A title for your next Killing book.
Killing the Law
In the period of five years or so, Law in the United States has been beaten, clubbed, fire-bombed, undermined, and worst of all been horribly abused by those who have taken an oath to protect and defend it.
The interface between the law and most of us are the police. In some statistically rare cases, police have abused their authority. The pushback has been overwhelming and way out of proportion. In many communities, there is no effective police force because nobody wants the job, and the civilian overseers won’t let them do their job anyway.
Prosecutions in many communities have become a bad political joke. Prosecutors blatantly refuse to enforce laws they don’t like. Judges refuse to sentence in accordance with legal guidelines .
Nationally, we have an administration that has gone further than any before it to use the law for politics. Enforcement actions are pushed despite clear contrary precedent. Laws are routinely ignored for political purposes. Laws are selectively enforced to follow political ideology. In the worst cases, law is being used for theatrics to advance an agenda.
In the last weeks and months the executive branch of government and the legislative branch have heaped scorn and ridicule on the third branch, the Supreme Court. Probably doing irreparable damage to not only the stature and authority of the court, but irreparably damaging the rule of law itself.
I‘m old enough to remember when a POTUS used the United States Army to enforce a deeply unpopular SCOTUS decision. That is when SCOTUS had respect even though there were significant cries to Impeach the Chief Justice. Now, our President and Attorney General are leading the charge to demean the court.
Back in the olden days, when we studied, learned, and applied law from real books, the rule of law had context and an anchor in reality. Nowadays, the digitized law seems like another tweet or blog post. It has become detached from its foundations and then beaten senseless. We now have a government of men, not a government of law.
end of rant.