RIVALS rebrands site and logos - Promotion too!

Yes there are changes to the Rivals site and Changes usually bring mixed reactions, but change in all things is inevitable, especially in an effort to make things better.

There are several exciting, new elements that come with the front page and content refresh, including a scrolling latest news ticker, an expanded content display and new homepage widgets. In the future those widgets will be customizable, but initially they will default to the Rivals250, 2024 Team Rankings, your team’s Top Targets and your team’s Commitment List.

There is currently a Promotion for FREE Premium content and Premium Boards access. The link * code: IUSUMMER.

There are many of you that enjoy the boards everyday, but are not subscribers. We provide a ton of content, as much as anyone. And we want to be able to do more. The only thing that is free for us in our coverage is admission. There is a cost to everything else for us. Travel, equipment, payroll, etc. The cost of a Rivals subscription is $99.95/year or .27 cents a day. For those of you that are on here frequently, daily, multiple times a day, etc, I would hope you are getting .27 cents worth of entertainment, conversation and more. And my hope is that you will please consider supporting what we are doing by becoming a subscriber to The Promo gives you multiple months for free.

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Can government policy end, or significantly decrease, childhood trauma?

I agree with a lot of this article. I think significantly reducing childhood trauma would lead to a host of better societal outcomes. I just don't know how, or if, it can be done, or if it could be, whether enough people would buy in.

From the article:

**the CDC study concluded that childhood violence is the most costly public health issue in the US, calculating that the overall costs exceeded those of cancer or heart disease. It estimated that eradicating childhood violence in the US would reduce the overall rate of depression by more than half, alcoholism by two-thirds, and suicide, serious drug abuse, and domestic violence by three-quarters. Moreover, preventing exposure to violence and abuse would significantly affect job performance, and vastly decrease the need for incarceration. In fact, about 95 percent of violent inmates suffer from childhood experiences with violence and abuse. That, of course, is not limited to the US, but is relevant to children around the world.

**Compared with girls of the same age, race and social conditions, sexually abused girls suffer from a range of profoundly negative effects: difficulties learning, depression, troubled sexual development, high rates of obesity and self-mutilation. They dropped out of school at much higher rates and had more serious medical illnesses. This study, and numerous others like it, underscore the reality that supporting high-quality early caregiving is critically important in preventing physical, social and mental health problems, regardless of traumas that occur outside the family.

**John Heckman, winner of the 2000 Nobel Prize in Economics, has shown that quality early childhood programmes that involve parents and promote basic skills in disadvantaged children more than pay for themselves in improved outcomes. Economists have calculated that every dollar invested in high-quality home visiting, daycare, and preschool programmes results in $7 in savings on welfare payments, healthcare costs, substance abuse treatment, and incarceration, plus higher tax revenues due to better-paying jobs.

Who needs a free lunch when you can sit and stare at the 10 Cs instead?

Louisiana voted down free lunches for poor children.

Yet how much $ is it spending on these categorically unconstitutional 10 Cs stunts?

As if Jesus cares more about some little props than he does child hunger?

What is this, like, reason #543 why American Evangelicalism is destroying Christianity in America?

Shame on all those ****sticks in La.
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8 Terrorists (who came across the S border) arrested per NBC News

Just "Bogeymen" I presume...

Nothing to see here... Just move along...

I'm curious if any of our far left "friends" recognize the threat having ISIS operatives coming across our borders freely represents...
