Anybody ever had a separated AC?


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001
I fell on my shoulder/head while chasing my runaway 2 1/2 year old grandson Tuesday. Had to call an ambulance to get my fat ass up because I could put zero weight on my left side and couldn't get leverage to get up. Embarrassing as hell.

They took me to the ER and did X-Rays and said nothing broken (thank God), but did have a separated AC. They gave me some straight-jacket looking thing to wear to immobilize my shoulder. Anything I do that requires movement hurts like a son-of-a-bitch. What's really weird is I can feel the bone (I guess) movement when I move my arm a certain way.

I'm in Florida and going back to Charlotte on Friday and see an orthopedist up there next week. I guess I'll find out if surgery is required, but I'm told it will heal with physical therapy.

I've lived through some pain in my life, but this is on a whole 'nother level. Getting old sucks.
I fell on my shoulder/head while chasing my runaway 2 1/2 year old grandson Tuesday. Had to call an ambulance to get my fat ass up because I could put zero weight on my left side and couldn't get leverage to get up. Embarrassing as hell.

They took me to the ER and did X-Rays and said nothing broken (thank God), but did have a separated AC. They gave me some straight-jacket looking thing to wear to immobilize my shoulder. Anything I do that requires movement hurts like a son-of-a-bitch. What's really weird is I can feel the bone (I guess) movement when I move my arm a certain way.

I'm in Florida and going back to Charlotte on Friday and see an orthopedist up there next week. I guess I'll find out if surgery is required, but I'm told it will heal with physical therapy.

I've lived through some pain in my life, but this is on a whole 'nother level. Getting old sucks.
I wish you had a GoPro on.

Damn man that sucks! Sorry to hear. Hopefully the pain subsides soon. It’s still a recent injury. Hopefully no surgery
I've had a partial separation and yes it hurts like hell

if they told you it will heal that's a good sign. just don't aggravate it

sucks getting old.....
I don't think I'll aggravate it because I physically can't do anything with that arm, other than move it up and down from my elbow down.

I'm just pissed at myself for being stupid enough to chase him. lol
I don't think I'll aggravate it because I physically can't do anything with that arm, other than move it up and down from my elbow down.

I'm just pissed at myself for being stupid enough to chase him. lol
when you take off the sling (shower or whatever) you have to be real careful not to instinctively reach for me

if you do, you'll probably only do it once.....
Looks like there are several grades. Do you know how separated it is?

I think they said there are 6. They think mine is a 2, but I'll find out more after they do the MRI.

2 sounds kind of whimpy, but I don't want to know what 3 to 6 feel like.
Getting old sucks.

truer words have never been spoken.

mine was a repetitive use issue but I had a stinker case of tennis elbow last summer. totally had to shut down regular use of my right arm for 3 months minus the PT exercises. throbbing pain all day long. the only advice I'm qualified to give is do the PT exercise homework after you recover. all of it. maybe springboard that into some kind of weekly/ bi-weekly resistance training, if you aren't doing something already. we all turn into effing weeble wobbles as we get older. just look at our last two presidents. lol. seems important to build ourselves up to A) avoid falling when possible and B) recover from the inevitable falls that are coming.

I feel like many of us will have one final fall from which we never really recover. happened to my old man in his late 60s. gulp! happened to his mom in her mid-90s. Nonna was strong like bull. could lift a bale of hay into her 80s. I'm trying like hell to choose the Nonna path.
Just take it easy as much as you can. Hope for a speedy recovery.

Get lots of fluids.

Different Fluids: Beer, Tequila, Bourbon, Whiskey, Vodka, Wine, Scotch, Moonshine, Absinthe, and in a pinch, water.
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I feel like many of us will have one final fall from which we never really recover. happened to my old man in his late 60s. gulp! happened to his mom in her mid-90s. Nonna was strong like bull. could lift a bale of hay into her 80s. I'm trying like hell to choose the Nonna path.

Falls can be a death sentence for those who are otherwise in good shape. Seems like it prevents them for staying active and the downward spiral goes from there. I'm pushing 70, and while I'm not any kind of prime physical specimen I do stay active and exert myself enough to feel it and have not had any issues being unsteady on my feet. Of course I could slip on a banana peel tomorrow and you guys would be looking for a new mod...
I fell on my shoulder/head while chasing my runaway 2 1/2 year old grandson Tuesday. Had to call an ambulance to get my fat ass up because I could put zero weight on my left side and couldn't get leverage to get up. Embarrassing as hell.

They took me to the ER and did X-Rays and said nothing broken (thank God), but did have a separated AC. They gave me some straight-jacket looking thing to wear to immobilize my shoulder. Anything I do that requires movement hurts like a son-of-a-bitch. What's really weird is I can feel the bone (I guess) movement when I move my arm a certain way.

I'm in Florida and going back to Charlotte on Friday and see an orthopedist up there next week. I guess I'll find out if surgery is required, but I'm told it will heal with physical therapy.

I've lived through some pain in my life, but this is on a whole 'nother level. Getting old sucks.
Fell on my shoulder once. Got an x-ray which showed no broken bones. Every time I would lift my arm such as to change a radio station in the car it hurt bad. Many nights just sleeping on one side, Then got an MRI which revealed a torn rotator cuff. Pain stopped some but PT was tough. Took me about two months to recover. Get an MRI, provides much more detail than an x-ray.
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truer words have never been spoken.

mine was a repetitive use issue but I had a stinker case of tennis elbow last summer. totally had to shut down regular use of my right arm for 3 months minus the PT exercises. throbbing pain all day long. the only advice I'm qualified to give is do the PT exercise homework after you recover. all of it. maybe springboard that into some kind of weekly/ bi-weekly resistance training, if you aren't doing something already. we all turn into effing weeble wobbles as we get older. just look at our last two presidents. lol. seems important to build ourselves up to A) avoid falling when possible and B) recover from the inevitable falls that are coming.

I feel like many of us will have one final fall from which we never really recover. happened to my old man in his late 60s. gulp! happened to his mom in her mid-90s. Nonna was strong like bull. could lift a bale of hay into her 80s. I'm trying like hell to choose the Nonna path.
I was doing resistance training and feeling pretty good about it and now this. Hopefully I can get back into it before I totally dissolve into a gelatinous blob.

I also did physical therapy exercises for my knee in the pool. I think that helped tremendously.
Fell on my shoulder once. Got an x-ray which showed no broken bones. Every time I would lift my arm such as to change a radio station in the car it hurt bad. Many nights just sleeping on one side, Then got an MRI which revealed a torn rotator cuff. Pain stopped some but PT was tough. Took me about two months to recover. Get an MRI, provides much more detail than an x-ray.
I am next week. I've got to see the orthopedist first.
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I fell on my shoulder/head while chasing my runaway 2 1/2 year old grandson Tuesday. Had to call an ambulance to get my fat ass up because I could put zero weight on my left side and couldn't get leverage to get up. Embarrassing as hell.

They took me to the ER and did X-Rays and said nothing broken (thank God), but did have a separated AC. They gave me some straight-jacket looking thing to wear to immobilize my shoulder. Anything I do that requires movement hurts like a son-of-a-bitch. What's really weird is I can feel the bone (I guess) movement when I move my arm a certain way.

I'm in Florida and going back to Charlotte on Friday and see an orthopedist up there next week. I guess I'll find out if surgery is required, but I'm told it will heal with physical therapy.

I've lived through some pain in my life, but this is on a whole 'nother level. Getting old sucks.
I separated my shoulder once playing bball about 15 years ago, then it happened a few more times over the next few years. I eventually got an MRI and found out I had a torn labrum. Had surgery about 10 years ago and it’s still feels iffy when I do certain things.

The good news is it was my left shoulder but the bad news is I can’t throw a disc left handed. And the PT is no fun after surgery.
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truer words have never been spoken.

mine was a repetitive use issue but I had a stinker case of tennis elbow last summer. totally had to shut down regular use of my right arm for 3 months minus the PT exercises. throbbing pain all day long. the only advice I'm qualified to give is do the PT exercise homework after you recover. all of it. maybe springboard that into some kind of weekly/ bi-weekly resistance training, if you aren't doing something already. we all turn into effing weeble wobbles as we get older. just look at our last two presidents. lol. seems important to build ourselves up to A) avoid falling when possible and B) recover from the inevitable falls that are coming.

I feel like many of us will have one final fall from which we never really recover. happened to my old man in his late 60s. gulp! happened to his mom in her mid-90s. Nonna was strong like bull. could lift a bale of hay into her 80s. I'm trying like hell to choose the Nonna path.
My dad fell and broke his hip. Had it repaired but he caught a staph infection in the hospital and died a few weeks later. He was 73. I'm pushing 70. Yikes!
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I separated my shoulder once playing bball about 15 years ago, then it happened a few more times over the next few years. I eventually got an MRI and found out I had a torn labrum. Had surgery about 10 years ago and it’s still feels iffy when I do certain things.

The good news is it was my left shoulder but the bad news is I can’t throw a disc left handed. And the PT is no fun after surgery.
I keep thinking about Brian Evans, who used to pop his shoulder back in place DURING THE GAME. That has replayed in my mind many times.
My dad fell and broke his hip. Had it repaired but he caught a staph infection in the hospital and died a few weeks later. He was 73. I'm pushing 70. Yikes!
didn't realize you were that old, injuries like that are a lot more serious. I apologize for the stupid post,
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I was doing resistance training and feeling pretty good about it and now this. Hopefully I can get back into it before I totally dissolve into a gelatinous blob.

I also did physical therapy exercises for my knee in the pool. I think that helped tremendously.

ah, you got this then. having physical activities I wanted to get back to was good motivation for me. I'm once again playing my signature brand of shitty tennis and am pain free.
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I fell on my shoulder/head while chasing my runaway 2 1/2 year old grandson Tuesday. Had to call an ambulance to get my fat ass up because I could put zero weight on my left side and couldn't get leverage to get up. Embarrassing as hell.

They took me to the ER and did X-Rays and said nothing broken (thank God), but did have a separated AC. They gave me some straight-jacket looking thing to wear to immobilize my shoulder. Anything I do that requires movement hurts like a son-of-a-bitch. What's really weird is I can feel the bone (I guess) movement when I move my arm a certain way.

I'm in Florida and going back to Charlotte on Friday and see an orthopedist up there next week. I guess I'll find out if surgery is required, but I'm told it will heal with physical therapy.

I've lived through some pain in my life, but this is on a whole 'nother level. Getting old sucks.
Twice. Both partial no surgery.

Once when I got run down by a drunk driver while on my bike.

Second one a yard-sale ski fall.

Both hurt like a SOB. Very limited mobility.

You’ll get over it. Rest and good pain killers. Took Vioxx after the ski accident, good stuff but later banned.

Hang in there.
  • Wow
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Twice. Both partial no surgery.

Once when I got run down by a drunk driver while on my bike.

Second one a yard-sale ski fall.

Both hurt like a SOB. Very limited mobility.

You’ll get over it. Rest and good pain killers. Took Vioxx after the ski accident, good stuff but later banned.

Hang in there.
I assume the bike crash was made better by a nice check that followed?
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Twice. Both partial no surgery.

Once when I got run down by a drunk driver while on my bike.

Second one a yard-sale ski fall.

Both hurt like a SOB. Very limited mobility.

You’ll get over it. Rest and good pain killers. Took Vioxx after the ski accident, good stuff but later banned.

Hang in there.
Thanks. That actually makes me feel better about things.

I'll be interested to see what the orthopedist has to say next week.
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didn't realize you were that old, injuries like that are a lot more serious. I apologize for the stupid post,
It's cool. We give each other shit all the time and I certainly don't take it personally.

I didn't feel that old until now.....
Everybody heals differently. I have had good and some really bad physical therapists. More bad than good. Its a crap shoot.

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