Chiefs fans

So you are fine with cancel culture so long as it only goes your way?

Being opposed to kneeling during the NA and being opposed to whatever you think they are opposed to are not mutually exclusive.

There has also been a considerable amount of time and additional factors since then. There’s also been a considerable amount of coverage already:


Actually I think people have a right to dislike Kap for his stance. One is wrong for doing so, but people have a right to say they will not watch a game he is in. But those that decry cancel culture for some reason carve out a Kap exemption. It is wrong, except for Kap.

People who do not want to see America treat Blacks and Whites equally made Kap's protest out to be something it never was to gain support. At no point did Kap mention the military, but they turned it into that. They will find some way to turn the moment of silence into an attack on God or something similar.
This just in, NFL fans who would actually pay for a ticket to attend a game are idiots. More at 11
Having a separate national anthem for black people is not a moment of unity...
That's not when they were booing. Houston's players were not on the field for the anthem. They came out later, locked arms with KC players, and were booed. Because, apparently, unity and racial harmony are very bad things to people of a certain political persuasion.
That's not when they were booing. Houston's players were not on the field for the anthem. They came out later, locked arms with KC players, and were booed. Because, apparently, unity and racial harmony are very bad things to people of a certain political persuasion.

Perhaps the Chiefs fans just wanted the athletes to play? My guess is that they weren't paying to see moments of unity and sing Kumbaya
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People were livid (dare I say people went cancel culture) on Kap not because of what he was complaining about but because kneeling during the national anthem was the single most offensive action to ever occur in American history.

So here the two teams came up with something else. It had nothing to do with the anthem. People boo. It shows people were not truthful on Kap. They really did not give a damn about how Kap carried out his protest, their argument was about something else.

I think you are making some assumptions here.

The clip I saw clearly had some boos either for the unity event or the Texans running out on the field at that moment. What followed the event was substantial cheering...perhaps for the event or perhaps for the chiefs.

I will leave it to you all to form your own judgements but i can name what each person here will say.
I think you are making some assumptions here.

The clip I saw clearly had some boos either for the unity event or the Texans running out on the field at that moment. What followed the event was substantial cheering...perhaps for the event or perhaps for the chiefs.

I will leave it to you all to form your own judgements but i can name what each person here will say.
Nope. They’re all racists. Period. Have to be.

God I’m so over 2020.
So NFL fans are all just blatant racists then. Why not just say it?

That's just silly. Some likely are. Most likely aren't.

For some it was mistakenly about the anthem, but for some at the KC-Houston game last night, it appears it was never about that.

Doesn't seem that difficult. You having a bad day or something?
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The jackass running our country has broken your brain and has broken the ability of all too many smart guys and gals to think critically. That’s on you.
Unfortunately living in a society is a team game, and we’re only as strong as our collective weakest links. So, it’s not on me actually.
Perhaps the Chiefs fans just wanted the athletes to play? My guess is that they weren't paying to see moments of unity and sing Kumbaya

I recall watching a football game last night. I suppose we should eliminate celebrations and prayer circles as well.
That's just silly. Some likely are. Most likely aren't.

For some it was mistakenly about the anthem, but obviously for some at the KC-Houston game last night, it was never about that.

Doesn't seem that difficult. You having a bad day or something?
The point is that YOU or Marv or me have no idea what or why they were booing. But smart guys like Marv jump immediately to “because racism.” Even after Jussie, even after Booker, here we are again and they’ll never learn. That’s why I’m pissed and over it.

You don’t think that it’s possible, just simply possible, that the first time the Texans made an appearance on the field was the same time the subset of chiefs fans booed?

When the cause of everything is racism, then nothing is racist, and some people refuse to learn that lesson.
That is the redneck side of the state

Perchance. I guess I don't see what point there is in denying it's out there though. It's not that they don't want political commentary at their game. It's that they didn't like the political commentary.
Perchance. I guess I don't see what point there is in denying it's out there though. It's not that they don't want political commentary at their game. It's that they didn't like the political commentary.
I don’t know that that’s true re the type of political commentary. You could be right. I wish given the circumstances all of it was removed and scaled down to just the sport. No kneeling. No blm. No flag. No anthem. No fighter jets. At this point filter down to nothing.
The point is that YOU or Marv or me have no idea what or why they were booing. But smart guys like Marv jump immediately to “because racism.” Even after Jussie, even after Booker, here we are again and they’ll never learn. That’s why I’m pissed and over it.

You don’t think that it’s possible, just simply possible, that the first time the Texans made an appearance on the field was the same time the subset of chiefs fans booed?

When the cause of everything is racism, then nothing is racist, and some people refuse to learn that lesson.

Sorry that you're having a bad day. A lot of African-Americans have been having a bad time of it, too. While I'm sympathetic about your frustration that our reactions occasionally go overboard, I'm a little more focused on the decades that we've gone underboard. I can understand their being pissed and over it, too.

I think it's possible that somebody spilled their beer and they booed at just that moment, too, but I'm skeptical, just like I'm skeptical of your attempt to explain it.

Then there's the decent chance that some people were booing what was happening right in front of them in the moment of silence announced. And then there's a decent chance some other people were horrified by that and cheered to support the moment and counter the boos. I'm glad about the latter and bummed about the former.

Doesn't seem that difficult, but I'm sorry that you're having a bad day.
I don’t know that that’s true re the type of political commentary. You could be right. I wish given the circumstances all of it was removed and scaled down to just the sport. No kneeling. No blm. No flag. No anthem. No fighter jets. At this point filter down to nothing.

Well...I didn't hear booing for the anthem.

It's a tough time for everyone, so I'd cut the person who booed slack if I came across them for some reason. I'd just ask a time like this, why do you want to boo during a moment of unity?
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Sorry that you're having a bad day. A lot of African-Americans have been having a bad time of it, too. While I'm sympathetic about your frustration that our reactions occasionally go overboard, I'm a little more focused on the decades that we've gone underboard. I can understand their being pissed and over it, too.

I think it's possible that somebody spilled their beer and they booed at just that moment, too, but I'm skeptical, just like I'm skeptical of your attempt to explain it.

Then there's the decent chance that some people were booing what was happening right in front of them in the moment of silence announced. And then there's a decent chance some other people were horrified by that and cheered to support the moment and counter the boos. I'm glad about the latter and bummed about the former.

Doesn't seem that difficult, but I'm sorry that you're having a bad day.
Anyone with a brain knows blacks have had it hard, do have it hard, and deserve redress. Backlash is arising from the manner of presentation, the hypocrisy of some of the loudest voices, and the issue of excessive force, cops, crime, social justice, and in impt measures the lack of empirical data to support the cause. I honestly wish the branding was social equity not social justice or defund police or blm etc. blacks suffer disproportionately from classism and better branding would yield better substantive results for change that’s actually needed in so many communities that would have a far broader impact. A foundational change that would touch all aspects of black lives: money. Education. Third shift day care. Community centers. Mental health outreach. Planned parenting. Voc training. College Ed. Ged. More cops. More social workers. More money for all of it. Cop shootings are a tiny star in a galaxy of bigger issues.
Sorry that you're having a bad day. A lot of African-Americans have been having a bad time of it, too. While I'm sympathetic about your frustration that our reactions occasionally go overboard, I'm a little more focused on the decades that we've gone underboard. I can understand their being pissed and over it, too.

I think it's possible that somebody spilled their beer and they booed at just that moment, too, but I'm skeptical, just like I'm skeptical of your attempt to explain it.

Then there's the decent chance that some people were booing what was happening right in front of them in the moment of silence announced. And then there's a decent chance some other people were horrified by that and cheered to support the moment and counter the boos. I'm glad about the latter and bummed about the former.

Doesn't seem that difficult, but I'm sorry that you're having a bad day.
Of course you’re skeptical of the way I watched it go down. It violates the mantra.

The question is why. Why would you instantly think that a show of unity was being booed? What possible monsters do you think were inhabiting that stadium that there would be no benefit of doubt given that would stop you from thinking “hmmm, I wonder what they’re actually booing” before leaping to the standard charge of racism.

It’s this line of thinking and this media funnel that funnels everything to “because racism” that set up an environment for Trump to become this country’s president. And that’s a goddman shame. But it’s a bigger goddamn shame that nobody is learning the lesson.
Well...I didn't hear booing for the anthem.

It's a tough time for everyone, so I'd cut the person who booed slack if I came across them for some reason. I'd just ask a time like this, why do you want to boo during a moment of unity?
Or ask Bill O’Brien why he thought it would be a good idea to run his team into a hostile field during a moment of unity?
The point is that YOU or Marv or me have no idea what or why they were booing. But smart guys like Marv jump immediately to “because racism.” Even after Jussie, even after Booker, here we are again and they’ll never learn. That’s why I’m pissed and over it.

You don’t think that it’s possible, just simply possible, that the first time the Texans made an appearance on the field was the same time the subset of chiefs fans booed?

When the cause of everything is racism, then nothing is racist, and some people refuse to learn that lesson.
Exactly! I've essentially said the same thing here several times using different words. You've sharpened it to a finer point.
Or ask Bill O’Brien why he thought it would be a good idea to run his team into a hostile field during a moment of unity?

Whenever you post, I'm constantly reminded of the false idea that everyone other than you has a narrative. ;)
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Whenever you post, I'm constantly reminded of the false idea that everyone other than you has a narrative. ;)
My narrative is evidence and letting situations become fully understood before jumping to conclusions. I think I’m equally harsh on both “sides” or do you disagree?
Of course you’re skeptical of the way I watched it go down. It violates the mantra.

Backatcha. There's no mantra from me. I think you just get it wrong a lot of the time. [/QUOTE]

The question is why. Why would you instantly think that a show of unity was being booed? What possible monsters do you think were inhabiting that stadium that there would be no benefit of doubt given that would stop you from thinking “hmmm, I wonder what they’re actually booing” before leaping to the standard charge of racism. have no idea what my thought process was on this. You haven't taken the time to ask. One might wonder why that there would be no benefit of doubt given that would stop you from thinking "hmmm, hoosboot just mindlessly goes out and makes reckless assumptions about people."

It’s this line of thinking and this media funnel that funnels everything to “because racism” that set up an environment for Trump to become this country’s president. And that’s a goddman shame. But it’s a bigger goddamn shame that nobody is learning the lesson.

And you're wrong again. The environment for Trump to be President is that enough Republicans support him for him to be their nominee and enough people supported him in enough states for him to win the electoral college. This silly narrative you have that evil liberals are MAKING people vote for Trump over the longtime pro-police moderate Biden is inane.

There are plenty of things that aren't racism and there are plenty of things that are racism. I'm sorry that it tires you out that the country is trying to sort this out, but I'm more sorry that so many of my African-American fellow citizens have been tired for decades longer.
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Anyone with a brain knows blacks have had it hard, do have it hard, and deserve redress. Backlash is arising from the manner of presentation, the hypocrisy of some of the loudest voices, and the issue of excessive force, cops, crime, social justice, and in impt measures the lack of empirical data to support the cause. I honestly wish the branding was social equity not social justice or defund police or blm etc. blacks suffer disproportionately from classism and better branding would yield better substantive results for change that’s actually needed in so many communities that would have a far broader impact. A foundational change that would touch all aspects of black lives: money. Education. Third shift day care. Community centers. Mental health outreach. Planned parenting. Voc training. College Ed. Ged. More cops. More social workers. More money for all of it. Cop shootings are a tiny star in a galaxy of bigger issues.

This does a good job of tying together your points. Here was Sir Charles, a basketball star, teamed up with a "pre-woke" Nike:

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Anyone with a brain knows blacks have had it hard, do have it hard, and deserve redress. Backlash is arising from the manner of presentation, the hypocrisy of some of the loudest voices, and the issue of excessive force, cops, crime, social justice, and in impt measures the lack of empirical data to support the cause. I honestly wish the branding was social equity not social justice or defund police or blm etc. blacks suffer disproportionately from classism and better branding would yield better substantive results for change that’s actually needed in so many communities that would have a far broader impact. A foundational change that would touch all aspects of black lives: money. Education. Third shift day care. Community centers. Mental health outreach. Planned parenting. Voc training. College Ed. Ged. More cops. More social workers. More money for all of it. Cop shootings are a tiny star in a galaxy of bigger issues.

Totally support all of those policy initiatives you suggest. Agree that police shootings are but a small part of the larger picture. The thing is that they are a particularly demonstrative part that opens eyes to the larger problems. You speak of needing better branding. It's unfortunate that it takes that for the country to get behind the common sense ideas you suggest.