New starting line ups!!

We need a change of our starting line up!!! Whatever you may think it’s not working!!! Remember Knight in 1987 when we won the NCAA Championship we had 15 different starting line ups through the year!!! We need that now!!! Our starting line up should be Trace, Race, Xavier, Galloway, and Geronimo!!!! Let’s do that and bring the so called shooters of the bench for a spark!!!

Recruit Watching (Monday)

Here are Carmel for the big Class 4A State Championship rematch as the Greyhounds host Lawrence North this evening. Carmel defeated Lawrence North 51-46 in Overtime to win the 4A state championship last season.

Two guys I will be keeping a close on eye tonight is Lawrence North's 2022 guard CJ Gunn (Indiana Signee) and Carmel's 2023 wing Sam Orme (Interest, No Official Offer).

Make sure to follow along as I will have updates on Gunn, Orme, and the game in general. Will also have a couple small evaluations on Gunn and Orme following the conclusion of the game.

You can also follow me on Twitter for more Indiana Basketball recruiting updates @KylerStaley.

Tipoff in about 20 minuets.


Interesting goings on at Auburn football

Their head coach is under fire after a tough season and now allegations of an affair with an asst coach..

"Bryan Harsin is rumored to have an affair with his assistant at Auburn; Clesi Crochet. As they have been closely working together for the team and its betterment, the chemistry between the two can be seen clearly. However, it can also be a professional one but the two are yet to break the silence on the rumors. There are a group of people who say that Harsin and Clesi are close friends and not more whereas the other group says that they are romantically linked. "

This is the asst coach:


and this is his wifey:


Dude is a top notch recruiter....

The Black Boom

Under Trump policies.


The same thing just happened in Illinois. So I am really wondering what Mark or Bowlmania thinks about this. I assume they would be beyond upset to say the least. Bowlmania I assume you would pull your kid from school rather than have them near a kid with no mask? I mean that is the most trust the science thing of you to do. Unless of course you are all talk?

Woke Mob Cancels School Superintendent

The woke mob strikes again in a suburban school district south of Denver. After repubs took the majority on the district's school board a few months ago, they went behind closed doors to secretly plan the termination/cancellation of the well-liked and recently hired superintendent without discussing the plan with the minority board members. The superintendent had worked in the district for 26 years.

IANAL, but it sounds like the woke majority broke a few laws in their secret shenanigans. The district will pay $200K+ to the superintendent and likely quite a bit more if he moves forward with a lawsuit.

I'm beginning to think this whole woke mob, cancel culture thing is a real problem. Here's a link to an article and the school board meeting, which is actually pretty entertaining in a sad way.

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A Disconcerting Article about Woodson, I.U. Players and Fans

I just read a very disconcerting article about Woodson, I.U. players, and I.U. fans. In the article, the author chronicles some rather boorish behavior on Woodson's part. He skipped the handshake after the game. This type of behavior is reminiscent of a famous former I.U. coach. The author of the article also asked the I.U. coach about a question I and a lot of other fans have had concerning Trace's development: Why hasn't the coach helped Trayce develop an outside shot? The answer, "He's not comfortable with it," is as inexplicable a reaction as why Woodson skipped the end of game handshake. In the article the author also relates how Bates taunts the Illinois bench after being fouled, shouting, "They can't guard me." What a brave comment from such a stellar player! Finally, he relates the incident about some brave I.U. fans who "say something so bad to Kofi Cockburn "[that the center stops walking and merely smiles at them} . I always want to think the best about I.U.'s coach, their players, and their fans. This article in the Indianapolis Star did not give me that feeling.

Observations after watching 6 straight games yesterday

Shooting well is as always so important. After reading all the posts this morning..,,.Get a kick out of many of you acting like you’re on cocaine after a win like Purdue and ready to crawl in the grave like now. 3 shots made and 3 shots missed by them and there is a different outcome.

We would get manhandled by the size and strength of teams like ALA KEN. ETC
Need more skill

There were more than a few blowouts yesterday. Something in the air or just coincidence of poor shooting or what🤨

Comments about CMW not being able to evaluate HS talent are (sorry) ludicrous. That is now just starting. Armchair coaching is a bit overdone as well. Give it some time will tell slack.
I could go on but as of now it is what is is and I will never tire of watching the games like I have since 1970 and still keep chuckling at many of the observations on this board. Fire away!!

CTA quotes on Recruiting Success and New Coaches

“Allen said that ''staff recruiting'' helps in the transition with the coaching staff, because commits aren't attached to just one recruiter. They get to know Allen well, of course, but they also see a lot of the other coaches, as well.“

Hiller does not look so bad to me

Because of the bad weather, I have gone back and watched some games from this past season that I had recorded.

I do not see the bad OL coaching that a lot of people have complained about. I see pretty good technique. I see linemen that are put in the correct position to make the block that will make the play go but are just getting beat one on one. I see plays being called that make it difficult for an OL to make the block with the defensive alignment.

People complain about thevOL not be "coached up", but in fact, it is the strength and conditioning coaches that do most of that. Winter conditioning and summer workouts are where strength and quickness are developed. When fall camp rolls around, the coaches are teaching technique and the play book. The goal through fall camp is to maintain the strength and conditioning, not to develop it. You develop technique in camp.

As Coach Wilson used to say, we run the plays that we can run. I do not think that we did that, which is why our OC is gone.

If our right tackle cannot move his feet fast enough to stop a rush end, and he is the best we have for that position, you call plays that help him. You roll out the other way, or you put a RB or TE there to help. If the WR cannot get open down field, you throw quick hitting passes or do a delayed release of a RB or TE.

The extraordinary amount of injuries this year may have limited the play calling, but we never played away from our weaknesses. (As opposed to playing to our strengths, which were not apparent late in the season).

With a new OC and improved recruiting on the OL, I see brighter days ahead this fall.


TJD always rushes his shot against big strong defenders. He rarely uses a ball fake, more like, never uses a ball fake. His performance today was atrocious. IU wasted too many opportunities trying to get him the ball. It was the right strategy but TJD didn’t do anything to a warrant the respect. The sad part, he played into Cockburn never having to exert himself on defense. How many fouls did TJD draw? How many 10-15 jumpers did he take? He has to be more aware of what it takes to win games. He’s quick - so use his quickness. He can put the ball on the floor- so draw your man out and put the ball on the floor! If he is going to man-up then please use a damn ball fake once in a while! Disappointing game!

Johnson was good and that was it!
