Section 1. No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice…
choose (someone) to hold public office or some other position by voting
Considering states were unable to keep Trump off the ballot, the first question seems to be whether or not he could be on ballots. I can envision about six members of SCOTUS taking the position that A XXII doesn’t prevent his appearance on ballots.
Furthermore, I can envision those same six using that definition of elect to set the unprecedented precedent of ruling A XXII unconstitutional insofar as it essentially stipulates that American citizens cannot vote for whomever they want. (Read the definition of elect carefully and you’ll see what I mean.)
For those who suggest that that’s the wrong definition of elect, I remind you that those six choose their whimsical definition, not you and I also remind you, Roe v. Wade….
One final point. Even if Trump is not on any given ballot, people have the option of writing in their candidate of choice.
So the question becomes, if Trump wins the electoral college through write-in votes, what next?
One final note, once upon a time said poster AlohaHoosier lost a certain wager that Trump would not get the RNC nomination. Doubters and skeptics beware…
One final comment: Once upon a time I flippantly stated “Good-bye Roe v. Wade,” after SCOTUS attained a 5-4 advantage. Goat and other liberal lawyers assured me that wasn’t possible if you studied the amendment. I did and the logic seemed flimsy and riddled with weaknesses. So if you’re not a lawyer here, STAY STRONG!