
I don’t know. Seeing an object/ship immediately reverse course, at a high speed, is something you don’t see every day. Hard to see how perspective and angles or weather balloons might be playing a role.

I’m going to take a guess here and posit that what has been seen are things we’ve developed and are still testing. The Manhattan Project was kept from the VP - Truman - and this type of project could be similar.

The idea that aliens have traveled here just doesn’t hold water. The distances are too great and the physics just don’t cut it.
Your final comment “the physics doesn’t cut it”…Man, that is mankind all inclusive, doesn’t really know sh*t when it comes to physics. Current laws of physics for the very small are different than that of the very large. How can that be? I predict Einstein’s thoughts on the nature of gravity will someday be dismissed as “poppycock”. Dark matter, dark energy…no clue but that they must exist in order to balance a symbolic equation at right and left in proximity to an “=“ symbol devised by mere mortals. How silly is that? Believe what you want to believe, that which makes sense of the seemingly nonsense in YOUR isolated world. I look down into the inner recesses of my cup of coffee bean elixir and find energy. Isn’t that amazing enough to kickstart your daily existence?

Yes, Virginia, there are alien beings. Alas, how dreary would be the world if there were no alien beings.
The point being that if any classified documents were going to leak, those would be at the top of ones people would be looking for. The US government has kept them tightly guarded and will likely keep them secret until they're unclassified. The CAN keep a secret.
No, they wouldn't. The top ones would be those relating to whether other civilizations on this planet were in danger, or whether the US government was spying on people in the here and now, or killing people. That is, things that affect people in the here and now and can affect the world. Personal information about people involved in a historical event that is now 60 years old doesn't really fit that category.

Far, far more money, prestige, and fame would come to the person providing information on US involvement with aliens than probably anything else. Well, maybe if you had info that the CDC designed Covid-19 in a lab with the Chinese, you'd get more interest. And that's way more likely than that aliens are here among us.
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Go to Fox news, NBC or CNN and with out using a search function link a story about this. And if you do find one be honest on how far you had to scroll.
Not sure that's the best way to do it, but thanks for directing me to this:

Important stuff.
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