Anyone here use Harry's razors?

I use a Bic disposable that has 3 blades, maybe called Comfort 3. I get coupons in the Sunday paper for $3 off various Bic razors. Comfort 3's sell foe $3.18 at Walmart. So I'm paying 18 cents for 4 of them. No brainer.
Wow. bunch of dandy's in here. Some real fancy boys. grow some scruff or a beard.
It doesn't shave you nearly as close as a blade, but I use it to trim when I keep a beard, which is most the time now. However, when I shave/shave, it's blades.

they also make beard trimmers now days as well.

instead of using a blade when you shave shave, and an electric razor when you trim your beard, use the electric razor when you shave shave, (so what if it marginally less close. it's way easier, and no blades, butter, cream, whatever, to buy), and use a beard trimmer when you have a beard.

fwiw, some electrics shave closer than others.

imo, rotary electrics like Norelco don't shave as close as foil electrics. (foils are more fragile though, and don't use one if there's a break/small hole in the foil, or you can nick yourself.

as for trimmers, get one you can dial up and down, not one with different combs you have to manually change out.

one i like that you can get pretty cheap, i've linked below.

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