

Sep 7, 2023
Just now, I stopped by my local Starbucks to grab a pick me up espresso for the afternoon.

As I’m walking into the store, there’s a panhandler, dirty, kid about 20. Little cardboard sign, ratty clothes. He quietly asks if I can buy him “a coffee.”

Normally I say no or ignore, but a coffee? Why not. I say “you want a coffee? Sure kid. What size?”

His response: “ just a small mocha cookie crumble”.


He repeats it.

I just started laughing out loud. “You’re kidding me?”

“No sir.”

“You really want some sugar, huh. Ok. Give me a minute.”

I’m sitting here waiting for it to be made. Anyone want to guess what it cost me?
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Just now, I stopped by my local Starbucks to grab a pick me up espresso for the afternoon.

As I’m walking into the store, there’s a panhandler, dirty, kid about 20. Little cardboard sign, ratty clothes. He quietly asks if I can buy him “a coffee.”

Normally I say no or ignore, but a coffee? Why not. I say “you want a coffee? Sure kid. What size?”

His response: “ just a small mocha cookie crumble”.


He repeats it.

I just started laughing out loud. “You’re kidding me?”

“No sir.”

“You really want some sugar, huh. Ok. Give me a minute.”

I’m sitting here waiting for it to be made. Anyone want to guess what it cost me?
Probably $5, but at least he didn’t ask for crab legs. 😉
Just now, I stopped by my local Starbucks to grab a pick me up espresso for the afternoon.

As I’m walking into the store, there’s a panhandler, dirty, kid about 20. Little cardboard sign, ratty clothes. He quietly asks if I can buy him “a coffee.”

Normally I say no or ignore, but a coffee? Why not. I say “you want a coffee? Sure kid. What size?”

His response: “ just a small mocha cookie crumble”.


He repeats it.

I just started laughing out loud. “You’re kidding me?”

“No sir.”

“You really want some sugar, huh. Ok. Give me a minute.”

I’m sitting here waiting for it to be made. Anyone want to guess what it cost me?
12 bucks? This is wild you posted this. My brother texted me about an hour ago and said a homeless dude showed up with a knife at my family reunion. My brother and a couple cousins had to walk the guy out. Thankfully, for the homeless dude my craziest cousins and oldest brother weren't there yet. When the one cousin arrived he said, “I would have cut his throat and let him bleed out”. He’s spent some time behind bars.
I had a good experience with a homeless man in Bloomington this week. I usually don’t interact, but last year when we were there for Mini U for the week, we kept seeing an older man, fairly well groomed , sitting outside and reading. I finally stopped to talk to him and found out he got books from the library, he knows the owners of a couple restaurants who helped him out, and he even played guitar one night at Fat Dans. We talked to him every day after that and gave him some cash. I’ve been looking for him every time I’ve stayed in Bloomington and haven’t seen him again until this week. He remembered us too and was excited to report that he has a room and a car now, and doing some work for Door Dash. Just a feel good little success story…. Any Bloomington folks know James?
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Just now, I stopped by my local Starbucks to grab a pick me up espresso for the afternoon.

As I’m walking into the store, there’s a panhandler, dirty, kid about 20. Little cardboard sign, ratty clothes. He quietly asks if I can buy him “a coffee.”

Normally I say no or ignore, but a coffee? Why not. I say “you want a coffee? Sure kid. What size?”

His response: “ just a small mocha cookie crumble”.


He repeats it.

I just started laughing out loud. “You’re kidding me?”

“No sir.”

“You really want some sugar, huh. Ok. Give me a minute.”

I’m sitting here waiting for it to be made. Anyone want to guess what it cost me?

Good for you. It's not uncommon for someone who is dope sick or heading into alcohol withdrawal to crave sugar. Sometimes the best you can do is help someone just get through the day.

Years ago the wife ran a United Way charity, with a little office on the far north side of town. Her route took her through a big intersection with a McDonald's on one side and a liquor store on the other, with a traffic island in between. There was one old guy who had claimed that island as his spot. Routinely she would swing into McD's and get a couple McDoubles and then go across the street and get him a cold tall boy. She said he acted like that was better than cash.

Like I said, sometimes the best thing you can do is help someone just make it through the day.
Just now, I stopped by my local Starbucks to grab a pick me up espresso for the afternoon.

As I’m walking into the store, there’s a panhandler, dirty, kid about 20. Little cardboard sign, ratty clothes. He quietly asks if I can buy him “a coffee.”

Normally I say no or ignore, but a coffee? Why not. I say “you want a coffee? Sure kid. What size?”

His response: “ just a small mocha cookie crumble”.


He repeats it.

I just started laughing out loud. “You’re kidding me?”

“No sir.”

“You really want some sugar, huh. Ok. Give me a minute.”

I’m sitting here waiting for it to be made. Anyone want to guess what it cost me?
One hot dog. Soda. Chips. Six flags. $25.
Good for you. It's not uncommon for someone who is dope sick or heading into alcohol withdrawal to crave sugar. Sometimes the best you can do is help someone just get through the day.

Years ago the wife ran a United Way charity, with a little office on the far north side of town. Her route took her through a big intersection with a McDonald's on one side and a liquor store on the other, with a traffic island in between. There was one old guy who had claimed that island as his spot. Routinely she would swing into McD's and get a couple McDoubles and then go across the street and get him a cold tall boy. She said he acted like that was better than cash.

Like I said, sometimes the best thing you can do is help someone just make it through the day.
The American bargain does not include helping those here through illicit means. Even if it did, take care of yourself first.
Good for you. It's not uncommon for someone who is dope sick or heading into alcohol withdrawal to crave sugar. Sometimes the best you can do is help someone just get through the day.

Years ago the wife ran a United Way charity, with a little office on the far north side of town. Her route took her through a big intersection with a McDonald's on one side and a liquor store on the other, with a traffic island in between. There was one old guy who had claimed that island as his spot. Routinely she would swing into McD's and get a couple McDoubles and then go across the street and get him a cold tall boy. She said he acted like that was better than cash.

Like I said, sometimes the best thing you can do is help someone just make it through the day.
Think the kid was dope sick. He looked it.
If someone asks for a sandwich, coffee, water; no problem. But they don't get to place a specific order.
I know, right? I

I was laughing so hard at the absurdity of it, especially the part about me feeling I was duty bound to buy this kid a mocha cookie frappaccino just because I said I'd buy him a coffee.
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12 bucks? This is wild you posted this. My brother texted me about an hour ago and said a homeless dude showed up with a knife at my family reunion. My brother and a couple cousins had to walk the guy out. Thankfully, for the homeless dude my craziest cousins and oldest brother weren't there yet. When the one cousin arrived he said, “I would have cut his throat and let him bleed out”. He’s spent some time behind bars.
If that would have been a hooky family reunion, everyone would have told Uncle Donny to put the knife down before he got hurt.
12 bucks? This is wild you posted this. My brother texted me about an hour ago and said a homeless dude showed up with a knife at my family reunion. My brother and a couple cousins had to walk the guy out. Thankfully, for the homeless dude my craziest cousins and oldest brother weren't there yet. When the one cousin arrived he said, “I would have cut his throat and let him bleed out”. He’s spent some time behind bars.
That checks out
That's my dad's side of my family. Uncle Donny is based on a real uncle of mine. Last I knew he'd gotten out of jail and was living in a trailer* in the woods cooking meth.

*horse trailer
I once saw a homeless black dude outside of a shelter in downtown Stl. It was actually across the street where my grandparents married. I did a double take and turned around to look again. It was Leon Spinks. I didn’t know what to do. Wasn’t asking for money. Just standing in front of the shelter. I just nodded and kept going
I had a good experience with a homeless man in Bloomington this week. I usually don’t interact, but last year when we were there for Mini U for the week, we kept seeing an older man, fairly well groomed , sitting outside and reading. I finally stopped to talk to him and found out he got books from the library, he knows the owners of a couple restaurants who helped him out, and he even played guitar one night at Fat Dans. We talked to him every day after that and gave him some cash. I’ve been looking for him every time I’ve stayed in Bloomington and haven’t seen him again until this week. He remembered us too and was excited to report that he has a room and a car now, and doing some work for Door Dash. Just a feel good little success story…. Any Bloomington folks know James?
That's a happy story to hear. A social worker I know told me that she thought the best way to gauge the helpable from those not ready for help yet was stopping to talk and engage for a moment. Those that are helpable will typically engage back while those that aren't will recoil. Imperfect measuring stick I'm sure, but she thought it was an indicator of whether the person wanted to be a part of society rather than preferring life on the fringes for one of many different reasons.
Just now, I stopped by my local Starbucks to grab a pick me up espresso for the afternoon.

As I’m walking into the store, there’s a panhandler, dirty, kid about 20. Little cardboard sign, ratty clothes. He quietly asks if I can buy him “a coffee.”

Normally I say no or ignore, but a coffee? Why not. I say “you want a coffee? Sure kid. What size?”

His response: “ just a small mocha cookie crumble”.


He repeats it.

I just started laughing out loud. “You’re kidding me?”

“No sir.”

“You really want some sugar, huh. Ok. Give me a minute.”

I’m sitting here waiting for it to be made. Anyone want to guess what it cost me?
You having an epiphany.

Homeless people are a different breed. Some want to be. Some are assholes. Some are deranged. Some need help. Most begging are hustling. Some will take a plate of leftovers and say thanks others will curse you. Ive walked out of many killer steakhouses and offered. Some get offended, some are like hell yes, some are like you owe this to me. What is the point?
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I once saw a homeless black dude outside of a shelter in downtown Stl. It was actually across the street where my grandparents married. I did a double take and turned around to look again. It was Leon Spinks. I didn’t know what to do. Wasn’t asking for money. Just standing in front of the shelter. I just nodded and kept going
Buddy of mine from Texas tells a story about seeing J.R. Richard of Astros fame living under a highway underpass in Houston.
Oh Lord won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz?
I'm still waiting for the report of one our our posters here, taking in one or two homeless into their own home. Actually proving how devoutly better they are than everyone else.
Anyone here given a homeless a room and structured life? Anyone? Anybody? What Would Goat Do?
Oh Lord won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz?
I'm still waiting for the report of one our our posters here, taking in one or two homeless into their own home. Actually proving how devoutly better they are than everyone else.
Anyone here given a homeless a room and structured life? Anyone? Anybody? What Would Goat Do?
Geez...nobody can shit on a decent thread quite like Joe and Stoll. Peas in a pod.
12 bucks? This is wild you posted this. My brother texted me about an hour ago and said a homeless dude showed up with a knife at my family reunion. My brother and a couple cousins had to walk the guy out. Thankfully, for the homeless dude my craziest cousins and oldest brother weren't there yet. When the one cousin arrived he said, “I would have cut his throat and let him bleed out”. He’s spent some time behind bars.
Whoa. Kudos to your brother and cousin for helping your family make it through another reunion without anyone bleeding out! That's not the easiest situation to navigate.
Homeless people are a different breed. Some want to be. Some are assholes. Some are deranged. Some need help.

Street people are rarely there by choice, and even those that are obviously aren't capable of making rational decisions. The vast majority are mentally ill; those who are simply drunks or druggies without some kind of underlying mental pathology are few.
Street people are rarely there by choice, and even those that are obviously aren't capable of making rational decisions. The vast majority are mentally ill; those who are simply drunks or druggies without some kind of underlying mental pathology are few.
It raises an interesting civil rights question that I don’t have the answer to. I’m generally against people being institutionalized. Once the government can confine you, you are no longer free.

I’m also against scary people having manic episodes on the sidewalks while regular people are just trying to go about their day.
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... but she thought it was an indicator of whether the person wanted to be a part of society rather than preferring life on the fringes for one of many different reasons.
Not a question of wanting or preferring, but more of capacity.
I honestly expected much more @UncleMark and @TheOriginalHappyGoat playing nude hopscotch, narrated by Bob Euchre.

HOLY COW, Mark's sliding in, Under the tag.... at FIRST base.... after his bunt attempt up the first base line.
When was the last time someone slid into first Skip?

Skip; " um....... never?"

Awesome Skip, we are making history.
Handing a beggar or homeless some food or cash, doesn’t make the difference. It might quiet your soul for a second.

But it is not the right correction to poverty. And that correction doesn’t come from government either.
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Street people are rarely there by choice, and even those that are obviously aren't capable of making rational decisions. The vast majority are mentally ill; those who are simply drunks or druggies without some kind of underlying mental pathology are few.
Or, now, they are bussed in immigrants. We have lots. They stand out there with their families--moms literally holding infants, or dad's and 5 year olds holding signs--begging for cash. It's heartbreaking.
Handing a beggar or homeless some food or cash, doesn’t make the difference. It might quiet your soul for a second.

But it is not the right correction to poverty. And that correction doesn’t come from government either.
Nope, Mark and Goat need to set an example. Start a homeless rescue.
I bet todays purple hair, overweight, lesbian + teachers would love to advertise their rescue Grandpa, that she/it lost track of over the years. " I had to dump him after the holiday pics, it just got weird after that" says one loyal follower that used to be a house mother at a Sorority at IU.
It could be like "A christmas Story" made in 2024.
Or, now, they are bussed in immigrants. We have lots. They stand out there with their families--moms literally holding infants, or dad's and 5 year olds holding signs--begging for cash. It's heartbreaking.
Yeah they do that here. In front of Trader Joe’s and two highway exits. Kids my minions age. I don’t know what’s going on. I gave one a personal contact at United way and they acted like they didn’t want it. Im of two minds with those kids being out there all day

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