Charles Booker is too intelligent to be from Kentucky


Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2009
I don't agree with every aspect of his policy positions, but man is he a breath of fresh air, especially when it comes to thinking on his feet and actually answering a question. When asked about the problems with Rand Paul he answers succinctly and no evasion of the question. No stupid lies about "energy independence" or nonsensical claims that the existence of apes somehow disproves evolution.

Of course Kentucky is Kentucky, and despite the fact that he obviously cares about all of the people of the Commonwealth (unlike his phony opponent) the folks in Kentucky will continue to vote in opposition to their own best interests and re-elect Rand. And as Charles points out, repeatedly electing clowns like Rand and Mitch has done nothing for improving the lives of average Kentuckians, and altering the state's perennial ranking near the bottom of every objective list measuring quality of life issues...

I don't agree with every aspect of his policy positions, but man is he a breath of fresh air, especially when it comes to thinking on his feet and actually answering a question. When asked about the problems with Rand Paul he answers succinctly and no evasion of the question. No stupid lies about "energy independence" or nonsensical claims that the existence of apes somehow disproves evolution.

Of course Kentucky is Kentucky, and despite the fact that he obviously cares about all of the people of the Commonwealth (unlike his phony opponent) the folks in Kentucky will continue to vote in opposition to their own best interests and re-elect Rand. And as Charles points out, repeatedly electing clowns like Rand and Mitch has done nothing for improving the lives of average Kentuckians, and altering the state's perennial ranking near the bottom of every objective list measuring quality of life issues...

What is in the “best interests” of average Kentuckians?
Let me guess….more government?
For a guy who obsesses as much over race and racism as Cosmic does, he sure as heck has no issue denigrating people he considers dumb and redneck.
While ignoring what a piss poor job Dems have done in inner cities for decades. Ignoring what a shit job this admin has done for poor Americans. The cost to live here has skyrocketed and they still want to keep spending
Like “trans”….not a single progressive will define redneck.
A redneck is someone that lives in rural areas and collects welfare.
He thinks Mitch is dumb. Can you imagine where the country would be right now without Mitch. What did the Dems want to spend. 6 trillion more? The most transformative president in history. Good grief.
Is making fun of dumb or poor people not a form of bigotry?
Thinking that dumb people are dumb, or that rednecks are rednecky doesn't cross the line into bigotry, in my opinion, and certainly not into racism, which was your word in your original post. Heck, cosmic didn't even use the word "redneck" in his OP.
That being said, I get your point, and retract my objection.
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Thinking that dumb people are dumb, or that rednecks are rednecky doesn't cross the line into bigotry, in my opinion, and certainly not into racism, which was your word in your original post.
That being said, I get your point, and retract my objection.
It, by definition, crosses the line into bigotry.

And I didn’t say it was racism, I said HE was obsessed with it.
I’ll give you muddin’…they have to have something to do on Sunday. That would be fix what they tore up on Saturday.
@Crayfish57 had a great distinction in a post a few months ago...

See I have different meanings though, A hillbilly learns to get by on what he has a redneck straps a can of gasoline on his back, gets on a sled and has someone light it.
Truer words were never spoken.
People who can’t or won’t understand the difference between Appalachia, the Bluegrass, The Triangle and the Pennyrile ought to be more careful speaking about Kentucky. It ain’t “one size fits all.”

Charles Booker is a liberal puppet of the dying “rich white Democrat“ establishment in Louisville who see everybody as a label. He is so dumb he was fired for appearing in a campaign commercial for Alison Lundergan Grimes while working for the Kentucky Legislative Research Commission - a plain violation of the rules. He’s the kind of liberal fool who will go to Appalachia and tell white people who still lack indoor plumbing that they are the recipient of white privilege, and still ask for their vote! Every political office he ever won was due to hypocritical Democrat gerrymandering of Louisville neighborhoods.
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People who can’t or won’t understand the difference between Appalachia, the Bluegrass, The Triangle and the Pennyrile ought to be more careful speaking about Kentucky. It ain’t “one size fits all.”

Charles Booker is a liberal puppet of the dying “rich white Democrat“ establishment in Louisville who see everybody as a label. He is so dumb he was fired for appearing in a campaign commercial for Alison Lundergan Grimes while working for the Kentucky Legislative Research Commission - a plain violation of the rules. He’s the kind of liberal fool who will go to Appalachia and tell white people who still lack indoor plumbing that they are the recipient of white privilege, and still ask for their vote! Every political office he ever won was due to hypocritical Democrat gerrymandering of Louisville neighborhoods.