Inflation and the Poor

Schools are out, but continue to provide meals to families. Here, this week, day 1 of the summer meal program ran out of food - one site by 10:15 am, others in only 30 minutes.

Quote from a single mother:

“It’s huge. The price of food has tripled and gas and it’s just hard to budget out that extra food for the summer that you know that they were receiving in school.”

Let’s go Brandon!

House Settlement will give FB players 75% of damages

The House settlement is on track to disperse 75% of TV revenue in back damages to football, @On3sports has learned."At that point you have a federal judge saying, 'This is a fair way to distribute your money.'"

Full allocation of damages:
75% Football
15% Men’s basketball
5% Women’s basketball
5% Remaining athletes

> I think it is pretty clear that, without Title IX, this is how many colleges would split up their direct compensation. We'll see how this plays out in the courts.

How Judge Claudia Wilken could outline revenue sharing framework in House settlement

Meanwhile in the MAL documents case...

There's a lot of speculation that Judge Cannon is deliberately trying to delay her case in order to help Trump. She has delayed setting a fixed court date, which wold necessitate implementing basic procedures that need to be completed prior to the actual trial.

The speculation is that she knows the temporary May date that she is loosely holding on to will undoubtedly need to be moved, But she's going to delay moving her date as long as possible to keep the space "filled".Basically many people feel that she is purposely holding on to May as a target date in order to prevent any other trial court being able to successfully fill the vacated May slot.

She has also so far been able to refrain from issuing written orders where she will violate a CIPA rule and allow Jack Smith to go to the 11th Circuit and move for her dismissal.Eventually she'll have to shit or get off the pot and Smith will pounce. But for now he is biding his time and waiting for her to screw up...

Part of it is that she has no idea what she is doing, and has never handled a CIPA case before. As a result she is in her eagerness to accomodate team Trump, basically violating provisions of CIPA procedure. As yet she hasn't committed anything to an official written order that is directly challengeable.

For example, the law does not allow for anyone but the Govt and Judge to be privy to the meeting where it is determined which documents can safely be presented at trial and which ones are too sensitive to even be allowed in Court. After Trump's attorneys filed to be allowed to attend ,rather than summarily denying the motion,as the law prescribes she created a "briefing meeting" where the idea could be "considered".

It's just another delay tactic and not even allowed under CIPA, but it's a way for her to continue to delay the ongoing process informally, without issuing an actual written order which is subject to review/discipline. Remember she tried this kind of move early on, and the same very Conservative 11th Circuit that Smith would go to now already smacked her down.

Unlike Cannon (and apparently Trump's legal team) Smith has a very thorough understanding of CIPA law, so she has to tread very carefully. He takes this shit very personally, and I'd say he is going to force her to get with the program, conduct the case the way the law prescribes, or he is going to get rid of her.

He has laid a number of rhetorical traps which again she has been able to avoid by not making any official moves that would get her in trouble. But he's going to continue to push and force her to either settle into a schedule in line with a May trial date, or admit that isn't possible and free up May for another trial. Possibly the DC case...

Now I probably haven't done a good job of explaining all that, but it sort of sets the stage for Smith's latest filing in the case. On Fri he filed a response (which I'm told is unusal) to counteract some of Trump's lies about the nature of the case. Maybe he is trying to impress upon Cannon the gravity of the charges involved, and counter Trump's claims that he's the victim of a political witchunt. Here is the Politico article discussing Smith's Fri filing...

Now if any of this interests you and you're like me in feeling like you benefit from video presentations more than just reading about something yourself , Glenn Kirschner provides a useful breakdown. Full disclosure Glenn who is a former US Attny is an unabshed liberal and works for MSNBC.

He's not someone I watch a lot of videos from, his tag line is hokey, and sometimes he strikes me as a little pompous. And in most cases he is just adding to stories I already know about.

But one part of this story really grabbed my attention, and I thought others might find it interesting as well. Esp when one of the defenses for Trump's actions is people claiming that MAL was a "secure fortress"...

This excerpt from the Politico article appears to underscore Smith's attempt in the filing to wake Cannon up to the gravity of the situation...

"The brief is also peppered with factual claims that make Trump’s behavior sound more serious and egregious. When discussing the defense’s request for more information from the Secret Service, prosecutors assert that their interaction with the federal agency that guards the president and his family underscored Trump’s recklessness in keeping a large volume of classified information at his Florida home, which also serves as a social club and a site for political and social events with lengthy guest lists.

The Secret Service reported that “of the approximately 48,000 guests who visited Mar-a-Lago between January 2021 and May 2022, while classified documents were at the property, only 2,200 had their names checked and only 2,900 passed through magnetometers."

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Who needs a free lunch when you can sit and stare at the 10 Cs instead?

Louisiana voted down free lunches for poor children.

Yet how much $ is it spending on these categorically unconstitutional 10 Cs stunts?

As if Jesus cares more about some little props than he does child hunger?

What is this, like, reason #543 why American Evangelicalism is destroying Christianity in America?

Shame on all those ****sticks in La.
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My Remembrance....

Arrived in-country with Infantry MOS February 4th, 1969..dry season.

Assigned to 11ACR, got to field around Feb 15th.

On Feb 28th. Our Troop Commander was shot and killed while directing an attack on a bunker complex.
Thomas McAdams, 27, Liberty Texas.

On August 12, three more died after a convoy was ambushed.
Marcello Barrios, 25, Artesia Calif
Chris Webster, 21, Great Falls, Mt
Larry Wheeler, 21, Tangent, Or

On December 2, two more..
Robert Curl. 24, Walled Lake, MI
Robert Raines 24, Greenwood, IN

On December 15th, five more...
Ronald Collins 18, Flora IN
Farrish Combs, 19, Chicago
James P. Nugent 18, Jersey City
Daniel Dawson, 23 Hookstown,
John Roche, 23 Los Angeles
The last five died in a huge battle including another Cav troop, ARVN infantry, tac air, organic gunship support...everything...

John Roche was a young 2Lt, who had been in country 43 days. Nugent was in country 26 days. Collins 51 days.

I knew them all. I still see their faces. Collins was shot through the throat and bled to death.
Roche was a Notre Dame graduate..

My mother called Raines mother after his death..

All sacrificed at the altar of War.

For nothing......nothing...

Will Professor Lichtman be correct again in 2024?

As he makes clear in this video, Prof Lichtman is not yet ready to make a prediciton between Trump/Biden. I know he's been mentioned once or twice and people may have a general idea how he uses his keys to predict Preesidential elections. But this video session goes into great detail about how his keys came to be and exactly what he evaluates...

This video is a little long, and won't be for everyone. I personally found it extemely enlightening. And spolier alert I didn't know the other guy was his son until at least half way thru. But because of that relationship the video has a lot more personal insight and imho he opens up a lot more than with other hosts I have seen him appear with. I also liked the color code chart that they use to illustrate exactly where each of the 13 keys stands presently...

It doesn't seem like any personal bias or preference enters in. Just an objective application he's used every election since Reagan's re-election in '84 and how he measures each key.

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