OT Pat Kraft

This dude is the luckiest SOB on earth. Now back in my day, I could out drink all of you, combine. That does not include Pat Kraft. I have never seen a more raging alcoholic than Pat Kraft some 15-20 years ago. This dude would literally be on the floor of nicks nightly. He would get so drunk he would just mumble and look at you like he should be in a padded room. Him and my buddy "Mule". (he was a football player also go figure) loved each other and would just do drunk noises like a couple injured elephants.

Anyways, I have always got giggles about everyone fawning over him. Guessing he quit drinking like me. lol

Building on Crazy's Guilty Pleasure Thread. What do you or your spouse/partner do

that routinely pisses your partner off. We're getting ready to watch Better Call Saul and I've got my laptop on my lap and she goes "Get off that stupid fing board!" She HATES seeing rivals up.

So here's mine. A couple times a week in the morning as we're getting ready for the day I'll say to her: "What'd you got cookin today? Just goofin?" Or some variation. Ohhhh it pisses her off

Preview of the Butler/Illinois St. games on Tues & Weds...

Here the link to the preview. Butler has a record of 18-22-1 and Braydon Tucker is the probable starter for IU with the game at Victory Field in Indy. Illinois St. is 15-19 and Luke Hayden is the probable starter with the game at Illinois St.

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B1G stats as of 4/25/22...

Here we are on a Monday afternoon and still doesn't have the accurate standings for baseball and that is why I always link D1Baseball's standings which are updated quickly as results occur. has Illinois in 2nd place with Maryland in 3rd, but Maryland beat Illinois in a DH on Saturday and the last win that day propelled Maryland into 2nd place ahead of Illinois. Now their stats appear current with the number of games played through the weekend being accurate to include the DH that Ill/MD played Saturday (go figure.) Teams have played anywhere from 41 games (Rutgers) to 35 games (Purdue/NW) with IU having played 39 games, so when you look at just totals, there's the consideration of the number of games played. However, I don't think the teams that have played just 35 games could catch us in the negative categories in pitching, if we suspended things until they caught up to the number of games played, we are that bad.

As far as stats go IU is tied with Iowa for 5th in batting with a .276 avg. We are last in pitching with a team ERA of 7.28, and we are deep enough into the season, I don't see that changing between now and the end of the season since we are almost a full earned run behind next to last OSU. We are tied for 2nd with Michigan in fielding with a fielding pct of 0.977.

As far as pitching goes, we lead the B1G in these categories. ERs given up with 272. BBs with 230. WPs with 52 with Hayden leading the conference. Hit batters with 79 with Brehmer, Perkins and Kraft being 1-2-3 in the conference. On the positive side, we are 2nd in strikeouts with 391, with Iowa leadng with 437 and they have played three fewer games than us.

In hitting, Ellis is now tied with two others for the most HRs at 12, and it's been something like 12 or 13 games since he last hit one as teams have changed how they pitch to him. Ellis is also 4th in RBIs. Whalen is 3rd in stolen bases, while Ellis leads the conference in hitting into DPs. Doanes, Ellis, and Mathison are 5th, 6th and 7th in the conference in walks.

In fielding, we lead the B1G in the fewest number of errors committed at 30 on the season which is another positive for us.

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Guilty Pleasure thread

The show Cobra Kai came up in the Centralized NGO thread and it is one of those shows for me that is a guilty pleasure. It is pretty cheesy, I mean it comes from the 80's Karate Kid franchise and had a bunch of the same aesthetic, but it sucked me in.

So a non political thread, what are some of your entertainment guilty pleasures?

Another streaming show for me is The Last Kingdom on Netflix, based on the Saxon Chronicles series. Quite a bit of it is character goes on quest, completes, needs to move to next quest...gets girl, loses girl, gets new girl type of stuff but it was just kind of guilty pleasure fun. It is a time period I find interesting and it loosely follows and involves some historically accurate people (if not always in the right timeframe or exactly how things went) so it is kind of fun for a history nerd like me.

Music, one of my guilty pleasures is Blink 182. Takes me back to a specific point in life. Lyrics are pretty juvenile in some cases or teenage angsty and the music itself is 3 chord pop punk, but I enjoy it.

So what about you? Let everyone know how bad your tastes are when no one is around to judge you.
