Before Lauren and Abby and Libby...


Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2009
There were the Burger Chef murders in Speedway. The first unsolved disappearance/murder involving kids that I can remember in Indiana.The crime scene was in an area that I frequented when I was growing up and in high school. I didn't live in Speedway, but at most the two high schools (Ben Davis and Speedway) were 5-10 miles apart from each other. The (500) track was within walking distance of my house, and thruout May you could be in my backyard and hear the roar of the engines and Tom Carnegie on the PA...

The Burger Chef was on Crawfordsville Road, nearly adjacent to the Speedway Shopping Center. I was at IU in 1978 and didn't know any of the victims, but the crime sent a shock wave thru the entire West side of Indy. It has never been solved and due to the Speedway cops botching the investigation it might not ever be. Lots of twists and turns and promising leads, but for one reason or another they never panned out. The main problem appears to be that local LEOs initially assumed the kids working ran off after robbing that night's till, so they did a half assed job of investigating and preserving the "crime scene". They even allowed the BC to open and run as usual the next day, so a lot of possible evidence was lost forever...

Anyway, this docu-drama which just premiered looks pretty informative

There were the Burger Chef murders in Speedway. The first unsolved disappearance/murder involving kids that I can remember in Indiana.The crime scene was in an area that I frequented when I was growing up and in high school. I didn't live in Speedway, but at most the two high schools (Ben Davis and Speedway) were 5-10 miles apart from each other. The (500) track was within walking distance of my house, and thruout May you could be in my backyard and hear the roar of the engines and Tom Carnegie on the PA...

The Burger Chef was on Crawfordsville Road, nearly adjacent to the Speedway Shopping Center. I was at IU in 1978 and didn't know any of the victims, but the crime sent a shock wave thru the entire West side of Indy. It has never been solved and due to the Speedway cops botching the investigation it might not ever be. Lots of twists and turns and promising leads, but for one reason or another they never panned out. The main problem appears to be that local LEOs initially assumed the kids working ran off after robbing that night's till, so they did a half assed job of investigating and preserving the "crime scene". They even allowed the BC to open and run as usual the next day, so a lot of possible evidence was lost forever...

Anyway, this docu-drama which just premiered looks pretty informative

I lived about a mile from that Burger Chef. Later that fall we had the Speedway bombings and Brett Kimberlin. The bombs were so close they rattled our windows.

I didn't know any of the BC victims either.
Now, Brett Kimberlin is living a full life of comfort as a political activist.
He was making reportedly hundreds of thousands of $$$$ a month as a drug kingpin prior to his conviction. Ahhh….the American Dream.