, economic and political toll is as incalculable as it is unjust.”

The articles crux is that African Americans are more likely to be arrested and convicted in possession than are white people. The data would seem to support that and we can all agree this is a problem in a vacuum...but there’s more to it.

The statement re: principal targets is completely unsubstantiated and is highly subjective. The other statement also doesn’t make sense. The last chart in the article shows that African Americans were arrested for narcotics sales at a rate much higher than other races. Is it not prudent to believe that if African Americans are more likely to be sellers that it’s going to lead to more possession arrests also?

We can again all agree that the war on drugs sucks...big time. It’s macho bullshit that is bad policy when in reality we need to legalize and regulate the non/less harmful narcotics and provide treatment for those addicted to the bad stuff.

None of this has anything to do with criminals of any race resisting arrest leading to their deaths at the hands of police that aren’t good at handling resistance.

But the article you linked shows that the statement you made that blacks/whites sell drugs at same rate is false.
I appreciate the links. The HRW entry in particular, reeks of highly biased analysis. The below passage in particular makes a couple of unsupported conclusions after looking at the data. I’ve highlighted them in bold

“The higher rates of black drug arrests do not reflect higher rates of black drug offending. Indeed, as detailed in our May 2008 report, Targeting Blacks: Drug Law Enforcement and Race in the United States, blacks and whites engage in drug offenses-possession and sales-at roughly comparable rates. But because black drug offenders are the principal targets in the "war on drugs," the burden of drug arrests and incarceration falls disproportionately on black men and women, their families and neighborhoods. The human as well as social, economic and political toll is as incalculable as it is unjust.”

The articles crux is that African Americans are more likely to be arrested and convicted in possession than are white people. The data would seem to support that and we can all agree this is a problem in a vacuum...but there’s more to it.

The statement re: principal targets is completely unsubstantiated and is highly subjective. The other statement also doesn’t make sense. The last chart in the article shows that African Americans were arrested for narcotics sales at a rate much higher than other races. Is it not prudent to believe that if African Americans are more likely to be sellers that it’s going to lead to more possession arrests also?

We can again all agree that the war on drugs sucks...big time. It’s macho bullshit that is bad policy when in reality we need to legalize and regulate the non/less harmful narcotics and provide treatment for those addicted to the bad stuff.

None of this has anything to do with criminals of any race resisting arrest leading to their deaths at the hands of police that aren’t good at handling resistance.

But the article you linked shows that the statement you made that blacks/whites sell drugs at same rate is false.
Look @Marvin the Martian - I’m trying to discuss this academically and from a lens of being disgusted with watching cities burn and citizens killing themselves over media and posse-fueled narratives.

I think you’re a super guy and chances are we’d agree on 90-95% of things argued on here. I’m walking a very fine line of defending reason from my viewpoint over revolution or class warfare which is something I think we are closer to than we have been in the past. I love all Americans of all races and creeds. Growth in the AA community is good for America. Improving policing is good for America.

Rioting on these canaries in the coal mine - to use your phrase - is fruitless and not good for America.