
Gold Member
Jun 24, 2011
If you go there and select standings and select baseball, it has Michigan 7-1 followed by Indiana 5-1. They’ve had an entire day to update and still have not. Whom ever is responsible for this web site should be fired. They are incompetent.
Plus no mention that a member school has FIRED IT’S HEAD BASKETBALL COACH!!!
What do you expect? Take a look at the idiot commish who only does press events in front of all his certificates and newspaper clips. Clown show from top to bottom.
The incompetence continues. has Michigan leading with a 10-2 record when they have only played 11 games. They still have us shy 2 wins. Where does this stupidity end???
The incompetence continues. has Michigan leading with a 10-2 record when they have only played 11 games. They still have us shy 2 wins. Where does this stupidity end???
I was told yesterday (while questioning the lame quality of the BTN+ broadcasts) “we’re doing the best we can!” So I guess we are supposed to ok with this stupidity. Drives me nuts.
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I was told yesterday (while questioning the lame quality of the BTN+ broadcasts) “we’re doing the best we can!” So I guess we are supposed to ok with this stupidity. Drives me nuts.
You would think with BTN being such a huge advantage to member schools that they'd figure it out. They can't even update the channel guide listings though. I can't tell you how many times I've tried to record something, then fire up the DVR to find out I recorded something that isn't even the same sport.
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You would think with BTN being such a huge advantage to member schools that they'd figure it out. They can't even update the channel guide listings though. I can't tell you how many times I've tried to record something, then fire up the DVR to find out I recorded something that isn't even the same sport.
When you get chastised by the goofballs running IU’s media Dept, you start to realize it’s a lost cause. They don’t know if a football is inflated or stuffed.
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