Apparently Dick Cheney is voting for Harris?

The problem is that Trump doesn't just want to stop policing the world. He wants to stop policing the world and just go back inside our front door with no explanation, no follow-up, no concern for what happens next. You and I both know that if we stop policing the world, the world is absolutely coming for us to kill us and smother our children, and probably mutilate our pets, because the world hates us. That doesn't go away just because Trump pulls the string on our national Venetian blinds.
Goat, does the world hate us, or are we going through a period when we hate ourselves?

The self hate being generated by the way we conduct our elections and the way our negative politics distorts our self esteem. We focus and often exaggerate our problems (crime, the border, race relations, inflation, etc.) while ignoring our successes.

Meanwhile much to my surprise the world according to this Pew Poll gives us a fairly favorable rating among most counties.

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You must have been up past your bedtime, Junior.
There is absolutely nothing Trump says or does that you will not defend. If defending him means you need to lie or be a hypocrite, you’re on it. You have the same level of character, honor, integrity and honesty that your guy has - none.
Goat, does the world hate us, or are we going through a period when we hate ourselves?

The self hate being generated by the way we conduct our elections and the way our negative politics distorts our self esteem. We focus and often exaggerate our problems (crime, the border, race relations, inflation, etc.) while ignoring our successes.

Meanwhile much to my surprise the world according to this Pew Poll gives us a fairly favorable rating among most counties.

Well, hoot1, people are risking death to come to the US illegally by the millions.

I'd say that's a pretty fair indication most of the world views the US favorably.
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If you don’t fight like you want the job you have no chance. Not saying he needed to act like Trump at all.
What do you mean by fight? He ran a very good campaign, but ran against a popular incumbent. It was a hard election to win and he ran it to win it and fell a little short.
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He had bad timing. Nobody was ever going to beat Obama in '12.
He was more beatable in ‘12 than ‘08.

He actually lost the majority of the White vote in ‘12. He didn’t in ‘08. Got fewer overall votes than ‘08.

The 2012 Obama campaign was absolutely sickening. He and Axlerod made a cold, calculated play that he could win on the back of a majority minority coalition and forgo most White voters. The racial rhetoric got turned up higher than at any point since the Civil Rights era. Americans who were living in a largely post-racial society at that point were sliced and diced along racial lines. It was a complete rebuke of his “No white America, no black America” convention speech that put him on the map.

The country has never recovered. Many consider Trump the death of American politics. Nah. Nay. He was simply the coroner that came upon the body left by Obama’s second term.
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He was more beatable in ‘12 than ‘08.

He actually lost the majority of the White vote in ‘12. He didn’t in ‘08.

The 2012 Obama campaign was absolutely sickening. He and Axlerod made a cold, calculated play that he could win on the back on a majority minority coalition and forgo most White voters. The racial rhetoric got turned up higher than at any point since the Civil Rights era. Americans who were living in a largely post-racial society at that point were sliced and diced along racial lines. It was a complete rebuke of his “No white America, no black America” convention speech that put him on the map.

The country has never recovered. Many consider Trump the death of American politics. Nah. Nay. He was simply the coroner that came upon the body left by Obama’s second term.

White race traitors fault.
Well, hoot1, people are risking death to come to the US illegally by the millions.

I'd say that's a pretty fair indication most of the world views the US favorably.
Some do 'risk death'...
Most ride air-conditioned busses or aircraft provided by the $Billions(borrowed) handed to NGO's by the Fed.
It's not about favorable views of our Constitutional Republic, rule of law, ethics or's all about the Benjamins..
The contrast between sitting in a Venezuelan prison and getting free housing, debit cards and no accountability at all in a wealthy open society is clear.
Suicide ......
Kamala is technically a Boomer.
If the neocon Republicans were what they they told us they were back 25 years ago, they wouldn't be voting for a candidate like Harris. A perfect example of the hypocrisy and duplicity of that group of people. Our 2 party system is broken and they're really nothing more than 2 sides of the same coin. Cheney and the rest of those warmongering ****s who profited off of the Iraqi war can EAD.
Anyone that votes for this guy is not an American.

Apparently you don't need be American to vote. I'm voting the team that includes geniuses like tulsi, RFK and Nicole. I don't care if some radical regime like we got now wants to label me a non-American or terrorist.
If the neocon Republicans were what they they told us they were back 25 years ago, they wouldn't be voting for a candidate like Harris. A perfect example of the hypocrisy and duplicity of that group of people. Our 2 party system is broken and they're really nothing more than 2 sides of the same coin. Cheney and the rest of those warmongering ****s who profited off of the Iraqi war can EAD.
I couldn't agree more. And we have one former Swabby who posts on here who is a perfect example of that group.

It's ironic that it was someone like Trump who has exposed them.

You know, I get that some Republicans don't like Trump. But you can't tell me they actually think Trump is a threat to 'democracy' and a worse choice than Harris, after they compare his Presidency to Biden's. They can't believe they lost to Trump, after they've made fun of him at every turn. And they can't get over that.

To GW Bush's credit, I don't remember him trashing Trump. He just stays out of it, which is what they all should do.
  • Like
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If the neocon Republicans were what they they told us they were back 25 years ago, they wouldn't be voting for a candidate like Harris. A perfect example of the hypocrisy and duplicity of that group of people. Our 2 party system is broken and they're really nothing more than 2 sides of the same coin. Cheney and the rest of those warmongering ****s who profited off of the Iraqi war can EAD.
Exactly what did they tell YOU they were?
I couldn't agree more. And we have one former Swabby who posts on here who is a perfect example of that group.

It's ironic that it was someone like Trump who has exposed them.

You know, I get that some Republicans don't like Trump. But you can't tell me they actually think Trump is a threat to 'democracy' and a worse choice than Harris, after they compare his Presidency to Biden's. They can't believe they lost to Trump, after they've made fun of him at every turn. And they can't get over that.

To GW Bush's credit, I don't remember him trashing Trump. He just stays out of it, which is what they all should do.
What do you agree with? What did neocon conservatives tell you 25 years ago? What exactly do you think a neocon conservative is? Trump exposed who and how?
After my divorce and remarriage, I moved from Washington to the home of my second wife.

I am a member of Oak Meadow CC in Evansville and Bloomington CC. Starting to get acquainted with members at BCC. If I can get over my addiction to the money game at Oak Meadow, I will give up my membership. It’s an hour and a half drive. The drive isn’t that bad on 69 and I can take care of business on the drive but it’s getting old.

Wouldn’t mind playing at Vic again but I carry a grudge. Lol. Me and my buddies had over 20 great years there. The new owners don’t seem to care about members spending $25,000-$35,000 per year. I don’t think their model will work. When dad gets tired of losing money they will change the model or sell.
I'll find you at BCC sometime...don't get out as much as I'd like but we're in the same index range. 😄
Exactly what did they tell YOU they were?
Are you serious? I can only assume you're playing devil's advocate here with Cheney since the guy has decades worth of public statements on economic policy.

Emphasis is mine. Compare these comments on Policy to Harris's policies.

Tax cuts are crucial to getting recovery underway​

The President’s tax policy [has] put money back into the pockets of the people who earn it. We think that’s been vital to avoiding an even deeper recession. We think it’s been crucial, as well, to getting the recovery underway. We’ve been able to cut rates. We’ve been able to reform the double-taxation of dividends and improve the treatment of capital gains, significant expensing for small businesses. That’s where all the jobs get created. Those reforms are key to long-term economic growth.Source: Speech at Rep. Jim Gerlach luncheon, Malvern PA , Oct 3, 2003

Economy moves forward when Americans have more to invest​

When the American people have more to spend, more to save, more to invest, our economy moves forward. And those who need work are more likely to find a job. We expanded the child tax credit from $600 to $1,000. We reduced the marriage penalty. We cut the top rate of taxes on dividends and capital gains. Tax relief is critical to our small businesses. And for the sake of America’s entrepreneurs, farmers and ranchers, we are also bringing the death tax to an end.Source: Remarks at the National Minority Enterprise Conference , Sep 30, 2003

Supported Balanced Budget Amendment​

  • Where he stands:
  • opposed the Equal Rights Amendment
  • anti-abortion rights
  • supported prayer in schools
  • supported balanced budget amendment
Source: (X-ref Education) US News & World Report , Jul 11, 1999

Supported biennial budgeting for deficit reduction​

  • Cheney co-sponsored the following bills in Congress:
  • H.R.748 (1986):A bill to amend the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to provide for a two-year (biennial) budgeting cycle, and for other purposes.
  • H.J.RES.404 (1984):A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States allowing an item veto in appropriations bills.
  • H.J.RES.243 (1984):A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution relating to Federal budget procedures.
Source: Thomas Register of Congressional Votes , Jan 1, 1986

Co-sponsored numerous bills for balancing the budget​

  • Cheney co-sponsored the following bills in Congress:
  • H.J.RES.147 (1984):A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution to require that congressional resolutions setting forth levels of total budget outlays and Federal revenues must be agreed to by two-thirds vote of both Houses of the Congress if the level of outlays exceeds the level of revenues.
  • H.R.5000 (1984) and H.R.1481 (1986):A bill to authorize the President, on a limited basis, to impound funds made available for the fiscal year when economic conditions necessitate reductions in the Federal deficit.
  • H.R.3520 (1986):A bill to require a graduated reduction of the Federal budget deficit, to balance the budget, to establish emergency procedures to avoid deficit overages.
  • H.J.RES.321 (1988):A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution to provide for a balanced budget for the United States Government and for greater accountability in the enactment of tax legislation.
  • Source: Thomas Register of Congressional Votes , Jan 1, 1986

From the On the Issues website

Which one of those looks like anything Harris is pushing?

You can go look through my posts and find examples of my disdain for the Republican party saying one thing while campaigning and then doing the opposite once elected.
Some do 'risk death'...
Most ride air-conditioned busses or aircraft provided by the $Billions(borrowed) handed to NGO's by the Fed.
It's not about favorable views of our Constitutional Republic, rule of law, ethics or's all about the Benjamins..
The contrast between sitting in a Venezuelan prison and getting free housing, debit cards and no accountability at all in a wealthy open society is clear.
Suicide ......
I wouldn't say 'most' do, but there are too many examples of this:

Are you serious? I can only assume you're playing devil's advocate here with Cheney since the guy has decades worth of public statements on economic policy.

Emphasis is mine. Compare these comments on Policy to Harris's policies.

Tax cuts are crucial to getting recovery underway​

The President’s tax policy [has] put money back into the pockets of the people who earn it. We think that’s been vital to avoiding an even deeper recession. We think it’s been crucial, as well, to getting the recovery underway. We’ve been able to cut rates. We’ve been able to reform the double-taxation of dividends and improve the treatment of capital gains, significant expensing for small businesses. That’s where all the jobs get created. Those reforms are key to long-term economic growth.Source: Speech at Rep. Jim Gerlach luncheon, Malvern PA , Oct 3, 2003

Economy moves forward when Americans have more to invest​

When the American people have more to spend, more to save, more to invest, our economy moves forward. And those who need work are more likely to find a job. We expanded the child tax credit from $600 to $1,000. We reduced the marriage penalty. We cut the top rate of taxes on dividends and capital gains. Tax relief is critical to our small businesses. And for the sake of America’s entrepreneurs, farmers and ranchers, we are also bringing the death tax to an end.Source: Remarks at the National Minority Enterprise Conference , Sep 30, 2003

Supported Balanced Budget Amendment​

  • Where he stands:
  • opposed the Equal Rights Amendment
  • anti-abortion rights
  • supported prayer in schools
  • supported balanced budget amendment
Source: (X-ref Education) US News & World Report , Jul 11, 1999

Supported biennial budgeting for deficit reduction​

  • Cheney co-sponsored the following bills in Congress:
  • H.R.748 (1986):A bill to amend the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to provide for a two-year (biennial) budgeting cycle, and for other purposes.
  • H.J.RES.404 (1984):A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States allowing an item veto in appropriations bills.
  • H.J.RES.243 (1984):A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution relating to Federal budget procedures.
Source: Thomas Register of Congressional Votes , Jan 1, 1986

Co-sponsored numerous bills for balancing the budget​

  • Cheney co-sponsored the following bills in Congress:
  • H.J.RES.147 (1984):A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution to require that congressional resolutions setting forth levels of total budget outlays and Federal revenues must be agreed to by two-thirds vote of both Houses of the Congress if the level of outlays exceeds the level of revenues.
  • H.R.5000 (1984) and H.R.1481 (1986):A bill to authorize the President, on a limited basis, to impound funds made available for the fiscal year when economic conditions necessitate reductions in the Federal deficit.
  • H.R.3520 (1986):A bill to require a graduated reduction of the Federal budget deficit, to balance the budget, to establish emergency procedures to avoid deficit overages.
  • H.J.RES.321 (1988):A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution to provide for a balanced budget for the United States Government and for greater accountability in the enactment of tax legislation.
  • Source: Thomas Register of Congressional Votes , Jan 1, 1986

From the On the Issues website

Which one of those looks like anything Harris is pushing?

You can go look through my posts and find examples of my disdain for the Republican party saying one thing while campaigning and then doing the opposite once elected.
I'm for all that stuff and how much of that is Trump pushing? Pretty much none of it. Might as we'll purge the SOB from the party and get on track with some of that.

Hell, the guy is even good with abortion on demand until birth now. If your state wants it, he's good with it.
I'm for all that stuff and how much of that is Trump pushing? Pretty much none of it. Might as we'll purge the SOB from the party and get on track with some of that.

Hell, the guy is even good with abortion on demand until birth now. If your state wants it, he's good with it.
My original point was that the guy is against all this stuff, yet he's voting for Harris when he could have just said he's writing in another republican. He's a hypocrite for voting for the things he's railed against for decades just because he's mad at Trump.

It would help if you stopped confusing disdain for people like Cheney with tacit approval of Trump. One doesn't necessitate the other. You can be for the things you've stood by and espoused for decades and yet not vote the opposite way.

What I quoted is just the economy. You can go deeper into his long held views on immigration, gun control, abortion, etc... and see the same hypocrisy in voting Harris.
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If the neocon Republicans were what they they told us they were back 25 years ago, they wouldn't be voting for a candidate like Harris. A perfect example of the hypocrisy and duplicity of that group of people. Our 2 party system is broken and they're really nothing more than 2 sides of the same coin. Cheney and the rest of those warmongering ****s who profited off of the Iraqi war can EAD.
Preach GIF
Some do 'risk death'...
Most ride air-conditioned busses or aircraft provided by the $Billions(borrowed) handed to NGO's by the Fed.
It's not about favorable views of our Constitutional Republic, rule of law, ethics or's all about the Benjamins..
The contrast between sitting in a Venezuelan prison and getting free housing, debit cards and no accountability at all in a wealthy open society is clear.
Suicide ......
Apparently you don't need be American to vote. I'm voting the team that includes geniuses like tulsi, RFK and Nicole. I don't care if some radical regime like we got now wants to label me a non-American or terrorist.

I can’t believe they let you walk around without a helmet.
I'll find you at BCC sometime...don't get out as much as I'd like but we're in the same index range. 😄
Great, my round with 2 Kelley professors and retired professor Sunday morning was great. They are great guys and look forward to many more rounds.

If you found me in club directory you have my email. I look forward to playing with you. Every member I’ve played with have been wonderful people.

I had a ball playing the big calcutta a few weeks back. We shot the best 9 hole round the first round second day. We were counting our share of the winnings and choked like dogs to go from the top to out of the money. My son and I did the same thing in the member guest. We had what we thought was an insurmountable lead in championship flight after the first round and we blew it in the last match on Saturday.

I seem to have a choking problem right now. 😂
  • Like
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Great, my round with 2 Kelley professors and retired professor Sunday morning was great. They are great guys and look forward to many more rounds.

If you found me in club directory you have my email. I look forward to playing with you. Every member I’ve played with have been wonderful people.

I had a ball playing the big calcutta a few weeks back. We shot the best 9 hole round the first round second day. We were counting our share of the winnings and choked like dogs to go from the top to out of the money. My son and I did the same thing in the member guest. We had what we thought was an insurmountable lead in championship flight after the first round and we blew it in the last match on Saturday.

I seem to have a choking problem right now. 😂
Calcutta's OK if you have patience.

We were leading last year after Day 1. Mark's boss actually won D flight and took us far. Think we finished T4. 😄

I'll look you up and send you a text or email. Got the old man coming up from Texas next week and he'll likely want to play every day.
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Is he even allowed to vote at his age?

Anyway, it's just another example of what @mcmurtry66 talked about before. The GOP will lose not because of policy or ideology or the economy or anything else, but simply because the GOP voters stupidly nominated a man that too many people think is a direct threat to the Western way of life.
Didn’t your team accuse him of being a war criminal that should be arrested. Now he’s supposed to represent some type of deciding vote for the Dumbacrats? Yeah, ok. Nobody cares what any Chaney has to say. On anything really.
Are you serious? I can only assume you're playing devil's advocate here with Cheney since the guy has decades worth of public statements on economic policy.

Emphasis is mine. Compare these comments on Policy to Harris's policies.

Tax cuts are crucial to getting recovery underway​

The President’s tax policy [has] put money back into the pockets of the people who earn it. We think that’s been vital to avoiding an even deeper recession. We think it’s been crucial, as well, to getting the recovery underway. We’ve been able to cut rates. We’ve been able to reform the double-taxation of dividends and improve the treatment of capital gains, significant expensing for small businesses. That’s where all the jobs get created. Those reforms are key to long-term economic growth.Source: Speech at Rep. Jim Gerlach luncheon, Malvern PA , Oct 3, 2003

Economy moves forward when Americans have more to invest​

When the American people have more to spend, more to save, more to invest, our economy moves forward. And those who need work are more likely to find a job. We expanded the child tax credit from $600 to $1,000. We reduced the marriage penalty. We cut the top rate of taxes on dividends and capital gains. Tax relief is critical to our small businesses. And for the sake of America’s entrepreneurs, farmers and ranchers, we are also bringing the death tax to an end.Source: Remarks at the National Minority Enterprise Conference , Sep 30, 2003

Supported Balanced Budget Amendment​

  • Where he stands:
  • opposed the Equal Rights Amendment
  • anti-abortion rights
  • supported prayer in schools
  • supported balanced budget amendment
Source: (X-ref Education) US News & World Report , Jul 11, 1999

Supported biennial budgeting for deficit reduction​

  • Cheney co-sponsored the following bills in Congress:
  • H.R.748 (1986):A bill to amend the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to provide for a two-year (biennial) budgeting cycle, and for other purposes.
  • H.J.RES.404 (1984):A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States allowing an item veto in appropriations bills.
  • H.J.RES.243 (1984):A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution relating to Federal budget procedures.
Source: Thomas Register of Congressional Votes , Jan 1, 1986

Co-sponsored numerous bills for balancing the budget​

  • Cheney co-sponsored the following bills in Congress:
  • H.J.RES.147 (1984):A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution to require that congressional resolutions setting forth levels of total budget outlays and Federal revenues must be agreed to by two-thirds vote of both Houses of the Congress if the level of outlays exceeds the level of revenues.
  • H.R.5000 (1984) and H.R.1481 (1986):A bill to authorize the President, on a limited basis, to impound funds made available for the fiscal year when economic conditions necessitate reductions in the Federal deficit.
  • H.R.3520 (1986):A bill to require a graduated reduction of the Federal budget deficit, to balance the budget, to establish emergency procedures to avoid deficit overages.
  • H.J.RES.321 (1988):A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution to provide for a balanced budget for the United States Government and for greater accountability in the enactment of tax legislation.
  • Source: Thomas Register of Congressional Votes , Jan 1, 1986

From the On the Issues website

Which one of those looks like anything Harris is pushing?

You can go look through my posts and find examples of my disdain for the Republican party saying one thing while campaigning and then doing the opposite once elected.

Pretty sure you need to understand the Three Leg Stool to understand the GOP of the last 40+years.

Many/most - including Cheney - only really care about one of the three areas, but pay lip service to the others.

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