I just through up my mouth. It's ****i'n beer. Borring.
I just through up my mouth. It's ****i'n beer. Borring.
I still have some 30th Anniversary, probably gonna cellar it.
The Cherry Stout is ..... not up to Bells' standards.
Hopslam is overrated. There. I said it.
I'd take Hop Baron ten times out of ten over it.
I forget if it was last season or the season before that Larry bell was going to go to every Cubs game during the entire season. I'm glad that makes such great beer because I love supporting them. The Third Coast Old Ale is phenomenal and ages great too. A very underrated beverage.I really enjoy the cherry stout.
Before the Cubs/Cards clincher playoff game last fall I had a 2010 Expedition Stout at Sheffield's after meeting Larry Bell at the bar and chatting with him for a good 20 mins. Nice fella. Very down to earth. At any rate, the 2010 aged well. Caused me to cellar a six pack of 2015. Lol
I forget if it was last season or the season before that Larry bell was going to go to every Cubs game during the entire season. I'm glad that makes such great beer because I love supporting them. The Third Coast Old Ale is phenomenal and ages great too. A very underrated beverage.
Honestly I've only had the cherry stout once but that was enough. Maybe I got a bad bottle but I didn't get that impression.
I've gotta say, I've never thought whilst enjoying a beverage, "This is overrated." I just enjoy the beverage, and I've enjoyed Hopslam a lotta times over the past few years (including last week - love it in cans).Hopslam is overrated. There. I said it.
I'd take Hop Baron ten times out of ten over it.
I have 2 Abrasive pints left, dated 11/24/15. I'll send them on, no trade necessary. Start a conversation here and we'll work out the details.
I can't believe Kentucky is ahead of Indian in getting quality beer -- we've had Ballast Point for awhile. In fact, I have a 6'er of Grapefruit Sculpin in the fridge waiting to drink tonight. If you haven't had it yet, you'll love it (although it's pricey).Ballast Point now in Indiana!!!!!
Monday, February 29th, Crown Liquors on Main st in Carmel will be doing a Ballast Point tasting from 6-7 to kick off their release in Indiana. We will be sampling Victory at Sea, Sculpin, Grapefruit Sculpin, Pineapple Sculpin and Big Eye. Their beer will be 15% off all day. Cheers, hope to see you there!
I just through up my mouth. It's ****i'n beer. Borring.
Hopslam is overrated. There. I said it.
I'd take Hop Baron ten times out of ten over it.
Brew input needed. I'm going to brew a batch this weekend, and I think I'm down to choosing between a Zombie Dust clone, and a Pliney the Elder Clone. I don't have the equipment to do full grain brews, so I'm limited to steeping/extract brews.
I'd like to do the Pliney, but it requires a full wort boil, which I've yet to do. Thoughts/suggestions? I've never had Zombie Dust, so that would be a great option too.
I gots one of dem and 1 of Tweak in da beer fridge. Letting the anticipation build.Having a Avery PumpKYn at 17.22% is the best pumpkin beer I've had
You're a beer nerd rock star, Phish.Tweak is awesome. I'm on a year and a week old KBS now. So damn good.
Brew input needed. I'm going to brew a batch this weekend, and I think I'm down to choosing between a Zombie Dust clone, and a Pliney the Elder Clone. I don't have the equipment to do full grain brews, so I'm limited to steeping/extract brews.
I'd like to do the Pliney, but it requires a full wort boil, which I've yet to do. Thoughts/suggestions? I've never had Zombie Dust, so that would be a great option too.
You're a beer nerd rock star, Phish.
This is my beverage tonight .....
How's it holding up O? I passed on getting more in Madison last month because it was canned in early November, but I'm questioning whether that was a dumb move. If so I may be able to right that wrong in Chicago tomorrow.You're a beer nerd rock star, Phish.
This is my beverage tonight .....
It's excellent, IMHO, but as you know, I'm most definitely biased. If you want, I'll send you some, no return package necessary, my beer nerd brotha from anotha motha . Just let me know. I can send it Monday.How's it holding up O? I passed on getting more in Madison last month because it was canned in early November, but I'm questioning whether that was a dumb move. If so I may be able to right that wrong in Chicago tomorrow.
I'm enjoying what I believe is my last SN Celebration right now. Still a damn fine beverage and a classic. SN stuff always holds up well though.
That is an awesome beverage. Great choice to end your night.Beverage #2 tonight. Ladies and gentlemen, OVALTINE has left the building.
That's cool. I've got (3) 12/10/15 pints if you want them.That is an awesome beverage. Great choice to end your night.
Thanks for the offer on Abrasive but not necessary. You already sent mea 4 pack which was amazing as always. Plus I suspect I'll find it at West Lakeview tomorrow.
That is an awesome beverage. Great choice to end your night.
Thanks for the offer on Abrasive but not necessary. You already sent mea 4 pack which was amazing as always. Plus I suspect I'll find it at West Lakeview tomorrow.
I wish I had sent you some Abrasive when it was a week old. Like taking a Citra hammer between the eyes, IMHO.Mr O was a gentleman, and provided me with a few of those 12/10/15 canned Abrasives.
I enjoyed 1 tonight, immensely. Definitely a strong citra hopped beer, a bit more malt sweetness backbone than say a Permanent Funeral, but the sweetness is subtle and doesn't overtake the hop flavor, which happens all too often in the IIPA category. The citra aroma explodes, even from an empty can, it's like sticking your nose in a bag of Citra hops. They must carpet bomb this beer with dry hops.
I haven't figured out yet exactly how I'll repay him, but repay him I shall.
Robert The Bruce is great, if you like malty beers (it's a Scotch Ale). If you like hops, Yum Yum is a great "intro" beer, Alpha King is very good, and Dreadnaught is sublime.Question:
Beer neophyte, so forgive noob comments. Three Floyds...how is the Robert the Bruce, and their other beers?
Jinx Proof is pretty solid too.Robert The Bruce is great, if you like malty beers (it's a Scotch Ale). If you like hops, Yum Yum is a great "intro" beer, Alpha King is very good, and Dreadnaught is sublime.
Of course, Zombie Dust gets all the attention in the 3F's stable of brews, but Permanent Funeral whips ZD's buttocks all day long and twice on Sunday - and so does 18th Street Deal With The Devil.
But that's a different thread.
Good luck, Ralphie.
Beer neophyte, so forgive noob comments. Three Floyds...how is the Robert the Bruce, and their other beers?
I wish I had sent you some Abrasive when it was a week old. Like taking a Citra hammer between the eyes, IMHO.
IIRC, the malt is actually oats, which imparts the sweetness.
Todd The Axe Man is pretty great, too. Let me know if you've not had it - it's a Citra/Mosaic combo-hopped blitzkrieg. Hopefully they'll brew it again this summer.
Pseudo Sue is phenomenal. I just had two fresh 4 packs that were from TG'S contract deal in Florida. Not sure it was as good as when I first had it in a growler a couple years ago but it was still great. Maybe my favorite Citra pale ale, especially since it's under 6%. Others that are some of my favorite Citra hopped IPAs and IIPAs are Revolution Citra Hero, Pipeworks Citra Ninja, and Marz Citra Citra Citra. Those are seasonal though and mostly confined to Chicago. Maybe you can get Thirsty Dog's Citra Dog from Ohio. It's not as good as Sue or ZD but it's still enjoyable. I'm looking forward to trying Odd Side's Citra pale ale once we start getting them here in a couple weeks too.Interesting on the oats, I could see that.
I'm actually doing a sessionable IPA (about 6%) today, where I'm putting in some oats. First time I've used them.
On Hanks advice, I'm going to bomb it out with a load of Citra and Mosaic, and just a bit of Columbus for some dankness.
I have not had Todd the Axe Man. Another one I hear about in the same discussion as ZD, is PsuedoSue.
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!Well damnit. Goose Island just sold their original Clybourn brew pub to InBev. I've been going there periodically since the mid 90s. Between this sale and the permanent closing of the Wrigleyville location I won't be in any hurry to get back there anytime soon.
Thanks for the advice. I have a couple of ZD recipes, so I'll go go with the one on home brew.I've made the Zombie Dust clone several times. I assume you are using the very popular ZD recipie on homebrewtalk.com
If not, then do so.
I will tell you, do not use the S-04 yeast. I've used it once, and it can be difficult and give really off, fruity flavors unless you can ferment really cool.
Use the WY1968....that's what FFF uses as their house yeast anyway. You'll still want to ferment in the very low 60s. English yeasts in general get very fruity if fermented too warm. Make a starter, or pitch 2 smack packs.
If you must use dry yeast, just use US-05. It won't be just like ZD, but will give a nice, clean and good beer.
Final thing, if you cannot do full boils, make sure to add most of your extract at the very end of the boil. Not at the beginning. That will help with hop extraction.
Pliny is a very difficult recipe to do via extract/partial boil, IMO. I haven't made it, but have looked at the recipe. That's a lot higher gravity/ibu than ZD.
I use the BIAB method. Pretty easy way to go all grain without any extra equipment, assuming your boil kettle is large enough.
I'm brewing 10G tomorrow, taking advantage of the nice weather.
I think the canned Sue is better than the bottled version, but that is definitely JMHO. Anyone needs any Sue, I have cans readily accessible at my local. Just let me know.Pseudo Sue is phenomenal. I just had two fresh 4 packs that were from TG'S contract deal in Florida. Not sure it was as good as when I first had it in a growler a couple years ago but it was still great. Maybe my favorite Citra pale ale, especially since it's under 6%. Others that are some of my favorite Citra hopped IPAs and IIPAs are Revolution Citra Hero, Pipeworks Citra Ninja, and Marz Citra Citra Citra. Those are seasonal though and mostly confined to Chicago. Maybe you can get Thirsty Dog's Citra Dog from Ohio. It's not as good as Sue or ZD but it's still enjoyable. I'm looking forward to trying Odd Side's Citra pale ale once we start getting them here in a couple weeks too.
I agree 100% with O on Todd the Axeman. Another fantastic year round easy to get Citra/Mosaic IPA is Deschutes Fresh Squeezed.