Woke Mob Cancels School Superintendent


All-Big Ten
Nov 19, 2015
The woke mob strikes again in a suburban school district south of Denver. After repubs took the majority on the district's school board a few months ago, they went behind closed doors to secretly plan the termination/cancellation of the well-liked and recently hired superintendent without discussing the plan with the minority board members. The superintendent had worked in the district for 26 years.

IANAL, but it sounds like the woke majority broke a few laws in their secret shenanigans. The district will pay $200K+ to the superintendent and likely quite a bit more if he moves forward with a lawsuit.

I'm beginning to think this whole woke mob, cancel culture thing is a real problem. Here's a link to an article and the school board meeting, which is actually pretty entertaining in a sad way.

The woke mob strikes again in a suburban school district south of Denver. After repubs took the majority on the district's school board a few months ago, they went behind closed doors to secretly plan the termination/cancellation of the well-liked and recently hired superintendent without discussing the plan with the minority board members. The superintendent had worked in the district for 26 years.

IANAL, but it sounds like the woke majority broke a few laws in their secret shenanigans. The district will pay $200K+ to the superintendent and likely quite a bit more if he moves forward with a lawsuit.

I'm beginning to think this whole woke mob, cancel culture thing is a real problem. Here's a link to an article and the school board meeting, which is actually pretty entertaining in a sad way.

You may be applying your slurs to the wrong actors in this instance.
The woke mob strikes again in a suburban school district south of Denver. After repubs took the majority on the district's school board a few months ago, they went behind closed doors to secretly plan the termination/cancellation of the well-liked and recently hired superintendent without discussing the plan with the minority board members. The superintendent had worked in the district for 26 years.

IANAL, but it sounds like the woke majority broke a few laws in their secret shenanigans. The district will pay $200K+ to the superintendent and likely quite a bit more if he moves forward with a lawsuit.

I'm beginning to think this whole woke mob, cancel culture thing is a real problem. Here's a link to an article and the school board meeting, which is actually pretty entertaining in a sad way.

Your category of woke is broke

Them lefties think they are woke

A true lefty would resign rather than allow bad feels though
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It's ok to "cancel" if you dont agree with the person or idea. Both sides of our political spectrum are very good at it.
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It's ok to "cancel" if you dont agree with the person or idea. Both sides of our political spectrum are very good at it.
Replacing leadership to go in a new direction is not cancelling. If this is the same story I am thinking, the superintendent was temporary but was made permanent by the left leaning board President right before he was going to lose control of the board.

The election indicated the voters were not happy with the direction of the schools. The change of the superintendent by the board would reflect the will of the voters.
Replacing leadership to go in a new direction is not cancelling. If this is the same story I am thinking, the superintendent was temporary but was made permanent by the left leaning board President right before he was going to lose control of the board.

The election indicated the voters were not happy with the direction of the schools. The change of the superintendent by the board would reflect the will of the voters.
As do primaries..
Replacing leadership to go in a new direction is not cancelling. If this is the same story I am thinking, the superintendent was temporary but was made permanent by the left leaning board President right before he was going to lose control of the board.

The election indicated the voters were not happy with the direction of the schools. The change of the superintendent by the board would reflect the will of the voters.
Probably. But do it in the light of day. The one lady was right. The 4 members had to votes to do whatever they wanted but chose to make the decision absent debate and comment.
Probably. But do it in the light of day. The one lady was right. The 4 members had to votes to do whatever they wanted but chose to make the decision absent debate and comment.
Sounds like what the lefties do all of the tiime. Suddenly it is news because it was done by the right one time.
Replacing leadership to go in a new direction is not cancelling. If this is the same story I am thinking, the superintendent was temporary but was made permanent by the left leaning board President right before he was going to lose control of the board.

The election indicated the voters were not happy with the direction of the schools. The change of the superintendent by the board would reflect the will of the voters.
Why did the woke majority cancel the superintendent behind closed doors? Are superintendents typically hired based on political affiliation or qualifications?

I wonder if the board members ran on campaign promises of filling the role with a white conservative rather than the most qualified candidate.
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Sounds like what the lefties do all of the tiime. Suddenly it is news because it was done by the right one time.
bailey777, I have to disagree with you for once. I recall several threads and comments about the woke mob on the left and rarely any of the woke right mob that has been around for decades. Furthermore, I fear that the woke right mob has become increasingly extremist to the point that they may fall off a cliff if they continue moving right.

I hate to be so frank but this is the reality.
Probably. But do it in the light of day. The one lady was right. The 4 members had to votes to do whatever they wanted but chose to make the decision absent debate and comment.
Yeah, that part of it is fair. If they were violating state sunshine laws then they have to answer for that, but the argument on this seems to be more anger that the barbarians are overturning the established order.

Parents are pissed. Be it masks, be it curriculum, be it getting kids back in class, be it whatever...the people who represent teachers and some (many depending on where you are) teachers themselves have really dicked over their colleagues. Schools are a partnership and one of the partners is reestablishing their role...
Why did the woke majority cancel the superintendent behind closed doors? Are superintendents typically hired based on political affiliation or qualifications?

I wonder if the board members ran on campaign promises of filling the role with a white conservative rather than the most qualified candidate.
Why do you ask that question about a “white” conservative? Do you have something to back it up? Or are you just another lefty bigot who accuses everybody you disagree with of racism - like a good little propaganda puppet? Who tweets you their, er, your ideas?
Why did the woke majority cancel the superintendent behind closed doors? Are superintendents typically hired based on political affiliation or qualifications?

I wonder if the board members ran on campaign promises of filling the role with a white conservative rather than the most qualified candidate.

did they violate a “sunshine” law? Do you know? Do you care? Or do you just slur your intellectual betters as a matter of habit?
did they violate a “sunshine” law? Do you know? Do you care? Or do you just slur your intellectual betters as a matter of habit?
These are all great questions. One member of the community has already filed a lawsuit alleging the woke majority violated Colorado's open meeting laws, so we will have our answer from the courts at some point.

I do care because I nearly bought a home in that district and was still considering moving to that area in a few years.

To answer your other response, I asked a question of if they campaigned on hiring a white conservative. I didn't follow their campaigns so it was just a question. Perhaps they plan on hiring a black woman.

Read a few newspaper accounts of the firing and didn't see the word "woke" in any of the reporting. The recently elected board majority was labelled as being "conservative" in a couple of articles.

Is woke primarily a social media and web forum word ? Still having trouble with a precise definition of woke. Someone please help me.
Why do you ask that question about a “white” conservative? Do you have something to back it up? Or are you just another lefty bigot who accuses everybody you disagree with of racism - like a good little propaganda puppet? Who tweets you their, er, your ideas?
I think you answered your own questions about him. I am just happy he did not have to live in such and evil place and he can stay put where he does not have to be around " white conservatives". He really lucked out.
Read a few newspaper accounts of the firing and didn't see the word "woke" in any of the reporting. The recently elected board majority was labelled as being "conservative" in a couple of articles.

Is woke primarily a social media and web forum word ? Still having trouble with a precise definition of woke. Someone please help me.
Basically you can only be woke if you are a liberal and believe in some cause the liberals champion. And is you do not agree with them or join them you are a racist, bigot, sexist, xenophop, etc . That is the general jist of being woke as defind by the so called tolerant left. We are tolenant of you if you join our woke cause but if not we will call you every name in the book. Just look at Bowlmania and all the name calling the throws out. He is a perfect example of a woke leftist who is intolerant of anyone with a different view than him.
Basically you can only be woke if you are a liberal and believe in some cause the liberals champion. And is you do not agree with them or join them you are a racist, bigot, sexist, xenophop, etc . That is the general jist of being woke as defind by the so called tolerant left. We are tolenant of you if you join our woke cause but if not we will call you every name in the book. Just look at Bowlmania and all the name calling the throws out. He is a perfect example of a woke leftist who is intolerant of anyone with a different view than him.
bailey, a couple of posters in this thread made reference to the "woke majority" on the board and another mentioned the "woke right". But you say only a liberal can be a woke.

Still confused.
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bailey, a couple of posters in this thread made reference to the "woke majority" on the board and another mentioned the "woke right". But you say only a liberal can be a woke.

Still confused.
It's just another label to attach to the other side.
Sounds like what the lefties do all of the tiime. Suddenly it is news because it was done by the right one time.

Yup first time the right has done got it. Never happened before. It's a miracle. I think pigs froze, hell froze over, GOP cancelled something.....lmao
Basically you can only be woke if you are a liberal and believe in some cause the liberals champion. And is you do not agree with them or join them you are a racist, bigot, sexist, xenophop, etc . That is the general jist of being woke as defind by the so called tolerant left. We are tolenant of you if you join our woke cause but if not we will call you every name in the book. Just look at Bowlmania and all the name calling the throws out. He is a perfect example of a woke leftist who is intolerant of anyone with a different view than him.
What a victim you are.
bailey777, I have to disagree with you for once. I recall several threads and comments about the woke mob on the left and rarely any of the woke right mob that has been around for decades. Furthermore, I fear that the woke right mob has become increasingly extremist to the point that they may fall off a cliff if they continue moving right.

I hate to be so frank but this is the reality.
Lefty incels and such are woke..

Alt-Right Chads are BASED
People on the right dont feel a need to cancel or shut down those they disagree with. The leftist mob does. Look at them try to shut down rogan and he isnt even a conservative but boy they want him to shut up. They dont really believe in free speech. Fact.
The meeting posted in first post did not allow public comment. Think of all the voices canceled by The Douglas County Squad.
The meeting posted in first post did not allow public comment. Think of all the voices canceled by The Douglas County Squad.
Wait. I thought the folks who fired the Super were elected? Voting is speech too.

So again, unless there is a sunshine law violation, this is a nothing burger.
Wait. I thought the folks who fired the Super were elected? Voting is speech too.

So again, unless there is a sunshine law violation, this is a nothing burger.
Yes, they had to power and authority as elected board members to terminate the superintendent. Based on the meeting posted, the majority Squad may have violated a few laws and lost the trust (emphasized by Squad Leader Peterson) of district employees.
Yes, they had to power and authority as elected board members to terminate the superintendent. Based on the meeting posted, the majority Squad may have violated a few laws and lost the trust (emphasized by Squad Leader Peterson) of district employees.
“May have”

Call me when you’ve done your homework
“woke right mob” sounds like an oxymoron to me.

Did they burn down the Capital building on 6 Jan?
People on the right dont feel a need to cancel or shut down those they disagree with. The leftist mob does. Look at them try to shut down rogan and he isnt even a conservative but boy they want him to shut up. They dont really believe in free speech. Fact.
Lmao. Sure, Bailey. Jane Fonda, Colin Kaepernick, Dixie Chicks, the entire NFL, Kathy Griffith…. To name a few. Did the “leftist mob” cancel them? You are a caricature.
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what happened with yeti? I see those things in every damn store
I can’t remember exactly but there was like five minutes where right wing fringe was pissed and people were making vids shooting or otherwise violating their Yeti coolers. Which is stupid considering they cost like $400
The woke mob strikes again in a suburban school district south of Denver. After repubs took the majority on the district's school board a few months ago, they went behind closed doors to secretly plan the termination/cancellation of the well-liked and recently hired superintendent without discussing the plan with the minority board members. The superintendent had worked in the district for 26 years.

IANAL, but it sounds like the woke majority broke a few laws in their secret shenanigans. The district will pay $200K+ to the superintendent and likely quite a bit more if he moves forward with a lawsuit.

I'm beginning to think this whole woke mob, cancel culture thing is a real problem. Here's a link to an article and the school board meeting, which is actually pretty entertaining in a sad way.

i have no idea what the issues at hand were regarding this school board, but in general, yes, the woke mob is out of control, which most Dems agree with as well.

but then the DNC is deliberately sabotaging most Dems.

that said, when a Dem won the election for Indiana Secretary of Education a few yrs ago, Pubs couldn't move fast enough to eliminate the position as an elected one, and make it an appointed one.

now after a Dem won the prez election and some senate and congressional seats too, Pubs now want to do the same nationwide for all national offices like senator or congress person or president, taking them from elected offices to appointed offices.

Pubs don't F around when they see democracy as a threat, rather than a plus..

and like many Dems today, Pubs don't think best interests long term, but me me me, now now now, and F everybody else and the future.
I can’t remember exactly but there was like five minutes where right wing fringe was pissed and people were making vids shooting or otherwise violating their Yeti coolers. Which is stupid considering they cost like $400
Yikes. That can't be good for biz. That pop is part of their sweet spot. Surprised I missed it as they are a company I kind of follow

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