Gotta tell you that after trying Short's Huma Lupa Licious, a 7.7% (Simcoe I believe) IPA and Space Rock pale ale I'm not too excited about trying their other stuff. I know they're more known for their one offs, but these were just not enjoyable. The hop profiles are just dank and bitter. There is much, much better stuff on shelves virtually everywhere. Hoops did send me a couple of their other beers a couple years ago that I enjoyed much more, but Huma Lupa is their flagship. I would have thought they would have changed that before increasing distribution to out of state.
The Odd Side Citra Pale Ale was much, much better. It's no ZD or Psuedo Sue, but it's a very drinkable and enjoyable at 5.75%. I probably slightly prefer Victory Headwaters and prefer the Citra and Mosaic hopped Deschutes Fresh Squeezed a lot more, but I'm sure I'll be enjoying a lot more of this this summer, especially since it comes in cans.