So now what for Comer,Jordan and the others?

I’m not the one who uses 2020 as an example against Biden.
of course it's their fault as well with the woke rhetoric they pushed. the false narrative supported by harris and the attack on cops. harris supporting the bail project in minny etc.
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of course it's their fault as well with the woke rhetoric they pushed. the false narrative supported by harris and the attack on cops. harris supporting the bail project in minny etc.
So Trump and his administration weren’t strong enough to stop it, so Mr Look at That Crime Spike wants to vote for Trump again.
What legislation has Harris signed into law again?
Oh, that 2020 spike…yeah. Good thing republicans passed legislation to reverse everything Biden got done. Oh, wait…
they blocked more social spending, along with manchin and sinema. tax credits converted to monthly checks, stimulus checks, foreclosure stays, eviction stays, unemployment continuances ended and things are beginning to even out. as i said, any benefit we experience today is in spite of biden not because of biden.
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So Trump and his administration weren’t strong enough to stop it, so Mr Look at That Crime Spike wants to vote for Trump again.
What legislation has Harris signed into law again?
do you think defunding the police and bail projects are republican initiatives?

there is almost nothing this iteration of dems have gotten right. and why biden's approval rating is what it is and same for harris
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Yeah, George Floyd was in July 2020…Biden was inaugurated in Jan 2021. The “summer of love” was Trump’s ‘Murika.
There is a Foxedemic of blaming the "Biden White House" for a litany of events which happened before there was ever a Biden White House...

They hope their voters are really dumb, and based on available anecdotal evidence they may be right...

they blocked more social spending, along with manchin and sinema. tax credits converted to monthly checks, stimulus checks, foreclosure stays, eviction stays, unemployment continuances ended and things are beginning to even out. as i said, any benefit we experience today is in spite of biden not because of biden.
What legislation passed by Biden did they counteract?
do you think defunding the police and bail projects are republican initiatives?

there is almost nothing this iteration of dems have gotten right. and why biden's approval rating is what it is and same for harris
Which police departments were defunded? I keep hearing republicans wanting to defund the FBI.
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they blocked what he wanted in build back better for one. the s. ct. knocked out others such as his endless eviction stays
That’s not the question and I know why you’re not answering it. I’ll ask again.

What legislation signed by Biden did pubs counteract? In other words, which Biden policies signed into law have not been allowed to go on working and reduce inflation and improve infrastructure?

Ok, this is where you say pubs didn’t pass anything at all, and that’s their major accomplishment.
Which police departments were defunded? I keep hearing republicans wanting to defund the FBI.
you realize you are engaging in willful ignorance. i'm losing interest in continuing this discussion given same.

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In other words, which Biden policies signed into law have not been allowed to go on working and reduce inflation and improve infrastructure?
i mean you are so uniformed it's next to impossible to discuss. the relief package had portions expire and/or were blocked. biden then couldn't get more funding. HIS. policies. expired. or. were blocked. then. things. began. to. improve. because. biden. couldn't. give. away. more. free. stuff.
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Which police departments were defunded? I keep hearing republicans wanting to defund the FBI.

Pubs wanting to defund the FBI is ok though. Because other than those 2 fbi whistleblowers, the FBI is full of corrupt liberals lmao.
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So none of the pro-Impeachment groupies are going to jump in and post Comer's huge bombshell from yesterday?

I mean it was all over Fox, and it looks like they've FINALLY nailed Joe...

Looks like I was wrong all the time. I mean here is irrefutable proof of Hunter making direct payments to Joe of $1380/mo in 2018, right after his company received a huge payment from a Chinese company...
(back to this in a later post)

Now Comer's claim that "lying" is somehow an impeachable offense is pretty rich considering he supports Trump who practically lies daily. But let's focus on that bombshell that Comer discovered the $1380 Hunter paid to Joe over 3 straight months in 2018- that magical smoking gun...

I still can't quite figure out exactly what was in it for China, and why they waited till Hunter was no longer the VPs son before making these payments to Joe (apparently thru Hunter)? I guess the Chinese were desperate to get inside info on the Penn Biden Center, maybe strategically set themselves up with a membership so they could attend all of the secret briefings and scope out whatever plans the Center had...

Never knew that they (the Chinese) were so interested in the inner workings of a think tank made up of retired politicians? I guess old Joe really was the key to helping China with their nefarious objectives...

Ok you guys were right and I was wrong. Feel free to join in and gloat with Comer and his trusty stalwarts in the GOP Oversight Committee...


OK I gave you Comer groupies a chance to gloat over the 3 consecutive months of $1380 payments from Hunter to Joe in 2018. That was the huge bombshell yesterday, and I'm shocked that none of you have jumped in with your celebratory "told you sos"...

Are you guys too stubborn to take a win? I mean come on, Comer has clearly established that Hunter made (illegal?) payments to Joe...

Wonder what Hunter got in return?
The Internal Revenue Service case agent who handled "95%" of the tax evidence in the Hunter Biden investigation told CBS News that he "felt handcuffed" during the five-year probe and blocked from pursuing leads that he thought might implicate Hunter Biden's father, President Joe Biden.

the foregoing is some evidence. and justifies further discovery so that we know one way or the other.
Circling back a bit.... (sorry, busy couple of work days)

What was the purview of the IRS agents scope of discovery? Hunter was being investigated for his alleged tax fraud. I would think that this means that the IRS agent has the ability to review the payments going in and out of Hunters accounts, but that does not give him the authority to audit the taxes of the recipients of those payments.

He had the authority to find evidence against Hunter Biden. Was the finding of wrong-doings by Joe even part of his investigation?

I mean, I understand that there is a little wiggle room whereas if there is a belief that Hunter was funneling money to Joe in an effort to avoid / hide things so that he would pay less taxes, that would give you a little bit of leverage to investigate Joe's finances, but that would be very limited in what you would be able to look at. You wouldn't have broad authority to examine Joe's entire spending history.

You would have to prove first that Joe was complicit (as in, he was aware that Hunter was giving him money in an effort to falsify his taxes) in order to justify then looking at Joe's taxes.

....and you still haven't addressed the initial point of this thread. Comer / Jordan's hypocrisy of demanding subpoenas, etc.
Circling back a bit.... (sorry, busy couple of work days)

What was the purview of the IRS agents scope of discovery? Hunter was being investigated for his alleged tax fraud. I would think that this means that the IRS agent has the ability to review the payments going in and out of Hunters accounts, but that does not give him the authority to audit the taxes of the recipients of those payments.

He had the authority to find evidence against Hunter Biden. Was the finding of wrong-doings by Joe even part of his investigation?

I mean, I understand that there is a little wiggle room whereas if there is a belief that Hunter was funneling money to Joe in an effort to avoid / hide things so that he would pay less taxes, that would give you a little bit of leverage to investigate Joe's finances, but that would be very limited in what you would be able to look at. You wouldn't have broad authority to examine Joe's entire spending history.

You would have to prove first that Joe was complicit (as in, he was aware that Hunter was giving him money in an effort to falsify his taxes) in order to justify then looking at Joe's taxes.

....and you still haven't addressed the initial point of this thread. Comer / Jordan's hypocrisy of demanding subpoenas, etc.
@stollcpa would know better. as for comer's hypocrisy that's not even worth discussing. both parties are hypocrites whose primary objectives are gotcha politics and reelection. the lion's share are too stupid to do anything material and meaningful

Hunter Biden requested to subpoena Donald Trump and Bill Barr to prove he is being unfairly prosecuted on gun charges. Special Counsel David Weiss rejected this. Biden is trying all kinds of things to get reduced charges. In a normal case if one or more of these Hail Marys works he could get a break on jail time or maybe the charges dismissed.

This isn’t a normal case. The longer this goes on and the more outrageous he gets there is a chance it could hurt Joe Biden. It’d be best for Joe’s re-election if Hunter kept quiet and did a plea bargain. Win or lose, his father pardons him after the election. So any jail time would be minimal.
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you realize you are engaging in willful ignorance. i'm losing interest in continuing this discussion given same.

So were cops fired because of this? You know, other than ones who get caught on camera needlessly beating the shit of someone, or murdering them, or for falsifying evidence (something like that)? More and more of this shit coming to light. I never trusted cops anyway, even before George Floyd’s murder.

I’m in a county that’s as red as red can be and our local police budget was cut. The force isn’t smaller. The main thing is their cruisers don’t have the heated/cooled seat option anymore.
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So were cops fired because of this? You know, other than ones who get caught on camera needlessly beating the shit of someone, or murdering them, or for falsifying evidence (something like that)? More and more of this shit coming to light. I never trusted cops anyway, even before George Floyd’s murder.

I’m in a county that’s as red as red can be and our local police budget was cut. The force isn’t smaller. The main thing is their cruisers don’t have the heated/cooled seat option anymore.

how dare they defund police seat warmers...
i mean you are so uniformed it's next to impossible to discuss. the relief package had portions expire and/or were blocked. biden then couldn't get more funding. HIS. policies. expired. or. were blocked. then. things. began. to. improve. because. biden. couldn't. give. away. more. free. stuff.
The inflation reduction act expired? I thought it just kicked in this year and it was supposed to make prices explode, according to republicans. Well, shit. I suppose it’s a good thing it expired/was blocked/whatever, because it obviously would’ve made inflation worse!
The inflation reduction act expired? I thought it just kicked in this year and it was supposed to make prices explode, according to republicans. Well, shit. I suppose it’s a good thing it expired/was blocked/whatever, because it obviously would’ve made inflation worse!
stop replying you're at once as dumb and uninformed as hickory. i read your inane cop post. i can only suffer so many fools
how dare they defund police seat warmers...
I seem to remember Biden asking for billions to use for local police departments, but Dems want to defund the police.

So, a few dumbasses yelled “defund the police!!!” during protests, and then another dumbass used it as a campaign slogan to get herself elected. That’s seems to be the extent of it.
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stop replying you're at once as dumb and uninformed as hickory. i read your inane cop post. i can only suffer so many fools
That’s about what I expected. You and all your “dream team” members eventually run to insults. At least some of them aren’t afraid to be themselves and just go straight to the name calling.
Looks like build back better is working.
Inflation? Down.
Gas prices? Down.
Unemployment? Down.
Something like 13-14 million jobs created since the demented old man took over.
Yes, I agree, the country is falling apart.
That’s about what I expected. You and all your “dream team” members eventually run to insults. At least some of them aren’t afraid to be themselves and just go straight to the name calling.
Looks like build back better is working.
Inflation? Down.
Gas prices? Down.
Unemployment? Down.
Something like 13-14 million jobs created since the demented old man took over.
Yes, I agree, the country is falling apart.
inflation down from when? gas down from when? spending power down. again you are as uninformed as hickory, yet opine that only a few police departments were defunded. you come from a position of ignorance on every topic with which you post. and when i link articles reflecting inflation. show you what happened with cities defunding you just ignore them. that's willful ignorance. so you aren't worth engaging. you are in the pile with hickory
inflation down from when? gas down from when? spending power down. again you are as uninformed as hickory, yet opine that only a few police departments were defunded. you come from a position of ignorance on every topic with which you post. and when i link articles reflecting inflation. show you what happened with cities defunding you just ignore them. that's willful ignorance. so you aren't worth engaging. you are in the pile with hickory
Down from when? From when they were up. Is this where you point out gas prices during Covid, when no one was driving anywhere?

I asked how many cops were fired/let go because of these budget cuts. What, specifically, was defunded? Or did they reallocate funds, for example, to hire trained people to deal with autistic kids so some f*****g dumbass cop doesn’t beat the shit out of them?
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That’s about what I expected. You and all your “dream team” members eventually run to insults. At least some of them aren’t afraid to be themselves and just go straight to the name calling.
Looks like build back better is working.
Inflation? Down.
Gas prices? Down.
Unemployment? Down.
Something like 13-14 million jobs created since the demented old man took over.
Yes, I agree, the country is falling apart.
it took you that long to get an insult from mcm? you are slacking lol
Down from when? From when they were up. Is this where you point out gas prices during Covid, when no one was driving anywhere?

I asked how many cops were fired/let go because of these budget cuts. What, specifically, was defunded? Or did they reallocate funds, for example, to hire trained people to deal with autistic kids so some f*****g dumbass cop doesn’t beat the shit out of them?
you are like engaging with someone who has been in a coma for the last three years. of course monies were re-allocated. some were defunded. the budget for nyc was bludgeoned.
I see now, you just wanted the last word and I kept screwing it up. My bad.

no i'm dealing with someone who isn't very bright and is woefully uninformed. your take on cops, and basically everything, are supplied by the media. your take on cops is particularly disgusting, and dumb. cops have tens of millions of interactions annually. there are nearly a million cops. yet you jump when msnbc posts some anomalous interaction and extrapolate same to all cops. you're a shallow thinker. i've supplied you with facts re every assertion you have made, debunking each and every one, yet you continue on.
I see now, you just wanted the last word and I kept screwing it up. My bad.
here's the last word in hopes i've helped to educate you, tho i trust you're more wedded to your willful ignorance.
the dems' call to defund the police was a failure. after crime rose citizens demanded that police levels be restored. unfortunately the shortages continue bc why would anyone want to be a cop w/ people like you posting what you did re same.

i already linked harris' support for the bail project. what fun that is.

biden set out to be transformative and contributed to inflation with his policies.

fortunately sinema and manchin cut off his spending then the pubs took over the house and the social spending ended. now without his endless faucet of free everything conditions are settling down again. what good we see is in spite of biden not because of biden. you are apparently in the 1/3 of americans who like biden. that comes as little surprise.

we deserve better than both trump and biden.
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There are a bunch of these out there. Joe giving $$ to Hunter (for allowance) in 1985, Joe buying Hunter an ice cream cone, and my favorite Joe purposely defrauding Columbia House by paying 99 cents for the dozen albums and not paying for the overpriced ones they sent when he forgot to cancel his subscription.

That strikes a chord with me because that's how I initially got albums like Deja Vu, the triple Woodstock soundtrack and After the Goldrush... I probably pulled that stunt 3 or 4 times...

Hunter Biden requested to subpoena Donald Trump and Bill Barr to prove he is being unfairly prosecuted on gun charges. Special Counsel David Weiss rejected this. Biden is trying all kinds of things to get reduced charges. In a normal case if one or more of these Hail Marys works he could get a break on jail time or maybe the charges dismissed.

This isn’t a normal case. The longer this goes on and the more outrageous he gets there is a chance it could hurt Joe Biden. It’d be best for Joe’s re-election if Hunter kept quiet and did a plea bargain. Win or lose, his father pardons him after the election. So any jail time would be minimal.
I think the gun charge is tricky for a couple of reasons. First off the people who want to see Hunter punished are also the same ultra 2nd Amendment advocates that don't like gun ownership being regulated. The charge vs Hunter involves claims that other courts have dismissed against previous defendants in light of recent SCOTUS rulings...

Charge Hunter with buying a weapon while being a drug user? Hey I'm fine with that but I'm not Mr 2nd Amendment...

A discussion of the recent SCOTUS expansion of gun rights...

Case being dismissed for a similar crime, based on precedent established under that ruling...

"Patrick Darnell Daniels was pulled over by police in April 2022 for driving a truck without a registration plate in Hancock County, Mississippi.

Inside his vehicle officers found marijuana cigarette butts and two loaded firearms.

The 26-year-old was charged under a law that bans users of illegal drugs from owning guns."
Daniels was convicted and sentenced to 4 yrs in prison. But in Aug, citing SCOTUS precedent an Appeals course reversed his conviction and he was relased in Sept...

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@stollcpa would know better. as for comer's hypocrisy that's not even worth discussing. both parties are hypocrites whose primary objectives are gotcha politics and reelection. the lion's share are too stupid to do anything material and meaningful
If you listened to the IRS agents’ testimony, I think they weren’t allowed to continue to follow the money and leads. I could be wrong but I think that’s what they said.
If you listened to the IRS agents’ testimony, I think they weren’t allowed to continue to follow the money and leads. I could be wrong but I think that’s what they said.

The problem those whistleblowers have is they claimed they were slowed during the end of the Trump administration when his justice department put out a memorandum quoted by Raja Krishnamoorthi of Illinois:

"exercise particular care regarding sensitive investigations and prosecutions that relate to political candidates, campaigns and other politically sensitive individuals and organizations,” his voice rising. “Especially in an election year!”"
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The problem those whistleblowers have is they claimed they were slowed during the end of the Trump administration when his justice department put out a memorandum quoted by Raja Krishnamoorthi of Illinois:

"exercise particular care regarding sensitive investigations and prosecutions that relate to political candidates, campaigns and other politically sensitive individuals and organizations,” his voice rising. “Especially in an election year!”"
So Trump was in office when these noble IRS agents were thwarted? If true, I can see why they want him reelected.
So Trump was in office when these noble IRS agents were thwarted? If true, I can see why they want him reelected.
Check out fake corn pone accent John Kennedy grilling Wray over supposed FBI/Federal Govt misdeeds. For those that don't know, Kennedy is an Oxford(the one in UK) grad, who is a former Dem. He used to talk normal, and if you listen to him back in 2004 at the time he was endorsing Kerry for POTUS, he sounds like a totally different person today...

One wonders if he feels pressure to satisfy his rabid base and feels like he has to prove his GOP/Maga bonifides and overcompensate. For example this theatric display is an exercise in subtrefuge and sleight of hand demagoguery as he beartes Wray and the FBI for their behavior during the leadup to the 2020 election.

When you read thru the litany of posters commenting, it becomes evident that the gullible minions have wholeheartedly swallowed his faux claims of "Biden White House" interference. Despite the fact that the events he discusses all occurred in 2020 before there even was a"Biden White House" ...

Apparently the geniuses echoing Kennedy's claims do not comprehend that as POTUS in 2020, the heads of all the various agencies Kennedy attacks were ALL Trump appointees. And most of them were lifelong Pubs as well. I confess I may/may not have spent an inordinate amount of time today responding to what I considered particularly ignorant posts in the comments section of this video...

Check out fake corn pone accent John Kennedy grilling Wray over supposed FBI/Federal Govt misdeeds. For those that don't know, Kennedy is an Oxford(the one in UK) grad, who is a former Dem. He used to talk normal, and if you listen to him back in 2004 at the time he was endorsing Kerry for POTUS, he sounds like a totally different person today...

One wonders if he feels pressure to satisfy his rabid base and feels like he has to prove his GOP/Maga bonifides and overcompensate. For example this theatric display is an exercise in subtrefuge and sleight of hand demagoguery as he beartes Wray and the FBI for their behavior during the leadup to the 2020 election.

When you read thru the litany of posters commenting, it becomes evident that the gullible minions have wholeheartedly swallowed his faux claims of "Biden White House" interference. Despite the fact that the events he discusses all occurred in 2020 before there even was a"Biden White House" ...

Apparently the geniuses echoing Kennedy's claims do not comprehend that as POTUS in 2020, the heads of all the various agencies Kennedy attacks were ALL Trump appointees. And most of them were lifelong Pubs as well. I confess I may/may not have spent an inordinate amount of time today responding to what I considered particularly ignorant posts in the comments section of this video...

Gotta hand it to Kennedy. He knows exactly how stupid his voters are and saw that if the fake accent worked for Larry The Cable Guy, it’ll work for him too. My personal favorite is still Roy Moore riding that horse.

Now, you have to admit, the 2020 Biden White House was really something. I’ve been made aware that Biden was already president in 2020 (a testament to his awesomeness).
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If you listened to the IRS agents’ testimony, I think they weren’t allowed to continue to follow the money and leads. I could be wrong but I think that’s what they said.
And that is my point. IANAL, nor am I proficient at tax law, but I have to imagine that if the IRS agents are given the responsibility to investigate Hunter Biden's tax evasion, then the official scope of their purview would only include Hunter's financials. Unless you have some evidence that Joe Biden was directly involved in assisting Hunter's crime, enough to form a basis of investigation, then they shouldn't be allowed to freely peruse through all of Joe's financials.
This is probably simplistic, but if I am understanding the timeline here:

Hunter gets big paycheck from Chinese business.
Hunter gives some of the money to his dad, Joe
Joe reports the receiving of the money in his taxes.
Hunter files his taxes but has either mistakenly or willfully (doesn't really matter) reported a lower number and paid less taxes than he should have.
IRS investigates and finds out that Hunter reported the wrong number, charges him.
Hunter pays the deficient amount, probably along with a penalty fee, might serve some jail time for lying about his numbers.

What part of that process makes you believe that the IRS agent should be allowed to look at all of Joe's financials? Unless you have some sort of basis to conclude that Joe was colluding with Hunter to hide the money, that would be a violation of Joe's privacy (as an American citizen, not even as a president).

If Hunter had given $1000 of his millions to the Make-A-Wish foundation, the IRS agents don't have the right to audit all of Make-A-Wish's financials to ascertain if Make-A-Wish committed a crime with the $1000 that they received.
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