
Winners win. Brady is a winner. As soon as Brady and the Patriots tied the game and won the OT coin toss, it was over. Gave the ball to Brady with the Super Bowl on the line.
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Atlanta got away from what they were successful with in the first half...that sack was awful, shouldn't have come to that, you are in field goal the ball, put points on the board...
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Three runs and a FG from the 22 would have exhausted the Pat's TOs or put them past the 2 minute warning. The two pass plays are as stupid a call as not handing off to Lynch. The other coaches choke when Billy B is across the field from them.
Let me just start by saying I hate the Patriots. Any team that wins this much in any sport in any league tarnishes the sport for me. I dont enjoy seeing the same teams win every year. Patriots, Lakers of the 2000's, Kentucky, Yankees, Miami Heat, Steelers. Anyways on to my point. Tom Brady is almost 40 years old, anyone else think he still has the body of a 25 to 30 year old? This guy could be in the NFL another 5 to 10 years if he wanted to!