These Mobs are the greatest Threat to our National Security.


Hall of Famer
Oct 25, 2006
Far more dangerous than ISIS.

What are the police supposed to do when a 400lb monster selling illegal cigarettes is resisting arrest?? Let him beat the pulp out of you? How are you supposed to arrest him??

Time to call in the national guard and water guns and quash this. You gave them an inch and they take a mile. They love this. They are using every opportunity to loot and destroy.

How about this... let the police go on strike and watch these animals kill each other. Then they will be whining for the police.

My prediction is they will kill a cop soon and then this will come to a quick end.

The worst thing I can imagine is some parent stuck in "traffic" while their kid sits at school crying where is mommy.

This post was edited on 12/8 10:48 PM by Noodle
I call bull Crap.

400 hunderd pound monster? The guy was selling contraband. Four Police converged on him. Why?
No doubt some are taking advantage of this situation. That is disappointing and sad. Most of the protesters though are legitimately fed up with our broken and unfair justice system. This country was built by protest and revolution. Protesting is one of the purest forms of democracy.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
400 pound monster....animals......

Wow...I can't honestly tell if you are being serious here or not. I'd like to give you the benefit of the doubt.
It's too bad he wasn't a drunk white guy waiving a gun at traffic and. . .

Calling police pricks while flipping them off and grabbing his crotch. Then he would've simply been trying to protect his 2nd amendment rights (sekkunt menmunt rhats) and then police would've spent 40 minutes talking him down AND he would've gotten his gun back the next day. Yes, if only that 400 lb black monster selling cigarettes had been a white man with a gun.

If you think this is a hypothetical story, just look up Joe Houseman from Kalamazoo, MI.
It's a nuisance to those that work hard

Shutting down freeways, ruining stores and people's lives is hardly a productive method. These idiots are turning people off to their cause more and more by the day.
I'd have no problem if police put him down too

In fact, I would prefer that to happen. Hopefully next time.
Yes, but how you personally feel isn't the point. . .

It's an illustration of how police clearly treat us white folk differently. What if that had been a black kid with a toy gun? They would've just blown his head off and not spent 40 minutes reasoning with him.
So many words

So little thoughtful analysis behind them.

You are merging two issues here - the actions of the cops, and the actions of the protestors.

I have little tolerance for the protesters when their activities turn to anarchy. I've addressed that a coup,e of weeks ago and my opinion hasn't changed.

As far as the NYC cops go... That situation should never have gotten that far.. There is fault and room for growth on both sides.

Yours is a very simple world.
I was wrong last time I thought this

But again, I think the author was being sarcastic.

I don't know what lesson we can take away from this incident. How far do we authorize police for crimes that are minor? While he wasn't giving up, he also wasn't fighting or fleeing. So how long do we talk to a person in that state before opting to physically restrain him?

And we had this Here is someone tasered for a seat belt violation.

Our minister on Sunday said he doesn't believe in the cause of the week, so he seldom speaks on issues that are breaking. But he pointed out that part of his family is Black, and they are prosperous. They tell him that their dealings with the police are different than his are, that even routine seat belt stops are much more nerve racking. Let me suggest if the person being stopped is more on edge that the officer also is. This creates a much more dangerous situation for all involved.

I don't have a solution, but those that seem to believe there is no problem whatsoever seem to be failing to prove their point. Part of the problem is that we don't know, there is no requirement to report police actions to any authority. So are these things the rare black swan, or are they systemic? Why don't we require local law enforcement to report? It seems we would then develop an understanding of where we are and where we are heading.

And you probably will love this, maybe we need to scale back some of the laws. I believe, for example, the seat belt law was a perfect combination of people with good intentions teaming up with police and prosecutors who want more stops which result in more of a chance to look in a car for violations of the drug laws. Maybe if there were fewer of these interactions the tensions would subside.

There is an interesting change in sides that has happened with the Garner case. David Koresh also refused to surrender to the authorities, and a police action went tragically wrong and Koresh (and the others who refused to come out) died. At the time liberals agreed the police had to do something, they couldn't let someone flaunt the police like he was. Conservatives were livid at an overreach of police powers that they would start an action that would lead to those deaths when they presented no immediate danger to anyone.

Now we flash forward. Garner is dead. He presented no danger to anyone. Conservatives argue he should have surrendered peacefully and the officers could not have known the unfortunate result of their actions. Meanwhile liberals argue that police shouldn't have resorted to a physical attack such as a choke hold on someone who presented no danger.

Now, where am I wrong in equating these two events and wondering why we have flipped sides? Again, in neither case was there an immediate threat, in neither case did the law believe their actions would result in the tragedy it did.
There was another that went viral awhile back

Of a guy stopped by a police officer for speeding. He refused to get out of car, cussed at the officer, smacked his hands, etc. he was let away with a warning. Good old boy...
The Eric Garner protests have been

Largely peaceful, haven't they? I know they have been shutting down some streets, but haven't heard of violence or looting much lately. The media may just have hopped on to a new story though.
I think you're over generalizing. I believe I'm considered one of the more

conservative posters here, and my position on the Koresh incident was in no way as you describe the conservative issue. I thought the police had to do something and wasn't a critic of what they did. I'm also mostly aligned with what you describe as the liberal position on Garner. In fact, I think most conservatives mostly align with that same position.
White people who deny "white privilege" are ignorant. . .

We are treated better than everyone. A black or Hispanic doing that would've been dragged out and beat to pulp. Well, after 4 or 5 more police cars showed up for backup.
Individual freedom and national security are always at odds

One of toughest decisions a nation like ours must make is how much freedom we can take from individuals and groups to protect our national security.

I don't see the decision as being as difficult as authorities deal with the current protests while in our battle against terrorism as say during the Civil War, the World Wars, Vietnam, or following 9/11.
Don't put yourself in those situations...

When you are engaging in criminal activities and dealing with the police you are putting yourself at risk for this. If I am 400lb and I'm engaging in illegal activity which I'm confronted for, and I start resisting arrest I don't expect the police to do anything different than what happened with Gardener. His death was an unfortunate accident. The main point is that don't put yourself in those situations. When you are committing crimes the police are not your friend and are there to do their job. White, Black, Yellow, Pink... everyone would be treated the same if 400lb and resisting arrest. I have not had much communication with members of the police force, but I know if I did something wrong I would be treated as a criminal and subjecting myself to harm. Don't commit crimes and these incidents don't happen.

There are some ultra-liberals who see race in everything and feel some guilt that they "are not one of the racists". Fortunately, that is not the prevailing mainstream view. Unfortunately, many of them are interrupting peoples daily lives. Whatever happened to "live and let live"?

If people want to speak about poverty and issues of this nature, which may put persons in a higher likelihood of committing crime, then I'm all ears. (Something I have hardly seen discussed anywhere) But if someone is in the act of committing crimes, they must know that bad things can happen to them.

And a point about white privilege. Many of our families are recent immigrants from the late 19h and early 20th centuries, who did not speak English and arrived with only the shirts on their backs... They worked their asses off and also faced horrendous discrimination. We were not plantation owners.

This post was edited on 12/9 11:08 AM by toastedbread
Maybe he is lucky...

All I know is that when you put yourself in these situations you risk harm to yourself. Don't do it.
My father wasn't a plantation owner either. You completely misunderstand. .

What "white privilege" is. Police treat me much differently than they do minorities. People don't jump to the other side of the street when I'm walking towards them. People don't lock their car doors if I start getting closer. People don't look at me and assume I got my job through affirmative action.
People didn't assume i got into IU because I was white.
This post was edited on 12/9 11:22 AM by SuperHoosierFan
I don't get your point...

I'm a minority. I'm Jewish. I don't see people doing these things when I'm walking toward them. And I don't do this toward others either. If I am in a highly impoverished area I maybe more alert. That has nothing to do with race, but the economic reality of the situation. That happens in every country. Some places you don't want to walk alone at night.

Maybe you live in some backwards place? Where I live people judge each other as individuals.

This post was edited on 12/9 11:34 AM by toastedbread
In NYC, yes... check out Berkeley

Again, I'm not saying people don't have a right to protest. As you indicated, most have been peaceful. But, there have been plenty of ridiculous instances.

I consider shutting down a US Interstate to be crossing the line. What's worse is that the cops agreed to it, yet didn't shut down the ramps. People were stuck for hours because they literally could not move. Many of those people were trying to get to downtown Minneapolis or the northern suburbs for work or to deliver goods (hundreds or thousands of semis).
I suppose I should have specified. . .

These are issues blacks and Hispanics run into all the time. I also want to move from this backwards place I live to where you live. Fantasyland sounds nice. Where people are judged solely on the content of their character after we get to know them and race never plays into anything. It sounds like a great place. John Lennon "imagined" such a place once.
People would do all of those things if you . . .

looked like this:

or this:

or these guys:

and probably not at all if you looked like this guy:
Doesn't setting also factor into this?

Again, I favor putting that lunatic down, but without knowing anything about Kalamazoo, Ferguson is a pretty poor in a declining metro area. I assume Kalamazoo is a college town of sorts (making this rifle-toting guy even scarier).

All I know is that I have no idea what it is like to be a Cop (I'd probably have a more itchy trigger finger than Dirty Harry), but behavior and circumstances certainly warrant different reactions.

I still do not believe it is purely about race, but a larger set of cognitive stimulants (race could certainly be a part of that).

For example, if I saw Kobe walking down the street like this, would I walk to the other side? Probably not. I may laugh a little though.

Who would run away from Will Smith or Antonio Banderas? These two men have

something in common. They don't dress like thugs. If a white,black, or hispanic dresses like a thug then it would be very smart to lock your car door and pay attention to where you are. Most gangs don't dress in 3 piece suits. They dress like.....thugs.
So why don't they attack all the corporate Wall Street guys that have

Milked the government and the public out of millions? Somehow, we don't see that happening. Are they more concerned about a couple of dollars? I somehow doubt that.
You need to stop...

Nearly every African American famous person, actor athlete, whomever, can tell you a time when they were discriminated against. It had zero to do with what they were dressed like. I have been with friends who have been followed around stores and stopped for driving in the wrong neighborhood. They were not dressed like "thugs." I guarantee you that Will Smith has some discrimination stories to tell. Everyone does and it is beyond naive to think differently.
DiBlassio ordered stepped

up enforcement against guys selling single cigarettes. He did it because NY has cigarette taxes SOHIGH that folks black market them from out of state or online and sell them by the onsie. That is a big loss of revenue to NYC, so uber liberal Mayor wants the money and send the cops to enforce. There's yer trouble. Never get between a liberal and a tax source. Bad stuff will happen to you.

The cops did what the Mayor told them to do. They should have been out doing lots of other stuff not acting as collection agents and enforcers for bad liberal tax ideas.
Personally I think that's all a bunch of baloney

Because I know the tax and the liberal stuff you spouted is. It's you guys that are all about taxing the poor people and letting the billionaires go tax free. See, I can pay the cliche game too.
Do you live under a rock?

Originally posted by zeke4ahs:
Milked the government and the public out of millions? Somehow, we don't see that happening. Are they more concerned about a couple of dollars? I somehow doubt that.
Repaid with interest. And yea, there were no protests against Wall St. Ever.
I'd have been really

disappointed if you hadn't comer right back with the required Democrat National committee talking points. Do you get an email instructing you daily?