So you are fine with cancel culture so long as it only goes your way?
Being opposed to kneeling during the NA and being opposed to whatever you think they are opposed to are not mutually exclusive.
There has also been a considerable amount of time and additional factors since then. There’s also been a considerable amount of coverage already:
Actually I think people have a right to dislike Kap for his stance. One is wrong for doing so, but people have a right to say they will not watch a game he is in. But those that decry cancel culture for some reason carve out a Kap exemption. It is wrong, except for Kap.
People who do not want to see America treat Blacks and Whites equally made Kap's protest out to be something it never was to gain support. At no point did Kap mention the military, but they turned it into that. They will find some way to turn the moment of silence into an attack on God or something similar.