The bottle share is the best part of DLD - it's why no one minds the lines. In fact, I want some line time.
The best bottle share used to happen before dawn, when the true beer ninjas line up at 4:00 or 5:00 am (this was more prevalent before they started making it a ticketed event) and cracking beers. The streets surrounding the brewery are literally lined with empty bottles of every and any whale you can name.
Last year we got in line around noonish, and it was pouring rain and nasty. We got in the cattle chutes, and everyone was huddled under rain ponchos and umbrellas, and no one was having a good time. So, Hoops Cat reached into the magic backpack, and pulled out a bottle of 18th St something or other, didn't matter what it was (but I think it was a barleywine), and started offering pours to whoever was in front, behind, or to our sides. If they were noobs, and didn't have a glass, we brought a sleeve of plastic Solo cups, and hooked them up. Pretty soon, we had met folks in for the first time from Boston, the north side of Chitown, and I forget where else. Good times.
Then, as we wound through the chutes, people would see that I had 18th in hand, not that's is a whale or anything, but it's a beer that they had heard about and wanted to try. Ended up giving a half bottle of a Hunter stout of some variety to a guy who gave me half a bottle of Mexican Cake in return. Talk about a win-win.
And then, it doesn't stop once you get inside the gates - there are tables / tents / groups everywhere, and shares happening all over. There's a certain etiquette to it; you don't just walk up and start pouring, but you start talking with the folks, offer them some of yours, and they'll offer you some of theirs, and then you'll meet even more folks.
I agree with CF - for $200, this year's DLD is priced right. I know that folks have a negative perception of 3 Floyds, and DLD, but I'm here to tell you that DLD is something you should experience. At least once, and yes, Phish, you too.
It's really something awesome -