Another school shooting

I’m willing to pay my share or more for kids safety. If it’s a lot fine. Furthermore, we have the technology for bullet proof unbreakable windows.
I am willing to have common sense gun laws instead of just trying to put my kid in a glorified high security prison to protect them
I freely admit that I’ve never used my AR for anything but fun.

However, I’ll make you a deal-if my AR is ever used to kill a kid, or anyone or ANYTHING for that matter, you can come get it.

I’ll willingly hand it over.
I promise you soccer means more to me than your AR means to you. If banning soccer meant a percentage of kids each year wouldn’t die at school I’d do it without hesitation
You are one here mac. The whole notion that banning guns, whatever I am not some no controls kind of person, middle of the road. Obviously a muzzle loader is going to slow things down. The first thing that comes up in this thread is the gun that did it. A gun didnt do this, a deranged person hellbent on doing damage and getting in the news did this.
And there is a certain demographic in the country that would sacrifice themselves, for "the cause", by taking an assault 10/22, all dressed up to cause harm, just to make the head lines. You know, for the "greater good".
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To what? They let reporters in regularly. No reason why not.
I was told there would be execution content.

A strange nostalgia for the days of swapping copies of Faces of Death 3 or whatever.
I am willing to have common sense gun laws instead of just trying to put my kid in a glorified high security prison to protect them
It’s not happening. That’s clear by now. There is no time and no more lives to waste. We can disassemble the glorified prisons when / if such laws are ever passed. No more waiting - it’s a stalemate.
I was told there would be execution content.

A strange nostalgia for the days of swapping copies of Faces of Death 3 or whatever.

If you want to see snuff films, just wait for the next police killing and body cam release.

Apparently this woman got an early start.

If a Christian linked person walked into a school for LGBT kids and shot them and teachers, you think we would be hearing about hate crimes?

As to laws, we have them on the books. They aren't enforced. The Virginia Tech shooter used pistols. Anyone saying, "Just these guns and not those" will be saying "those guns" eventually. Pistols are far and away the most used gun in murders.


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If you want to see snuff films, just wait for the next police killing and body cam release.
The cc tv camera shit was always high on my list. Like a portal. Without emotional resonance.

It all ended with the lathe video. No more. Never again.

Apparently this woman got an early start.

If a Christian linked person walked into a school for LGBT kids and shot them and teachers, you think we would be hearing about hate crimes?

As to laws, we have them on the books. They aren't enforced. The Virginia Tech shooter used pistols. Anyone saying, "Just these guns and not those" will be saying "those guns" eventually. Pistols are far and away the most used gun in murders.
Ya know........ I went to a new Doctor today since my old one retired. I walked in and I have my round can of chewing tobacco in my left front pocket and the nice nurse at the front desk reminded me that they are a non nicotine facility. ...

HOW THE HELL did a tranny (or anyone, tranny was for Drama purposes) get into a school with 2 long rifles and a pistol?
Ya know........ I went to a new Doctor today since my old one retired. I walked in and I have my round can of chewing tobacco in my left front pocket and the nice nurse at the front desk reminded me that they are a non nicotine facility. ...

HOW THE HELL did a tranny (or anyone, tranny was for Drama purposes) get into a school with 2 long rifles and a pistol?
It shot the windows out and walked in.
  • Wow
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It’s not happening. That’s clear by now. There is no time and no more lives to waste. We can disassemble the glorified prisons when / if such laws are ever passed. No more waiting - it’s a stalemate.
GD , see its this attitude . You don't GAF about anything but yelling guns, guns ,guns. that isnt the problem but just like your attitude about Trump and many times you have said I don't care whether its true or not just throw him in jail. People like you are the problem because you don't really care about anything but your cause and the easiest thing to be pissed off about.
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It’s not happening. That’s clear by now. There is no time and no more lives to waste. We can disassemble the glorified prisons when / if such laws are ever passed. No more waiting - it’s a stalemate.
Doing what would be necessary would make covid stimulus look like chump change. And I don't think many would like the end result.
GD , see its this attitude . You don't GAF about anything but yelling guns, guns ,guns. that isnt the problem but just like your attitude about Trump and many times you have said I don't care whether its true or not just throw him in jail. People like you are the problem because you don't really care about anything but your cause and the easiest thing to be pissed off about.
Cray you’ve seen my posts - you have the wrong guy. I’ve never posted once pro or con about guns or trump. Ever! You have me mixed up - I don’t yell about guns and I never post about trump.
GD , see its this attitude . You don't GAF about anything but yelling guns, guns ,guns. that isnt the problem but just like your attitude about Trump and many times you have said I don't care whether its true or not just throw him in jail. People like you are the problem because you don't really care about anything but your cause and the easiest thing to be pissed off about.
We have 60 year old men on here defending one dumb female poster like she is some kind of diety and yet the same male posters are going on about ogling young college women and joking like it is OK because well we are just Joking .

Just a sign of the same mentality but it's OK because I am just joking around.No you aren't if you weren't thinking about what you would do to a hot college girl if you actually could..................Its the same thinking , if the person that does this crazy shit is going to do it they will find a way. Results may differ. may be worse may not be but the problem is the mentality of the people not the tools they use.
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Cray you’ve seen my posts - you have the wrong guy. I’ve never posted once pro or con about guns or trump. Ever! You have me mixed up - I don’t yell about guns and I never post about trump.
I think I did respond to wrong post to get my point across I apologize
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We have 60 year old men on here defending one dumb female poster like she is some kind of diety and yet the same male posters are going on about ogling young college women and joking like it is OK because well we are just Joking .

Just a sign of the same mentality but it's OK because I am just joking around.No you aren't if you weren't thinking about what you would do to a hot college girl if you actually could..................Its the same thinking , if the person that does this crazy shit is going to do it they will find a way. Results may differ. may be worse may not be but the problem is the mentality of the people not the tools they use.
Some how this has gone awry - I have no idea what you’re talking about???? I will not tolerate denigrating any woman ever. I have daughters - that’s off limit. I’m not sure exactly what has evolved in this thread? But yes of course it’s the mentality. No one certainly not I am disputing that. Still I’m not sure what provoked sone of this. If you read my posts from the start of thread they are looking for solutions and none are targeting any group.
Some how this has gone awry - I have no idea what you’re talking about???? I will not tolerate denigrating any woman ever. I have daughters - that’s off limit. I’m not sure exactly what has evolved in this thread? But yes of course it’s the mentality. No one certainly not I am disputing that. Still I’m not sure what provoked sone of this. If you read my posts from the start of thread they are looking for solutions and none are targeting any group.

Pay him no mind. He's trying in some bizarre backhanded way to throw shade at me for deleting the shit posts he throws at one of our members while I'm also having some fun talking about some of the hot girls playing college basketball. Sorry you got caught in the fray. You'd be well served by putting him on Ignore. Many here have.
Pay him no mind. He's trying in some bizarre backhanded way to throw shade at me for deleting the shit posts he throws at one of our members while I'm also having some fun talking about some of the hot girls playing college basketball. Sorry you got caught in the fray. You'd be well served by putting him on Ignore. Many here have.
You are a true treasure to yourself ! You know exactly what I am saying .
Some how this has gone awry - I have no idea what you’re talking about???? I will not tolerate denigrating any woman ever. I have daughters - that’s off limit. I’m not sure exactly what has evolved in this thread? But yes of course it’s the mentality. No one certainly not I am disputing that. Still I’m not sure what provoked sone of this. If you read my posts from the start of thread they are looking for solutions and none are targeting any group.
So is "Hoosiervannah" a play on Hoosiers and Nirvana? Like the great spiritual release from suffering? If so, are we still looking for it, or did I miss it ? Or is it something totally different?
So is "Hoosiervannah" a play on Hoosiers and Nirvana? Like the great spiritual release from suffering? If so, are we still looking for it, or did I miss it ? Or is it something totally different?
Interesting thought, is Uncle Mark some creepy person or just a bad choice?
Because your side STILL won't admit that the thing that kills people isn't the tool, it's the sick son of a batch wanting to kill people and you won't do anything about those sick son of a batches. Why do you refuse to address the problem?
Are you sure it's not the tool?

America doesn't have a monopoly on f#$ked up people with mental illnesses, or a lack of God or access to violent video games or porn or anything I've seen thrown up as a diversion tactic.

There is just one thing we have unlike pretty much every country.

So seriously, if you're a gun nut, this is the world you live in. Stop with the thoughts and prayers and other bullshit you try to deflect with and either get serious about gun ownership like every other advanced country has done or STFU when people and kids are slaughtered like pigs with absolutely ZERO chance of surviving if caught in the crossfire.

ZERO.... because of the tool.

The Uvalde videos show that trained cops are scared of an AR-15. You think teachers are going to stand a chance against an active shooter with a head start?

I keep hearing how teachers today are all woke fairies that can't even teach basic algebra but yet one of the genius solutions is to arm and train them....and for what, $40,000 a year?


I'm at the point of saying f#$k it, if we refuse to beat it than join it....let's mandatory arm everyone starting at age 8. Everyone gets an AR from the government. Everyone. All the gang bangers, all the homeless, all the scary trans and homos, all the illegal immigrants....EVERYONE.

The power of a gun is only if you are the one who holds the gun. Instead of trying to limit them, f#$k it give everyone AR-15s.

Every argument, every flippant asshole reaction now can go to its worst possivle outcome (which is what guns in general do....lead to the worst possible escalation of any argument).

Make America Great like the old west baby, but this time with semi automatics. See you at high noon muth@fukk@!!!

Obviously this is silly but it seems like we're closer to that then disarming (hell were not even suggesting truly disarming just making the process a pretty thorough one vs me having the ability to buy a gun tonight if I wanted).

Countries around the world have cracked down and made their spaces safe. Will we ever yeah right.

Keep sending those thoughts and prayers Marsha.

Marsha has taken in over 1.3 million of NRA money.

Seriously Marsha, just shut the f#$k uup and keep taking that gun money.
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Are you sure it's not the tool?

America doesn't have a monopoly on f#$ked up people with mental illnesses, or a lack of God or access to violent video games or porn or anything I've seen thrown up as a diversion tactic.

There is just one thing we have unlike pretty much every country.

So seriously, if you're a gun nut, this is the world you live in. Stop with the thoughts and prayers and other bullshit you try to deflect with and either get serious about gun ownership like every other advanced country has done or STFU when people and kids are slaughtered like pigs with absolutely ZERO chance of surviving if caught in the crossfire.

ZERO.... because of the tool.

The Uvalde videos show that trained cops are scared of an AK-15. You think teachers are going to stand a chance against an active shooter with a head start?

I keep hearing how teachers today are all woke fairies that can't even teach basic algebra but yet one of the genius solutions is to arm and train them....and for what, $40,000 a year?


I'm at the point of saying f#$k it, if we refuse to beat it than join it....let's mandatory arm everyone starting at age 8. Everyone gets an AK from the government. Everyone. All the gang bangers, all the homeless, all the scary trans and homos, all the illegal immigrants....EVERYONE.

The power of a gun is only if you are the one who holds the gun. Instead of trying to limit them, f#$k it give everyone AK-15s.

Every argument, every flippant asshole reaction now can go to its worst possivle outcome (which is what guns in general do....lead to the worst possible escalation of any argument).

Make America Great like the old west baby, but this time with semi automatics. See you at high noon muth@fukk@!!!

Obviously this is silly but it seems like we're closer to that then disarming (hell were not even suggesting truly disarming just making the process a pretty thorough one vs me having the ability to buy a gun tonight if I wanted).

Countries around the world have cracked down and made their spaces safe. Will we ever yeah right.

Keep sending those thoughts and prayers Marsha.

Marsha has taken in over 1.3 million of NRA money.

Seriously Marsha, just shut the f#$k uup and keep taking that gun money.

And David Hogg can eat shit.
Pay him no mind. He's trying in some bizarre backhanded way to throw shade at me for deleting the shit posts he throws at one of our members while I'm also having some fun talking about some of the hot girls playing college basketball. Sorry you got caught in the fray. You'd be well served by putting him on Ignore. Many here have.
Hey Mark …… you ever come across a badass named Sav in the football chat ;). Shhhhhh!
Anything about the graph. Is it incorrect?
It is incredible how our schools are a magnet. I won’t reveal which but a few years back long after I graduated an incident finally caught up to my HS. When I attended it never once crossed my mind that it could happen. Sad and scary.
It is incredible how our schools are a magnet. I won’t reveal which but a few years back long after I graduated an incident finally caught up to my HS. When I attended it never once crossed my mind that it could happen. Sad and scary.

Carrie had psychokinetic powers. Nowadays they have assault weapons.
We have 60 year old men on here defending one dumb female poster like she is some kind of diety and yet the same male posters are going on about ogling young college women and joking like it is OK because well we are just Joking .

Just a sign of the same mentality but it's OK because I am just joking around.No you aren't if you weren't thinking about what you would do to a hot college girl if you actually could..................Its the same thinking , if the person that does this crazy shit is going to do it they will find a way. Results may differ. may be worse may not be but the problem is the mentality of the people not the tools they use.
There you go again. One thing has zero to do with the other.
  • Haha
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