
You are right there. Best soft pretzels are Ben’s. Only one place on the East side where you can get the fountain drinks and the 65 gallon tub of popcorn are at the Sausage Haus. Overall, the food selection has great variety this year.

Beer selection still sucks. I'm a beer snob and love IPA's, but only having a malty 16 oz. Dragonfly on a 90 degree day is not enjoyable. Have some sessions like Campside, Lil Dragonfly. And sell 12 oz cans. The beer gets warm too quickly.
Attendance has sparked at least a couple threads of discussion per year going back to the advent of internet message boards (the Bruce Strom days). I used to participate and get all worked up the topic, but I don't anymore because I've come to the following conclusions:

1. To get any real change to fan behavior, the program must win some significant games first. This fan base is just too jaded (and maybe rightfully so) to think we will get folks to show (and stay) without tangible proof that things are different.
2. Even with significant wins, we still may never get to the point where we are selling out the Rock consistently. Culture doesn't change overnight, and I'm not even sure there is a desire to develop a football-obsessed culture in Bloomington.

With that said, I don't believe attendance is as important as it once was. Recruits are much more concerned with how much money they will get paid than how many fans are in the stands these days.
They are running a promo selling $30 tickets for 30 hours.

Everyone should encourage others to get tickets to the Maryland game. It’s gonna be gorgeous football weather. Conference opponent at home with a chance to start 5-0.

We need it to be packed and rockin for all 4 quarters.

If folks are waiting for a CFP bid before shelling out $50, they’re just being silly.
Everyone should encourage others to get tickets to the Maryland game. It’s gonna be gorgeous football weather. Conference opponent at home with a chance to start 5-0.

We need it to be packed and rockin for all 4 quarters.

If folks are waiting for a CFP bid before shelling out $50, they’re just being silly.

I'm seeing 79 and 41% chance of rain. Not my idea of gorgeous football weather.
We got a passout, came back and stayed until the end. While we were heading out to get our tickets scanned for a passout, a big crowd walked on out. I didn't see another person scan their ticket around us. As we were heading back in, our tailgating neighbor seemed shocked we were going back in.

My thought on tailgating is it is fun and I look forward seeing our friends every Saturday, But I can sit outside and listen to the game while sipping on a drink and eating meat du jour at home. Why would I drive to the game and not go in? We had some younger adults sit by us that came in the middle of the second quarter and didn't return. Pu$$ies! They said it was too hot.

The first half was hot. There was cloud cover and a breeze in the second half. It was a good move to allow water bottles to be brought in and refilling stations.

I h
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I've said it recently and I'll say it again, any fanbase that chooses bball over football in the pecking order, is hard for me to take seriously. I've felt this way since I was a kid and actually liked IU bball! It has never made any sense...

Such fanbases need to check their manhood, that's the truth. I'm glad I'm an outlier!!
Also colder beer and hotter girls.

But yes, really disappointing. We had better turnout (especially students) for a Friday night FCS opponent.
That’s true lol.
I will say IU is looking good and may have found the right coach. Could be a case of establishing staying power but I have never liked the scheduling model
Attendance has sparked at least a couple threads of discussion per year going back to the advent of internet message boards (the Bruce Strom days). I used to participate and get all worked up the topic, but I don't anymore because I've come to the following conclusions:

1. To get any real change to fan behavior, the program must win some significant games first. This fan base is just too jaded (and maybe rightfully so) to think we will get folks to show (and stay) without tangible proof that things are different.
2. Even with significant wins, we still may never get to the point where we are selling out the Rock consistently. Culture doesn't change overnight, and I'm not even sure there is a desire to develop a football-obsessed culture in Bloomington.

With that said, I don't believe attendance is as important as it once was. Recruits are much more concerned with how much money they will get paid than how many fans are in the stands these days.
”the Rock” is a stupid name sounds forced. Whats wrong with Indiana University Memorial Stadium or IUMS, if you are in to that whole brevity thing?
Weighing in on attendance and game experience yesterday.

Double IU grad, played some frosh ball. 75ish years old, enough to remember both "rose bowl" games now. ;)
Die hard IU football and basketball (and soccer and volleyball and base/softball) all of which are decent and (if soccer steps up again like I think they will again this season) ... all on the rise.

Live 5 hours away in O$U central (hate 'em).

Bought 2 tickets weeks ahead, $120. Bought parking ahead, and ticket office was less than helpful, have mobility issues, "best available" was in Forest green lot, $35 + another $10. Answer to "Is there handicap drop off?" was "I don't think so." Contacted about seat backs, again less than helpful "must pick them up inside stadium and can't reserve" and "not sure where in the stadium that's at." Hotel $170. And then, the traffic (which is the same for 50+ years) sucks and both city & university incapable/unwilling (or?) to fix it. $450+. And, yes, hotter than hades, with no tailgate to resort to. Great win, but the experience wasn't pretty. Well, pretty embarrassing IMO on the university's part ... have a good team on the field and chaos from start to finish. I don't want to think what three times the attendance will look like!

Love the direction fb is going, but was one of the worst fan/ticket/parking experiences I've seen (and I've seen a lot of Universities/arenas).

Oh, you "don't have to get off my lawn."
Weighing in on attendance and game experience yesterday.

Double IU grad, played some frosh ball. 75ish years old, enough to remember both "rose bowl" games now. ;)
Die hard IU football and basketball (and soccer and volleyball and base/softball) all of which are decent and (if soccer steps up again like I think they will again this season) ... all on the rise.

Live 5 hours away in O$U central (hate 'em).

Bought 2 tickets weeks ahead, $120. Bought parking ahead, and ticket office was less than helpful, have mobility issues, "best available" was in Forest green lot, $35 + another $10. Answer to "Is there handicap drop off?" was "I don't think so." Contacted about seat backs, again less than helpful "must pick them up inside stadium and can't reserve" and "not sure where in the stadium that's at." Hotel $170. And then, the traffic (which is the same for 50+ years) sucks and both city & university incapable/unwilling (or?) to fix it. $450+. And, yes, hotter than hades, with no tailgate to resort to. Great win, but the experience wasn't pretty. Well, pretty embarrassing IMO on the university's part ... have a good team on the field and chaos from start to finish. I don't want to think what three times the attendance will look like!

Love the direction fb is going, but was one of the worst fan/ticket/parking experiences I've seen (and I've seen a lot of Universities/arenas).

Oh, you "don't have to get off my lawn."
I would b calling iu first thing Monday and may start with call to AD office asking for who is the head of those situations u spoke of. They want fb success and all of that is another peg in the hole to fix towards reaching that goal. No excuse for not fixing traffic to all the help u were asking for
Weighing in on attendance and game experience yesterday.

Double IU grad, played some frosh ball. 75ish years old, enough to remember both "rose bowl" games now. ;)
Die hard IU football and basketball (and soccer and volleyball and base/softball) all of which are decent and (if soccer steps up again like I think they will again this season) ... all on the rise.

Live 5 hours away in O$U central (hate 'em).

Bought 2 tickets weeks ahead, $120. Bought parking ahead, and ticket office was less than helpful, have mobility issues, "best available" was in Forest green lot, $35 + another $10. Answer to "Is there handicap drop off?" was "I don't think so." Contacted about seat backs, again less than helpful "must pick them up inside stadium and can't reserve" and "not sure where in the stadium that's at." Hotel $170. And then, the traffic (which is the same for 50+ years) sucks and both city & university incapable/unwilling (or?) to fix it. $450+. And, yes, hotter than hades, with no tailgate to resort to. Great win, but the experience wasn't pretty. Well, pretty embarrassing IMO on the university's part ... have a good team on the field and chaos from start to finish. I don't want to think what three times the attendance will look like!

Love the direction fb is going, but was one of the worst fan/ticket/parking experiences I've seen (and I've seen a lot of Universities/arenas).

Oh, you "don't have to get off my lawn."
Disappointing to read. If it happened to you it probably did to many others. Very fixable but someone at IU has to care.
Weighing in on attendance and game experience yesterday.

Double IU grad, played some frosh ball. 75ish years old, enough to remember both "rose bowl" games now. ;)
Die hard IU football and basketball (and soccer and volleyball and base/softball) all of which are decent and (if soccer steps up again like I think they will again this season) ... all on the rise.

Live 5 hours away in O$U central (hate 'em).

Bought 2 tickets weeks ahead, $120. Bought parking ahead, and ticket office was less than helpful, have mobility issues, "best available" was in Forest green lot, $35 + another $10. Answer to "Is there handicap drop off?" was "I don't think so." Contacted about seat backs, again less than helpful "must pick them up inside stadium and can't reserve" and "not sure where in the stadium that's at." Hotel $170. And then, the traffic (which is the same for 50+ years) sucks and both city & university incapable/unwilling (or?) to fix it. $450+. And, yes, hotter than hades, with no tailgate to resort to. Great win, but the experience wasn't pretty. Well, pretty embarrassing IMO on the university's part ... have a good team on the field and chaos from start to finish. I don't want to think what three times the attendance will look like!

Love the direction fb is going, but was one of the worst fan/ticket/parking experiences I've seen (and I've seen a lot of Universities/arenas).

Oh, you "don't have to get off my lawn."
You cannot expect Mayberry to be like Raleigh. It takes at least 100 years to make progress. We just got an honest to goodness interstate going through town now.
No thanks to the hardcore tree-huggers there who would have preferred the entire county be declared a 10-speed bike only zone. Big cities that are used to hosting big events don’t bat an eye at stuff like this. This is a big complex logistics coordination for a hamlet like Bloomington. They are all learning what being in a P4 conference means. The days of hanging out in one of the two premier conferences in the entire nation but conducting yourself like Indiana State are over.
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The National Weather Service has a Forecast of a 20% possibility of rain with a high temperature on Saturday in Bloomington of 76...

Their high temps don't usually occur before 4pm which means it could be as low as 70 at Kickoff...

Sounds like good Football Weather to me...
Weather won't be an excuse next week. The Rock will be damn near sold out.
Weighing in on attendance and game experience yesterday.

Double IU grad, played some frosh ball. 75ish years old, enough to remember both "rose bowl" games now. ;)
Die hard IU football and basketball (and soccer and volleyball and base/softball) all of which are decent and (if soccer steps up again like I think they will again this season) ... all on the rise.

Live 5 hours away in O$U central (hate 'em).

Bought 2 tickets weeks ahead, $120. Bought parking ahead, and ticket office was less than helpful, have mobility issues, "best available" was in Forest green lot, $35 + another $10. Answer to "Is there handicap drop off?" was "I don't think so." Contacted about seat backs, again less than helpful "must pick them up inside stadium and can't reserve" and "not sure where in the stadium that's at." Hotel $170. And then, the traffic (which is the same for 50+ years) sucks and both city & university incapable/unwilling (or?) to fix it. $450+. And, yes, hotter than hades, with no tailgate to resort to. Great win, but the experience wasn't pretty. Well, pretty embarrassing IMO on the university's part ... have a good team on the field and chaos from start to finish. I don't want to think what three times the attendance will look like!

Love the direction fb is going, but was one of the worst fan/ticket/parking experiences I've seen (and I've seen a lot of Universities/arenas).

Oh, you "don't have to get off my lawn."
Hopefully the AD and the president, who apparently believes the school is "all in" on football, sees this shit and demands it gets fixed.
Everyone likes to look at the decision point in a vacuum. The reason teams like Nebraska can fill the stadium every week including the weak teams is those tickets are the only ones available. Once Indiana starts filling the stadium for “big games” more people will go to the non-conference “cupcakes” since these will be the only tickets available and affordable.

It all goes together…..
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It will be nowhere close to being sold out. No way. . And, now there is a chance of light sprinkles in the area on Saturday , the little Strawberry Shortcake student section will fear they will dissolve once they step outside.
I was also disappointed by the crowd but the headwinds against this program are hard to overcome. Coach Cig will though. He is the rocket ship that Hep foretold about.

This weekend might be 2 top 25 teams. It better be a sell out(or at least close. . Season ticket holders and students who don't show up this weekend should lose their tickets for the rest of the season.
It will be nowhere close to being sold out. No way. . And, now there is a chance of light sprinkles in the area on Saturday , the little Strawberry Shortcake student section will fear they will dissolve once they step outside.
bought 6 tix for my group today on stubhub and the screen said 'high demand'

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