Trump 2024!

We will see what happens this time around. The 2020 Pres Election was basically a referendum about Trump and the country voted him out. This time around Trump is still the Con Man on the Right but what has changed is Biden's age which is now a factor in the voters mind. Maybe Mark Cuban will make a last minute decision to run....

On another note a few Congressional Right Wingers do not want to let Biden speak in the State of the Union address. Partisan madness......
Who had Social media blackout.... I mean glitch on their super Tuesday Bingo card?
Where’s all the chatter. This is SUPER Tuesday!!! The most important day on the primary calendar. Let’s go folks.

Trump looking strong, as he is being projected the winner of most states the minute after the polls close.

But it’s anyone’s race!
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Where’s all the chatter. This is SUPER Tuesday!!! The most important day on the primary calendar. Let’s go folks.

Trump looking strong, as he is being projected the winner of most states the minute after the polls close.

But it’s anyone’s race!
I had Newsmax on in the back ground and they spoke about it several times.
Where’s all the chatter. This is SUPER Tuesday!!! The most important day on the primary calendar. Let’s go folks.

Trump looking strong, as he is being projected the winner of most states the minute after the polls close.

But it’s anyone’s race!
I almost started a Super Tuesday thread, but then realized there would be very little to talk about. There won't be any surprises tonight.
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I almost started a Super Tuesday thread, but then realized there would be very little to talk about. There won't be any surprises tonight.
Won’t be anything to talk about until Biden drops and the DNC picks the Trump beater. It’s coming in my view.
Where’s all the chatter. This is SUPER Tuesday!!! The most important day on the primary calendar. Let’s go folks.

Trump looking strong, as he is being projected the winner of most states the minute after the polls close.

But it’s anyone’s race!
My man, Mark Robinson won his Primary for Governor in North Carolina.

Otherwise, I wasn't really interested or concerned with other races. It's Trump v Biden.
My man, Mark Robinson won his Primary for Governor in North Carolina.

Otherwise, I wasn't really interested or concerned with other races. It's Trump v Biden.
Seriously? Why am I not surprised.
You know he's black, right? Should he not have pride in his own race?

“History who said it #1; ‘Pride in one’s own race—and that does not imply contempt for other races—is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves... They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong,” the post (which is still up) read.
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You continue to prove you're insane.
It’s what you do when you know you’ve lost an argument. Call names. Next time study up a little on a guy before proclaiming your loud and proud support of such a horrid candidate, let alone comparing him to MLK. LOL
It’s what you do when you know you’ve lost an argument. Call names. Next time study up a little on a guy before proclaiming your loud and proud support of such a horrid candidate, let alone comparing him to MLK. LOL
No, there comes a point when you refuse to actually have a discussion and continue with your absolute bullshit. You provided opinion pieces - but no quotes from Robinson - that he's a Nazi lover, etc., from your usual liberal rags. And then your argue as if your opinion piece is fact. You really are insane.

It's useless to argue with insanity.
No, there comes a point when you refuse to actually have a discussion and continue with your absolute bullshit. You provided opinion pieces - but no quotes from Robinson - that he's a Nazi lover, etc., from your usual liberal rags. And then your argue as if your opinion piece is fact. You really are insane.

It's useless to argue with insanity.
I’m sorry you can’t read. Or google. Or research. Not surprised, but still sorry. PS. Do you know what quotation marks mean?
Sure am glad I don't feel like I have to support Trump, no matter what. How does a rape victim support an adjudicated rapist?

My initial, gut reaction: **** Stephanapolous and anyone who supports this type of questioning.

Why would this be relevant to a national news show? What does her own personal background have to do with her choice for who she believes will do the job of President the best? And how is her response "news?" Are a lot of people out there hanging on the support of Nancy Mace? Or is this just a salacious attempt to talk about her own traumatic experience and call that into question?

Victims of trauma who deal with shame (and A LOT of rape victims--women and men--do) struggle their entire lives wondering if they "deserved it" or whether they didn't really consent in some way, etc. For them, those questions and that doubt is always with them, no matter how much work they do. I know several people like this. For him to ask that question, is to imply she wasn't raped, even if in the most inferential of ways. As if all rape victims must automatically define their lives around their trauma and those who don't might not actually be "real" victims. Mace did well to keep her cool and stay on the show. She would have been justified to just get up and walk out.

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