Would you take up arms to oppose an illegitimate Trump third term?

Would you take up arms to oppose an illegitimate Trump third term?

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Section 1. No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice…

choose (someone) to hold public office or some other position by voting


Considering states were unable to keep Trump off the ballot, the first question seems to be whether or not he could be on ballots. I can envision about six members of SCOTUS taking the position that A XXII doesn’t prevent his appearance on ballots.

Furthermore, I can envision those same six using that definition of elect to set the unprecedented precedent of ruling A XXII unconstitutional insofar as it essentially stipulates that American citizens cannot vote for whomever they want. (Read the definition of elect carefully and you’ll see what I mean.)

For those who suggest that that’s the wrong definition of elect, I remind you that those six choose their whimsical definition, not you and I also remind you, Roe v. Wade….

One final point. Even if Trump is not on any given ballot, people have the option of writing in their candidate of choice.

So the question becomes, if Trump wins the electoral college through write-in votes, what next?

One final note, once upon a time said poster AlohaHoosier lost a certain wager that Trump would not get the RNC nomination. Doubters and skeptics beware…

One final comment: Once upon a time I flippantly stated “Good-bye Roe v. Wade,” after SCOTUS attained a 5-4 advantage. Goat and other liberal lawyers assured me that wasn’t possible if you studied the amendment. I did and the logic seemed flimsy and riddled with weaknesses. So if you’re not a lawyer here, STAY STRONG!
I stopped reading at your prediction that 6 justices of the SCt would find a constitutional amendment "unconstitutional."
Then you missed the part where we lawyers assured him Roe was safe because of "the amendment."
Thanks for that catch, Goat!

Incidentally, Brad’s objection was not a miss-type on my part. The point is, the current SCOTUS Big Six could easily rationalize an originalist interpretation of the original Constitution to argue A XXII is “unconstitutional.” The apparent illogic of my assertion is precisely the illogic they’re prone to use.*

Evidently Brad doesn’t think they wear logic repellent.

*As an aside, is there any measure coded into the Constitution to address contradictions inadvertently amended into the Constitution?
I know this is a bizarre hypothetical, but I just talked to a very intelligent, very progressive friend now in Seattle. She insists that Trump will seriously try to stay in office after his second term and that he is already laying the groundwork for it (without a Constitutional amendment). I pushed back, but eventually said I would take up arms to prevent that, if need be. As I reflect on it, though, I'm not sure I would--maybe I would leave the country?

I don't know, but thought I'd ask the group. I'm particularly interested in seeing what our MAGA supporters' responses are. By illegitimate, I mean the Constitution doesn't change and the SCt doesn't rule that a third term is legally possible.
I don’t think your friend is ans intelligent as you think she is.
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Thanks for that catch, Goat!

Incidentally, Brad’s objection was not a miss-type on my part. The point is, the current SCOTUS Big Six could easily rationalize an originalist interpretation of the original Constitution to argue A XXII is “unconstitutional.” The apparent illogic of my assertion is precisely the illogic they’re prone to use.*

Evidently Brad doesn’t think they wear logic repellent.

*As an aside, is there any measure coded into the Constitution to address contradictions inadvertently amended into the Constitution?
Ok, you got me. Another satire/troll account.
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Harvard Law. So not dumb, even if trapped in a bubble. A lot of intelligent people are.

Re Seattle, she just moved there. From NYC.
I think I’ve posted it here before but we have a physician friend - a single mother - who is basically a BlueAnon member.

She’s told us she thinks she needs to put aside her hatred of the second amendment because she might need a gun when Trump starts hunting democrats.

There is professional and academic intelligence and then there is real life intelligence. Your friend has 2 of the 3.
Harvard Law. So not dumb, even if trapped in a bubble. A lot of intelligent people are.

Re Seattle, she just moved there. From NYC.
I think I’ve posted it here before but we have a physician friend - a single mother - who is basically a BlueAnon member.

She’s told us she thinks she needs to put aside her hatred of the second amendment because she might need a gun when Trump starts hunting democrats.

There is professional and academic intelligence and then there is real life intelligence. Your friend has 2 of the 3.
I have the answer. B#tches be crazy.
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Thanks for that catch, Goat!

Incidentally, Brad’s objection was not a miss-type on my part. The point is, the current SCOTUS Big Six could easily rationalize an originalist interpretation of the original Constitution to argue A XXII is “unconstitutional.” The apparent illogic of my assertion is precisely the illogic they’re prone to use.*

Evidently Brad doesn’t think they wear logic repellent.

*As an aside, is there any measure coded into the Constitution to address contradictions inadvertently amended into the Constitution?
There is no contradiction. The Amendment . . .ah . . .trumps any previous inconsistency.
I think they would all hesitate just long enough to allow things to get really really ugly.

If I had to pick one that might stand up to Trump, I'd go with Pete... after he'd had several snorts to get his courage up.
It would be Marco. Vengence for the 'Little Marco' putdown. Like Michael in the Godfather - no one thinks he'd be the one to do it.

Those Cubans don't forget.
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We will never find out if hes going to get a third term because he won’t survive that long. He’ll either get picked off by a Big Mac or another crazy conservative.
I was thinking by a Ukrainian.....
Just stop making the whole world about Trump.

If you would ask “should any president be elected to a third term?” I would answer “No.”
To me it isn't all about Trump, my answer to that question for any of them would be no. We can't get mad about questions like this, well, because:

It is at least a popular enough idea for that to happen.
Harvard Law. So not dumb, even if trapped in a bubble. A lot of intelligent people are.

Re Seattle, she just moved there. From NYC.
My dad worked as maintenance supervisor at an assisted living/nursing home place.

One of the kitchen workers was a Harvard Law grad. Smart as hell with zero social skills. Not saying your friend is that, but the more I know about Harvard, the less I'm impressed with a degree from there.