Biden options

Which Democratic option would you prefer?

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Hey , take a break.go watch Nikleback video's. I totally suggest anything that has Billy Gibbons in it. WE all want to be a big rock star !!
Saddly you score below nickleback. Sad but true. ... How do you score below nickleback"
Are you butthurt too? It’s a common affliction among a certain crowd. 😄
Are you butthurt too? It’s a common affliction among a certain crowd. 😄
Have you watched any Nickle Back videos recently? I think you need to unwind a bit... Lets do this together. Rock on.

I'm on a BOAT..... that is grounded... Good news, we know where we are when we sober up !!!
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Have you watched any Nickle Back videos recently? I think you need to unwind a bit... Lets do this together. Rock on.

I'm on a BOAT..... that is grounded... Good news, we know where we are when we sober up !!!
I’m plenty lightened up. Played golf earlier. Smoked a cigar and drank a few beers during the round, Listened to a lot of music, and I’m watching the Reds now. Going to make baked potatoes, corn on the cob, a salad and grilled chicken for dinner. All’s well at the Aloha Estate.

Golfing again tomorrow.
Interesting yet pathetic. One guy we’re preoccupied with how eroded his brain is and the other whether he can beat his charges 🤣🤣

Little light on policy 🤣
I don't see how we go back. I think things are going to have to change--culturally, politically, constitutionally.
I don't see how we go back. I think things are going to have to change--culturally, politically, constitutionally.
Newsom, Whitmer, Pritzker are three politicians thrown around and I despise the policies of all three. Progressive bullshit. Flip side if you’re an aloha or Dem not one conservative they would tolerate moved the needle. Haley got destroyed.

Bad division for many

Needs some seasoning...
As an outsider, to me, Murty, Snarl and Joe Hoops seem to have leadership roles at this point.
Murt and snarl are both very worthy of being in my top advisors short list. Maybe even VERY short list, of 2 people. When we bring hell, it's going to look like AOC and remind you of a house that a woman recently stole from ya.
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I don't see how we go back. I think things are going to have to change--culturally, politically, constitutionally.
If only there was an a solution? It would have to be something that governments couldn’t steal and manipulate. It would also need to set a sound money policy that all of civilization would build from and return hope for billions of people. Allowing all of us to benefit from the natural state of free markets, lower prices. Basically the opposite of what we currently have. Hopefully, someone thinks of something soon.
The Republicans clamoring the loudest to oust Biden have no interest in doing the same for Trump. He’s their ride or die. For reasons that have escaped me for several years now.
Why would we want to? Life was good under the Trump Presidency. Unless you like war, major inflation, and an energy-dependent nation?
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Why would we want to? Life was good under the Trump Presidency. Unless you like war, major inflation, and an energy-dependent nation?
Never mind the WH atmosphere with a revolving door cabinet. Good thing there was no crisis, like war, because that administration was completely chaotic with bone spurs at the helm.
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Never mind the WH atmosphere with a revolving door cabinet. Good thing there was no crisis, like war, because that administration was completely chaotic with bone spurs at the helm.
I see you only use objective sources. Capt. Asthma runs such a tight ship!
Never mind the WH atmosphere with a revolving door cabinet. Good thing there was no crisis, like war, because that administration was completely chaotic with bone spurs at the helm.
The Atlantic?
Cracking Up Lol GIF
Never mind the WH atmosphere with a revolving door cabinet. Good thing there was no crisis, like war, because that administration was completely chaotic with bone spurs at the helm.
Trump’s perceived erratic nature and unpredictability might be a reason he didn’t face any war crises.

We can’t know for sure whether this is true, but it was discussed during his last term.
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We can’t know for sure lol. Wonder if it could have been anything else.

I have a neighbor I spent a couple of hours talking to the other day. He flies over to Dubai and Abu Dhabi a lot to treat some of their royals. He's PhD at NW who specializes in using robotic limbs and stuff to treat people with spinal cord injuries and nerve damage. He was telling me the reason the ice broke over there was that before Trump's term, one of his patients was injured by a rocket attack in Yemen. He's a royal and was leading a military unit, one of the only Arab royals to do so. They needed someone to go get him from the field of battle. The IDF stepped up, went in, and saved him. Israeli doctors worked on him. And that is what broke the ice and led to negotiations starting. Had nothing to do with Jared, he just kinda globbed onto whatever was going on.

I'm sure the story re his patient is true. Have no clue if it really was the catalyst.

My neighbor also has some interesting views on Fauci, the lab leak, and the genetic manipulation of Covid. He's 100% convinced it was a lab leak, one of the people working at Wuhan caught the virus, became contagious, and went to the wet market, where it spread.
I have a neighbor I spent a couple of hours talking to the other day. He flies over to Dubai and Abu Dhabi a lot to treat some of their royals. He's PhD at NW who specializes in using robotic limbs and stuff to treat people with spinal cord injuries and nerve damage. He was telling me the reason the ice broke over there was that before Trump's term, one of his patients was injured by a rocket attack in Yemen. He's a royal and was leading a military unit, one of the only Arab royals to do so. They needed someone to go get him from the field of battle. The IDF stepped up, went in, and saved him. Israeli doctors worked on him. And that is what broke the ice and led to negotiations starting. Had nothing to do with Jared, he just kinda globbed onto whatever was going on.

I'm sure the story re his patient is true. Have no clue if it really was the catalyst.

My neighbor also has some interesting views on Fauci, the lab leak, and the genetic manipulation of Covid. He's 100% convinced it was a lab leak, one of the people working at Wuhan caught the virus, became contagious, and went to the wet market, where it spread.
Wow!!! That’s an interesting neighbor to have beers with. Very interesting
Wow!!! That’s an interesting neighbor to have beers with. Very interesting
Yeah. We walk dogs together every once in awhile. Over Covid, every morning a group of us would meet up at the park near our house, let the dogs run around and talk about woke shit in our schools, stocks, sports, hot moms.

He grew up in some poor backwater in India. His wife too. But they were both Christians from some old sect that popped up. Moved here for college, got his PhD, and is now kinda living the American dream.

He told me as bad as things are here, the people he interacts with from all over the world are amazed at the American work ethic. They think we work waaay too hard.
Yeah. We walk dogs together every once in awhile. Over Covid, every morning a group of us would meet up at the park near our house, let the dogs run around and talk about woke shit in our schools, stocks, sports, hot moms.

He grew up in some poor backwater in India. His wife too. But they were both Christians from some old sect that popped up. Moved here for college, got his PhD, and is now kinda living the American dream.

He told me as bad as things are here, the people he interacts with from all over the world are amazed at the American work ethic. They think we work waaay too hard.
that’s awesome. Yeah that’s my impression to re our work ethic and ferners
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Yeah. We walk dogs together every once in awhile. Over Covid, every morning a group of us would meet up at the park near our house, let the dogs run around and talk about woke shit in our schools, stocks, sports, hot moms.

He grew up in some poor backwater in India. His wife too. But they were both Christians from some old sect that popped up. Moved here for college, got his PhD, and is now kinda living the American dream.

He told me as bad as things are here, the people he interacts with from all over the world are amazed at the American work ethic. They think we work waaay too hard.
I used to get that all the time from the Europeans I work with. "You mean you don't get 8 weeks vacation per year"?
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Wow!!! That’s an interesting neighbor to have beers with. Very interesting
My Brother-in-law is a Saudi national, originally in the US on a student visa. He is active with others voicing dissent from the Saudi government. His father is retired SA military.
His English is rather rudimentary but he has adapted pretty well.
It took YEARS to get the required documents enabling him to stay here, and a trip to the SA Embassy in DC...we were very concerned about this, but he persevered..
It's a very different world out there than most Americans know.
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Reactions: DANC and mcmurtry66 of the people working at Wuhan caught the virus, became contagious, and went to the wet market, where it spread.
Interesting hypothesis, but some things don't add up with respect to case distribution in the Wuhan area.

1) why didn't the worker also spread it to his co-workers, most of whom lived nearer to the Institute than to the market, 20 miles away?

2) How did the virus that he supposedly spread to people at he market somehow end up in in cages at the market, at super-high levels in animal feces analyzed? Specifically, in cages of animals known to carry coronaviruses?

3) Did he live near the market? If not, how did he avoid spreading it to family, friends, neighbors, and health care workers?
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Doesn't he pretty much HAVE TO BE defiant and 100% committed to running?

He's got to be 100% in, for appearances sake. If he expressed any doubt at all, saying "I'm 95% sure that I'll stay in" then he would be replaced in about 5 minutes.
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