1969-70. Came to IU on pigskin scholar from another state, with Coach P, then stuck with Corso.
Played some hyper roundball against Downing and Mac, got my butt kicked.
Came back later for Phd, taught there, tutored roundball and pigskin.
Was there in NOLA for the (original) shot
Will always be impressed with Coach Knight, especially with compassionate understanding of undergrad athlete demands and care for his players.
I see some similar values in Coach Woodson, and they've been missing in the intermittent years.
I'm about winning, on the court/field/track ... but have little patience for denigrating players.
Not lived in IN for nearly 40 years, follow IU sports ... men/women ... oblong/round /volley/baseball/softball ... track and field. Proud alumni,
P.S. I got a great education at IU. I'm grateful. I taught for a number of years, and have benefitted greatly from IU. Proud Hoosier from afar. As such, sadly in this era, I have little patience for some arm chair fans who (imo) don't understand (or care) about anything other than their egos.
P.S.S. I'm looking for news, reporting, interview, in depth info on student athletes and athletic department vision. I tire (easily) of talk re wagering, hiring/firing, player criticism. Now, I don't mind a "what are you drinking tonight" with your prediction.\
P.S.S.S. You can take any "sunshine pumper comments" to where the sun doesn't shine ... because my guess is you don't know the difference anyway.